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I was our Gypsy Monarch 2: Adopting my former son
I was our Gypsy Monarch 2: Adopting my former son
I was our Gypsy Monarch 2: Adopting my former son
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I was our Gypsy Monarch 2: Adopting my former son

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In this second book of our famous 'Gypsy Series', little Harry gets lost in a zoo because ‘curiosity kills the cat’. We buy a bigger car and a huge swimming pool. We also want to build a tree house in our backyard; and we are helping two detached soul mates, so that they can stay together for the rest of their lives. BJ has lethal cancer in the last stage and wil probably die, but my little Soul Mate persuades him to stay alive for his sons, and he prevails. Now, we are waiting for our little Gypy Prince to get his skin transplant, so that he finally looks ‘normal’ and can go to a normal school. Does reincarnation really exist, and are the most important things in our lives predestined? It has to be...

"I salute you, sir, for a most impressive story. You have a real gift for narrative. A believable story full of love, and it's great to read. So much compassion and love. A wonderful story, deep and proper, a masterpiece in its genre. It has brought many tears to my eyes. Your insight is far beyond the common man, and you have put me through the emotional rollercoaster! This is by far the best story I've ever read. You truly have a talent for writing, and your characters deeply touch my soul. You show a deep insight into the working of the mind of the hurt, and the important part that listening is of any meaningful relationship. Your beautiful real-life stories are a MUST for everybody who is a parent, deals with troubled children, or simply loves kids!"

Release dateJan 8, 2013
I was our Gypsy Monarch 2: Adopting my former son

Harry Monarch

Harry Monarch is a retired Dutch psychotherapist living in The Netherlands. He always tries to interweave his entire lifetime of psychological and therapeutic knowledge into his stories, so that his readers may implement his valuable 'lessons' in their daily lives if they wish. Harry still loves writing many 'emotional roller coasters' and powerful 'books with a message', and he plans to go on writing his famous 'Gypsy Series' for a looong time.

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    I was our Gypsy Monarch 2 - Harry Monarch

    Chapter 1. Eating out in a Chinese restaurant palace.

    In my FIRST book about my burnt little Soul Mate and me, titled 'I was our Gypsy Monarch 1 - Does reincarnation exist?' ; I've told you how I met a severely burnt little Gypsy boy and took him into my newly bought house. Soon, 'little Harry' turned out to be a very powerful Shaman, my own little son from our past lives as trappers, and my Eternal Soul Mate from several other past lives. After living through many adventures, mostly together with my young friend John, another boy showed up in our lives, Davy, who also wanted to call me 'Dad', as both 'little Harry' and his 'big brother' John were doing.

    Because our hungry stomachs started to rumble, my happy threesome trotted to our kitchen, clearly to prepare one of my little chef's famous diners. However, after going through such an emotional turmoil of being detained and interrogated by our local police, I thought about granting my boys and me a little extravagance, by eating dinner at a Chinese restaurant! Of course, eating out would also relieve my little soul mate from his self-allotted task as our 'Chief Cookie'. Therefore, I called all three boys back and asked them:

    Boys, what do you think? Shall we go out this evening, and eat dinner at a real Chinese restaurant?

    Both John and Davy reacted elated, and they already trotted to our hallway to put on their shoes. Obviously, my two young friends liked Chinese food very much. Only my little soul mate seemed to hesitate. Why was that? His enveloping aura felt a little bit uneasy, as if he could feel confused. For a few seconds, he remained silent, as if pondering the idea of going to a real Chinese restaurant. Then, sounding a bit nervous, his deep baritone voice asked:

    Isn't a real Chinese restaurant too far away from here? How can we get there; and what if they don't speak our language, or they don't accept your credit card and want only Chinese money for payment?

    At first, both John and Davy stared at their youngest friend with confused faces. Then, they started to bellow with laughter, slapping their knees and rolling around on the carpeted floor from sudden fun! Davy even started to tease his still confused looking 'former brother' about digging a tunnel in our backyard, to reach a foreign country that is almost at the opposite side of our planet.

    After both snickering boys calmed down, John explained:

    Of course, a real Chinese restaurant doesn't mean the restaurant is in China! It's just a restaurant in a nearby town in our own country; but all their cooks and waiters are of Chinese origin, and their chef will prepare his original country's specialties for us to eat.

    My little soul mate seemed to feel relieved, because he suddenly jumped towards his friends and attacked them. A second later, all three boys were rolling around on our carpeted floor, tickling each other's sensitive spots wherever they could reach them. That is, until I threatened them to behave from now on; or else we would stay home! Although I didn't mean it, they listened to my threat and quickly raced upstairs to wash up, comb their hair, and don their neatest clothes.

    Now that everybody was looking nice and neat, we decided to go to Davy's house first, to invite his mother to join us. Just before I closed our front door, John suddenly dived past me and trotted back inside. After returning, he demonstratively put my keys and my wallet into HIS pockets... Yeah well, again, I turned out to be a forgetful old man! I thanked my young friend for rescuing me again, which made my smallest imp look at me with a naughty face. However, this time, he didn't say anything, probably from fear of staying home after all.

    A happy looking Mary invited us in. Of course, we first had to tell her everything about our being detained and interrogated. Filling each other in, we told her all the things that had happened to us, including me becoming both John's and little Harry's official foster Dad.

    Now that Mary knew what had happened to both John and Harry, she was very pleased she had refused to let a police officer interrogate Davy! She told us how, yesterday morning, a police officer phoned her and asked her to file a charge against me, for trying to abuse her child. At hearing the officer's contorted story, she started to laugh and told the officer what had really happened to her suddenly frightened son in my house. Then, becoming angry, she told him to stop his obvious slander, because she trusted 'Big Harry' absolutely! The disappointed sounding officer tried to convince her otherwise, until she told him in very clear words to shut up and leave her alone. Then, she angrily slammed her phone down onto its cradle.

    After Mary fell silent, looking a bit flustered after remembering what the disappointed sounding police officer had tried to make her believe, I told her about Davy's unexpected wish to call me 'Dad', and about his wish to be adopted by me if ever possible...

    Immediately, Mary got tears in her now very happy looking eyes. All of us could clearly see her joy and happiness, while she first took her handkerchief and dried her teary eyes. Then, while pulling Davy onto her lap and kissing the top of his head, she answered:

    Thank you very much, Big Harry, for being such a wonderful friend to both my son and to me; and I am now sure that you are the right person in Davy's life! Of course, Davy may call you 'Dad', always and whenever he wishes. Up to now, he never had a real father, and I am very happy for him that YOU want to be his new Dad!

    Getting tears in my own eyes, from my own powerful feelings of sheer happiness and Pure Love, I responded:

    Thank you, Mary, for trusting me this much. I promise I will try to treat Davy as if he is my own child, and I am very proud to be his new Dad! Now, I have another question for you. Would you care to join us this evening and eat dinner at a real Chinese restaurant?

    Oh my... I am very sorry, but I have to take another rain check, because I've already made an appointment with a friend. However, I would feel delighted to cook for you, let's say the day after tomorrow. Would you care eating dinner here within two days from now, instead of going to some over-crowded restaurant in a far-away town?

    For a split second, my boys and I looked at each other for approval. Then, all three of us gleefully accepted Mary's invitation to eat dinner at her home, probably the day after tomorrow. Of course, this would again release my little cookie from his self-allotted task...

    After saying our goodbyes, I promised Mary to send her son back home around nine o'clock. Then, we left Mary's house and returned home, accompanied by our happy looking Davy who clearly couldn't get enough of calling me 'Dad' as much as possible. Immediately when we arrived at home, my little soul mate first took his rubber mask from his green model, and then asked me:

    Dad? Will you please help me put my mask on? I am still a little bit afraid to tear its sticky edges...

    Of course, I 'helped' my little soul mate; by putting him in front of our mirror and watching what he did, because I was sure he would be clever enough to do everything all by himself. Carefully, my boy first smeared the inside of his mask with the sticky substance from one of his brown bottles. Then, he put both hands under its still non-sticky outside, and positioned the flexible mask onto his face.

    Whilst looking in our mirror, he rubbed his mask in all directions, until it fitted perfectly. Smiling proudly, he offered me a slightly sticky kiss; fortunately not bothered any more about his crumpled lips being hidden behind the mask so that he couldn't feel them any more.

    Feeling very proud of my beaming boy with his beautiful new face, now that nobody could see his so terribly burnt face and lips any more, I ruffled his unruly blond hair while I told him:

    Tonight, you have proven to be able to attach your rubber mask to your face without any help at all; and I am very proud of you!

    In the meantime, Davy had observed little Harry's ministrations in sudden amazement and open-mouthed. Now that he could see his little friend's transformation for the first time, he clearly didn't know what to think or what to say. Finally, as if feeling totally in awe, he stepped towards our proud looking boy and blurted out:

    Boy, man, you suddenly look NORMAL! With such a rubber mask covering your face; even I can barely recognize you...

    My little soul mate gleefully beamed even more, while he adeptly pick-pocketed my keys out of my trousers. Together, we went to our hallway to put our shoes on, before my boy eagerly led the way to our car. Chuckling at seeing our little leader's obvious enthusiasm, all of us followed him into our car and buckled up. My boy handed me my keys; and I drove off to go and find a Chinese restaurant.

    Directed by John who seemed to know absolutely everything, we drove into another big town, where John directed us into an enormous underground garage. Because my little soul mate had never been in such an automated garage before, I first explained to him why we had to take a ticket before a blocking bar moved up and allowed us to drive on. Proudly, my boy took our mysteriously appearing parking ticket from the automat, and then promised to keep it safely until we returned and needed it again. The blocking bar moved up magically, so that I could steer our car into an empty spot. Of course, I carefully locked all its doors first. One can never know...

    Walking together, we went upstairs to the garage's exit, where we entered an enormous over-crowded square that was surrounded by several enormous shops and impressive buildings. For a few seconds, all of us only looked around, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the sheer size of everything. Then, we crossed the huge square, and headed for a nice looking Chinese restaurant that was situated at its opposite side.

    In sudden awe, my little soul mate looked at the rather impressive Chinese restaurant with its elaborate red-and-golden decorations that adorned its eye-catching facade. Two huge beautifully carved wooden dragons guarded its roofed entrance. Two impressive looking Chinese doorkeepers stood at both sides of its already opening double door...

    At seeing such an abundant glamour, my little soul mate started to tremble all over. Obviously, he felt extremely impressed by the sheer abundance of everything! Clearly feeling a bit unsure, he took one of my arms, draped it over his head, and tried to disappear under it. With a quivering baritone voice, he stammered from under my arm:

    I've never been in such a real golden palace before...

    For a few seconds, both John and Davy only stared at their little friend, in sudden disbelief. Then, they couldn't hide their smirks any more and started to snicker, while Davy pretended to sneak around both smiling doorkeepers, as if trying to slink into their guarded 'golden palace'. At last, John explained to his trembling little brother:

    Of course, this impressive building isn't a 'real golden palace'; but it's only a colorful restaurant where we can eat Chinese food.

    My still trembling little soul mate clearly didn't believe his big brother! Staring at all the abundantly sparkling 'gold', he only shook his head from under my arm. He disappeared completely under it while we had to pass both politely bowing doorkeepers. He showed up again only after we passed the doorway and nobody kicked us out or told us to leave. Finally, after we had entered the 'golden palace', he hesitatingly left his 'safe' place and started to look around...

    Another politely bowing Chinese 'palace servant', also clad in an abundantly colored garment, approached us, beckoned us to follow him, and escorted us to an empty table. All of us sat down, while my boy continued to stare in awe at the ornately decorated Chinese man. The man smiled and winked at our impressed looking little friend, while he took my order and wrote it down. After performing another deep bow, he retreated towards his 'palace kitchen'...

    For a split second, my Gypsy Crown Prince's proud demeanor of Royalty showed up, and he bowed back at the disappearing servant with a slight nod. Then, he resumed looking around in obvious awe. Still looking very impressed, he suddenly whispered:

    This palace makes me think of our own green-and-golden Royal caravan, where my parents and I were living in our Gypsy camp...

    For a few seconds, my boy stopped his whispered explanation, as if he suddenly remembered his Gypsy youth and living in a caravan; until he hesitatingly went on, now with a slightly quivering voice:

    Nobody else was allowed to use our own green-and-golden Royal colors, except for our Royal Family and our Vice Leader. Therefore, I thought that those red-and-golden colors could belong to a Chinese Royal family, so that we had to ask for their permission first to be allowed to enter their beautiful red-and-golden Royal Palace...

    At that moment, a wheeled 'golden' table arrived that was filled with several steaming platters and small cups of all sorts of colored spices. Two politely bowing 'palace servants' took the platters and distributed them onto our table that soon was overcrowded with all kinds of heavenly smelling Chinese food. All the time, my boy's eyes grew bigger and bigger, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

    Hungrily, John and Davy started to fill their plates with spoonfuls of rice, and little bits of all the colorful spices that they thought could be tasty. At seeing what his friends did, our little cookie's curiosity got the upper hand, and he took a spoon. Carefully, he started to put small doses of all the colored spices onto his plate, to taste them first. Smiling from ear to ear, he took some more of certain spices, neatly putting their different tastes next to each other. After again comparing all the different flavors, he took a spoonful more of everything he really liked. With a serious face, he mixed a few different colors with some rice, and brought the mixture to his mouth. Clearly savoring his colorful mixture, he suddenly beamed:

    Man, this Chinese food tastes really good! I strongly advice you to try out your rice with some of that reddish powder over there and a little bit of this stringy green snot...

    For a split second, John and Davy only looked at each other, with suddenly surprised faces. Then, they started to bellow with laughter, nearly hiccupping, while almost falling off their chairs from sudden fun! To be honest, I too nearly choked on my mouthful of rice, and had to drink a lot of water to clear my throat.

    A few guests around us glared at us with disturbed faces, but we couldn't care less and only went on laughing and hiccupping. Until, at last, still red-faced and trying to suppress our snickering, we tried to calm down and resume our tasty Chinese meal. Of course, all of us also tried out my boy's 'stringy green snot' mixture that turned out to be really tasteful when delivered on a spoonful of rice!

    Of course, John and Davy tried to joke again, about mixing some Chinese 'reddish snot' with a little bit of 'stringy green rice'. However, our little cookie only looked at his snickering friends in disdain, while shaking his head as if he could be the holy innocence in person.

    From now on, we enjoyed our heavenly tasting Chinese dinner very much, without any further 'funny incidents'. Now and then, our little 'chief cookie' tried to help us, by cleverly conjuring all sorts of exquisite tastes with the help of all the different colored spices. He really was a magical little chef, clearly having an extraordinary gift for knowing exactly what colorful spices to mix together, to make our Chinese meal an absolutely unforgettable experience!

    At last, our stomachs were stuffed to the brim, so that we decided to pass on the dessert. Unexpectedly, our little Gypsy Prince burped loudly, which caused a couple of guests to send him indignant looks. However, all the Chinese waiters and nearly all the Chinese guests smiled broadly at him. Several Chinese guests even bowed towards our table, as if thanking our broadly smiling boy for such a loud burp! While politely bowing back at them, my boy explained:

    In our own Gypsy community, everybody always burped loudly after enjoying a tasty meal, to thank our food-spirits for providing us with such a healthy sustenance. Among us Gypsies, it was impolite not to burp, and I think that most Chinese people around here are used to doing exactly those same things.

    Well, after hearing my boy's Gypsy explanation, it really sounded reasonable! Why shouldn't we thank our food spirits for offering us their tasteful nourishment? It was quite possible that non-human beings also had 'spirits' that left them after death but still were around us. Feeling happy again, I summoned our 'palace servant' and ordered coffee for me and colas for my boys. Then, I asked John for my wallet and paid our bill with my credit card, leaving a generous tip.

    Feeling satisfied and content, all of us left the Chinese restaurant, greeted the again bowing doorkeepers, crossed the over-crowded square, and descended the stairs to the underground garage. Little Harry put our parking ticket into one of the automats, and I helped him feed it enough money until it returned our paid ticket. We entered our car, buckled up, and drove towards the exit, where my boy put our paid ticket into a scanner. Magically, its blocking bar opened, allowing us to leave the garage before it barred the exit again, thus preventing the next car to leave without paying first.

    Feeling happy and satisfied, we drove home, on our way humming along with some nice background music from our car stereo. Because it was nearly nine o'clock, we decided in unison to take Davy home first. Therefore, I didn't enter our own driveway but just drove on around the block, where I parked our car in front of Davy's house.

    Mary had already seen us coming, because she hasted to her front door and quickly opened it. Of course, she invited us in for a quick drink and a chat, but little Harry told her he felt too tired and wanted to go home and to bed immediately.

    Before Davy left our car, he hugged his two friends and kissed me twice, while Mary looked at her proudly beaming son with tears of happiness in her eyes. My 'third son' thanked me abundantly for the nice evening and the tasteful Chinese dinner, and promised to be back tomorrow after he had done some chores at home first. Mary invited us again to have dinner in her house, the day after tomorrow, which we confirmed. Then, both Mary and Davy waved us out, until we drove around the corner and disappeared from their vision.

    Chapter 2. My boy's nightmare; a call from Rumania.

    Immediately after I backed our car into our driveway, my little soul mate snatched my keys out of my hands and opened our front door, as usual. For a few seconds, we sat together on our couch, again enjoying our close togetherness. Then, in unison, we decided to call it a day and go to bed, because we felt too tired from all the emotional turmoil we had gone through. Especially my growing boys needed their rest; and I wanted to phone my boy's transplant clinic first thing in the morning, to explain why we hadn't shown up today, and to make a new appointment for as soon as possible.

    Both John and little Harry went to their own bedrooms to undress, and then showered together. While they disappeared into their own bedrooms to get their much-needed sleep, I took my own shower, and then just dived into my own waterbed in my own bedroom. Hugging my pillow, I tried to get my own much-needed sleep...

    A few minutes later, John suddenly showed up in my bedroom, yawning and looking sleepy while he told me:

    Dad? Something seems to be wrong with Harry! All the time, he groans and thrashes around in his bed. Therefore, I think he has again one of his former nightmares...

    At that moment, my little soul mate showed up behind his bigger brother, looking frightened while complaining:

    Dad? Every time, just before I fall asleep, a police officer wakes me up and tells me I really did 'improper' things by sleeping next to you in your double waterbed. Then, he wants to arrest me and send me to some juvenile home to get their 'proper guidance'...

    Oh my, what should I do now? Would I be able to convince my little soul mate that the officer in his dream was talking nonsense? At the same time, I also didn't want to influence his much appreciated independency and clever thinking too much. Therefore, trying to let my boy come to his own conclusions, I asked him:

    My dear son, what does your Own Heart tell you about sleeping next to me in my double waterbed?

    With a frustrated baritone voice, my boy rebutted:

    You start talking like Jack, because Jack keeps telling me exactly the same thing! I've asked him why that police officer thinks it is 'improper' to sleep next to you in your bed instead of in my own bed; but Jack couldn't explain it and suggested to ask you about it...

    Feeling a bit surprised about our 'Spirit Guide' telling his little friend to ask me about his question, I responded:

    Well... is it really such a bad thing, to sleep next to me and feel safe and protected in my arms?

    Looking indignant, my boy rebutted:

    Of course not! All the time while I'm sleeping in your arms or on your stomach, I feel safe and protected, and that can never be a bad thing. Only, I still don't understand why that police officer keeps telling me it is 'improper' to sleep next to you in your bed. I am no longer a little baby and never wetted your bed, and you have always properly washed our used sheets and blankets, haven't you?

    Oh my goodness... So, that was what had been bothering my little soul mate in his nightmare! Although, as a trained psychotherapist, I was already used to listen to little kid's talk and to interpret them; I never thought that my own clever boy would misunderstand the word 'proper' as being 'neat and tidy' instead of 'correct and suitable'. Of course, my Gypsy boy had spoken our language for only two years, and therefore still misunderstood some unusual words...

    At hearing his little brother's linguistic confusion, John suddenly started to laugh. First, he dived into my double waterbed and glued himself against my left side, followed suit by his little brother who happily crawled onto my stomach, as usual. While draping his left arm across both his little brother and me, John explained to our still confused looking little 'linguistic miracle':

    In our language, the word 'proper' not only means 'clean' or 'tidy', but it also means 'correct' or 'suitable'. Therefore, doing 'improper' things usually means doing 'incorrect' things or 'unsuitable' things. By using the word 'improper', those police officers assumed that Dad wants to have improper sex with us and therefore tries to lure us into his bed. Therefore, please, forget everything that those stupid officers tried to make you believe, and only listen to your Own Heart instead of to those stupid presumptions that all close contacts with so-called 'unrelated grownups' are improper, dangerous, or unwanted. Do you understand what I mean?

    With a very happy face, my little soul mate exclaimed:

    So, THAT is what those police officers were calling 'improper'? This is ridiculous! I was afraid they assumed that I still wet Dads bed at night, or that Dad hadn't washed our sheets... Now that I know they only suspected Dad from having improper sex with us, I feel even safer with Dad; and I want to sleep next to him for the rest of my life! From now on, those stupid and oversexed police officers can... No, now that I finally understand the truth, I feel too happy to use any more bad words on them. Sleep well, Dad and John, and have 'proper' dreams with all the 'suitable sex' in them that you want.

    Happily, my little soul mate 'octopussed' himself against my chest, closed his eyes, heaved a deep sigh of sheer contentment, and almost immediately disappeared into dreamland, leaving me confused. Had my so mature little Gypsy Prince really understood everything that his bigger brother told him, including the 'improper' part of little children having unwanted sex with a grownup? It had to be...

    In the meantime, John cuddled up against me even more, and soon fell asleep too. Clearly, he too was planning to sleep next to me for the rest of the night... Well, from now on, I would never again deny my two 'sons' their rightful place next to me in my double bed! Again, I felt extremely blessed with my two... oops, from now on my three 'adopted sons', including Davy. Soon, I too fell asleep, and started dreaming about my 'steadily growing family' that suddenly included a fourth young boy, in the form of a happy looking little sunshine.

    Halfway through the night, I woke up again, because something didn't feel right. My boy on my stomach seemed to have another frightening nightmare, because he had started to tremble all over and thrashed around on my chest. While flailing his arms and legs all over my body, now and then hitting John, he moaned and grumbled. Although I tried to wake him up, he just kept on thrashing around.

    His body felt a bit warm and sweaty, but fortunately not feverish. While trying to fend off his pummeling fists and kicking feet, I gently rubbed his sweaty back, while at the same time grounding his restless aura and trying to reconnect his disturbed energy into Mother Earth. Fortunately, grounding my restless boy helped, because he soon started to relax, while he slowly woke up from his strange nightmare and looked around with a surprised face.

    John woke up too, sat upright, and asked me with a sleepy voice:

    Shall I go downstairs and get him a glass of water?

    Yes please; although I am very sorry for waking you up.

    Nah, I am already used to it. While he slept in my bedroom and always crawled into my bed, he sometimes had nightmares too.

    Helpfully, John first switched our bed lights on. Then, he left our bed and wavered downstairs, followed by his little brother who had woken up completely. Together, they raced downstairs, to take a leak as well. Soon, both boys returned upstairs, now carrying three glasses of water. Sitting together on our bed, we alternated between yawning and sipping our water. Because I wanted to know what had happened to my thrashing boy during his nightmare, I asked him:

    Could you please tell me what happened to you in your dream?

    Again looking a bit frustrated, my boy explained:

    The same police officer started to harass me again about doing 'improper' things by sleeping next to you, but I told him to shut up and only listen to his own heart, instead of to his sexual frustrations! Then, he tried to take me to some juvenile home to get their 'proper' guidance; but I kicked and pummeled him with all of my might, until you rubbed my back and I calmed down and woke up.

    Actually, you were kicking and pummeling ME! I am very lucky that you didn't punch me a bloody nose...

    Although my little imp chuckled at the 'funny' thought, he cleverly kept his mouth shut. Now, I only hoped he wouldn't take up on the idea... After drinking our water, all three of us again dived under our blankets and went back to sleep. John helpfully switched our bed lights off, before he threw his arm around his little brother and me. Feeling safe and protected again, we soon drifted off into dreamland.

    Half an hour later, I suddenly woke up from a very loud scream that reverberated through our house and woke up a flock of angrily twittering birds outside in a tree! In sudden shock, I sat upright and switched our bed lights on. Then, I looked at my little soul mate.

    This time, my boy seemed to stare at something frightening or horrifying in a corner of our bedroom. Although his bright blue eyes were wide open, he clearly didn't see John or me, but seemed to linger in some terrifying nightmare that he couldn't wake up from.

    Again, his deep baritone voice screamed:


    John too sat upright and stared at his screaming little brother with a surprised face, while he tried to wake up some more. For heaven's sake, what could my little soul mate be doing this time? Was he again fighting a nasty police officer who wanted to put him in their juvenile home to get their 'proper' guidance? Still trying to fend off my boy's pummeling fists and kicking feet, I folded my arms around his sweaty little body, and tried to pull him closer to my chest.

    Immediately, my boy started to fight ME, as if I really tried to do 'improper' things with him! Again, I tried to ground his disturbed aura and reconnect his energy field to Mother Earth. However, this time, whatever I tried to do, I just couldn't calm him down any more. My delirious boy just continued to scream and fight my enveloping arms, as if I could be trying to murder him...

    Involuntarily, I started to blame those heartless police officers and their mistrusting public prosecutor, for causing my boy's frightening nightmare! Of course, their irresponsibility and denouncing behavior was the real reason why my boy was fighting me with all of his might! This was how our 'Big Brother' society 'protected' our children against so-called 'predators', by telling them nonsense and afterwards saddling them with horrible nightmares! Didn't those over-zealous good-doers have any idea what they were doing to vulnerable kids like my burnt little Gypsy boy, with their over-protectiveness and reckless witch-hunts? Why hadn't they left us alone, instead of confining us and trying to force a confession out of my boys?

    Feeling more and more frustrated, I involuntarily started to curse under my breath... Immediately, John joined my cursing, with balled fists and a dark gloom in his fire-shooting eyes. Never again would we trust any meddlesome Big Brother police officers, because they had done too much damage to our defenseless little friend!

    Still fighting against me and screaming as if I tried to murder him, my little soul mate finally started to calm down. Trembling all over, he started to cry his heart out, still without waking up. This time, his protective aura finally reacted to rubbing his back and reconnecting his energy field to Mother Earth. Slowly, my boy relaxed more and more, until he fell back into my arms while heaving another couple of frustrated sighs. Within a few seconds, he finally tumbled into a normal sleep, and immediately started to snore as usual.

    Staring at his finally sleeping little brother, John whispered:

    Great goodness, Dad, Harry was fighting against YOU! Just look at what those stupid and over-sexed bloodsuckers have done to my poor little brother. Since yesterday, I have started hating them, with their always-condemning and over-zealous behavior, and I will never trust any police officer any more, for the remainder of my life!

    Involuntarily, John started to cry; although he tried to suppress his heavy sobs against my chest, so as not to wake his little brother... Okay, this time, it was John's turn to be cuddled and feel safe and protected in my arms! After I first shifted my snoring little soul mate into one arm, I pulled John's heavily sobbing frame into my other arm and held him close to my chest, while whispering into his ear:

    Just let it go, John, and don't bottle it up. Within a few minutes, you will feel a lot better...

    Quickly, I pulled John even closer into my arm, so that he finally could cry his frustrated heart out against my chest without trying to muffle his heavy sobs any more. For two long years, my young friend had forced himself to be strong and put his own needs aside, because he had to protect his badly burnt 'little brother'. Now, for once, he could allow himself to be a vulnerable young child that desperately needed to be held and comforted by a caring and loving grownup.

    For quite some time, I went on sending John as much Real Love and Compassion as I was able to muster; until, at long last, his heavy sobs diminished and he slowly started to feel better. First, he looked at his little brother in my other arm; probably to make sure he hadn't woke him up by sobbing and crying too loudly... When he saw that his little brother was still in a deep sleep, John told me:

    Thank you very much, Dad, for helping me and letting me cry in your arms. I think that was exactly what I needed to feel good again! From now on, I will love you even more, and I am absolutely sure that I will always be your loyal eternal friend, forever and ever.

    With a deep sigh of utmost content, John again draped himself along my left side, and soon fell asleep. Fortunately, the remainder of our tumultuous night passed by without any more unexpected troubles.

    The next morning, I woke up with two lazily yawning boys on my stomach, both of them staring at me with still sleepy faces. When they saw that I opened my eyes and smiled at them, they smiled back at me while listlessly competing for the best place on my chest. Clearly, they felt still tired, after going through such a tumultuous night.

    Yet, waking up like this, with two yawning boys on my stomach, felt wonderful; certainly after going through my detaining adventures, being questioned by two police officers, and me missing my young friends. I only hoped I would never have to miss them again, not even to learn any more 'important lessons', as Jack had explained.

    Fortunately, there really had been 'victory' in the end! Both boys were now in my custody, and no more meddlesome Big Brother police officers could ever take them away from me without a court order! With a deep sigh of happiness, I pulled my boys even closer to my chest and gently cradled them, until their hungry stomachs started to rumble and they became too restless to lie still any more.

    Much to John's and my surprise, little Harry couldn't remember anything about his nightly escapades! He only felt extremely tired, but thought it came from all the emotional stress he had endured. Furtively, John and I looked at each other, and we had a conversation without using any words. Neither of us would tell our still very tired looking little friend about his nightmares and his sudden screaming and fighting against me, in the middle of the night.

    Still feeling tired and sleepy, we left our bed, showered, brushed our teeth, dressed, and went downstairs to prepare a healthy breakfast. Only, this morning, our little chef felt too tired to do anything at all. Therefore, John took over and prepared our sandwiches, while our little chef told him which herbs he should use to make them tastier. Surprisingly, John's sandwiches turned out to taste perfect; and both my little cookie and I praised him abundantly.

    After we had cleared the table and put everything away, we went to our living room; because I wanted to phone my boy's transplant clinic, to offer them my excuses for not showing up the other day. Therefore, I sat down at my desk and first took Peter's card out of a drawer, to have the phone number ready. Next, I stretched my hand out, to take the receiver off its cradle... At exactly that same moment, my telephone suddenly started to ring!

    Feeling very surprised, I glared at the obviously bewitched thing. What the heck could be happening here? I was sure I hadn't even touched it! Could one of our 'spirit friends' be in a cheerful mood and play a 'funny' but also rather spooky game

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