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The Mad Hatter World of the Holy See & the Vatican
The Mad Hatter World of the Holy See & the Vatican
The Mad Hatter World of the Holy See & the Vatican
Ebook34 pages20 minutes

The Mad Hatter World of the Holy See & the Vatican

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The Title says it all. And it is a pretty mad hatter world, a veritable Disneyland or even better, Alice in Wonderland.

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PublisherPaul Stevens
Release dateJan 10, 2013
The Mad Hatter World of the Holy See & the Vatican

Paul Stevens

There is a favorite line from my novella Dinner Party For Eight in which Angela asks Harry: “What do you think I am?” Harry considered this for a moment. What was she actually? “Well I suppose you are a very beautiful cook.” So if I have to answer the same question what am I actually? I would also need to consider this for a moment. I would like to say I’m an ex astronaut, have more degrees than a thermometer, have competed in the Tour de France without any EPO, surfed Teahupoo in Tahiti and emerged unscathed, sailed round the world, am an ace Alpine skier, am a member of Mensa, have a beauty queen wife and gorgeous kids, and started my own corporation which has listed on NASDAQ. I could go on but like Arnold Schwarzenegger I don’t want to boast. Well to be honest, I have gone some of the way towards all those things. I do have a letter from Wernher von Braun, I do have three degrees in Physics, I have flown in a jet plane (Emirates Air), I do cycle the mega steep hills here where I live but unfortunately can’t get EPO anywhere, I am a keen surfer who has almost managed to break his neck, I am an ocean going skipper and I did own my own yacht though if it was me I wouldn’t sail with me as captain, I do ski but you need to get out of the way, I do have a beautiful wife (though her agreeing to marry me has to be my biggest piece of luck ever) and two great kids, I do have my own software business but no stock exchanges alas and I would like to take the Mensa test but I’m pretty sure I would fail and then I wouldn’t be able to live with that so I would rather rationalize. I live in that sapphire city – Cape Town.

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    Book preview

    The Mad Hatter World of the Holy See & the Vatican - Paul Stevens

    The Mad Hatter World of the Holy See & the Vatican

    All Rights reserved © 2012 Paul Stevens

    An Article in the Sundowner Diaries Series

    Smashwords Edition


    The Mad Hatter World of the Holy See & the Vatican - Also by this Author

    The Mad Hatter World of the Holy See & the Vatican

    Look, whatever your religious beliefs are I respect them.

    I need to get that out of the way because you see, I am going to go into some things which are never really discussed or even examined and that may offend you. Me? Well, it is a bit confusing out there, religious wise, don’t you think? Do you know there are 730 different religions comprising 3200 sects? Suppose you are an undoctrinated young person who has just turned 21 and now you have all the rights of adulthood including a choice of religion. You realize that if you want to become religious you have a wide choice of what to believe in. But let’s say that only one religion is the truthful path of righteousness. This means your chance of worshipping the wrong God is no less than 99.86%. That’s pretty poor odds don’t you think? As for me, I am a confirmed atheist. I’ve looked around and haven’t found one single scrap of proof that God exists unless he is in the form of a superior civilization light years away in some remote planetary system. As for faith, well you might say I’m faithful but faithless. It’s sort of

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