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The Card
The Card
The Card
Ebook34 pages21 minutes

The Card

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When a strange tarot card appears in a friend's deck, Jason assumes it's just a prank done in poor taste. But, when terrible events befall those around him, he must face the possibility that something sinister is afoot.

Death is closing in, along with a suspicious detective who believes that Jason may be the killer he's stalking. With his life turned upside down, Jason finds that there are worse things to be hunted by than the authorities.

This 4,500 word short is a supernatural horror story in the spirit of the pulp era, but with a modern feel.

Release dateJan 11, 2013
The Card

Brandon Luffman

Born in Statesboro, Georgia in 1976, Brandon Luffman was raised in rural North Carolina from the time he was old enough to walk. In the sixth grade he discovered "The Chronicles Of Narnia". Soon after that, he was on to Stephen King and Arthur C. Clarke. At the same time, he was making his first forays into writing fiction. After creating a series of short fantasy pieces for a class assignment that were received with praise, he was hooked on writing fiction for the entertainment of others. Now Brandon writes supernatural horror as well as fantasy, science fiction, and other genres. His short fiction is available online in various formats. Brandon still lives on the family farm in northwestern North Carolina with his wife and family. Taking inspiration from his homeland, he brings southern sensibilities and a modern flair to these classic genre themes. His first novel, "Frostwalker", was released in May of 2013.

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    The Card - Brandon Luffman



    Brandon R. Luffman

    Copyright 2013 Brandon R. Luffman

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


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    Also By This Author

    Frostwalker Excerpt

    Sometimes, Jason felt like the glue that held their little triumvirate together. As Brian and Freddie glared at each other, the tarot card trembling in Freddie’s outstretched grip, Jason felt the strain. He took out his agitation on his lighter, a battered Zippo that had been a gift from Freddie some years ago, repeatedly opening and closing the lid with its comforting PING!-snick sound. It was an unconscious habit, but it soothed his nerves.

    Take your damned card and shove it. Freddie was seething, and his words were clipped. A tiny string of spittle clung to his lower lip, but he didn’t seem to notice. Freddie thrust the card toward Brian.

    Brian sat back in his chair, hands raised, palms outward in a gesture of refusal. No way. That’s not mine. I don’t even know what the hell you’re talking about.

    You’re always giving me shit. I know you did this. I don’t know how, but you did it. The card Freddie now flicked at Brian

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