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Simple Wiccan Magick Love Spells
Simple Wiccan Magick Love Spells
Simple Wiccan Magick Love Spells
Ebook79 pages1 hour

Simple Wiccan Magick Love Spells

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About this ebook

Love spells are the most powerful spells we command. When you put your heart into any endeavour, you call forth the full intent and strength of your very being. Using your heart in this manner requires care, for you must be absolutely certain that your intention is true and fair and that you harm no one.

Before attempting any of these spells and rituals, I advise you to examine your motives and listen to your heart’s answer. Only then can you proceed and only then will the universe be able to respond to your request.

The Quick Spell is designed for those unable to spend the time on full ritual ceremony. It can also be used in the days after ritual to refocus your energy. Though some people may find they channel the highest vibrations using an altar, tools and traditional ceremony, the most important part of any spell is your intent. If you believe it will be so, then so it will be.

PublisherHolly Zurich
Release dateJan 12, 2013
Simple Wiccan Magick Love Spells

Holly Zurich

Best-selling international author Holly Zurich has written seven books on Wiccan traditions. Her Simple Wiccan Magick series eBooks have been enjoyed by readers in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, France, Italy and Sweden. Holly has been studying and practicing Wicca for over 30 years. Her interest in the occult arts began as soon as she was able to read. As a teenager, she received her first deck of Tarot cards and delved into astrology, herbal medicine and Wicca shortly thereafter. She has been fortunate to attract many like-minded friends, some of whom have been at her side in previous lives. She started writing Simple Wiccan Magick Spells and Ritual Ceremony, (initially titled Seasonal Magick) as a reference workbook in 1998. With the assistance of personal and group practice and feedback, it was completed in 2003 and continues to be her only source for celebrating the Wheel of the Year. Her easy-to-follow interactive eBooks are available for you to read on your Kindle, iPad, Sony eReader, Nook and Kobo as well as PDF downloads from Smashwords. They offer a simple way to understand the mysteries of the Craft and tap into the energies of its ancient wisdom. Holly’s personal motto is, “With your intent, all is possible.” So mote it be!

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    Simple Wiccan Magick Love Spells - Holly Zurich



    Smashwords Edition~Copyright 2013 Holly Zurich

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only and may not be re-sold or given away. If you wish to share this book, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, photocopy, recording, scanning or other—except for brief quotations in reviews or articles, without written consent from the author.

    Interactive Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 ~ Find a New Love

    Chapter 2 ~ Return to an Old Love

    Chapter 3 ~ Grow Closer Emotionally

    Chapter 4 ~ Heat up Your Romance

    Chapter 5 ~ Keep Your Lover True

    Chapter 6 ~ Forget a Former Love

    Chapter 7 ~ Turn Away Unwanted Love

    Chapter 8 ~ Bridge Long Distance Love

    Chapter 9 ~ Learn to Love Yourself

    Chapter 10 ~ Best Herbes for Love Magick

    Chapter 11 ~ Structure of the Ritual

    Chapter 12~ Glossary of Wiccan Terms

    Typical Altar Layout

    About the Author

    Sample ~ Simple Wiccan Magick Spells & Ritual Ceremony

    Sample ~ Simple Wiccan Magick Spells for Everyday

    Sample ~ Simple Wiccan Magick Full Moon Spells & Rituals

    Sample ~ Simple Wiccan Magick Talismans & Witches’ Tools



    Love spells are the most powerful spells we command. When you put your heart into any endeavour, you call forth the full intent and strength of your very being. Using your heart in this manner requires care, for you must be absolutely certain that your intention is true and fair and that you harm no one.

    Before attempting any of these spells and rituals, I advise you to examine your motives and listen to your heart’s answer. Only then can you proceed and only then will the universe be able to respond to your request.


    The Quick Spell is designed for those unable to spend the time on full ritual ceremony. It can also be used in the days after ritual to refocus your energy. Though some people may find they channel the highest vibrations using an altar, tools and traditional ceremony, the most important part of any spell is your intent. If you believe it will be so, then so it will be.

    Chapter 1 ~ FIND A NEW LOVE

    For many people, even the thought of looking for a new partner can be daunting. But you’ve probably heard of people who found not one, but several admirers once they started dating again. Why is this so? If you’re familiar with the Law of Attraction, you know that like attracts like. When you are happy, joyful and loving, you naturally attract people and situations that mirror your feelings.

    This spell may help to place you in a positive, loving state of mind to draw a new love, (or maybe more than one!), into your life.


    Find a quiet, comfortable place where you will not be disturbed. You will need the following items: A pink candle, vervain oil, lavender incense, pink paper, one pen with pen with blue ink and one with red ink.

    Light the candle and the incense and sit silently for a few moments. Close your eyes and ask the Goddess to guide your meditation. When you feel the time is right, say the following affirmation:

    Let gratitude grow and happiness start.

    May joy bless my life and love fill my heart.

    Goddess, I am ready to meet my new love. So mote it be.

    Write this affirmation on pink paper along with the traits you’d like your new love to possess. Will he/she be smart, sexy, funny or athletic? Will those traits complement or contrast with your own personality? Close your eyes again and imagine a scene in the future, with your new partner. What are you doing? Walking along a beach? Having a drink at a romantic cafe? Sitting in front of a fire or cooking dinner together?

    Listen to your heart but try not to focus too much on the actual appearance of your new lover. Bring this future scene into the present with sharp, bright, colourful images and use all of your senses – sight, smell, touch, taste and sound - to make-believe it is happening right now. Feel the happiness and joy this relationship brings.

    Dab the corners with Vervain oil, fold in half twice and draw two linked hearts using the red ink pen and give thanks.

    Carry the paper with you and at least twice daily, until you find a new love, recite the affirmation and relive the scenario as though it is happening right now. Be conscious of your emotions and feel happy, blissful and grateful.


    You may choose to complete the full ceremony as described below. Performing the entire ritual around an altar may help to focus your energies in a more powerful way, but remember, the most important part of any spell is your intent.

    Set your altar as usual with the appropriate cleansed and charged tools plus

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