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Stalked: Rogues Shifter Series Book 2
Stalked: Rogues Shifter Series Book 2
Stalked: Rogues Shifter Series Book 2
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Stalked: Rogues Shifter Series Book 2

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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A month ago, Jackie was attending high school, believing she was human and that the supernatural didn't exist. So when she woke up on an island and was told that she was a shapeshifter and that her narrow world view needed to broaden to include vampires, werewolves, the fae and many other magical creatures, she took it all in stride. Well—not at first.

But after being teamed up with three other young rogue shifters and after meeting Garrett, her extremely hot vampire trainer, Jackie found a peace within herself that she didn't think possible. Now Garrett was her lifemate and her team was ready to defend the magical community from those who don't live by the laws that protected them all.

Unfortunately, because of her unusually strong magical abilities, Jackie has caught the interest of a Fae Lord, a creature made of the incredibly potent magic that flows through the earth: so powerful that he's able to make things happen with just a thought. Because they've been invited to the Midsummer Solstice Ceremony, she and Garrett are on their way into Faerie, into his territory and more danger than they can possibly imagine.

PublisherGayle Parness
Release dateJan 12, 2013

Gayle Parness

Gayle was surprised when she first discovered how much she enjoyed writing. She began eight years ago after reading a popular paranormal romance series and thinking, I’d like to do that too. Since then, she’s indie published fifteen books with many more on the way, writing paranormal fantasy/paranormal romance under Gayle Parness and spicy paranormal romance/urban fantasy and hot contemporary romance under her pen name Marie Booth.Besides writing books, Gayle’s a musical theatre geek, a Disney parks maniac, a lover of pasta, pizza, and pinot noir, and is owned by a black cat with big bones named Stealth. She’s raised two amazing daughters who bring her great joy every day and hopes to take some time off to travel really soon. As soon as she finishes that next book...She can’t write a word without music playing in the background so if you ever bump into her, she’ll probably have her earbuds in, listening either to music or an audiobook. You may have to shout to get her attention. :)Audiobook news: All nine Rogues Shifter Series books are currently available on Audible, ibooks, Amazon, and many other vendors: Narrated by Reba BuhrNext on my writing agenda: In Demand: Rogues Shifter Series: Book 10, releasing spring, 2022Thanks for reading!GayleSign up for my newsletter to get all the latest info on my new releases and to have the opportunity to win books, audiobooks, swag and other fun prizes.Newsletter Signup:Website: https://www.gayleparness.comFB: to my evil twin, Marie Booth, for LGBTQ+ Paranormal Romance, M/F Contemporary Romance & M/F Urban Fantasy.

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Reviews for Stalked

Rating: 4.3125 out of 5 stars

32 ratings3 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title to be a must-read with a well-balanced power dynamic between the main characters. The descriptive language brings the book to life, although some readers wished for more shape-shifting action and a longer resolution with Liam. They also wanted more exploration of the information from the first book and more interaction with Sasha. Overall, readers enjoyed the book and were left intrigued by the ending."

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Must say quite an ending but will he find his love n what's next
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    the book was great and I noticed that there was a lot of descriptive language which I thought animated the book lovely.
    though I wish there was more shape shifting action and feel that the resolve with Liam could have been longer and more compilated.
    I also feel that the information from book one should have been related to a little more in the book an d that there should have been more interaction with Sasha.
    but other than that the book was great and I really enjoyed it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    the world created in the series is something not to be missed. i like the power balance between jackie and garrett. a must read

Book preview

Stalked - Gayle Parness


This was one of those days when I had to keep telling myself I was not hallucinating, even though I’d questioned my sanity several times in the last six weeks. I was truly riding in a white limousine, holding hands with an extremely attractive vampire, sitting across from two High Seelie fae on my way to celebrate the Midsummer Celebration with a group of ancient fae lords and ladies. Jackie Crawford Cuvier—that’s me, a seventeen-year-old shape shifter—was staring out the tinted window as we drove through the Cascade Mountains in northern California while Garrett Cuvier—the aforementioned gorgeous vampire—was making lazy circles with his thumb on my palm as he discussed tonight's meeting with the other two passengers. Across from us sat Liam, an adorable half-fae/half human, my teacher and my friend, and Kaera; a lovely but serious representative of the Fae Council of Elders.

Spread out across my feet and cutting off my circulation in the process, sprawled Samson, a protective Rottweiler that Garrett and I had inherited after the death of our friend, Carly. Liam had insisted that he accompany us. I’d argued against bringing the dog at first, but I’d learned the hard way not to take Liam’s advice lightly.

Samson grunted and stretched his huge body across the floor of the limo, taking up even more room and covering my feet completely with his black and tan belly. Garrett and I laughed out loud. Liam smiled good-naturedly. Kaera just continued to stare out the window, her expression bordering on glum.

I sent a message to Liam mind-to-mind, "What’s up with her?"

She is worried about a family matter, but it is in her nature to be reserved around non fae. Not having any blood relatives of my own, I could only guess at how family problems could mess with your head. I felt bad for her, but I wouldn’t let her gloomy mood ruin my happy one.

I snuggled closer to Garrett and peeked again at Kaera, who seemed a million miles away. She tapped her foot impatiently, probably irritated the trip was taking so long, this not being the usual mode of transportation for the fae. She and Liam could have transported us to Faerie instantly through the ley lines, but because it would have been my first time, they decided that a car trip would be a much gentler journey and that I’d arrive in a healthier state. Apparently, many non-fae had trouble traveling directly through the magic, feeling nauseous and weak at the end. Hey, I’d been willing to give it a try, in fact I was kind of looking forward to it, but since they were all against it, I’d agreed.

Wishing I could travel through magical rivers of energy to get from one place to another would've had me doubting whether my marbles were all present and accounted for not so long ago. Back then, I’d thought of myself as a human girl with several extremely odd and uncomfortable abilities. I could run faster than any Olympic track star, and my senses were so acute I could hear a baby cry ten houses down the block, or see a bird dive for the ocean a mile away. I’d struggled daily to keep these talents hidden from the world and live as normal a life as possible, but it hadn't been easy.

The year before, I’d been adopted by Maggie and Justin Crawford; a wonderful, supportive couple. I’d taken their name, and believed that finally my life was looking up, in a strictly limited kind of way. Two brutal attacks had left me with emotional scars and plenty of anger, and I’d pretty much accepted the fact I’d never live a happily-ever-after kind of life. I would have gone off to college and then maybe one day, I might have been moderately happy.

But on the evening I was kidnapped, my life had corkscrewed in a roller coaster ride of new experiences. Rob, a black leopard shapeshifter, had told me in a very civilized manner I was not human and that he would help me transition into my animal for the first time. My initial reactions ran the gamut from disbelief to terror to fury, until I met another shifter, Ethan, a large cougar who was also learning from Rob. In the end, being faced with the irrefutable evidence of seeing them shift in front of me, I had no choice but to agree to my own forced change. Turns out I’m a rare cheetah shifter and able to pull energy from the magic that courses through the earth in rivers of power. Since that first transition, my new life has moved forward at an amazing rate until I’ve felt at home with myself in a way I never had as a human.

We passed yet another glorious view of the sun setting over the forest, which spread out west of the mountains in gorgeous shades of gold and pink and purple. Contented, I stretched my arm across Garrett's slim waist as I took in a deep breath of his delicious scent, something I did to combat my nerves, but also as a reminder of how lucky I was.

Garrett, my sexy vampire, has been the main reason for my unrestrained happiness. Two years before, he’d saved me from a vicious attack by giving me blood to heal my serious injuries. Six weeks ago I’d battled with the painful physical effects of the ley line magic. He’d taught me how to build a shield to protect myself and then how to use the power that the lines offered up. He defended me to Maya and the rest of the Shifter Council when they threatened me with exile, then defeated his maker, Eleanor, in a duel to protect the community from her violent attacks. But these actions, although important, were not the glue that fused our spirits together.

Garrett was a cheetah shifter before he was made a vampire against his will. Through the energy of the lines, we connected on a primal level and live in each other's minds and emotions in an intimate way, bonded in love by ritual, but also by magic and mutual respect.

Kaera’s musical voice broke into my thoughts. We will be there soon. You must agree to be blinded, Jacqueline.

Do you mean blindfolded? I asked, sitting up in the seat.

No, it is a temporary blinding that only lasts a few minutes. There is no pain.

I’ve had it done, it’s nothing. I’ll be right here holding you. Garrett tightened his embrace.

I can just close my eyes. I turned quickly toward Garrett and frowned, speaking in a slightly annoyed tone. Wait a minute. She’s not doing it to you?

Kaera answered, her expression impatient. "Garrett is an ally of an Elder, Lord Caelen, Liam’s father, and blinding is not necessary in his case." She spoke with a sharp edge to her voice, seemingly irritated that I didn’t already understand the rules.

I twisted my mouth. "I’m his mate. His lifemate."

There are no exceptions. I gave her another appraising look. She was at least three inches taller than my 5’9" with long, dark wavy hair and lovely amethyst eyes, which were currently flashing gold, a sign of strong emotions. Yep, she was pissed.

You will not be allowed to enter Faerie unless you consent.

I looked at Liam who nodded his agreement and held up a hand in a calming gesture. Fine, get it over with. I shrugged, not happy, but willing to grin and bear it. Liam looked relieved. I have a tendency to be stubborn on occasion, well, maybe more often than that, but I wanted into Faerie in the worst way. I couldn’t wait to see all the amazing colors and the magical landscapes and people Garrett had described. My heart was pounding with excited anticipation

Kaera reached over and placed a smooth hand on my forehead. Samson growled a warning, but a look from Liam quieted him. I felt a sharp jolt of energy then my vision faded slowly to black. In reaction I drew on the magic and reached out with my mental senses to see if I would be able to see in that way. In my mind I was on my familiar rugged cliff with waves of ley line power crashing against the rocks below me. I attempted to stretch my senses out in sneaky tendrils to discern shapes or shadows, but all of the outside world remained dark.

"It’s only for a few minutes." Garrett sent to me mentally. I won’t let go, my lovely cheetah.

I smiled and leaned against him once more. "I’m a little nervous about meeting the fae, especially seeing Lord Kennet again. Being blinded doesn’t help."

You will enchant them all.

That’s what I’m afraid of. Lord Kennet, the judge at the duels, had actually proposed that I leave Garrett and become his consort, giving him an heir. "I really didn’t want to be doing any enchanting in his direction."

Garrett laughed and hugged me tighter. Caelen and I will protect you from that pretentious jerk.

My vision cleared as Liam announced. Garrett, Jackie we are here. I glanced at Liam curiously. I will not be addressing you as I sometimes do in your home. I am the son of an Elder and must behave as such. Liam had pledged his service to Garrett after Garrett had saved his brother Aedus from some kind of undisclosed danger. At our home he referred to us as ‘Miss Jacqueline’ and ‘Master Garrett’, playing the role of a servant for reasons of his own.

Liam was my height, with delicate, almost feminine features and shoulder length golden hair. However, the power emanating from him was all male and quite seductive as I’d learned in the past. His violet eyes sparkled with excitement and his whole body seemed to relax as the car slowed.

Sure, Lord Liam, I teased. Liam laughed gently, a musical sound that made us all smile. Except for Kaera, of course.

The car had come to a stop so Garrett vamp-speeded it over to my side to help me out in his usual gentlemanly way, adding a sweet kiss on the cheek as an extra bonus. Samson hopped out after me with a grunt and a vigorous shake of his head and body. I snatched up his leash and took a look around.

We were in a large field in a narrow valley, surrounded by mountains cloaked in thick forests. I pictured Garrett and myself hunting together under those trees in our cheetah forms, possibly taking down something large and then feasting on the fresh kill. Standing next to me, he caught a taste of my hunger and squeezed my hand in agreement.

No buildings or even a pathway were evident. Instead, tall grass and fragrant wildflowers spread out for hundreds of yards in every direction. A heavy buzz throbbed in my chest, marking this as a hot spot of ley line magic. It would make sense for the fae to build their world around a crossroads.

Garrett pulled me in front of him and wrapped his arms around me, pressing his chest into my back. Watch this, he whispered in my ear. I leaned against him, loving the feel of his warm breath on my neck. Samson obediently sat by my feet as I watched, enthralled.

Liam and Kaera walked twenty yards into the field and stopped at exactly the same moment, as if there were some unseen barrier blocking their way. They stretched out their arms with their palms facing down and I felt an instantaneous burst of energy flow from their hands into the heart of the earth. A potent tugging sensation followed as the power rebounded, bringing enormous amounts of magical energy up through their bodies and out through their outstretched hands. Their physical forms almost disappeared in a shimmering golden haze, as shafts of magic in dazzling golds and purples and reds exploded outward, bouncing from mountain peak to mountain peak, then surging into the heavens. A towering white stone archway appeared in front of the two fae, brilliantly reflecting the colors of Liam and Kaera's magic. As their bodies reformed and became visible to my eyes once more, they turned and motioned for us to follow them inside.

Garrett had to nudge me to get me moving, ’cause I was pretty much blown away by what they’d done. That amount of power would have burned me to a crisp, but Liam and Kaera seemed unfazed by their effort. More than a little shaky, I clutched at Garrett’s hand as we followed the two fae through the archway.


As I passed underneath, I noticed symbols burnt into the arch in a language I didn’t recognize. They were beautifully detailed, etched in shining purples, golds, royal blues and teals framed by vibrant pictures of the earth and the sun, various wildlife and what might have been astrological symbols. I wondered what stories they told and decided to ask Liam about them later when I had the chance.

Once we’d walked another few yards, Liam turned to us and said, I’ll be leaving you now to meet with my father. I’ll stop by later tonight before you dine with my family. Liam grasped Garrett’s hand, then turned and bowed his head to me, his violet eyes glittering with golden streaks of magical energy, probably some kind of spillover from the amazing feat I’d witnessed. I took in a deep breath of the scent of fae magic wafting around him and he smiled, amused as always by my impudence.

Jacqueline, in three more steps you’ll be bathed in the scent. Hopefully that will hold you for a while. We smiled at each other with affection. Liam and I had recently become friends, both of us blessed, or cursed, with the rare aura of a healer.

As he walked away, his body faded before my eyes as if he'd never been there at all. Samson whined; so I crouched down to give him a reassuring scratch behind the ears. I might have whined too, if I didn't know we were in Faerie, the most magical of places.

Please follow me. Kaera’s tone was all business, as usual. Garrett and I tagged along right behind her, not wanting to slow her down. I kept a firm grip on my mate’s hand, wondering what I’d see around the next bend.

The journey reminded me of walking through some kind of strange dream. There didn’t seem to be a floor beneath my feet and yet my boots touched down on something solid with every step. No walls rose beside us, only muted swirling colors, constantly in motion and emitting a pleasant warmth, which gently kissed my skin. As I walked I would catch a fleeting scent of flowers or pungent spices in the air or the noise of someone walking nearby, but in my small reality there was only a fae, a vampire, a shifter and a dog moving through a warm colorful fog. I was disoriented and snuggled closer to Garrett, managing to awkwardly bump his shoulder, drawing a reassuring smile.

It's strange, I know, but you're safe.

I took in a calming breath and suddenly Liam’s words rang true. The smell of magic was everywhere and I was breathing it into my lungs with each inhalation. Garrett wasn’t breathing at all, perhaps purposely avoiding taking in the extra magic. I looked down at Samson who was trotting along with a spring in his step, obviously enjoying his experience, his tongue poking out and his stubby tail wagging steadily.

We came to a door and Kaera opened it by pushing down on an ornately carved wooden handle. It opened into a spacious suite of rooms, decorated in lovely shades of greens and blues. A large common area along with a separate bedroom with a king sized bed and a private bath made up the spacious accommodations. The furnishings were all hand carved in exquisite detail, crafted in a light toned wood that shimmered with a golden hue. Flower arrangements and live plants brightened both rooms, filling the area with a lovely bouquet. A table in the main room was laden with fruit, cheeses, cold meats, breads and various other spreads and jams. My mouth watered and my stomach growled loudly, embarrassing me and announcing to my two companions that I was famished.

You will be dining with Liam’s family in three hours. Someone will be back to get you at that time. I will be present at the meeting tonight, sitting with my family. Is there anything else I can do for you? Kaera’s face was expressionless, just an official envoy doing her job, yet I could see tiny threads of gold spinning inside her large violet eyes. Perhaps she hadn’t enjoyed her assignment? I figured I'd keep a wary eye on this one. Something was up.

Garrett nodded formally. Thank you, Lady Kaera, for your excellent assistance. Jacqueline and I look forward to seeing you again later.

She nodded her head slightly to Garrett and then left the room, not acknowledging me at all. I hoped this wouldn’t be typical of my reception here.

"Lady Kaera?" I plopped myself down on the couch.

She is Lord Argon’s oldest daughter. He’s an Elder along with Liam’s father, Lord Caelen, and two others, both female. There are always two women and two men on the Fae Council.

So she and Liam are equals?

Yes, absolutely. She’s younger, though.

What, like only twelve hundred? I giggled. Liam was fifteen hundred years old, give or take fifty years.

He grinned. Closer to three hundred, I believe.

Wow, a baby. Why would she be given a crappy job like escorting us here?

Garrett laughed. Escorting us would be considered an important task. The council would send one of their best warriors, familiar with shifter and vampire customs. Remember also, that she was escorting Liam, another council member’s son. If anything had happened to us on the way here, there could be political repercussions. She was most likely proud to have been chosen for the task.

Oh yeah, she looked really proud. Garrett took my hand and led me to the table, indicating that I should sit. When I did, he playfully shook out a silk napkin and laid it in my lap, the way a server in an upscale restaurant would.

He grinned at me. Eat, my love. It will improve your mood and restore your energy. Tonight you will need to be your usual charming self.

I stuck my tongue out at him, not feeling at all charming. Maybe it was because our fae escort had wanted to be anywhere but with us, or maybe it was just that so far, other than the cool archway, Faerie had been a huge disappointment. Where were the spectacular colors, the amazing landscapes, the elegant people? I could just as easily be walking through the fields near our home in a thick fog, as spending time in Faerie. Hmph.

Garrett watched me out of the corner of his eye as he prepared a plate for Samson. He placed it on the floor while I shook off my funk and rose to dish out some food. After pouring himself a glass of red wine, Garrett sat across from me, stretching out his long legs and leaning back in the chair to watch me eat. The food was delicious and I savored every single bite, yet I was careful not to fill myself up. We’d be eating again in a few hours, although it was possible I’d be so nervous I’d have no appetite at all. Samson finished his meal in three gulps and then made himself comfortable, stretching out next to my feet with a satisfied rumble.

A gentle rap on the door caught our attention and Garrett motioned for me to continue eating while he rose to open it. A lovely young female shifter stood in the doorway, dressed in a long flowing yellow print skirt and a white button down blouse, ruffled at the cuffs and collar. To my surprise Garrett smiled warmly at her and she smiled back.

It’s wonderful to see you, Serena. Please come in. He gestured for her to enter and she moved quickly into the room, looking extremely relaxed and happy. He turned to me. Jackie this is Serena, Serena this is Jackie, my mate.

It’s so nice to meet you Jackie. Her warm expression was genuine and I did my best, but only managed to force out a thin smile.

It’s nice to meet you too. I said to Serena through a slightly clenched jaw. "Who’s this?" I sent to Garrett.

Let’s talk in the bedroom. He turned back to Serena. Could you excuse us for a moment? Please make yourself comfortable. Grab something to eat if you’d like. Samson, come with us, boy.

Sure, take your time. Serena smiled and sat down on the couch while Samson and I followed Garrett into the bedroom. He shut the door behind us and took my hand, leading me to the bed and sitting next to me.

"I need to feed. Serena is one of the shifters I feed from when I’m staying here."

It took me two heartbeats to process what he’d just said. Feed from me.

No. It will weaken you. It's important that you're able to think clearly at dinner and during the meeting. I’ll need to take a little more than usual, so I’m also at my best. I stared at him and said nothing, afraid I might blurt out something in anger. "I feed from shifters several times a week when we’re at home. You should be used to this."

I forced myself to sound calm. Not in front of me. I don't know them personally. He said nothing. "Where are you planning on enjoying your meal?" My snarky tone was no surprise.

I could bring her in here.

I looked at the bed with its luxurious sheets and comforter and pictured them curled up together on it. That’s so not going to happen.

He shrugged, still trying to be reasonable. I could go to her room.

I looked at him in disbelief. "You must want me to kill her."

Several dots of silver popped to life in his blue eyes. You’re being ridiculous and unreasonable.

He was seriously upset with me, and I couldn't really blame him. His skin had felt cold when he'd led me to the table, so he’d waited too long already. He might even be in pain. It was just that I’d never actually met one of his donors and Serena was, well, she was very pretty. I looked at him as he tried to hide his irritation and I felt a flash of guilt. He needed to be in top form tonight and I was being a bitch and not showing him that I trusted him.

I sighed. Okay, I’m sorry. I am being unreasonable. Go ahead and feed from her on the couch and I’ll take a very slow shower. When I get out, I’d better not hear any heavy breathing. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him toward me to kiss him deeply, giving him a reason to think of me while he fed. When we pulled apart he was smiling again and his eyes were clear of silver. "Have fun." I pushed him gently toward the door, my tone sarcastic. He grinned a sexy grin and shook his head, chuckling as I headed off toward the bathroom.

When I finished my shower, Garrett was sitting on the bed reading. His skin had a pinkish glow and his eyes sparkled with energy The feeding must have gone well. I felt guilty about how I’d acted earlier, so I crawled over to him, still covered in a large towel, and wrapped my arms around his now-warm chest. I’m sorry that I’m a jealous idiot.

I’d feel the same way if things were reversed. But if you saw how it was when I fed from them, you wouldn’t be upset at all. He ran his fingers over my arm and I cuddled closer.

"Hmm. Somehow I don’t think that would be the case. I’d see how much they were enjoying it and it would make me crazy. Has she left?"

Yes, she’s sleeping. I had someone carry her back to her room.

I giggled, reaching out to rake my fingers through his hair. Greedy vampire. He was just leaning over to kiss me when we heard another knock on the door.

Garrett gave me a peck on the cheek, not what I’d been hoping for, and got up to answer it. I heard Liam’s voice and decided that I should think about getting dressed for tonight’s meeting.

My clothes were already laid out so I got into them quickly and then ran a comb through

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