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The Great Black Hope
The Great Black Hope
The Great Black Hope
Ebook133 pages1 hour

The Great Black Hope

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Tony is an African-American high school student and a stand-out high school football player on track to participate in college football and, possibly, the NFL. Tony and his older brother learned the social dynamics of surviving on the inner city streets while fostering their love for football. Then his brother, who is also his best friend, went away to college on a football scholarship and Tony found himself alone. He fell into a deep, life threatening depression when faced with the fact that he was illiterate; he may never graduate from high school and realize his dream of a career in the NFL.

Follow Tony's plight from utter despair to a life full of hope and personal victories when he asks a Science teacher to teach him to read. God challenges the teacher to choose: Tony's life or her career. She chooses Tony's life and many miraculous occurrences intercede in Tony's life to pave the way to his victory!

Many famous people are part of this heart-rending story. Mike Brown-owner of the Cincinnati Bengals,Duke Tobin- Bengals Director of Player Personnel, Levi Jones-former Bengals NFL left tackle, Lawrence Taylor – Hall of Fame NFL player and Drs. Ted Waller and Charles Abbottsmith of Ohio Heart and Christ Hospital in Cincinnati all played a role in the progression of Tony from a 'street kid' to the success he is today!

Release dateJan 14, 2013
The Great Black Hope

Constance Gorman

Constance Kluesener Gorman is a former business owner and product development chemist, who received a calling to participate in the education sector. She is currently a private tutor, but also occasionally teaches business, chemistry and mathematic classes at local universities in Greater Cincinnati. She holds a B.A. in Chemistry from Miami University, an M.B.A. from the University of Cincinnati and a B.S. in Education from the McGregor School at Antioch University. Although Constance has been published as a writer in technical journals and other print media relating to her business career, The Great Black Hope is her first effort in writing a nonfiction novel. She plans to write and publish the remaining fifty-seven or so other stories relating to her spiritual favors and experiences.

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    The Great Black Hope - Constance Gorman

    The Great Black Hope

    Constance Kluesener Gorman

    Published by Morrow Publications at Smashwords

    Copyright © 2012 Constance Kluesener Gorman

    All rights reserved

    This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise- without prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by United States of America copyright law.

    Morrow Publications


    Morrow, Ohio



    Printed in the United States of America

    About the Author


    Constance Kluesener Gorman is a former business owner and product development chemist, who received a calling to participate in the education sector. She is currently a private tutor, but also occasionally teaches business, chemistry and mathematic classes at local universities in Greater Cincinnati. She holds a B.A. in Chemistry from Miami University, an M.B.A. from the University of Cincinnati and a B.S. in Education from the McGregor School at Antioch University.

    Although Constance has been published as a writer in technical journals and other print media relating to her business career, The Great Black Hope is her first effort in writing a nonfiction novel. She plans to write and publish the remaining fifty-seven or so other stories relating to her spiritual favors and experiences.


    This book is dedicated to the memory of Martha Taylor, leader of the Mission Workers, a non-denominational, non-profit charity that fed the poor, clothed the naked, nursed the sick, was a friend to the elderly and did whatever it took to get everyone into heaven.

    Martha played a special role in helping Tony gain self-esteem and obtain a better way of life. Not only did she provide clothing for Tony, but most important, she prayed for Tony every step of the way throughout his journey.

    Martha also played a crucial role in helping me discern many of the spiritual phenomena I experienced. I was never afraid to tell Martha anything. I depended upon her sound council in the many trials I endured or many challenges I faced. Martha was a consistent friend. She didn’t blow with the wind. She remained steadfast in her faith…..always.

    When Martha passed away, no one had to tell me what kind of friend I lost.


    Special Thanks

    Thank you to all the people who expressed to me that this story must be told to people beyond my circle of friends and relatives. A special thank you goes to Pamela Olds, who gave me the encouragement to pursue this project and helped with the editing of the manuscript.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1 – Tony

    Chapter 2: The Call

    Chapter 3- A Secret

    Chapter 4 – Brothers

    Chapter 5 – Daily Lessons

    Chapter 6 – Trials

    Chapter 7 – The Shirt on His Back

    Chapter 8 Depression

    Chapter 9 – The Miracle of theSun

    Chapter 10 – The Man

    Chapter 11 – What my Education Means to Me

    Chapter 12 – "The Best Day of My Life

    Chapter 13 – Tony Gets a Mentor

    Chapter 14 – Good-Bye

    Chapter 15 – Ohio Heart

    Chapter 16 – Wheels

    Chapter 17 – The Dream



    And He (the Lord) said to me: My grace is sufficient for you. For virtue is perfected in weakness. …….For when I am weak, then I am powerful.

    2 Corinthians 12 9-10

    Sean just returned from the Maldives several days ago. I pondered to myself, as I was getting ready for work, what would happen to him in the future.

    Would he return to his drug habits of marijuana and sleeping pills? I asked myself. Of course, he would! I concluded.

    A wave of sadness enveloped me as my mind began to escalate the possible bad outcomes Sean would experience without further interventions. I turned towards God in my usual way of conversing with Him.

    I asked Him, with child-like sincerity, How is it possible for a soul, such as Sean’s, to rise above his unfortunate circumstances?

    Sean was surrounded by opulence, permissive parents, coupled with a strong human will that was slowly destroying him. I was certain that Sean would one day make good on his promise of killing himself or wind up on the streets like Dominic, a former homeless student I mentored, who suffered from severe personality disorders.

    As the sadness increased, the Lord broke my train of thought (as he so often did in this manner) to succinctly explain how He is actively participating in the lives of those unfortunate souls. He said to me interiorly,

    "I provide sufficient graces to save these souls".

    (2 Corinthians 12:9)

    A wave of understanding followed, as is customary with God’s ways. The wave of understanding explained to me that, no matter how deficient the circumstances in which a soul may find itself, whether it be extreme poverty, physical/mental abuse or trauma, poor human relationships, financial ruin, lack of work, or a broken family, God would infuse into that soul enough graces to give it strength, clarity and fortitude to know the right path to survive this suffering world and enter the land of love, heaven.

    No words can describe the joy I felt in this new understanding of God’s ways and attributes!

    Sufficient graces. Sufficient graces. Sufficient graces, I repeated to myself all day upon receiving that revelation.

    What a celebration of joy I experienced to know that such a loving Creator is rescuing every soul. The pressure was off! All I had to do was obey. Yes, I came to realize that I am one of God’s tools, to which I have willingly submitted.

    The Great Black Hope was written after I received many requests to document the interventions and graces I have received as a soul trying to survive the earthly realm. Often, I explained to these interested folks that these divine interventions, or ‘heavenly favors’ as some of the religious have defined them, can happen to them as well! Most didn’t believe it, despite my insistence to the contrary.

    Possibly, I thought, they’re right! I should expose to the public my relationship with God as it progressed. Possibly the reader would recognize the Divine interventions in their lives. Possibly they would see some parallels.

    This is MY hope.

    Constance Kluesener Gorman

    Chapter 1 – Tony

    For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,…plans to give you hope and a future.

    Jeremiah 29:11

    As usual, the high school cafeteria was packed with hungry students. Anxious to satisfy their hunger, students carried Styrofoam trays piled high with a double order of French fries smothered with catsup. This was the most common lunch cuisine purchased by students at this urban, inner city high school. It’s not that the school’s dietician didn’t offer other nutritious options. Fresh fruit was always a daily choice, as well as, salads and semi-homemade meals. But, this cafeteria could’ve served only one meal, French fries, and all the students would have been happy!

    The school was one of the largest in the Greater Cincinnati area. With nearly 2000 students enrolled, and only three lunch periods, this very large cafeteria was always overflowing with students. A great sea of rectangular lunch tables, lined up in rows, were arranged to economize on space. A smattering of large round tables filled the remaining open spaces on the clean, white-tiled floors. The school’s administrators would open the gymnasium adjacent to

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