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Malevolent Gateway (S.P.I.R.I.T. 2): S.P.I.R.I.T, #2
Malevolent Gateway (S.P.I.R.I.T. 2): S.P.I.R.I.T, #2
Malevolent Gateway (S.P.I.R.I.T. 2): S.P.I.R.I.T, #2
Ebook233 pages3 hours

Malevolent Gateway (S.P.I.R.I.T. 2): S.P.I.R.I.T, #2

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The Green Mountains of Vermont is a wonderland of picturesque valleys and hills, a landscape of fields and small towns that are hidden treasures. However, they can also hide many secrets.

Burke Flats, located in the upper right hand corner of the state, the Northeast Kingdom, has many skeletons in its closet.

Lieutenant Will Stiles and his group of men, the S.P.I.R.I.T. team, are called in to investigate the strange happenings around the marshlands of Burke Flats. For generations the marshes have been a place of ghostly lore, disappearances, and strange deaths.

Anna and Blake call the Flats home, but when the deaths begin to pick up in numbers they are more than happy to have the help of the military's new elite. Will having the S.P.I.R.I.T. team so close open up a world of evil that they aren't prepared for? Can a member of a different unit help spread some light on the subject? Join Anna, Blake, Will, and his team in a fight against a stronger malevolent presence than anyone ever expected

PublisherDawn Gray
Release dateJan 18, 2013
Malevolent Gateway (S.P.I.R.I.T. 2): S.P.I.R.I.T, #2

Dawn Gray

I grew up in Vermont and for years have been occupied with my own worlds and creating my own characters. The entire seven book Vampire Legacy series is published and available here, based largely in New London/Waterford, CT these books follow a clan of vampires through their history with mortals. S.P.I.R.I.T has evolved to a three book series so far, and Raven and Before the Moon Rise are also stand-alone novels. The Arcane follows the adventure of a traveler on a road trip from hell and The Pack trilogy is just the beginning of a wild new ride for the Summerford children, members of the largest Pack in Massachusetts.

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    Book preview

    Malevolent Gateway (S.P.I.R.I.T. 2) - Dawn Gray

    Chapter 1


    You know you are completely delusional! the tall, green-eyed young man announced as he walked up behind Anna.

    She rolled her eyes and turned to look at the blond-haired heir to a local grocery store chain who stood behind her in the hall of the school. Anna sighed and continued to gather her books out of the locker, glancing at the people around them.

    And please, oh wise one, enlighten this delusional being. Shutting the locker door, she faced him completely and leaned against the cold metal.

    You know damn well what I'm talking about. Anna turned and the two of them headed off towards the science room at the end of the hall. You snuck out again last night and went up to the graveyard alone!

    She turned quickly and looked at him with wide eyes. Irritation swept across her face, his dreams needed to stay out of her business. Jesus, Blake, really? Could you be a little nosier and spy on me some more? Yes I went to the graveyard, alone, in the middle of the night. Big deal, I do it all the time.

    And what did you see? Blake looked around at the classmates that surrounded them as they slipped into their seats. They were lab partners and today was dissection day in class. Anna also glanced around, watching the glares she was getting from different people in the room.


    Blake was stunned. He sat back on the chair and looked down at his books, unable to find the words to speak. Instead, he slowly reached over and took her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze before quickly letting go when the teacher entered the room.

    As Ms. Harter rambled on about what to do with the formaldehyde frog before them, Blake kept a close eye on Anna. When her eyes slowly drifted closed, Blake gave her a bump with his elbow against her arm, which caused her to sit up straight and look at him.

    Tell me about Taylor, he whispered as they proceeded to cut into the cold slimy flesh of the frog.

    Well, he's a sexy deadhead with see-through limbs and grey, lifeless eyes. So sensual. Anna laughed, trying to cut through the darkness that was hovering above her. What's to tell? He's dead. Blake rolled his eyes and pinned the flaps down on the board, exposing the guts of the amphibian. He called me out there.

    From your house? Across town? She glanced up at him. Staring him right in the eyes, she nodded. You shouldn't have gone alone. Taylor isn't the most reliable, or known to keep his calm.

    Ghosts can't hurt me, Blake. Anna sighed and shook her head.

    I know that, but the loonies in the middle of the night-the human kind-can, he stated. She put her head on his shoulder and batted her eyes.

    Why, Blake Trenton, I didn't know you cared so much about little ole' me, she said in her best southern drawl. Blake couldn't help but laugh at her antics.

    Why, Miss Neuville, I'm surprised you hadn't noticed. I'm sweet on ya, he answered back with a husky John Wayne voice. She nearly choked on her own laughter and she sat back before glancing at him. Now, seriously, what happened?

    He said it was going to happen again ... soon. Why would he warn me about this one?

    Blake put down the small tweezers and shrugged. No clue, but next time could you call me before you go venturing out into the dark of night to a graveyard miles from your house?

    That's a ten-four big daddy. He shook his head. Yeah, sure.

    She turned back to the grey internal parts of the animal before her.

    Present Day

    Slowly Anna drove the Jeep past the small bog claiming the side of the road. She watched specks of light dance over the muddy pit and sighed. Evidence of near misses and head on trips into the murky water were evident on the road, though cleaning crews had tried their best to paint over the tire tracks that littered the pavement.

    She didn't hear anything, refused to see much, and crossed herself as she passed by. This was not the place to be sightseeing, even in the middle of the day. Quickly she sped off, leaving the marsh in her rearview mirror.

    As she entered town, slowly coming around the bend, she could see the Lakeside and the Mason hotels. Also, a gas station, meat shop, and hardware store ... not much had changed in Burke Flats. As she drove to the very center of town, four buildings away from the hardware store, she noticed the lack of energy. Something in town was not right.

    She made a right and turned onto the bridge, which led towards the lake road that hid Blake's house. It was an old, blue Victorian style house; set just over the knoll, but overlooking the lake that sat in the middle of the town. The one thing that Burke Flats wasn't was flat. There were rolling hills, and fast moving streams and rivers in every crevice of the town's boundaries.

    She parked the Jeep and sighed when the door to the house opened and a tall, dirty blond man stood in the doorway. Noticing the worried look on his face, she waved before she stepped out and made her way towards him.

    Blake hugged her tightly. Her childhood friend was the only one who had ever understood the strange feelings she endured all her life, and the only one who knew of the intriguing visits with the local ghosts in the area.

    How was your trip? Blake questioned, inviting her into his home. Anna smiled as best she could and made herself at home on the couch. That good, huh?

    It was overly exciting, as usual. She looked around the room and took in the decor of the beautiful old home. You know, a couple bright colors might do you some good. This wallpaper looks like it's straight out of the 1920's, and it makes you look as pale as a ghost.

    Ha ha, Neuville, wanna stop with the humor? Blake smiled and glanced around. It is out of the 20's. How the hell did you know that? She shrugged as he headed for the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. Never mind, I don't want to know what's creeping around my house.

    I passed the marsh on the way in, what's going on? Blake was used to her questions and he shook his head while he dried his hands off, before placing the towel on the sink.

    There has been another accident. He spoke sadly, all the humor drained from his voice. And this time, it caught the attention of someone I'm not sure needs to be involved.

    Another accident? she whispered, shaking her head. Why would Skyler call me and tell me to come home if there has been an accident I can't do anything about?

    Skyler called you? I thought Angela called from the chamber. Closing his eyes, he leaned forward. How could Skyler call you? It's been ... God ... almost twenty-two years; ghosts don't pick up phones and start dialing numbers.

    You said Angela tried to call, maybe Skyler picked up on that energy and followed the line. I don't know. What I do know is that a message from one of our best friends was left on my answering machine, a message that I'm not sure what to do about. Now can you just tell me who is here that is not supposed to be and why I was called home?

    Blake stood up and gestured to the den where his computer screen reflected blue against the darkness of the room. This way.

    Anna followed without a word and watched as he turned the screen in her direction. It was a file, one that held the names and pictures of military men. She didn't understand what he was showing her until she looked at the name on the screen.

    Special Paranormal Investigative Research and Intelligence Team? she whispered to herself, then shrugged and looked up at Blake. Paranormal?

    Apparently the military is being sent in to investigate the marshlands.

    They can't do that, she argued and Blake sighed. They don't know what they are getting into with this one. No wonder Skyler called, this is a big mistake.

    I know, he answered, and ran down the list of men on the screen.

    Who was the kid?

    Travis Dalton. Troy Marine was driving, he's still in the hospital. The two back seat passengers, Mackenzie Hanks and Devin Walburg, didn't make it. Travis was the only one the marsh took. Blake shrugged and watched the sadness come over her face.

    Poor kid, I can't imagine what he saw.

    That's what these boys are here to do. He kissed her on the forehead as Blake left the room to grab something to drink. At least they will give me something to look at in this boring little town.

    Anna stopped scanning the pictures and names, and studied one with sandy hair and hazel eyes. Her focus seemed to stick with this one and she shivered as she stared.

    That makes two of us.


    The knock on the window came late in the night, closer to midnight than Anna would have liked. But as she flipped on the light, pulled back the curtains, and stared at Blake's tearful, red swollen eyes, she knew that something bad had happened.

    With not even so much as a squeak, the window slid open and Blake's tall form slipped through. He sat on the bed, hugging himself as he shook, staring up at her with bloodshot green eyes. Tell me, Anna whispered, her voice sounding distant.

    They were coming home from Burlington. She had just finished the neurological appointment she had, the one to determine what-if anything-was wrong with her hearing. It was foggy when they started down the marsh road into town. His voice quivered as he spoke and Anna gently took his hand, holding it tight as he struggled to continue. Officer Start said that the car hit something, something that had to be as big as a truck and solid as a wall. The front end was caved in, like it just crumpled upon impact. They aren't ruling out a moose, either. The car flipped, landed in the Marsh, began to sink.

    And Skyler? Anna whispered as her own eyes began to water.

    They said she got out of the car, there was no evidence of her being thrown out. They said she must have sunk into the mud; that it could have taken over quickly because she was nowhere to be found. The marsh took her. They are dragging it now, but we know what they will find, or in this case won't, find. Blake watched as Anna began to shake. He felt the grip on his hand tighten and slowly she backed away. Taylor was right, and he told you because it was going to be someone you knew.

    There isn't a way to stop this, Blake. She shook her head. That marsh will keep taking people until we find out why, but who the hell knows the legend of a 192-year-old ghost story? Better yet, who will be willing to tell us about it? The town dates back 214 years with the old town.

    I don't know, Anna, I don't know. He wrapped his arms around her tightly when all of the strength gave out on her knees. Together they sat down on the floor in her bedroom, mourning the loss of a friend.


    Chapter 2

    His fingers tapped on the scratched oak countertop, waiting for the office manager to come back with his keys and any communications left for him and his team, but she was taking forever. He had been in Burke Flats for only twenty-four hours and already was starting to feel the pull on his nerves, not to mention the strange things he was starting to see. Things that were literally coming out of the woodwork.

    First Lieutenant William Stiles never liked being so close to any hot spot. Something in Burke Flats wasn't just hot, it was steaming, especially out by the marsh. He had yet to find anyone that could help in anyway, except for the town officials who said that the library and all records were open to them. Unfortunately most of those records held little merit.

    He wasn't sure why he was in town. He would have thought with a problem like this they would have been called in a hell of a lot sooner, but it wasn't until this latest accident that anyone was contacted.

    Will was a strong-headed lifer; there was no way he was getting out of the service anytime soon. He had entered straight from high school and moved up the ranks quickly, gaining a college education and taking command in Iraq several times. He had a Master's in Homeland Security and a Bachelor's in Strategic Leadership.

    Outside, six of his best men stood around the three black SUVs that sat in the parking lot of the Lakeside hotel. They were all dressed in civilian clothing and chatting amongst themselves as the residents of the small Vermont town gave them odd looks. As he studied his team, he was lost in the strange feeling of being close to a magnet. His mind and body felt drawn to a spot outside the hotel, just past the cars, to a small gas station.

    At five-foot-eleven inches, he found he had to push up onto his toes to get a look past the SUVs, and saw two people step out of a blue Jeep. Where was that lady? He really needed to get over there and find out what was causing this strange sensation.

    Just as he thought it, the tall blonde appeared, handing him three keys and a stack of pink slips with coded messages on each. He smiled at her, as she smacked her gum and grinned back. Quickly he walked out the door. With one hand he stuffed the slips in his pocket, and with the other he tossed the keys to his next in command, Sergeant Harry Evers. It only took a glance for the two to exchange communications and Will made his way up over the small embankment that separated the parking lots towards the store.

    Excuse me! he shouted.

    The two people who had exited the car were now standing outside. One was a tall, dirty-blond man with green eyes who gave him a strange look. The second was a dark-haired woman, not more than five-foot tall, who turned quickly and watched him approach. He nodded to them both as he stopped and stared.

    Forgive me, but I think I need your help, he said confidently.

    He could feel the magnetic pull towards the woman every time he glanced at her, and even then, he could feel it when he looked away. It was as if every part of him was drawn to her, and his heart skipped as he looked back at her.

    I think you need more than our help, Lieutenant, the man replied, glancing at his partner. What you are doing over at the marsh is a very dangerous thing.

    Who are you? How do you know who I am? Will questioned and watched as the man smiled, took a sip of his coffee, and glanced at his companion.

    My name is Blake Trenton. The man stepped down towards him and extended his hand. This is Anna Neuville, and you are stepping into some deep shit territory.

    You didn't answer my question, the lieutenant replied quietly, shaking the firm hand of the man in front of him. Who are you?

    We don't have titles like you, Lieutenant. We're just normal people with abnormal gifts, the woman answered, but made no move to come any closer to him. Is there a place we can talk?

    I have a room, Will said, his voice choking up as he glanced at her, the pull becoming increasingly uncomfortable. She smiled at him, and then at Blake, who grinned also. I mean, we can talk in my room, its private. Again he caught himself, his face flushing with embarrassment. I mean ...

    It's all right, Mr. Stiles, I understand what you meant, Anna replied, saving him from his own words. Lead the way.

    The three of them walked quickly over to the hotel, where Will shot Harry a look as he stepped past them to the first floor door. Lucky number thirteen graced the entranceway as the door opened silently and they stepped in.

    It was cozy, a little warmer than the chilled New England air outside, and Will gestured to the table in the corner. Blake sat, and Will watched as Anna moved around the room, smiling at different things. She reached out and ran her small fingers along the edges of the mirror, then touched them against the reflective surface.

    So, Mr. Stiles, what makes you believe that you need our help? Blake questioned.

    Let's just say that I have a sense about things, about people, and I've been searching the town for someone who might shed some light on a little mystery that my soldiers and I are currently trying to solve. Can you tell me what you know? he asked, still locked on her movements.

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