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Father Gander's Naughty Tales - II
Father Gander's Naughty Tales - II
Father Gander's Naughty Tales - II
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Father Gander's Naughty Tales - II

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The Naughty, but true stories of Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, The Beauty and the Beast, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarves...

PublisherBaron LeSade
Release dateJan 18, 2013
Father Gander's Naughty Tales - II

Baron LeSade

Howdy, I'm a Texan by birth and a Nevadan an accident of fate. Retired after twenty-eight years in the USAF and now live on a horse ranch just outside of Reno, Nevada. I used to write for literotica, but decided I might as well write for myself as it was a lot more profitable....

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    Father Gander's Naughty Tales - II - Baron LeSade

    Father Gander’s Naughty Tales – II

    Published by Baron LeSade at Smashwords

    Copyright 2012 Baron LeSade

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    All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. No responsibility or liability is assumed or accepted by the author for any claimed financial losses and/or damages sustained to persons from the use of the information used in this publication, personal or otherwise, either directly or indirectly. While every effort has been made to ensure reliability and accuracy of the information within, all liability, negligence or otherwise, from any misuse or abuse of the operation of any methods, strategies, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein, is the sole responsibility of the reader. By reading past this point you are accepting these terms and conditions and acknowledging that you are eighteen years of age or older.

    Table of Contents

    Little Red Riding Hood

    Sleeping Beauty

    Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

    Beauty and the Beast



    Once upon a time there was a little girl who was adored by everyone. She lived alone with her mother in a house on the edge of a big wood. Well, to tell the truth, she wasn’t a little girl anymore, being that she had reached the mature age of eighteen. And her femininely attributes definitely ruled out the usage of little, but for the sake of the story, we’ll continue to call her Little Red Riding Hood.

    Her father, Wolfgang, was quite a rogue, it seems and always had his hands or dick in the wrong places. And alas, Red’s mother had caught him once too often and kicked him out of the house. Now he now lived alone in the city where he worked.

    But the person who loved this little girl most in the entire world was her father’s mother, Maa Ma, as Red affectionately called her. Now Maa Ma loved the little girl so much, that every year, she made for her, a beautiful red cape with a hood. The little girl loved the capes so much that she wore one of them all the time. And that is one version of how she became to be known as Little Red Riding Hood.

    Now over time, Little Red grew into quite the buxom little teenager with a nice bosom that had blossomed into quite a handful.

    Back to the story, one day, Little Red Riding Hood's mother said to her, Little Red Riding Hood, your Maa Ma called and said she isn’t feeling well. Would you please take her some cookies and soup that I have made for her? I know it will make her feel better to see you.

    Oh, certainly, said Little Red Riding Hood, taking the basket with the soup and cookies and setting off for her Maa Ma’s house.

    Now as Little Red Riding Hood was walking along the path towards her Maa Ma's house she spotted some flowers growing beside it.

    Coincidentally, at the same time and unknown to Little Red, it just so happened that her father was returning from his job in the city and coming down another path nearby. He had been working in the city for a month and was coming back to visit his mother. He could hardly wait to get home to see his mother. It seemed that Wolfgang was not only diddling the neighborhood women in the city, but he also had a little thing going on with his matronly mother. It had been a long time since he had gotten any pussy and he was quite horny, his big, hard cock was aching as he thought about his mother at home waiting for him. She was a horny old goat, too, and they would probably end up fucking all night, he smirked to himself as he trudged along.

    Smiling in anticipation of a night in bed with her, he laughed and said to himself, They don’t call me a motherfucker for nothing.

    As he walked along rubbing his monster cock through his pants, he lecherously thought of how he was going to put it in his mother’s hot, wet cunt. Just then, he spotted Little Red Riding Hood coming down the converging path. Seeing who it was, he wanted to surprise her and ducked behind a tree to hide. As he stood hiding behind the tree waiting for her, he suddenly realized how much she had grown. Her once budding breasts now completely filled the bodice of her red dress, thrusting out nice and firm.

    Oh, these would be nice for Maa Ma, he heard Red Riding Hood say as she put down the basket, knelt and began picking the flowers.

    As she did, her blouse billowed open to reveal two big, firm titties any woman would have been proud of, much less a girl of eighteen.

    Gawking down her blouse at the pretties, her father was surprised to see how large her breasts were. He had never seen breasts so lovely. They were the breasts of a young woman now, soft and quivering heavily as she gathered the flowers.

    Now a strange feeling came over him. He had never lusted after young girls, but his daughter was the most beautiful young woman he had ever seen.

    Just then, Little Red Riding Hood spied another patch of flowers and turned to pick them. As she did, she bent over and her father now had a view of her delightful, tight, little derriere, outlined under her clinging short, red skirt. And as he watched, a gust of wind came out of nowhere and flipped her short skirt up revealing her smooth, round ass. And to his amazement, the little darling wasn’t wearing any panties.

    Her father thought he was going to faint and his cock did a flip-flop, threatening to erupt at any second.

    Oh, God, what a beautiful ass, her father thought to himself. God what I wouldn’t give to slide my Big Bad Wolf into that tight little asshole.

    Now Little Red didn’t know it, but it was common knowledge among most of the women that lived in the woods (including her Maa Ma), that Red’s father had the biggest, meanest cock in all the woods. In fact, since her father’s name was Wolfgang, all the women called his cock the Big, Bad Wolf. And as I said earlier, it was because of the Big Bad Wolf that he and Little Red’s mother had parted ways. It seemed that her dad just couldn’t keep the Big Bad Wolf in his pants and Little Red’s mother had caught him using it one time too often on one of the neighbor ladies. But that is another story for another time.

    Now Red’s father was drooling as he watched from his hiding place behind the tree. Suddenly, he had an idea. Reaching down into his pants, he jerked out his huge prick that was now as hard as a foot long slab of granite. Then, just as he was about to sneak up behind Little Red, he heard some woodcutters cutting down trees nearby and he thought he’d better not try anything.

    So begrudgingly, he stuffed his giant cock back into his pants and sneaked out of from behind the tree to greet Red Riding Hood.

    Good day, Red, and what are you doing out here in the woods all by yourself? he asked his daughter. Haven’t you heard of the Big Bad Wolf who prowls the woods?

    Oh! Daddy, you startled me, Little Red laughed, standing up giving her father a little hug. "I'm picking some flowers to take to Maa Ma’s. Mommy said she wasn’t feeling well. And I’m not afraid of any Big

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