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The Voice
The Voice
The Voice
Ebook25 pages12 minutes

The Voice

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Peggy Sue is on her way home in her new Mustang when she is pulled over for speeding. When she sees the trooper is a man, she deftly unbuttons her blouse down to the third button to give him an eyeful and hopefully convince him to just give her a warning. It works, but later on, she has to pay the price...

PublisherBaron LeSade
Release dateJan 22, 2013
The Voice

Baron LeSade

Howdy, I'm a Texan by birth and a Nevadan an accident of fate. Retired after twenty-eight years in the USAF and now live on a horse ranch just outside of Reno, Nevada. I used to write for literotica, but decided I might as well write for myself as it was a lot more profitable....

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    The Voice - Baron LeSade

    The Voice

    Published by Baron LeSade at Smashwords

    Copyright 2013 Baron LeSade

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    The Voice

    Letting the wind blow through her long, coffee-colored hair, Peggy Sue kept her foot on the

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