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Tales From Camelot Series 5: Royals
Tales From Camelot Series 5: Royals
Tales From Camelot Series 5: Royals
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Tales From Camelot Series 5: Royals

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Prince Lohot. Princess Ursulet. Princess Vivien. Prince Gawain. Prince Percival. Prince Mordred. Willow. Alana and Susan. Bray and Cadmon and Edwina. Kids these days. What are you going to do?

PublisherPaul Green
Release dateJan 22, 2013
Tales From Camelot Series 5: Royals

Paul Green

Winner of the 1927 Pulitzer Prize for Drama, Paul Green (1894-1981) taught philosophy and drama at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He was a native of Harnett County, North Carolina.

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    Tales From Camelot Series 5 - Paul Green

    Tales From Camelot Series • Book Five


    paul green

    Table of Contents

    Cover Page

    Title Page

    Copyright Notice

    Tales From Camelot Series

    Reader Recommendation


    Cover Page

    From the author ...

    ~ Of Lords and Nobles ~

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    ~ Currents & Ways ~

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    ~ Tidings of Comfort and Joy ~

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    ~ One Summer Day ~

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Chapter 38

    Chapter 39

    ~ Ghosts ~

    Chapter 41

    Chapter 42

    Chapter 43

    Chapter 44

    Chapter 45

    Chapter 46

    Chapter 47

    Chapter 48

    ~ A Day in the Life of Anna ~

    ~ Coming of Age ~

    Chapter 51

    Chapter 52

    Chapter 53

    Chapter 54

    Chapter 55

    Chapter 56

    Chapter 57

    Chapter 58

    Chapter 59

    ~ The Play's the Thing ~

    Chapter 61

    Chapter 62

    Chapter 63

    Chapter 64

    Chapter 65

    Chapter 66

    Chapter 67

    Chapter 68

    Chapter 69

    Chapter 70

    Chapter 71

    ~ Comes a Pale Horse ~

    Chapter 73

    Chapter 74

    Chapter 75

    Chapter 76

    Chapter 77



    Tales From Camelot Series

    Second Chance Series

    About the Author . . .

    Copyright Notice

    Copyright 2012 Paul Green All Rights Reserved.

    First Printing: October 2012

    Second Printing: April 2013

    Printed in the United States of America. No part of this work may be used or reproduced, transmitted, stored or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, tapping, Web distribution, information networks or information storage and retrieval systems, or in any manner whatsoever without the express written approval of the author, except by reviewers who may quote brief excerpts in connection with a review.

    For further information, contact

    United States laws and regulations are public domain and not subject to copyright. Any unauthorized copying, reproduction, translation, or distribution of any part of this material without permission by the author is prohibited and against the law.

    Tales From Camelot Series

    Part One (2012)

    Book 1: PENDRAGON

    Book 2: CAMELOT

    Book 3: CHAMPION

    Book 4: SORCERESS

    Part Two (2013)

    Book 5: ROYALS

    Book 6: EXCALIBUR

    Book 7: CURSED

    Book 8: LADY

    Part Three (2014)

    Book 9: WARLORD

    Book 10: MIRROR

    Book 11: WYVERN

    Book 12: QUEST

    Grand Finale (2014)

    Book 13: LEGEND

    For further information contact

    Reader Recommendation

    Due to the unique subject matter, this series will appeal to a very broad audience: teen to elderly, male and female alike.

    Although some parts may be considered to be too intense for pre-teen or younger readers. Ages 13 and up recommended.


    Special thanks to all my reviewers. Your input has been invaluable.

    Thank you to my son Christopher for his help in designing the covers.

    And extra special thanks to the One who gave me the desire to write.

    From the author ...

    As the title implies, this book is about the kids.

    Granted the primary focus of this series will always be upon Arthur and Guinevere, as they are the centerpiece figures; the King and Queen on the chessboard world of Camelot. The adults will certainly be here as well, but for this time around, it's mostly about the kids.

    This particular book will also be unique in the series in other ways as well. It will cover a broader range of time. Fifteen years will pass from cover to cover, before we reach the next major round of events to begin taking place in Camelot; beginning with the next Book 5: EXCALIBUR. But first, it's the job of this book to get us there. It will have to set the stage for what is coming; not unlike how PENDRAGON set the stage for the first 4 books. Part One not only established the kingdom but also brought about the re-uniting of Arthur's family. That was what Book 1 had to set up.

    This book, will have to do the same thing. Except this time, it will not only be setting the stage for Part Two, but for Part Three as well. Which in all actuality, while it may at times read easy, it actually made this a very complex book to write. Many things will take place in this book. So many things in fact, that towards the end there is a chapter which will help review all the things which took place.

    This is also a transition book, in that it will take us through several years of peace, following the initial establishment of Arthur's collective kingdom.

    This actually initially began as a series of short stories, chronicling various different events that occurred during the growing up years of the children. Except that it didn't really work out very well. It was too hard to keep the book confined to a series of independent short stories. So I am breaking some rules here in this one. It will be more of a hybrid book. Short stories ... longer stories ... interwoven with various independent subjects and events, and even diary entries by George to help fill in the gaps. It won't read like a standard straight-line novel, but at the same time it will carry a straight-line course. As if that makes any sense. In other words, this one will be ... different. Right, like that's a new thing for me.

    But rest assured, it was written to be a great story and hard to put down from page one. Fun and entertaining, gripping and heartwarming, blood and guts and love and wonder, excitement and adventure and all sorts of Arthurian goodness.

    You will meet some very important new characters, besides just the kids, who will be important and intrinsic not only to this book but to the rest of the series as well. For as I mentioned, this book is the building blocks and the blueprint for what happens from here on out, all the way to the very end. Many questions will be raised, and many of them won't be answered until later. But at least you will have some idea of where we are going. By the time you reach the end cover of this book, you will have better understanding of the book covers for the rest of the series. And hopefully, greater anticipation as well.

    I will also mention that Books 5 and 6 are something of a two-parter. EXCALIBUR will pick up right where ROYALS leaves off. There will not be any Reader's Notes at the end of the this one; they will be saved for the next one.

    Oh, one last thing. When you get to the middle section entitled One Summer Day, you might want to allow yourself some time to read it all the way through in one sitting. It's a fun section and I dare you to put it down partway.

    As I said at the beginning, this one is mostly about the kids. And maybe even a little bit about the biggest kid of them all: Arthur.

    Kids these days. What are you going to do?

    ~ Of Lords and Nobles ~

    It has been said immortality can be reached through one's children.

    If that is so, immortality shall indeed be achieved through these children.

    -Adrien the Historian, 505 A.D.

    Chapter 1

    In the early light of dawn, the High King of House Pendragon began to rouse from a much needed night of peaceful and restful sleep. As the first warm rays of spring sunshine fell upon his face, Arthur opened his eyes to see his beautiful wife still asleep. In between them were their two sleeping children; their 13 month old toddler son Prince Lohot, and their brand new, three week old baby daughter, Princess Ursulet.

    Lohot had brown hair and brown eyes like his father, and his facial features seemed to favor Gwen.

    The infant Ursulet, however, was the mirror image of her mother. She had the same beautiful dark eyes and her hair was so black it almost seemed blue; especially as the early morning sun's rays fell upon her. Just like her mother, when the sun hit it just right, her hair appeared to be more blue than black.

    As he watched them sleeping, Arthur sighed in blissful and thankful wonder at the beautiful family he had been so greatly blessed with.

    Then ... Arthur sensed something. Something ... was in their room. A presence.

    No ... it was not just some 'thing' ... it was several things. Arthur could feel eyes bearing down upon him from behind.

    Slowly ... Arthur turned his head to the side.

    Until he saw what he had felt burning into the back of his head.

    Three pairs of eyes.

    Belonging to three children.

    The three children happened to belong to the Battlemaster General, Sir Bors. Bray was the firstborn son at 6 years of age. Cadmon was their secondborn son and was 5. And Edwina, their thirdborn daughter, who was 4.

    It was an early Saturday morning; the beginning of week's end. And the three children of Bors and Deorwynn were simply standing there ... beside the royal bed ... in the private royal bedchambers of the High King, the most powerful man in the nation.

    Can you come out and play? Bray asked Arthur.

    Like his father Bors, Bray had brown eyes and dark brown hair which was now shoulder length, and he was already quite tall for a six-year-old. His younger brother Cadmon also had the same brown eyes and lighter brown hair. Edwina, the four-year-old, shared her mother's light blonde hair and light complexion with hazel eyes.

    Now, the common hairstyle of the day for both boys and men was shoulder-length or a little longer, usually tied back or braided during Knight Training to keep it out of their eyes. Arthur's hair varied in length over the years, in that when he was younger, he preferred it a shorter; but as he grew older and began growing a beard, he now wore his hair longer; generally shoulder-length as all the other men.

    Women always wore their hair long, typically to their mid-back. Gwen and Ursulet, of course, wore their hair to waist length or sometimes even longer; a common preference of Shira's daughters. You would never see a woman with short hair in the 5th century. Even shoulder-length for a woman was rare, for it too closely resembled a man's hairstyle.

    Some men wore their hair very long; such as Lancelot's long dark brown hair which reached to the middle of his back. He had found that women in general seemed to like that. Sir Lot also wore his hair long, because that's how Anna liked it. His hair had been long when she first met him as a little girl, and ... well ... that's how she liked it, still.

    Arthur smiled at the three visiting children. How did you kids get in here? Does Bors know where you are?

    He is still sleeping with Mother. answered Edwina. Father told us it was okay to come over because he wanted to sleep with her some more.

    Uh huh. Arthur grinned. I am sure that he does. So, you decided to come all the way up here to visit me?

    You promised to take us hunting for lizards today. said Cadmon.

    So I did. Arthur chuckled, looking at Edwina. I promised your brothers. Am I to assume you wish to join us as well?

    Do I have to hold them? Edwina asked.

    No, you may just look at them if you prefer.

    I do not mind touching them, but I do not want to hold one.

    Gwen began to also awaken. Arthur? she yawned. Do not forget the Royal Proclamation at noon. Hello, children. Gwen smiled, rubbing her eyes. What a surprise to see you ... here ... now ... and so early.

    Hello, Queen Gwen. they all three answered in unison.

    No, said Arthur, I have not forgotten about the Proclamation of our new Princess. I shall be there, bathed and dressed on time. Arthur grinned and leaned over and kissed his wife. Good morning, your Majesty. Did you sleep well?

    Gwen nodded as she yawned again and then lazily began playing with Ursulet's hair. I did. She only awoke once for feeding; can you believe it?

    I know. It took Lohot months to finally sleep through the night. He was always hungry. Speaking of which... Arthur turned back to the three children. Have you kids eaten First Meal?

    Yes, Arthur. answered Bray. Cook was already up; and Alfred, too. They fed us. And Darnell and Luella, also.

    What!? So early!? The sun has only just come up!

    They are always up early. said Edwina. Ever since they became married, we always see them up before anyone else.

    Gwen smiled. That is because they like being together. Alfred enjoys helping Cook in the kitchen for First Meal and Darnell and Luella enjoy working together in the gardens.

    They have been really happy since they became married. noted Edwina. Darnell is always whistling, even while he is cleaning. And Alfred is always smiling.

    Yes, sweetie. Gwen replied, maintaining her smile. There seems to be an awful lot of happy people in Camelot these days.

    Arthur sat up in bed and pointed towards the doors. Now, children; if you do not mind, leave our room so that I might rise and put on some clothes. I shall meet you downstairs, grab a bite to eat, and then we shall be off to the woods for our amazing lizard hunting adventure.

    Will we really be having an adventure!? exclaimed Bray, excitedly.

    Why of course! Arthur grinned. I can smell the adventure already, can't you?

    The two boys grinned and turned to leave. But Edwina stayed and stepped closer to the bed.

    Uh ... Edwina? Arthur asked, pulling the sheets up closer to better cover himself.

    But Edwina wasn't looking at Arthur, she was more interested in seeing the baby. Is the Princess sleeping? Edwina asked, curiously.

    Yes. Gwen smiled. And we should probably let her sleep. You can see Ursulet later this afternoon after her Royal Proclamation, and after your ... uh ... lizard hunting. You will be sure to wash your hands, won't you?

    Yes, Queen Gwen. Mother says I must always wash before I touch the Princess.

    That is a good rule, Edwina.

    Arthur grinned. And what about the Prince? Did your mother not also say to wash before touching Lohot?


    Arthur raised his eyebrow.

    Gwen laughed. I think Deorwynn believes boys are supposed to get dirty. At least that is what she has told me.

    Uh huh. Arthur chuckled, looking down at Lohot. And are you saying to me, your Majesty, that you are actually going to allow our son to get dirty?

    Never. Gwen smiled, leaning over to kiss Lohot's brow. My son shall never know the meaning of dirt.

    Oh? And how are you going to prevent that, my love?

    Lohot is a High Prince. He is the Crown Prince of House Pendragon. A High Prince does not get dirty.

    You do not really believe that, do you?

    I can pretend, can I not?

    Arthur laughed and nodded. Very well, your Majesty; pretend all you want. But Lohot has already begun taking his first steps. Soon he shall be running and playing outdoors and getting dirty and bloody and bringing you frogs; mark my words.

    Gwen shivered; and brushed Lohot's bangs out of his sleeping eyes. Can he not remain at this age for the rest of his life?

    Arthur smiled as he looked at the three children who were still in the room. And he sighed. I remember when each of you were born. I held each one of you in my arms. You need to stop growing up. Consider that as a command of the High King.

    Bray and Cadmon both grinned and clapped their fists to their chests. Four-year-old Edwina smiled and curtsied.

    Arthur sighed again as the three children turned to leave the room. After they were gone, he looked back at Gwen shaking his head. She just curtsied. Did you see that?

    I saw. Gwen smiled. Deorwynn has been teaching her.

    But ... she curtsied! Little Edwina! They are not supposed to grow up that fast!

    I know. Gwen sighed sadly, looking at Lohot. I remember when Lohot was newly born. Now look at him; he is nearly a year old already.

    Arthur rose up out of bed and began dressing himself. Well at least none of the other kids can walk, yet. Alana, Vivien, Gawain, Percival, Mordred...

    No... corrected Gwen. George said Alana took her first steps the other day.

    Really? I did not know that. Alana can walk already? At eleven months of age?

    I know! Can you believe it?

    Just think, Gwen ... one year ago, there were no children. Now, the castle is filled with children!

    Gwen laughed. You know who else is excited? Alfred.

    Arthur grinned as he sat down to pull on his boots. You mean schooling. I know he is looking forward to a class filled with many royal students. They shall not be starting their education for at least three more years, but already Cook says he is re-arranging the seating and preparing his lessons. Oh, yes; there is no doubt how excited Alfred is.

    Arthur, be careful out there in the woods with the children.

    I shall be careful to always keep my eye on them. I shall leave here with three children, and I shall return with three children.

    Gwen gave Arthur the look. It is not the children I am worried about.

    Huh? What?

    Gwen sighed. Honestly, Arthur Pendragon; sometimes I think you are the biggest child of them all. Try not to do anything foolish or foolhardy. Or dangerous. I expect you all to come back in one piece. And do try to remember you are the High King.

    My Queen! Arthur grinned. I am mortified and appalled that you would think such ill of me.

    Arthur, I am not jesting. You need to set a good example for Deorwynn's children. They all look up to you, you know.

    I shall be on my best behavior, your Majesty. Arthur said, standing to his feet with a flourishing bow.

    And do not forget about our daughter's Royal Proclamation. It shall be the first time the people shall see Princess Ursulet. I wish to leave them with a good impression.

    It is at noon, right?

    Yes, Arthur. Please do not be late like you were at Lohot's Proclamation.

    That was not my fault!

    It was not your fault you became stuck high up in a tree?

    I was chased by a wild boar!

    Ugh. Gwen replied, putting her head in her hands. Arthur, are you sure it is safe for the children to be in the woods?

    It is only the local woods, Gwen; it is not the Great Forest. A man on horseback can ride through the woods in an hour. It is not large enough to house large wild beasts.

    Are you sure there are no wolves?

    No, Gwen; we have been over this. There are neither wolves nor wild boar in the woods. The largest animals we can expect to see might be a fox or a hedgehog. I assure you, the children and I shall be quite safe.

    You promise you shall not be late for Ursulet's Proclamation?

    Arthur smiled and leaned over the bed, and kissed his sleeping three week old baby daughter on the head. Then he kissed his sleeping son Lohot on the head. Then he kissed Gwen on the lips. I shall not do anything foolish, your Majesty. I shall return Bray and Cadmon and Edwina safely and all in one piece, and we shall have lots of lizards to show for our efforts.

    Do not bring them into the castle, Arthur. The last time one of those things got loose you about gave Cook a heart attack.

    No, no. Arthur chuckled. I learned my lesson. It was six months ago and my ears are still burning from her rebuke.

    And do not forget Mother and Father are also coming from Cameliard for Ursulet's Proclamation. Everyone shall be there.

    I know, Gwen. I know how important this day is. I shall return in time to bathe and be present for our daughter's official presentation to the world.

    Thank you, Arthur. This means a lot to me.

    Will you be wearing the royal colors, like you did at Lohot's Proclamation?

    Yes, Arthur.

    Arthur grinned. I have never forgotten that day. You looked beautiful in red and black, my Queen.

    Thank you, my King. You looked handsome, yourself.

    Will you also be wearing that crown, again; that Merlin gave you?

    It is called a diadem, Husband. And yes; just as last time for Lohot, for such a special occasion as this we shall be dressed in our finest. Why do you ask?

    Uh ... uh ...

    Gwen groaned. Oh no. Arthur, do you know where your crown is?

    Uh ... no.

    How could you lose your crown!?

    Arthur snapped his fingers. Oh, wait! I remember where I put it! You remember that family of dormice that Frederick found on the roof?

    Oh, Arthur; you didn't!

    They spend half their lives hibernating! They needed a place to sleep!

    Arthur! You gave your crown to a family of mice!?

    I can clean it off! It shall be as good as new.

    Arthur Pendragon, I want you to march up there right now and get your crown and give it to Darnell so that he can clean it!


    Yes, Arthur; BEFORE you go on your lizard hunt.

    Sigh. Oh, all right. But what can I give the dormice to hibernate in?

    Ask Cook; I am sure she can find something in the kitchen. Something that is NOT made out of SOLID GOLD!

    Gwen, you are not angry with me, are you?

    Arthur Pendragon, you have RATS living in your crown! The royal crown of the High King of Pretania! How could you be so frivolous with something so important and valuable!?

    They are not rats! They are dormice! They have golden brown fur and big round ears with big black beady eyes and their feet and toes are this pinky color...


    Fine, fine. I will go and get the crown and give it to Darnell.

    Do you really have to lizard hunting today? Of all days?

    I promised the kids. And a promise is a promise.

    Okay, but make sure you keep your promise to me, as well. Do not forget about the Proclamation.

    Arthur smiled and sat back down upon the bed. Gwen? Are you nervous about today?

    Gwen nodded and looked down at the sleeping baby. I confess, I am. Do you think the people will like her?

    Of course they will! They will love her! Just like they love you!

    Gwen shook her head. This day is not about me, Arthur. This day is about Ursulet. And it is important for more reasons than one.

    I know, I know. Once she is presented to the world ... she ... she ... Arthur stopped and groaned. Oh, I cannot even say it!

    Gwen smiled at Arthur, tenderly. Then I shall say it for you. Once our daughter is presented, she becomes available for suitors. Do not be surprised if offers of marriage are made this very day."

    Arthur shook his head. I am NOT accepting offers of marriage this day. I am not even entertaining the THOUGHT of offers! They may look upon our beautiful daughter, but that is all. I do not care who it is or how much money they offer or what kingdoms might be united in the process, I am not giving our daughter away to any man. Ever.

    Gwen laughed. You sound like George. She cannot bear the thought of her daughters ever getting married, either. But you know, this is our way, Husband. If a suitor makes an offer...

    I know, I know; I shall not be rude. I shall very graciously say 'no, thank you'. And if they persist? Only then shall I cut off their head.

    You may wish to involve Grandfather. Gwen smiled. After all, he has been arranging his daughter's marriages for centuries.

    Arthur chuckled. Merlin planned for you and I to be together, didn't he?

    Of course he did. And he arranged and planned for my mother and father as well. I think Grandfather has done very well in this area, do you not think so?

    Once more Arthur leaned over and kissed Gwen. He arranged for Anice to be with Leodegrance, and he arranged for you to be with me. Yes, I would say Merlin seems to know what he is doing. I shall definitely seek his counsel and assistance, when the time comes for Ursulet. Which ... I remind you ... shall not be for another 15 years at the very least. We need not concern ourselves with her meeting the right man before that time.

    What about Lot and Anna? Gwen countered.

    What about them?

    Did not Chaverim arrange for Lot and Anna to be together, when she was but a small child?

    You mean when Lot found her as Morgause at four years of age, after she ate the poisonous mushrooms?

    Because Chaverim led him to her. Even though Morgause had a difficult life growing up, Chaverim was still watching out for her, even then. It was clearly his intention for them to be together, for it was Chaverim who initially sowed the seeds.

    But Anna and Lot had to make their own choices. Chaverim could not make their choices for them.

    True. But the One knew the day would come. And he knew they would need each other. And that they were right for each other.

    Arthur nodded. I suppose in that regard ... their marriage was indeed then arranged ... when Anna was only four years old.

    And Morgan, too. Gwen smiled. Do not forget, it was Accolon who pulled Morgan up from the hole in the ground and rescued her when she was only seven years of age.

    Really? Arthur asked in surprise. You think Chaverim had something to do with that, as well?

    Absolutely I do. Chaverim also had a hand in bringing you and I together, when I was only seven years of age.

    Huh? How do you figure that? I did not meet you face to face until you were fourteen years of age.

    It was Chaverim who led Grandfather and I to visit the market on the day when we first met little Morgan.

    When you first gave her that wooden dove as a gift.

    Yes. And thus at that time, the first seeds were also planted for us to meet, Husband. For it was because of Morgan's desire to later on seek me out, that we were introduced. Just as the seeds were planted with Morgan and Accolon. Just as the seeds were planted with Anna and Lot. Just as the seeds were planted with Elaine and Geraint. And just as Chaverim was instrumental in reuniting Uther and Igraine with the help of Bors.

    You really believe Chaverim is in control of everything, don't you?

    Of course I do. He is Chaverim. The One guides us in all things. He even guides Grandfather and Kemuel.

    Arthur nodded and rose to his feet. Well ... if the One guided all of us to be together ... and he is guiding Merlin ... then who better can I entrust my daughter to? Very well, my love and my Queen. Just as Leodegrance once entrusted you to Merlin in arranging for us to be together, I shall likewise consult Merlin on the matter of our daughter, and ask him to have a hand helping to arrange for our daughter's future.

    Thank you, Husband. This gives me great peace knowing that our daughter shall be in the right hands.

    Arthur smiled at her. Yes, I could not be in more agreement with you, Wife. And what of our son?

    You know it is for the man to choose a wife. But I hope and pray our son shall also look to the One for guidance, and not seek to make his choices based upon his own merit or understanding. A man cannot see his own future or outcome. What might seem right to a man today, could prove to be wrong tomorrow. Better to trust the One who sees all things, including our tomorrows.

    Wisely spoken, wife. Now if you shall excuse me, I must go and retrieve my crown from a nest of mice, and then we shall be off for our great lizard hunting expedition and adventure. Maybe we shall find a dragon!

    Gwen laughed. I thought you said there is nothing larger than a fox or a hedgehog in the woods.

    You never know what we might find! Wish me luck!

    Gwen gave him one last happy and wistful smile. Arthur?


    I love you. I love you so very much.

    I love you too, my Queen. I shall see you at the Proclamation.

    Gwen arched her eyebrow at him. I had better see you before the Proclamation. Be sure to allow yourself plenty of time to clean up and bathe and dress appropriately.

    Arthur bowed before his Queen. As you command, my Queen. I shall be there on time, and I shall be washed and dressed. And I shall return with three children. Unless I lose them, of course.


    Arthur chuckled, blew Gwen a final kiss, and then turned on his heels and left.

    *** *** ***

    After he was gone, Gwen turned her head to see Chaverim perched in the window sill. Will you keep an eye on him? And make sure he gets back on time? It is Ursulet's Royal Proclamation, you know.


    Chapter 2

    Dear Diary.

    Okay, so where was I? Sorry, it's been a while since my last entry. It's been a little hectic since all the babies were born. As I'm looking over my notes ... dang, it really has been awhile. Can we say ... it's been a whole year!?

    Seriously, I had no idea how time-consuming being a mother can be. And when I say mother, I don't just mean the mother of one. Yes, that's right. Not long after my daughter Alana was born, Julian and I were blessed to discover I was pregnant once more. As I am writing this, I am now holding in my arms my newly born second daughter.

    And Susan? I know you and Ben are someday going to be reading this, so ... guess what? I've named her after you. After all, you were the one who got Julian and I together in the first place.

    Lady Alana of House Dupré is now 11 months old, and Lady Susan of House Dupré is two weeks old. And Lord Julian couldn't be more proud. Little Alana takes more after me with the brown hair and brown eyes, and my new baby Susan looks more like Julian, with his blonde hair and blue eyes.

    Last month Gwen gave birth to Princess Ursulet. And I'll tell you right now, that little doll is gorgeous; right down to the same blue-black hair and Gwen's dark almond eyes and delicate porcelain-doll features. Oh yeah, there's not gonna be a male in Camelot who won't be lining up for that little girl, lemme tell ya. And I have no doubt that a certain Knight named Lancelot will be at the front of that line. And ... never mind, I don't want to go there.

    As for Prince Lohot, he's a little over a year old now and walking, and man does that kid have a ton of energy. Thanks to Anna, he's the perfect picture of health and he is all over the place! That little mini-Arthur is gonna be a handful, we can already tell.

    All the kids are healthy, and everyone is doing fine. Poor Morgan, though. I'll never forget when Mordred was born. She had a very rough time in her delivery. In fact ... we almost lost her. With her being so small and all ... well ... that was a terrible, awful time for everyone. For a week it was touch and go. But our amazing Master Physician managed to pull another miracle out of his hat and Morgan somehow survived. Unfortunately, she won't be able to have any more kids. Morgan was really sad about that for a while. Our hearts go out to them, to be sure. But at the same time, we are extremely grateful we still have Morgan with us. It's been six months and she's doing much, much better and for the most part is back to her smiling and happy self. And she and Accolon both consider themselves blessed to have at least been given the gift of a son, and they count their blessings every day. That little Morgan ... she still blows me away how appreciative she is of every little thing. She's been an amazing influence on me, I have to admit. You'll be surprised to hear I rarely complain any more. I mean, how can I? After all this family has been through? My respect for Arthur's family mounts with each passing season.

    As for Felice, she comes and goes. She has responsibilities overseeing the nation of women in the northern highlands, but she will come back to us for a month or two at a time to learn more of our ways. She is very fascinated with the whole concept of one woman with one man, and she takes back what she learns to her people. They don't seem to be in a hurry to change their society ways, but they are at least open to hearing what Felice has to say. And they no longer hold men against their wills; they are free to come and go. Interestingly enough, of the 1200 villages, a large majority of the men have chosen to remain. Idiots. I think the defining moment for their society will likely and eventually come when Gwen, the 'Queen of All Women' as they've named her, feels comfortable about taking her first trip up there. But the timing isn't right with all the new babies. Perhaps in a couple years or so, she and I will be ready to make the trek, along with Shira and Eddi. Until then, Felice is learning plenty from us each time she comes down to stay with us. And yes, she still likes Julian. Sigh.

    Then there is Bedivere and his recently found, 13-year-old daughter Willow; the daughter of Wren. Who in a couple of months will be 14. Besides being quite an 'educational' experience for them both, it's also been a rather enlightening experience for them. Still a work in progress, however. I confess it's kinda interesting watching those two trying to figure each other out. It's also not uncommon for it to be rather entertaining. Bedivere is learning a bit about being a father. It's been good for him. I have to admit though, I feel sorry for the first male who comes along and takes an interest in Willow. I'm fairly certain Bedivere is already planning to behead the poor fool.

    Willow and I have also been spending a lot of time together and we've become great and close friends. Which is kinda strange, since she's my actual ancestor, 1600 years removed. She seems to be having an especially hard time adjusting to our 'ways'; something I can kinda relate to. She misses her friends from up north and she's still not especially comfortable being around so many men and life in Camelot is very, very different from where she grew up. In the women-only villages of the northern highlands, there was only one grown man allowed per village, and the man was rarely allowed to roam around outside of the 'common house' as they call it. Once young boys reach puberty, they were considered dangerous and would be shipped off to offshore traders. It's a strange way to grow up, but it's all Willow has ever known. Life outside the northern villages has been an eye-opening experience for her, to be sure. But she and I have been kinda adopting an almost mother-daughter relationship and she's sort of attached herself to me. It's been good for both of us.

    I have talked at length with Kemuel and Eddi about Willow and her Protector mother, Wren. Of course, Willow never knew her mother, for she was given away as an infant; nevertheless, Willow is still from the Protector line. In most cases, the gift of Protector typically begins manifesting itself around puberty. It is Kemuel's firm belief that Willow should have already begun showing signs of Protector abilities by now, if she was supposed to be one. But because I came back, perhaps the 'powers-that-be' have decided that Willow doesn't need to be gifted in that way. Only time will tell. Eddi is taking more of a 'wait and see' attitude.

    I will say this, however - the kid seems to be a natural with the bow and arrow. I mean ... SERIOUSLY good. She's a sharp-shooter, much better than any man around here. The first time she picked up a longbow, she hit that target dead center. I don't think she has missed since; not even at distances. She's like me, in that she can pick up a weapon and by instinct, master it almost instantly. I haven't let her near my guns, yet; I keep those locked away. Julian says if I'm going to adjust to 5th century life, then I need to limit myself to 5th century weapons. Maybe he's right. Or maybe I'm just saving them for someone special. Someone like ... Fallow. Deep down I know we haven't seen the last of that creep. Anyway, Willow also seems to like knives and keeps two or three on her at all times. Although she's never had a huge interest in swords; her primary interest seems to be the bow, and you will never see her walking around Camelot without her longbow and quiver of arrows strapped to her back.

    Willow is a little introvertish however, as I suspect the poor kid is still going through culture shock. Did I mention she's not comfortable being around men? About the only men Willow will carry on a conversation with is Julian and her father Bedivere. She's still not that comfortable with others, even around Arthur. Part of it, I think, is her personality; she simply isn't much of a conversationalist and tends to keep to herself. As far as her relationships with women go, well, Willow took an instant liking to Gwen, and Gwen to her. And Queen Anice, too, for that matter. Like that was any surprise. There is definitely a bond there, no question. Between Willow's impressive archery skills and her instant connection with Gwen and Anice, I have to wonder if Willow isn't beginning to show some early 'Protector' signs.

    Oh, I think I hear Susan crying; she's probably hungry. Better call it quits for today, Diary.

    Until next time,


    Chapter 3

    Just as Arthur reached the bottom of the staircase, he was surprised to hear a knock at the front castle doors. With a shrug, he turned and opened the door, wondering who might be calling at such an early hour. Arthur was again surprised to see three strangely dressed men who were obviously foreigners.

    Uh ... hello? Arthur said in greeting. Welcome to Castle Camelot.

    Greetings from the land of Gaul. said the man in the middle, who seemed to be the spokesman. He was an older man, well into his middle sixties; with gray hair and blue eyes.

    Uh ... Gaul? said Arthur. I have not heard of this land. Arthur thought to himself for a moment, and just as the man was about to answer, Alfred walked out from the kitchen. You are from Gaul!? Alfred exclaimed.

    Indeed I am. The foreigner replied. I have come a long distance.

    Arthur looked at Alfred. Where is Gaul?

    Alfred crossed his arms and scowled at Arthur. You should know, your Majesty. We covered the history of Gaul in great detail during your seventh year of schooling.

    Arthur grinned. Uh ... uh ... perhaps I was ... uh ... daydreaming that day.

    Alfred snorted.

    Now it was the foreigner's turn to look at Arthur in surprise. Did he just refer to you as ... 'your Majesty'!?

    Oh! Arthur replied. Forgive me; where are my manners? Yes, I am Arthur Pendragon. And you are...

    I am Minister Talbot of Gaul. You are ... the High King of Pretania!?

    I am. Actually, I cannot stay long, I was just about to go lizard hunting.


    Uh ... I mean ... lizard capturing; we do not actually kill them. I hope this will not take long. Others are anxiously waiting upon me as we are about to leave on our ... uh ... quest.

    A quest of hunting ... lizards?

    Uh ... something like that.

    Uh... the Minister of Gaul stammered in astonishment.

    Gaul is in Western Europe, your Majesty. Alfred began to explain to Arthur, switching into teacher-mode. We studied the nation of Gaul at full length when we were reading the histories of Herodotus and Josephus. The Gauls were descended from Gomer, the grandson of Noah. The Greek and Latin names for Gaul are ultimately derived from the Celtic ethnic or tribal names Keltoi and Galatai. Their language is Celtic, quite similar to our own; albeit with a different accent and inflections; as we can obviously hear in the voice of these men.

    Where is Gaul, again? Arthur asked.

    France. Came a voice from behind them, as two more people walked out of the kitchen. It was George and Julian. George was carrying baby Susan and Julian was carrying little Alana who was fast asleep. France. Julian repeated with a wide grin. I should know; I am a Frenchman. At least ... France is what we call it in my day. Nowadays, you refer to it as Gaul.

    What are you two doing up so early? Arthur asked. It is week's end!

    George gave him a smirk. We have kids, your Majesty. Everybody gets up early these days.

    Your girls do not look awake to me. noted Arthur.

    They're asleep now. As if that makes any sense.

    They woke you up early? Arthur grinned.

    Yup. Then once they woke up mommy and daddy, they decided to go back to sleep.

    Arthur chuckled and then turned back to his visitors. So, Minister Talbot from the land of Gaul, what brings you to Pretania? Is there something I can do for you?

    Minister Talbot and his two accompanying sidekicks bowed towards Arthur. It is an honor to meet you, your Majesty. Although in truth, our purpose in coming, was not to see you ... exactly ... but to see two men who, according to our understanding, live here among your people in Camelot.

    Oh? And which two men might that be?

    The two men we seek, are named Bedivere and Lucan. Do you know of these men?

    Arthur nodded. Sure! Bedivere and Lucan are two of my best Knights. Bedivere is, in fact, Captain of my Knights. May I ask what business three men from Gaul have with two of my men?

    Of course, your Majesty. Talbot bowed, again. "We have brought news from their homeland.

    What!? Arthur exclaimed. Bedivere and Lucan are from Gaul!? Then Arthur looked at George. I thought Bedivere was from Sterlingshire in the north?"

    George shrugged. I know he spent many years there, but I have no idea where he was actually born. Or Lucan, for that matter.

    Arthur looked back at Talbot. Are you sure we are talking about the same people?

    Talbot nodded his head. Their mother had said this is where we would find them.

    What!? Their mother!? Bedivere and Lucan are brothers!? I did not know that!

    They may not know it either, your Majesty. replied Talbot. Though they shared the same mother, they had different fathers and were weaned in different households.

    Shared? said George. As in ... past tense?

    Yes. Talbot nodded. Their mother has only just recently passed away. Their two fathers passed away some years ago. It was their mother's dying wish to locate her two sons and let them know of their inheritance.

    What!? exclaimed Arthur. What inheritance?

    The step-father of Bedivere the older, was Chararic, King of the Salian Franks of Yssel. The step-father of Lucan the younger, was Ricchar, brother to Rigomer, King of the Franks of Le Mans. Together, they form House Nuestria of Gaul.

    George raised her eyebrow. Seriously? That means ... if Bedivere is the eldest of the two brothers ... then he is what? Lord Bedivere of House Nuestria?

    Yes. Talbot nodded. With the recent passing of their mother, Bedivere and Lucan have now inherited House Nuestria. Of which, Bedivere is by default, the new Lord. Including all land and entitlements and holdings.

    Wow. Julian replied, grinning at George. So Bedivere and Lucan are brothers, and Bedivere is now rich. Are you still opposed to our Alana marrying Bedivere?

    George rolled her eyes. Shut up, Julian. That was the furthest thing from my mind.

    How cool is that!? Julian chuckled. Bedivere is French! And he's the new Lord of Nuestria! Who knew!?

    They haven't invented France yet, you idiot.

    Okay, so he's ... Gaulic. Same difference.

    Actually... corrected Alfred, ...that would be Gallic.

    Thank you for pointing that out, Alfred. George smiled. Listen, Julian, why don't you run over and rouse up Bedivere and Lucan. I'll run upstairs and wake up Willow. Being Bedivere's daughter, she might find this little bit of news interesting, as well.

    Good idea. said Arthur. And you and Julian might also want to rouse Elaine and Geraint, and Darnell and Luella. After all, they are Bedivere's closest friends. In the meantime... Arthur opened the door wider. ...please, Minister Talbot; come inside. We can wait for Bedivere and Lucan in the Receiving Room.

    *** *** ***

    A short time later, Julian returned with Bedivere and Lucan, along with Elaine and

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