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Light the Fire
Light the Fire
Light the Fire
Ebook29 pages25 minutes

Light the Fire

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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Two years after the death of his lover at the hands of bigots, Kurt’s still not looking for another relationship, even though the big old house he bought with Raoul seems cold and empty these days. But there’s a perky kid at his gym who just won't take no for an answer.

Matt can tell there’s more to Kurt than just a great set of pecs. He’s drawn to the big guy’s caring, protective attitude as much as to his muscles. But when push comes to shove, can Matt show Kurt he’s not just a big mouth in a small package?

PublisherJMS Books LLC
Release dateJan 28, 2013
Light the Fire

JL Merrow

JL MERROW is that rare beast, an English person who refuses to drink tea. She read Natural Sciences at Cambridge, where she learned many things, chief amongst which was that she never wanted to see the inside of a lab ever again. Her one regret is that she never mastered the ability of punting one-handed whilst holding a glass of champagne.She writes across genres, with a preference for contemporary gay romance and mysteries, and is frequently accused of humour. Her novel Slam! won the 2013 Rainbow Award for Best LGBT Romantic Comedy, and her novella Muscling Through and novel Relief Valve were both EPIC Awards finalists.JL Merrow is a member of the Romantic Novelists’ Association, International Thriller Writers, Verulam Writers and the UK GLBTQ Fiction Meet organising team.Find JL Merrow online at:, on Twitter as @jlmerrow, and on Facebook at

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This was a quickie 40 pages, but pretty good. Something to read when you are trying to fall asleep and want something light that won't keep you awake.

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Light the Fire - JL Merrow

Light the Fire

By J.L. Merrow

Published by JMS Books LLC at Smashwords

Visit for more information.

Copyright 2013 J.L. Merrow

ISBN 9781611524567

For more titles by J.L. Merrow at Smashwords visit

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination and/or are used fictitiously, though reference may be made to actual historical events or existing locations. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Published in the United States of America.

* * * *

Light the Fire

By J.L. Merrow

Kurt sighed as the kid bounded up to him like a puppy, all floppy dark hair and enthusiasm.

Wow! You can press three hundred pounds? That's awesome! He was wearing a loose T-shirt that hung off his wide frame, like his bones had been growing and the rest of his body hadn't quite woken up to the fact.

You want something? Kurt grunted.

The kid beamed as wide as if Kurt had just complimented him on his blow job technique. "Would you spot me? Maybe show me a couple of techniques?

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