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Shadows Strike
Shadows Strike
Shadows Strike
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Shadows Strike

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About this ebook

Timothy Striker is one of the toughest police officers around. Both respected and feared for his knowledge, professionalism, no nonsense attitude and short temper, he is the man who always gets the job done, no matter the cost.

But now he faces a new threat. A serial killer has begun a campaign of terror, targeting newlywed couples for the seemingly motivationless acts.

Now with a Chief Inspector following his movements, A DCI looking to bust him for breaking the rules, a new partner on his heels and a personal battle in his head, will he lift the killers shadow, or will the kiss of death strike him first.

Release dateJan 28, 2013
Shadows Strike

John Ashley Lawless

John Ashley Lawless - By Name and By Nature South London born and raised with a passion for writing, this is the raw material, the starting point and all my early works. This is Genesis. I hope you enjoy reading the stories as much as I did writing them. Believe me I felt every up and down that the characters within did, and I hope you can join them on their journeys, finding sympathy, anger, love, lust, pain, sorrow and joy.

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    Book preview

    Shadows Strike - John Ashley Lawless

    Shadows Strike

    A John Ashley Lawless Book

    Copyright 2012 John Ashley Lawless

    All Rights Reserved

    Smashwords Edition

    *All Characters and Events In This Publication Are Fictitious. Any and All Resemblance to Real Events and Real Persons (Living or Dead) Is Purely Coincidental.*

    Written and Produced By John Ashley Lawless

    Cover Art Supplied ByErnie Fischhofer

    Proof Reading by John Ashley Lawless

    "Shadow Play" Copyright Ernie Fischhofer

    All artwork is subject to copyright by the respective owners

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents




    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2


    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Early Works

    The Life I Live

    The River Of Fire



    This book – my first ever published novel, is dedicated to my mother for all her support and advice over the years – no matter how much I decided to ignore it.

    Had it not been for her reading me my first bedtime stories, to conveying across her love of English (though her refusal since school to pick up and read a book – which will probably include this one), I might never have made it to where I am today.


    I would like to acknowledge the two photographers who have kindly lent their artwork to the cover of this book. Without them the book would have been a dull addition to a book case. They are:

    Ernie Fischhofer


    You can see more of his work on his flickr page, and I assure you it is stunning. Without him, I might never have got a cover for this book, and I never would have published.


    Nicholas had woken up with a start. It was 1.42am by the clock on his bedside table. He looked over and saw his new bride, lying peacefully on the other side of the bed. They had concluded their night of passion earlier, but he was now desperate to use the bathroom. As he stepped out of the room, something seemed different, and he sensed he was being watched. Moving to the top of the stairs, he saw the downstairs light on. I’m sure I switched that off? He was mumbling under his breath and concluded it was just jitters about being in a new house. He turned slowly and made his way towards the bathroom, and had just switched the light on, when his world went black.

    He came round groggily, his vision blurred like and out of focus camera and spinning like on a merry go round. He had a raging headache and could just about make out the blood on his dressing gown. It was then the realisation hit him, the house was being burgled. He struggled to stand up but he had been tied to a chair by heavy ropes that cut into his soft skin every time he struggled. Fear for his new wife overwhelmed his senses, and he hoped they had taken what they wanted and left. He hoped she had stayed asleep and not woken up. He hoped she was ok.

    A black clad figure appeared at the corner of his vision. Mr. Hawk. So glad you could join us this evening. I was wondering if I had ended the show without it truly starting. The voice was soft and feminine, a hint of perfume drifted from where the figure stood. She was wearing baggy black combat trousers, jumper and a black balaclava. He could just make out the wisps of red hair underneath it, but his vision was still dazed. Then his blood ran cold. Across the room he saw his new wife, tied to a similar chair, gagged and stripped naked, tears streaming down her face.

    Take what you want, whatever you want, just don’t harm her, please. His voice was full of desperation, despite his attempts to stay calm, but the black clad figure merely laughed, a small and teasing laugh, before coming close up to him and whispering in his ear. I have what I want. I have your lovely new wife where I want her, and I have you finally awake and watching. I hope you enjoy the show... Her voice had trailed off into another small laugh, though this one chilled him to the bone. It was not the sound of a sane person, but more the sound someone with cruel intentions would use to terrify their victims. It did the job perfectly in this case.

    He watched on in horror, hoping it was merely a bad dream,

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