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In the 47th Generation
In the 47th Generation
In the 47th Generation
Ebook336 pages4 hours

In the 47th Generation

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About this ebook

In the 47th Generation © 2013 by Steve Nelson.
A Scifi Action/Adventure story, (over 67,000 words), set nearly 1000 years in the distant future. The Earth has finally cleansed itself from the radioactivity and chemical pollutions of 20th Century man. Now nearly 1000 years later, Dan47 and his mate Kati47 are sent to the surface to see if life is once again possible there. Follow the adventures of Dan & Kati47 as they lead a hearty band of explorers to the surface, and as they explore their new world of the distant future, together.
This Scifi story is based on a Real Scientific paper by a Real MIT Scientist, Matthew Stein.
In the 47th Generation includes lots of exciting full color pics and drawings plus, as Historical Documents, the Real Scientific paper by Matthew Stein, plus the US Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, and The Bill of Rights.
So Buckle up! Get strapped in! And Get set for Adventure In the 47th Generation

PublisherSteve Nelson
Release dateJan 30, 2013
In the 47th Generation

Steve Nelson

Born in California while his Dad was in the Air Force, Steve Nelson is today a resident of North Ogden, Utah.He has worked for over 30 years at Business Ownership and in the Handyman/Maintenance field & also delivery. He is a H.S. Graduate.Steve has done many things in an attempt to make a decent income. Currently he drives a Very Dangerous 26' Box Truck, delivering Medical supplies, As Fast As Possible, and he writes eBooks!Steve has always wanted to find something that might really make an income so he could take real good care for his family, something that could sell and make him a good income no matter where he and his family moved to. And so, one of his earliest books became a reality; the Action/Adventure Science Fiction eBook; The Maintenance Engineer.The Maintenance Engineer was first published as a desktop paper version, with a lot of mistakes. In today's world, its nearly impossible for a new author to get published by a Real Legitimate publishing house, as there are a lot of 'Vanity" publishers out there willing to take your money and give you a lot of false promises.However Steve did extensive research, just like he does for every book he writes, and he soon found Smashwords. Steve has found that Smashwords is a most helpful site. A place where you can publish, (as an eBook), your work for FREE! And they even have a nifty invention called the, "Meat Grinder," which is a computer system that examines your work and points out changes that you need to make, and lets you make all the changes that you need, to make your work look really outstanding. Since his association with Smashwords, Steve has also found it amazing that a lot of people are too Lazy to follow Mr. Coker's easy advice in the Smashwords publication, (the FREE) 'Style Guide,' so that they can easily make their work professional and sell-able. "Oh well," says Steve, "If they won't make their work look good, I certainly will!"Also Steve has written several other books, and so, he began testing out the Smashwords system on all his creations.Not being fully computer literate he found it pretty tough to get it right the first time out, but after several attempts, Steve finally got the Smashwords system figured out and, in no particular order, he began publishing his other works with Smashwords in rapid fire sequence!In 2012 Steve published at Smashwords; ‘The Problem Eliminators!’ and ‘Escape from the ORDER!’ These two Action/Adventure somewhat Science Fiction eBooks are Great for Everyone!And then Steve produced, (as a FREE Public Service), ‘100+ Quotable Quotes By & About Dr. Ron Paul~ A Real Amer-I-Can!’ This FREE eBook now has almost 2000 downloads.Steve next tried his hand at children’s books. He wrote and published at Smashwords his first Children’s eBook; ‘Nibly the Bear~ Visits the People Town.’You see, Steve had visited Canada and even lived there for a summer, and wanted to write about the quaint little town of Nelson BC, and so, he made up the character of Nibly, to introduce the town to his readers.Sometime later a new idea entered Steve’s mind and he began research into a new book. New ideas really get Steve going! Many of Steve’s works are filled with lots of art & pics. Plus Steve does extensive research on each and every story that he produces. Steve has even produced models, and photographed them in fine Hollywood fashion for several of his eBooks here at Smashwords.Then, in January of 2013, Steve published right here at Smashwords his next Science Fiction eBook; ‘In the 47th Generation.’ This eBook is based on a Real scientific paper by a Real MIT scientist.The idea was simple, what would become of earth after all human life on the surface was killed off with the radiation and chemicals of 20th century man? What would earth look like after about 1000 years? What kinds of mutations might there be?In February of 2013 Steve again visited the quaint little town of Nelson BC with his favorite Bear, Nibly. This time in; ‘Nibly the Bear~ Gone Fish ‘in,’ In this Fun Children's eBook, Steve produced even more art work and scenic pics of the area.Then Steve produced another Freebee for helpful information to the general public; ‘The Deliberate Poisoning of Earth.’ Because Earth's poisoning of today is No accident! This FREE eBook may Shock You, and it should! (This eBook currently has almost 2000 downloads). *Also Steve is constantly improving his work, and from time to time he updates his eBooks for a better experience to the readers.In 2015, Steve produced another Fantastic Science Fiction novel of incredible significance to the modern era. This eBook; ‘The Creator’s Sentinel,’ is much more than just a retelling of the Creation story; it’s an Action/Adventure, a Love story, and a story of New faith in a world gone mad with greed and corruption.Steve sincerely hopes that all will enjoy; 'The Creator's Sentinel,' And Steve plans new adventures for NIBLY in the very near future, as well as other Fantastic works!Oh, and by the way, some of those first eBooks that Steve published here at Smashwords, such as; ‘The Problem Eliminators!’ & 'Escape From The Order!' Have gone through some major upgrades recently and they are Steve’s top selling eBooks! As has been said, Steve upgrades and improves almost everything, all the time!Steve likes to write stories so that they are easy for the reader to read. Steve doesn’t like boring and difficult stories himself. He likes to have fun and hopes that you do too!***New in 2020 is his Action/Adventure, Historical Fiction full length novel; The First Civilization of Earth. Look for it here at Smashwords.So buy an eBook Today! And Have a Real Nice Day!!

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    Book preview

    In the 47th Generation - Steve Nelson

    Additional interior cover art reprint

    In the 47th Generation

    By Steve Nelson

    With special Technical assistance provided by Shirley Ann Nelson


    This story is a work of fiction. It is suitable for young adults and up. Every Amer-I-Can should read this story! The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously. However the basis for this story is a Real Scientific Paper written by Matthew Stein of MIT. Real people are quoted in the text and elements that are factual are also listed as such in the Glossary Section following the story.

    In the 47th Generation Copyright © 2013 By Steve Nelson 041960.17 All Rights Reserved.

    Thank you for downloading this eBook. This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    I want to express my grateful thanks to my loving wife for all her kindness and support of me and my goofy ways. My children and family, for it is them that I write these stories.

    Also I’d like to thank, Mr. Matthew Stein of MIT, for his kind permission to re-print his Real Scientific Research paper as a treasured ‘Historic Document’ from the point of view of my fictional characters in this story.

    This story is based on that paper. I first read Mr. Steins paper at and thought gee whiz this is Terrific! What a great sci-fi story could be made from this.

    So also my grateful thanks goes out to Mr. Alex Jones of for he and his team, and in their tireless pursuit of Truth!

    And Col. James Bo Gritz, a Real Amer-I-Can! The man who awakened me from the Matrix of everyday life in AneriKa.

    All pics and or portions of photos & composites of the same used for accent in this story are Public Domain photos. Plus a lot of original models, pencil and CGI work of my own, more than I’ve ever done before.

    I wrote this story so you folks out there could have fun while you learn, as well as to make an income, which is my reasoning for all of my other fantastic stories found here at the great eBook site. Please look them up.

    Thank You, Steve Nelson

    You are now invited to go along with Dan47 & Kati47 and their hearty band of explorers, on a journey of discovery and adventure almost 1000 years into the future, when Planet Earth has finally cleansed itself from the radioactivity and chemical pollutions of 20th century man.

    What will they find?


    What will become of the human condition in the distant future?

    Find out Now; In the 47th Generation

    Have Fun!

    Table of Contents

    Prologue The very near future…

    Chapter 1 Thoughts & Notes on Leaving the Colony

    Chapter 2 Forward Motion

    Chapter 3 To the Surface

    Chapter 4 The Night

    Chapter 5 Days and Nights of Excitement and Discovery

    Chapter 6 Something in the Bush

    Chapter 7 Our Night Visitors & Others Revealed

    Chapter 8 Meanwhile back at the Ranch

    Chapter 9 Spectacular View Township

    Chapter 10 Eric and Connie Arrive

    Chapter 11 Meanwhile Far to the East and the North

    Chapter 12 Sudden Contact

    Chapter 13 The Best News Ever at Spectacular View

    Chapter 14 New Discovery & Danger

    Chapter 15 Meanwhile Far to the North

    Chapter 16 Exploring and Building in Every Direction

    Chapter 17 Our Lake Trip?

    Chapter 18 Further Developments at Spectacular View & Elsewhere

    Chapter 19 What a Surprise!

    Chapter 20 Summing Up My Final Thoughts

    Fun Glossary & Character List

    Historical Documents ~ The scientific research paper of Matthew Stein, a Graduate of (MIT); The US Constitution; The Declaration of Independence; and The Bill of Rights

    Other Books

    In the 47th Generation

    By Steve Nelson

    Prologue The very near future…

    Daniel and his friend Jim had been exploring this seemingly endless network of caverns for several days now. This activity is commonly known as Caving or Spelunking. They had descended through the maze at a steady pace, and by Daniels pocket instrument readings, they were now almost one half of a mile below the earth’s surface. This vast underground was located somewhere in the middle of the North American continent and it seemed to go on and on.

    It began from one small opening that his friend Jim had spotted. The opening remained small and almost inaccessible for quite some time, until it at last began to open up into larger and larger spaces. Then from one vast gradually sloping but nearly level cavern, they descended to another and another and another. Some caverns spread out this way and that, but always the network of natural tunnels led downward. Now the pair of friends had stopped as they had seen enough.

    The endless silence of this newest cavern was to the human mind like the impenetrable vacuum deep space. They stood still and listened to the silence as they played the beams of their lights all about the immensity of the space. They remained motionless, in absolute awe! This was probably the biggest cavern they had seen yet.

    You know Jim, said Daniel. One could think thoughts so loudly here!

    One sure could, said Jim. This silence is like a blank chalk board, just waiting for its first word or set of calculations to be written upon it. It’s incredible, so much silence, not a single sound of wind or insects or people or machines or anything!

    There hasn’t been a single spike on my Geiger Counter since the 400 foot level, said Daniel.

    And the mineral deposits down here just keep getting richer and richer as we go onward, said Jim.

    Then after a moment of silence while both young men were lost in their thoughts, Jim commented further; Notice the phosphorescence that has increased all about us?

    Yes, the glow all about us is almost enough that we don’t even need our lights down here, said Daniel.

    The men broke out some rations and began to eat as they sat on a natural outcropping of flat rock. They talked further of their shared dreams of the future and how they wished they could make the world above a better place. But the despair of the world above was so overwhelming. It was completely and utterly Paralyzing in its effect on the human psyche. Many people above exhibited these effects constantly in their daily lives. They went along to get along with every whim of the Elite and their Global Government Empire. There were few who even exhibited the smallest molecule of individuality or of independent thought and creativity. Anyone who expressed the slightest sign of these traits was ridiculed and labeled an Extremist, a radical, or a non-conformist and therefore, dangerous.

    Daniel kept coming to the same conclusion, and his friend Jim had to agree, the world above was so corrupt and headed for disaster, no one could stop it. No one! The corruption was rampant and deep seated in all walks of life. It had taken over everywhere; in the religion racket, business large and small, science, medicine and especially in the government, which controlled mainly the War racket. The world above would stop its self and soon enough.

    The constant mind controlled Manchurian Candidates were another thought that went through Daniels mind. The government was sending them out almost weekly now, to shoot up churches and school yards and any other gathering of people that they could get their sites on. It was stirring up the whole country to thoughts of rebellion and some even promoted total anarchy.

    Also the two friends thought, churches and schools were now only mere propaganda fronts for the government and the elites that supported them. The UN was threatening to step in and take over complete control of the country, and was even invited to do so by the political leaders, as they were more than eager to sell out the country, and the last hopes for freedom in the world.

    The existence of the mind controlled Manchurian Candidates had been revealed to the world way back as far as 1991, when a Green Beret Col. by the name of ‘Bo’ Gritz, had spoken of it in a talk. The talk had been recorded and thousands had then learned some of the inside secrets of the government, their plans and so on… Later, Daniel had heard the same talk on an old cassette tape, and thus he began his personal quest for more truthful knowledge.

    After a tour of duty in the Marines, Daniel attended MIT and got his degree in Mechanical Engineering. While he was there he formed his inner circle of like minded friends. Jim was one of those very close friends.

    Jim, you know my personal motto, the one that I learned when I did my time in the Marines. It’s what I have lived my personal life by ever since. I always Improvise in any situation, then Modify, and if need be Adapt. And then in one way or another I have always Overcome whatever problem I’ve ever faced. That way of thinking has served me well, along with the mental discipline that it fosters. Improvise, Modify, Adapt, Overcome were the words Daniel lived by.

    So I tell you my friend, continued Daniel, Katherine is scared, Very Scared indeed, as are the rest of our people. What with the daily shootings, the chemicals being sprayed into the atmosphere, the perverted genetic manipulation of the food supply only for evil, multiple surveillance cameras on every street corner, solar storms getting more intense, the list just goes on and on and on… We must get moving with our plan before it’s too late.

    Jim was nodding his head in agreement with everything that Daniel was saying. Both Friends had read the same research paper from one of their fellow graduate students at the prestigious MIT. (Now it is a Historical Document, reprinted in the back of this volume for the reader’s convenience). Both men knew what had to be done. Daniel with his expertise in Mechanical Engineering and leadership skills and Jim in Geology, along with their network of friends which all together spanned an incredible array other fields, could, working together, really make their plan a reality.

    Daniel brought up another subject. Jim, do you remember Ed Smith?

    Crazy Ed? The whiz kid from some nameless place in Russia? The one that was kicked out of the institute for unorthodox experiments? Jim asked, as Daniel was nodding his head in the affirmative.

    Let’s see now; What was his real name, or did we ever know? Jim asked further.

    Zinkov Dimitri Dinkof III, Daniel said in a matter of fact tone.

    Yeah! Jim said as he laughed, That’s him. No wonder he changed it. What do you want to talk about him for? asked Jim. Daniel only smiled and kept on nodding.

    Jim clicked his fingers and asked again, His suspended animation experiments on the Dean’s prize winning dog? The one that remained deader than a door nail after he froze it solid? Jim’s line of questioning went forward with a continuing chuckle and a bit of a grin on his face.

    Well he’s come a long way, said Daniel evenly, his thoughts distant and far away.

    Daniel paused and then said more seriously, He has continued his experiments on his own and I bumped into him just 2 weeks ago.

    Jim, said Daniel, He is really on to something. I believe he is worth bringing on our team. If he can perfect his system, I want to use it as a backup plan for our people.

    Whatever you say boss, Jim said as he acquiesced with a wave of his hand and a continuing smile on his face.

    Daniel turned about to stare at the immenseness around them as Jim went on talking with a different thought, one that he as a geologist was amazed by. You know my friend, with all of our troubles and our urgent needs; I think it has been a stroke of absolutely pure luck, or maybe even fate, that I found this small opening leading to this vast underground. The rock here is so incredibly geologically stable too. What do you say? Jim finally asked.

    Had it been a stroke of pure luck, or fate as Jim was speculating? Daniel thought of that and all of its implications. Jim had found the small opening to this vast underground, several months before while on one of his exploring trips that he periodically conducted. He conducted these exploring trips in pursuit of that elusive additional degree that he always wanted to get. The opening was so obscure no one else had ever discovered it. Jim had invited Daniel along on his next trip to this place, and here the two of them had made discoveries that astonished them both.

    No! Daniel said with an air of finalization in his voice. This place has been prepared for us! He stated with complete faith.

    As they sat on the rock and ate and thought, Daniels mind went over the requirements that a society living underground would have to follow. The limited space and the lack of sunlight were but a few of the obstacles to be overcome. Then there was the social order of the community, it would for the time being, have to be somewhat regimented.

    We may be underground for a very, very long time my friend, said Jim.

    Perhaps as much as 1000 years, Jim further stated in a near whisper that sounded like a shout in the quiet vast stillness of the cavern in which they sat. His voice though softly spoken, echoed for some time.

    Daniel heard his friend and his warning statement and he thought onward to the future and the things and the people he loved. Daniel loved the treasured founding documents of his country, The United States of America, the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights, and all of the Freedoms that those documents guaranteed. But living underground would put limits on everything, even those precious freedoms. They would simply have to find a way to cope and look forward to the day when the earth would be New and ready to receive human life again.

    Daniel also loved Katherine. She was the love of his life and he couldn’t bear to see her and any future they had together, ruined by the increasing violence, and the coming radioactive clouds of fallout that would soon blanket the earth. That New day, the dawn of a New earth and New freedom for his people, couldn’t come soon enough for Daniel.

    Daniel stated his concluding thoughts aloud for his friend to hear and record later in his journal.

    Let’s go back and get busy. This place is perfect for our plan, said Daniel. To echo one of the Greatest leaders of the past; This Is, The Right Place!

    1000 years later…

    Chapter 1 Thoughts & Notes on Leaving the Colony

    Oh My Gosh! Where do I begin? What is most important and what is least is hard to sort out. Perhaps as I relate ‘Our story’ to you the reader, whoever you may be, I will regress from time to time and let you in on the events of the past, as I have come to know them. Some of the details may be sketchy, but I’ll do the best that I can with what I know. And as our story progresses you can readily see how the past events relate to our story in our day.

    This Work Cycle is a big moment for us. I am so excited! I am Dan47. I have lived all of my mere 18 circles, here in our underground colony. Some of the others, our elders I mean to say, have lived so very long here in our colony; some as high as 300 to 500 Circles. The human life span has been greatly increased due to our advanced science and the purer foods we eat. Our foods are filled with the proper nutrients and vitamins necessary for happy fulfilling complete bodily health. Plus our air quality here in the colony is much better than the air that our founders had way back in the 20th & 21st centuries according to our records. But now as we are readied to leave, there is real electric excitement in the colony. It is our time of departure for me and my mate Kati47. Would the air on the surface be cleaner and healthier than it was in the past? This question and many others we would answer soon.

    Sitting here in the driver’s seat of our snow crawler, while I await our departure, I am using this time as final checks are made, and the umbilical lines are one by one detached from the crawler. To type away on the computer key board, the story of our adventures.

    The controlling instruments on panels all about me here in the cockpit are many and look very similar to aircraft control instruments that I have seen in old pictures. Many are lit from within and the lights of them change colors when they are activated. No, perhaps these instruments look more like those of a spacecraft? I have seen only old videos to compare them to. I almost feel that if I pushed the wrong button here or there, or pulled the wrong lever here and there, we might just take off like an aircraft, or a rocket.

    Forgive me if I rattle on from time to time, as I have so much info to put down for you. I am going to work really hard to get as many facts about us as straight as I can. Our story to some may therefore seem a little scatter brained, maybe not in the order that you’d like it, but I am recording it all the very best that I can just as it happens to all of us now, in the 47th Generation.

    It is not a problem for me to spend extra time doing this work of writing our story. Work is not a problem with me or for any of us. It is kind of the motto we live by in the colony. ‘Idle hands are the work area of the dark side,’ as the saying goes. Other older generations and others of the 47th Generation will be following us and I will try to get in a bit of their story as well. Our story I hope may help and inspire others far into the future. Even if the readers of our story just gain some entertainment along with a bit of useful knowledge, then I as your writer, will be satisfied. This may only be a first volume; I do not know for sure, we will have to see.

    We will be going where no human of our colony, of any of the generations still living, has gone before. Yes, we are going to the surface, the surface of the Earth. If we are successful, more of us from the 47th, 46th and possibly even the 45th generations will follow, then perhaps Daniel1 and his original followers who lie in suspended animation as well.

    Those of the older generations may need to wear eye lenses and stay out of the direct light of earth’s star as long as they choose to live on the surface, but Kati and I and all of us from later generations will probably be a lot more adaptable to the expected surface conditions.

    As of now, I have everything in readiness. I and many others have been working for many time periods to plan just exactly what we may need when we reach the surface. We think there may be a lot of snow and ice to contend with on the surface and our snow crawler is loaded and ready with enough provisions to last us several months, even an entire solar cycle if we stretch it some. If there are areas without the expected snow and ice, our crawler is very capable of operating on almost any kind of surface terrain. I have my personal gear ready and all packed, and I am anxious to see what is really up there! Kati is full of nervous excitement as are most everyone here in our subterranean world. Excitement for the many discoveries we may make and nervous because this is a big step we are taking. We are leaving the only home we have ever known.

    I am as I said, Dan47, and that means I am Dan of the 47th generation of Dan’s

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