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The Solitude Kidnappings
The Solitude Kidnappings
The Solitude Kidnappings
Ebook46 pages44 minutes

The Solitude Kidnappings

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Dana's world is turned upside down when two that she loves most are kidnapped and the ransom demands are nearly two million dollars. Dana's dear friends Fannie and Sharon, try to help her keep it together while also seeking answers to who could be behind the sinister plot. This is the 20th in the Amish Country Murder Mystery Series.

PublisherSaundra McKee
Release dateFeb 1, 2013
The Solitude Kidnappings

Saundra McKee

I am a retired educator. I taught in the public schools for 15 years and at the university level for 22 years. I love to travel the world. I enjoy politics, dogs, mysteries and water sports. I am a lay speaker in the United Methodist Church.

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    Book preview

    The Solitude Kidnappings - Saundra McKee

    The Solitude Kidnappings: 20th in the Amish Country Murder Mystery Series by Sandy McKee

    Published by Saundra McKee at Smashwords. Copyright 2013. Saundra McKee

    All characters and events in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. While some of the places mentioned actually exist, they are used in an entirely fictional manner.


    The new year has been full of ups but mostly downs for the aging Solitude sleuths, Dana, Sharon and Fannie. Dana was unable to accompany her husband Larry on a mission trip to the Philippines because of a torn ACL in her knee. She spent part of her time recuperating at Larry’s daughter Loren’s home in Naples, Florida. Then the daughter Dana gave up for adoption years before, also named Loren, sought her help in locating the murderer of her boyfriend. Sharon, after a several month separation from her philandering husband Bob, agreed to give him one more chance and is back in Solitude after living at her daughter’s home in South Carolina. Daniel, the teenaged boy and brother of Fannie’s granddaughter April’s husband was murdered. This pulled a reluctant Fannie into yet another criminal investigation. Just as things seem to be getting back to normal, a mysterious phone call threatens to destroy the peaceful existence that they all so desire in the tranquil village of Solitude, PA.

    Chapter 1

    A Monday in early April

    The three childhood friends were sitting around Dana’s kitchen table, munching on fresh blueberry muffins, drinking coffee and discussing the enjoyable week they’d just had at Donna Beam’s quilt shop taking weaving lessons. They were also speculating on the fact that Donna was dating the new Presbyterian minister.

    He has to be ten years younger than her, but she really looks good, gushed Sharon. Someone gave that girl a real make over. He’s not very good looking, reminds me of a scarecrow, but people say he’s a good preacher. He’s also doing a lot with hunger and natural disaster relief. I guess he lost his wife last spring. I hope it works out. Donna deserves some happiness.

    I’m thinking of attending the Presbyterian Church, confided Dana. I really don’t care for our new pastor. He’s to the right of Attila the Hun in his politics. We got into it over national health care the other day. I have no doubt that Jesus would want everyone to have good health care. He was all about healing the sick and helping the poor. What do you guys think?

    Sharon sighed, It’s going to cost us small business people a lot of money. I actually like Pastor Roberts. He’s warm and sincere and easy on the eyes. Dana, only a few people around here share your liberal views. What do you think, Fannie?

    Fannie usually tuned out when her friends gossiped or got into political debates. I can’t wait to start a new table runner on the loom, she smiled, happy to have a chance to change the subject. I think I’ll go with blues and greens.

    Dana was complimenting Fannie on how quickly she could set up her loom when a cell phone rang. Whose phone is that? asked Sharon. If it’s Bob, I’m not answering. He’s been smothering me with attention since I came home. I enjoy it to a point, but I need my space. Doesn’t he look good lately? We’ve both lost weight. Lots of exercise, if you catch my drift.

    Dana interrupted, It’s mine. I better get it. It might be Larry.

    Dana’s two closest friends saw her face go from rosy

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