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Martini Moon
Martini Moon
Martini Moon
Ebook265 pages4 hours

Martini Moon

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About this ebook

Martini Moon is the first in a series of vampire love stories. Human children are kidnapped by vampires who enslave the children, turning them into changers.

When the vampire is satisfied that the changer has served them well the changer is tested to see if they are worthy of becomming a full vampire.

Steve, now a grown man is getting ready to be tested. He has to lose something or someone that is most precious to him.

Steve's vampire trainer has chosen Lisa because she is a threat. Steve has to kill Lisa a human woman that he has fallen in love with.

Martini Moon takes us to that turning point whereby Steve has to choose between his own life or Lisa's.

Release dateFeb 4, 2013
Martini Moon

samijo skinner

SamiJo Skinner is a novelist, playwright, poet and e-book author. Her romance vampire series e-book, Martini Moon is published by Smashwords. Her latest project is a sequel to Martini Moon that will be published later this year.

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    Book preview

    Martini Moon - samijo skinner

    Chapter 1

    Have you ever been in love with a selfish, self centered egotistical guy who you thought initially to be charming, a talker and more? Well, that’s where I am right now. Eight months ago I met Steve at a bar, no harm in that, we had an instant attraction mixed with a coziness that said I know you already, like a hot chocolate drink on a cold night. We laughed shared jokes and drinks; both never sounded so funny or delicious lingering on the taste buds of my mind and palette.

    The most fun thing of all, we danced, it was wonderful to be held by him, I notice I use the word delicious often but that’s how I felt as though he was presented to me and served like a beautiful meal for me to sample and eat at my leisure. Anyhow back to the dancing, Steve wow, what a dancer to be held by him so strong yet sensual and sensitive, he talked me through the steps and I fell in time to the music and in love with his rhythm.

    We both had to work the next day, who else works on a Sunday unless you’re in the real estate business or the hospitality industry, the latter sounds fancy I work at a winery in Napa, California, and what I do for a living is pour wine, I keep those glasses flowing, minds filled with information on climate, type of grape, yield, throw in some chocolate for good measure tell the customers how to prepare meals with wine dinner paring in mind, you know the more they sample the better I sound, so for the first two rounds I don’t say too much, by the third I’m looking quite sexy to them or at least attractive and hey I’m still pouring, that’s when I start my purring and before they know it they’re on their way home with cases galore. What a way to go. It’s too bad I can’t set up a tip jar I would probably make more in tips than wages, you know how that is. Anyhow so now you are fully aware of how I pay my rent and other sort of miscellaneous bills that seem to know my name so well, as if I were famous and in neon all lit up and on my way.

    So, back to my nightmare also known as Steve. Mr. suave real estate broker working on location selling time shares and dreams to out of town folks looking to live the dream even if only for a weekend or ten days maximum. The resort is gorgeous you drive through the gates and they automatically close behind you, something strange happens, there is a strong pull on the obligatory strings to leave all problems and emotional stress behind. So after taking a long relaxing sigh you look around the resort which is surrounded by majestic redwoods, oaks, Madrone and Manzanita trees as exotic looking as their names imply.

    By now the dream searchers souls are soothed and typically Steve would greet them with a warm handshake and a glass of wine or martini, flavor of the month. The resort which bears the name Villa de los Madrones lovingly nicknamed by the staff as Villa of Mad Ones. Steve settles the newcomers and has an assistant to escort them on a complete tour of the grounds on a golf cart. There are three pools, hot tubs galore, massage rooms, therapies for every ache and pain, even for the ones you didn’t know you had. The ultimate spa treatment all wrapped up in exquisite luxury, eye candy down to the very last detail. With Steve’s charm and charisma and the resort’s magic spell no one left the resort without a much lighter bank account. So, that’s a little outline of Steve and my job description.

    I’ll now take you with me on a mental journey back to where and when Steve and I met back on the fateful September evening. I’d just finished work, a long, long shift I felt all sweaty and not so fresh smelling when my cell phone rang it was Sue. Do you want to go for a drink tonight? Not really. I explained my day to her and said. I need to take a shower and clear my head, can I call you later. I’ll tell you what, you go home and shower, freshen up and I’ll pick you up at eight. We’ll go to that cute new bar, you know the one with the dance floor off to the side and the outdoor patio, and they serve great burgers we can eat there too. OK I said. See you at eight. I continued my drive home listening to an old Enya CD and thinking a TV dinner and a DVD sounded more appealing, anyhow I let it go.

    Chapter 2

    I got home opened the front door to my rented town house, one of those compact spaced units, three rooms down and three up. I told myself that was all I needed space wise, high rent considering, but a great location. I put the key in the door and got a whiff of my sweaty armpit which was not appealing. I didn’t even bother to check my mail and just hurled my clothes off and got in the shower, all sudsy and smelling lovely made me feel better and the thought of Sue picking me up and going for a drink and a burger sounded great. I rinsed off, dried myself, spritzed my hair and decided to let it dry naturally while sitting on the deck and at the same time catch up on my mail, mostly bill of the month club. My hair is straight, dark and if I put some gel on just before its really dry, it looks pretty good, shiny and healthy looking, guys like my hair they say it shows off my blue eyes and freckles, I could live without the freckles and the reference to them.

    My thoughts ran to my closet and to the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe one of my favorite books as a kid, anyhow I would need an equal amount of imagination to pull out an outfit for tonight, Sue had a fabulous collection of clothes, all expensive, mine were all from outlet malls and well worn and most of it I was sick and tired of. There were a few things I still liked, but that wouldn’t work for this evening since it was now after seven and the dry cleaners closed at five thirty. So I’d have to make do with what I had.

    By now my hair was dry and I’d created a nice pile of garbage from my mail clippings, having dumped that off in a recycle bag, I padded off to my upstairs bedroom, opened the closet door and stared waiting for inspiration or something, nothing short of a miracle. Just like a magician pulling a white rabbit out of a black hat, I too did a bit of my own magic, I managed to pull together a black skirt, way too short my Mother would so often remind me, and a graphite colored satin blouse with three quarter length sleeves, a collar that I liked to stand up and leave a button or two undone to show my cleavage, not that I’m big busted, but the right bra certainly makes me look good, creates a nice illusion of having a big cleavage. Shoes, what shoes, I look for the shoes that I kicked off when I came through the door, having located same I picked them up and sniffed, no they wont work, all day on my feet and they were pretty smelly plus they needed a polish, back to the closet, I found a pair of black high heels that I hadn’t worn in ages because they gave me blisters, tonight they’d have to do. I gave them a couple of push up’s hoping to soften them a bit. Now to the underwear drawer, red or black that is the question, since my new red bra was in the laundry I decided on black panties to go with the black bra.

    I check my watch seven forty five wow I’d better throw this stuff on and do my face. I’ve gotten very good and quick at doing my make up, I’d treated myself to a makeover at a department store one rare Saturday when I was off from work, the woman taught me a lot of neat short cuts and tricks of the trade, of course I spent a months rent on all of the creams, removers, blushers and shadows I’d ever need, anyhow that’s how it felt, but right now the investment in me was going to pay off. I’d barely finished buttoning the blouse when the door bell rang, I flew down the stairs and let Sue in, wow she looked great, all silky and sexy in a dark blue dress her blond hair just gorgeous, but then I’ve never seen it looking a mess. Hey she said. You look great Thanks, so do you. With that out of the way, I ran around the house doing the last minute this and that. OK I said I’m ready.

    Chapter 3

    The evening air was still warm and inviting it felt as if something exciting could happen, an unexpected surprise or who knows what. A bit of a wicked thought crossed my mind as we were driving, to make some sort of reference to the blue dress, was it a Monica label or something equally as silly, fortunately I thought better of it and kept my big mouth shut. Sue drives a black BMW Z4 a very sexy car, I on the other hand cruise along in an old Jetta, if I were to sell it I’d borrow the phrasing from a used car salesperson, runs well, high mileage, great on gas, at least one of the statements is true, one out of three not bad. I turn to Sue. Have you seen the movie Descend? She thinks for a while, she’s probably going through a mental list of all the movies she uploads. No, who’s in it? What’s it about? I fill her in. Well it’s about a group of women cave explorers who find a parallel form of life living in the depths of the earth’s surface, a very exciting movie and very scary. Little by little the group of women starts to dwindle down and they disappear into the darkness. If you have claustrophobic tendencies don’t go. Wow! I didn’t know you liked that sort of movie, thought you couldn’t watch horror movies or scarry’s! Yes, that’s true. I said. However this sounded interesting, a group of women testing themselves against the elements, plus it was an eclectic group, all extremely brilliant in their own field, scientists and goodness knows what else, can’t remember, just a group of highly intelligent women, who explored underground for a living. Sue sort of squirmed. How smart can they be if that’s what they do for a living? Then she started laughing. And good luck to them, that’s the last thing I’d ever want to do. I was laughing at this point and started to tease her. I know your true reason is that you’d be away from a shoe store or your favorite boutiques; right? You’re so funny. She said shaking her head from side to side; and Give me a break.

    We drove the rest of the way listening to a Madonna CD, Sue cranked up the volume so that she couldn’t hear me sing along. After all that’s what friends are for. Sue changed gears took the exit off the freeway and screamed round the bend at triple the recommended speed. Oh well, she seems to know how to handle her toy. We hit the parking lot gravel on the high side and made our presence known, a blond and a brunette in a BMW Z a statement unto itself throw in the noisy gravel slippage and you’ve got a good Saturday night show underway. We laughed at the attention we were getting, hey who wouldn’t. A couple of guys who were sitting at the outside patio bar came over to us. Ladies are you getting out or are you planning on staying in your car for the evening? We’re getting out right now, and thanks for asking. I said. The better looking of the two bolted for Sue’s door, it’s always that way with us, I get second hand Jo. Usually they’re much nicer and far more considerate than the super good looking jerks she ends up with.

    My doorman, Peter opened the door and tried very hard to overt his gaze someplace other than the tops of my thighs, not easy getting out of Sue’s car, you’ve either got to say oh well and show everything you’ve got, or squirm around trying to make a foot skirt into a yard. You and I both know that never works. OK, I’m out of the car, thank you kind Sir. I say in a flirty, girly sort of way. Peter seemed ok with that. We go inside to cruise for a while, be seen and see who we may or may not know or want to know as the case may be. Sue is trying to give her doorman the elbow, she’s tired of him already; he seems kind of needy and a bit of a bore. Thank you. She says to him as sweetly as she can tolerate, we are meeting some friends so we’ll catch you later. Peter and whatever his name gave a quick look at one another and decided to go big game hunting else where, whatever their license was, either we were out of season or their licenses had expired.

    We sat at the bar on these gorgeous leather stools, mine felt like a perfect fit, custom made for my rear end, soft and cushiony yet firm and supportive. I tried to wiggle my skirt down a bit, but gave up. Tonight it would be what you see is what you get. Fred our handsome bartender put on our favorite smile for us, he looks so very handsome when he flashes his teeth. Hey how are you two lovely ladies tonight? We’re great Fred, and you? What’s new? He filled us in with the local gossip who was dating who, and who’d just split up. I was dying to interrupt, my mind was fuzzy and all I wanted was my favorite martini a cosmopolitan, Fred made the best Cosmo’s on the planet. Sue usually had a lemon drop with a sugar rim or sometimes a Godiva chocolate martini, now that’s so sweet, makes my hair curl just thinking about it. Finally Fred got the message and said what’s your pleasure tonight Lisa?

    That reminds me I don’t think I’d mentioned my name before, so that’s it Lisa. Fred, I’ll have one of your famous Cosmo’s please. Coming right up A typical Fred response. What’s your poison tonight Sue? Fred asked. I’ll have a Parisian. Fred and I looked at one another and both said together Ooh la la, we’re feeling fanciful tonight. Sue laughed and said she felt lucky. I asked her what she meant by that and she said. Look over your left shoulder and check out the stud walking in the door. I tried to look over my left shoulder as discreetly as possible. I was stiff in the neck and couldn’t rotate as much as I needed to in order to see the door, let alone who was coming through it. I squared back to face the bar, I figured I’d see him sooner or later ordering a drink at the bar. I sipped on my drink, it tasted wonderful and it was so nice to sit and be waited on, a role reversal for me and one that I really enjoyed. Some customers that visit the tasting room can be very rude and demanding, they think we are their paid slaves just waiting for them to walk through the door. I really believe that some of them miss the spit bucket intentionally, then we have to clean it up, however most people are nice and gracious, it’s always the rude ones that stand out in your mind.

    Anyhow enough of those thoughts, keep work out of my head, its Saturday night and I’m here to have some fun and relaxation. I looked over to Sue to say something; however her shoulders and back were facing me, her head revolved in the direction of the patio. I followed her directional gaze and that’s when I spotted Steve. Sue. I said Is that the gorgeous hunk you wanted me to see earlier? Yes she said. Where have you been? Sleeping in your Cosmo! No I replied. So, now what? One gorgeous guy and two women, from past experience I might as well just slip off my bar stool and go get a burger and cry softly into the bun, trying not to get it too soggy. Sue turned to me and whispered He’s coming over, stay cool Yeh right I said. Steve has a face and body of model quality, kind of a Calvin Klein kind of guy, square jaw, sandy blond hair, big blue eyes, disgustingly long eye lashes for a man, the sweetest lips surrounded by shadow that an electric razor missed or hadn’t been near in a few hours. I didn’t care, what I saw, I liked. I mean really liked. Steve smiled as he approached, we each had an empty stool next to us, he stood behind us and we both swiveled on our stools to face him or at least be sideways on to him. Hi, may I buy you two gals a drink he offered. Sue said Yes that would be delightful.

    I felt as though my tongue wouldn’t move in my mouth, it was sort of wooly and I thought if I say anything I’m going to stammer or drool or spit out my words and splash him, not a pretty sight. Sue said, Lisa, has the cat got your tongue? I could have throttled her, I just giggled to try and ease my self consciousness and the growing heat in my face. Steve noticed and smiled very tenderly, I’ll always remember that smile, I melted and actually felt much better, and my tongue seemed to shrink to a size much better suited for the size of my mouth. My cheeks no longer felt like I’d just stuck my head in the oven to check on the Sunday roast. Steve looked into my eyes and I felt relaxed and safe, he sort of scooped me up and made me feel good without a word spoken or a physical touch. It was beautiful, almost magical. I felt truly bewitched.

    I thanked him for the drink, thank goodness for Fred; he just mixed shook and poured without checking to see if I’d change my drink mid stream. Steve was very attentive to both Sue and I and of course Sue was all over him, she kept touching him pawing him, like a cat will paw it’s freshly caught prey. We chatted idly and Steve asked how the food was, Sue said Excellent. Would you care to join me on the outside patio for dinner? We both said We’d love to in harmonious chorus. I wasn’t sure where this was going, one guy two gals. I was wondering if this was his thing, some Saturday night kinky scene. If that were the case I’d say thanks but no thanks.

    We sat at one of those high tables with matching chairs, the evening still pleasant even though there were a few heat lamps around. I’m not sure they were really needed. We weren’t bothered by mosquitoes since there were several citronella candles burning, I haven’t made up my mind if I like that scent or if it’s annoying. Jury’s still out on that one. Steve said. So Lisa what do you do when you’re not sitting at the bar and looking very attractive? I replied. How do you mean, like how do I support my expensive lifestyle! Is it an expensive lifestyle? Steve asked. It is to me, yes definitely. Then I said If you mean where and what do I do for a living, I’m in the hospitality industry, pouring vino for a living. Keeping customers happy and all that good stuff. That’s an interesting business. Steve noted, and then he added Seems like the world and his wife have gotten into the grape growing business, we went from condos to cabs. Do you have a favorite wine? He asked. Yes I do, I really like pinot blanc. I smiled my answer directly into his eyes. Our eyes locked and it seemed as if we were in that pose for ever. I loved it. His eyes were speckled with flecks of copper and I traced the squiggly red lines until they faded, too faint for me to find. His pupils looked huge; heaven only knows what mine were doing.

    My heart started to do this funny sort of thing like rapidly beating and fluttering around in my chest. I felt as though I’d just finished doing push ups and a fast sprint around a track, I tried to calm myself, take a deep breathe, breath, breath. Steve must have seen this sort of hypo ventilating action take place, he said you ok? I’m fine, really. I lied. And by the way that was the only time I told Steve a whopper. After my deep breathing routine I felt calmer.

    Steve asked What’s your favorite burger? I replied my favorite was the sloppy original with everything on it, mushrooms, cheese, peppers, guacamole and a slice of bacon. He laughed and said My you have a big appetite, where do you put all that? laughing I said I work out a lot and I’m always on my feet at work, so I’m able to pig out and not put on the extra pounds. Sue looked over at us, up until this point she had been relatively quiet or at least not bothering my interest in Steve. She gave me a wink and said I’m starving, lets eat. Steve called the waiter over, neither Sue or I recognized him, he looked a bit dazed and frazzled. He introduced himself as Craig and he would be our server for the evening. Sue; what are you having tonight? I’ve been debating between the triple cheese burger with salsa and jalapeños and my usual sloppy Joe. She settled for something new and went with the triple cheese burger. Craig asked Steve So what’s your burger going to be? Or something equally silly. Steve said I’ll have the special with extra cheese, and I’d like mine rare, and let’s order some wine, red or white ladies? After a very short debate we settled on a pinot noir. Craig thanked us and left us alone for a while.

    Sue was now in her let’s find out about Steve mode. So, Steve. she muttered, what brings you here on a Saturday night? And We haven’t seen you in here before. Steve realized he was being grilled, somewhat like his burger or so he hoped was currently underway in the kitchen. Well Sue, I’ve been working on some time shares at the Villa de los Madrones resort, are you familiar with the resort? These words glided off his tongue effortlessly. Sue’s face lit up and she responded Are you kidding, I love that place, tell me you can get me a discount, I’m free to go anytime. Steve laughed he seemed used to being put on the spot. I think we could arrange something like that. He said. In fact you will both come as my guest’s for the day or some weekend when we’re quieter. I was still recovering from Sue’s audacity, but admired the way Steve handled her.

    Fortunately Craig arrived in a non too smooth manner, he seemed harassed. Fries fell onto the table; one almost fell into my drink. Craig kept apologizing, we reassured him he was just fine and doing a grand job, hey better to tell him that at this stage than to wear the sloppy Jo’s, what fun. After our

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