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Vesuvian Starlight: The Rhean Chronicles, #3
Vesuvian Starlight: The Rhean Chronicles, #3
Vesuvian Starlight: The Rhean Chronicles, #3
Ebook166 pages1 hour

Vesuvian Starlight: The Rhean Chronicles, #3

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Rhea is devastated. The Pelasgian invasion leaves nowhere to run or hide. As the enemy gathers in an ever-increasing number, the people of Rhea must regroup to make their final stand at Vesuvia.
With the threat of the shadow seed looming, time and hope is quickly running out, and only Sara can help Leon fulfill his destiny to save Rhea in its darkest hour.

Vampires, mummies, werewolves and other creatures of mythology are reimagined as various races who must join forces to confront an ancient evil.

Release dateFeb 8, 2013
Vesuvian Starlight: The Rhean Chronicles, #3

José Rodríguez

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    Book preview

    Vesuvian Starlight - José Rodríguez


    The devastation of New Haven grew more visible with the rising sun. Fires from dozens of buildings threw up clouds of smoke that cast a shadow over the city.

    Soldiers worked tirelessly to put out the fires, help comrades, and search for enemy stragglers.

    The docks were just as busy with civilians being evacuated as more soldiers and supplies arrived.

    Many of New Haven’s more stubborn residents, choosing to stay, did what they could to help their fellow humans. Farmers handed out food, carpenters, and smiths assisted with the repairs, and physicians patched up the wounded.

    In one of the many alleys being used to temporarily store the dead, Sara was grieving over the body of her former mentor, Arthur. Her good friend, Richard, stood a short distance away.

    After a moment, Sara wiped her tears and began walking slowly towards the Citadel.

    You hanging in there? Richard asked as he followed beside her.

    So preoccupied with her thoughts, Sara almost didn't hear the question. It was bad enough that Arthur was dead. Only minutes ago a bright plume of light from the forest told her something happened to her Vesuvian friend, Leon.

    Richard could see the stress in Sara's eyes as she spoke. Things keep going from bad to worse. Have you ever felt so powerless to do anything? Like no matter what you do, it means nothing.

    I can't say that I haven't, Richard answered. It's horrible that we lost Arthur. I keep thinking if there was anything I could have done differently.

    Sara was suddenly stricken with the weight of deciding whether or not to tell her friend everything.

    Talk to me, Richard said. You look like you're either really terrified or very worried about something.

    Sara turned, taking a few steps before stopping again. At any moment all of this could come to an end, and there's nothing we can do to stop it!

    Richard grabbed Sara by the arms as he checked to make sure no one else was in the alley. Relax, will you? Just slow down and tell me what you're talking about.

    If Richard hadn’t been holding Sara, she might have collapsed to the ground in a heap of depression. I saw it, she said. The shadow seed. It can wipe us all out at any moment, and the only thing between it and us is a single Vesuvian.

    Shadow seed, Richard said, You mean that thing you said wouldn't work here?

    I was wrong, Sara said, composing herself. We all thought it wouldn't work here. The Pelasgians are just holding back. They need Leon to join them because light doesn't affect him.

    Richard had to think for a moment before any of it sank in. I'm just thinking out loud here, but what if he joined them? Would the Pelasgians stop?

    Sara gave a weak shrug. "Your guess is as good as mine. Right now, he's the only thing stopping them. They’re only here to make us suffer, to pressure him."

    Alright, Richard said, beginning to wish Sara hadn't told him about the shadow seed. Let's take this one step at a time. Besides, there isn't much we can do right now. The soldiers have everything under control here.

    But— Sara started.

    No, Richard insisted. When we get back, clean yourself up and get some rest. I'll go tell the Consular and the Marshal what you said, and we'll go from there. Okay?

    Sara nodded. A hot bath sounds very good right now. I'm sorry I had to tell you all that. I'm starting to see why Leon didn't want to say anything.

    Richard pulled Sara in for a hug. Try not to worry, he said. If there's a way to stop this, we'll find it.

    Exiting the alley, both continued the long walk through the city until they were inside the Citadel. In the vestibule, they could still hear what was going on throughout New Haven.

    Before I forget, Richard said. Your room was moved to the top floor a few days ago. Room one seventeen.

    A mixed look of confusion and agitation came across Sara's face. Top floor? I thought that was reserved for officials?

    You're an emissary to the Vesuvians, Richard said, I think that’s official enough.

    Sara cringed. But my stuff, I need to—

    Don't worry, Richard said. They had a maid take care of all that.

    Sara shook her head in disapproval.

    Relax, Richard smiled. No one had much of a choice. Besides, they needed room for a new recruit. I don't think the poor guy knows what he got himself into.

    Sara began walking slowly towards one of the halls. At least it's a bigger room, she said, before awkwardly veering left when she realized she was going in the wrong direction.

    Even as Sara traveled deeper into the Citadel, she could still hear all of the commotion going on outside like eerie echoes.

    Going up the stairs, Sara's foot caught a step, causing her to fall forward. She barely stopped herself by throwing one arm out and landing on it. Ouch... she grunted.

    After picking herself up and checking her elbow, Sara made it to the top floor and searched for her room. She found it near the end of the hall and entered.

    The living room alone was five times bigger than her previous quarters, which didn't even have a living room. It had a high ceiling with a nice skylight. Several lamps and a fireplace lit the place up nicely. In the corner to one side was a table for four and along the wall was a couch with a coffee table.

    Sara walked into the bedroom. The windows gave a nice view of the burning city. All of her belongings were placed around the bed and dresser. She began taking off her equipment, placing it on a small table in the corner before going into the bathroom and filling the tub with water.

    As Sara waited, she sat on the bed staring down at Arthur’s equinox. Tears fell in remembrance of the time she spent training with him.

    When the bath was ready, Sara got in and continued to run through everything she had experienced recently. ‘What’s the point?’ she thought, thinking at that moment there could be a shadow seed right outside her room or halfway around the world, and there she was in the bath. How could anyone be so cruel?

    Losing track of time, Sara replayed the scenario over and over in her head. What would she do? What could she do? She almost fell asleep thinking about it.

    There was one element each time that flashed through Sara’s mind as she lamented the end of the world, a factor that became harder and harder to ignore. ‘Leon.’ she thought, opening her eyes.

    Sara got out of the tub and quickly put clothes on. When she stepped into the bedroom something didn’t feel right, but being in a hurry, she didn’t think much of it. She continued on to the living room, where somebody dropped down from the ceiling, landing in front of her.

    Sara jumped back startled and getting a good look at the Vesuvian standing in front of her. Hey, I know you, she said, taking a moment before remembering Carl, the Vesuvian that stopped her and Leon when she first arrived in Vesuvia.

    Another Vesuvian male, Olen, dropped down behind Carl. Two females, Jasmin and Lidia, fell behind Sara, who suddenly got the impression they weren’t friendly.

    Do you like teasing people, or something? Carl asked.

    Sara tensed up, thinking why she didn’t act on her gut feeling a moment ago, that something was wrong and to grab a weapon.

    Carl continued. I mean you stay in Rhea for days on end, spreading your sweet smell around for everyone to drool over.

    Sara looked back and forth between the Vesuvians. Look, you guys don’t want to do this.

    Then you’re offered to join Nibiru, Carl snickered. Which, you almost accepted.

    In a burst of panic, Sara tried running past Carl, but the Remian easily stopped her. When Leon finds out – she gasped.

    Leon is dead, Carl smirked. Or soon will be. Either way, he’s finished.

    Sara didn’t want to believe it, but the huge flash of light she’d seen coming from the forest earlier made her think Carl might be telling the truth.

    We’re not about to let you or Leon cut a deal and leave us out to dry, Carl said, unsheathing his sword.

    Sensing Jasmin trying to sneak up behind her, Sara delivered a nose-breaking elbow to the Vesuvian’s face. Before she could do anything else, Carl had her by the throat and tossed her hard against the wall.

    Dazed by the impact, but still on her feet, the next thing Sara felt was cold steel running through her abdomen. The sight of Carl’s blade pinning her to the wall stunned her, and at first, there was a little pain, but that began to change really quickly.

    You are going to taste so good, Carl said, leaning in to whisper into Sara’s ear. Give Leon my regards.

    With no time to waste, Sara quickly sank her teeth into Carl’s neck and grabbed onto him as tightly as she could.

    Taken completely by surprise, Carl wailed out in pain as he desperately tried to throw Sara off, but as she drank more of his blood, her grip only became stronger.

    Olen and Jasmin jumped on top of Sara and managed to wrestle her off Carl.

    Imbued with Remian strength and speed, Sara didn’t mind much having a jaw and shirt covered in blood. She easily broke free of the Vesuvians, punching Jasmin in the face and then grabbing Olen to toss through the fireplace.

    Olen crashed into the guestroom next door, which was empty of people but still had plenty of things that caught on fire as he ran around in a panic to put out the flames that engulfed his body.

    As Lidia tended Carl, Jasmin tackled Sara hard through the flaming hole in the wall and tried holding her down before being easily tossed aside.

    Get her... Carl muttered as he searched his satchel for a blood marble.

    Lidia hesitated a bit before dashing through the flames. On the other side, she found Olen writhing in pain on the floor, and another hole in a wall leading to the bedroom, where she barely caught a glimpse of Sara and Jasmin fighting. The next thing she heard was a loud snap like the cracking of wood, and then the sound of a Vesuvian vaporizing into ash.

    A moment later, Sara kicked the door in. Pretty much storming her way towards Lidia, she dodged the first punch Lidia threw and drove her hand into the Vesuvian’s chest, ripping out her heart.

    As Sara crushed the still-beating heart in her hand and put her boot through Olen’s head. The smoke and heat from the growing fire were beginning to get to her. She turned to find Carl’s fist slam into her face, sending her into the wall.

    That was quite careless of me, Carl said. And quite clever of you.

    Sara pushed herself off the wall. Running at Carl, her first punch missed, the second glanced the side of the Vesuvian’s head.

    Carl moved at a speed that no human could keep up with. If it weren’t for being infused with his blood, Sara would have easily been overwhelmed.

    Both fighters pelted each other with fists, as the fire around them grew bigger.

    Sara used both hands to snap Carl’s arm when he threw a left hook. She thought it was her chance to finish him off, but as she released her grip, his arm instantly healed.

    Carl rammed his shoulder into Sara, knocking her through another wall. Idiot. Still thinking like a human.

    Sara recovered quickly. She could sense the Vesuvian blood in her rapidly dwindling away.

    Hearing the sound of footsteps making their

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