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Desire Of Mine
Desire Of Mine
Desire Of Mine
Ebook27 pages25 minutes

Desire Of Mine

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About this ebook

In the mist of war there was hate, betrayal, and love. Guntan and Devra found love in the most horrible of circumstances. They struggle to escape and to hold on to their love.

PublisherNichde Vince
Release dateFeb 11, 2013
Desire Of Mine

Nichde Vince

I have many hobbies. And while writing is a hobby, it is something I take very serious. I write with the sole intent of giving the reader an escape from every day life.

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    Book preview

    Desire Of Mine - Nichde Vince

    Desire, Mein

    by Nichde Vince

    Copyright Nichde Vince 2013

    Published at Smashwords


    Smashwords License Statement

    Smashwords License Statement This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    In the mist of war there was hate, betrayal, and love.

    Chapter One - The Escape

    The sirens were sounding, and the only thought inside of her head was that she would be hunted down and killed like an animal. The S.S. was trailing her, and she knew she could not get away from them fast enough. So, desperately, she frantically searched for a place to hide. Devra hurriedly took shelter in a bug infested storm drain. And as she crawled deeper into the storm drain, she could hear the soldiers marching over her yelling, Finden sie die Jew!

    She looked up through a small crack, and she could see a Tiger tank's gun overhead. It looked like a beast that was sent from hell to devour her. And Devra was terrified at the thought that she would die at the hands of the monsters that saw her as a sub-human that was in need of relief from the Earth. She thought to herself, 'why, why should an eighteen year old girl endure such hatred for nothing.'

    However, her thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of Waffen S.S. soldiers stopping right over her. They were enjoying a smoke, and she was afraid that they would look inside the storm drain, find her, and shoot her on sight. As she prayed for a safe way out of this, her prayers were answered in

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