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Freelance Forensics: Open For Business
Freelance Forensics: Open For Business
Freelance Forensics: Open For Business
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Freelance Forensics: Open For Business

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Freelance Forensics started somewhere - and this short novella is the origin of the girls and how they met at university. Two girls from each side of Northern England come together to solve crime and put those responsible behind bars.
This novella charts the first few years of the girls meeting, their time at university and the start of their business and how they got their name.
Meet Rebecca Harrison and Laura Eastman. Find out the first steps of this amazing team only in this exclusive novella of Freelance Forensics.

PublisherPaul Foxton
Release dateFeb 12, 2013
Freelance Forensics: Open For Business

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    Book preview

    Freelance Forensics - Paul Foxton

    Freelance Forensics: Open For Business


    Copyright ©2006-2012 by Paul Foxton

    This is a work of fiction and as such the characters, places and events are the product of the author’s imagination and as such any resemblance of events and/or persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Dedicated to

    Natalie Thompson and Vikki Maguire

    Two inspiring young ladies from Sunderland

    Who could have been Freelance Forensics themselves

    Who never knew how they struck up one idea for me

    Thank you for the inspiration


    A Note from the Creator (or Hello Dear Reader)

    Our First Year

    Our Second Year

    Our Third & Final Year

    The Middlesbrough Enquirer

    About the Author

    A Note from the Creator

    Hello dear reader,

    I’m Paul Foxton. I’m the writer and creator of Freelance Forensics and I just wanted to take some time before I unleash my creation upon you to say a few words.

    Firstly, and most importantly, thank you. Thank you for letting my characters introduce themselves to you.

    Rebecca Jayne Harrison and Laura Jade Eastman thank you too.

    This novella is only short, but it contains the four years that is the origin of the two girls and Freelance Forensics itself. Freelance Forensics is meant to be a TV series; and one day I wish it to be. But this novella is set before the first episode. If you wanted to know what happened before the girls set up in business and the adventures they had in university – and more about the girls, their history and their relationships, this is the book for you.

    By having this novella, you have the very first part of a larger story which spans over at least seven years for the girls (as each of the current 7 series pans out) - and this is the first step. As a result of this, I want to reward those Freelance Forensics fans who are right here at the start. Like you.

    With that in mind owning, this novella will give you exclusive access to the Freelance Forensics Founder Club. As a founding member of the club, I will include extra bonuses just for you guys, including extra information on the girls, extra Freelance Forensics cases and a lot more. I’ll start the ball rolling by including an exclusive transcript of the girls first newspaper interview with Chris Stone, the journalist who interviewed them first – check it out after the main story. You will only get it here.

    Get the full information on Founder Member status at the end of the book.

    So, once again I thank you, and I hope you enjoy the show. If you like it – tell others… tell everyone. And I will see you next time… and look out for the full first year of Freelance Forensics coming out very soon.

    Paul Foxton


    Open for Business

    Our First Year

    That day has finally come. The one I have been waiting for. I’m sorry, I am so rude… I did not introduce myself. My name is Rebecca Harrison. I’m from the North East of England. A little North Eastern town in England called Middlesbrough.

    I work for a company which I founded with my best friend, Laura Eastman, who went to university with me. Dr Grant, my tutor and general lecturer for Fire Investigation at university, was intrinsic to helping us become what we are today. Individual, freelance,. forensic investigators. Freelance Forensics.

    It all started a few years ago. I’ve always had an interest in Forensic Science. I excelled at college favouring sciences, but also had a number of other skills in English and Media. I took four A levels – Chemistry, Physics, English and Media Studies and this enabled me to work towards university to get on the Crime Scene Science course I so desired to embark upon. Laura took a different route, taking on two separate Maths A-levels, Physics and Chemistry and also took an open A-level in Information Technology as she had a lot of interest in that. She often said her A-level in computers was more of a hobby than a chore as she enjoyed it so much.

    Laura had moved to the North East for university, so on our first day it was lucky our paths would cross. Laura is from Bolton and has a light Lancashire accent which suggested she has either had a well spoken family or that she has taken some sort of elocution lessons. Some words she pronounces are quite clear that she has Lancashire roots, though. Sometimes, if she gets drunk, very excited or relaxed she may slip into her natural accent and it sounds quite funny to how she usually speaks. She’s a natural blonde and intelligent and is very logical. Sometimes she can seem a bit cold when she is working on a case, but it’s only because she puts her everything into it to vindicate the victims. She can speak French, is well travelled and very athletic and puts me to shame. She also has a penchant for wearing baby blue, which really suits her. She is a

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