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Panic Attacks STOP! - A Comprehensive Guide on Panic Attacks Symptoms, Causes, Treatments & a Holistic System to Reduce Stress, Stop Panic Attacks & Anxiety Disorders
Panic Attacks STOP! - A Comprehensive Guide on Panic Attacks Symptoms, Causes, Treatments & a Holistic System to Reduce Stress, Stop Panic Attacks & Anxiety Disorders
Panic Attacks STOP! - A Comprehensive Guide on Panic Attacks Symptoms, Causes, Treatments & a Holistic System to Reduce Stress, Stop Panic Attacks & Anxiety Disorders
Ebook56 pages51 minutes

Panic Attacks STOP! - A Comprehensive Guide on Panic Attacks Symptoms, Causes, Treatments & a Holistic System to Reduce Stress, Stop Panic Attacks & Anxiety Disorders

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About this ebook

Panic attacks are serious health problems that 1.7% or 3 million of adult Americans suffer from at some point in their lives. Regardless of their causes, or whether they are symptomatic of another physiological issue, they are frightening and can leave patients questioning their health and possibly their sanity. If left untreated, they can cause even more devastating issues such as panic disorders, and these may become paralyzing, leaving the person dealing with them to try and figure them out without stopping living altogether.

Many people take anti-depressant drugs to control the symptoms but these powerful drugs can cause severe side effects and some are addictive.

In "Panic Attacks STOP!" I share my personal story with you and cover nearly every bit of information you need to know about overcoming panic attacks, plus a holistic, non-drug, all natural system to cure panic attacks once for all...

Just imagine being able to live your life free of panic attacks in 7 days (or less) without becoming stressed or disappointed.

Yes you could have a fulfilling life. It truly is possible. You just need to know how.

Here's what you'll discover in "Panic Attacks STOP!" Ebook:

- How to recognize a panic attack...

- 3 little known, yet simple ways to avoid living with anxiety...

- Secret of expert panic attack specialists that few people ever know about...

- 3 proven steps to relaxing your whole body...

- All natural, non-drug treatments of panic attacks...

- WARNING: 3 things you should never do when it comes to panic attacks...

- You'll discover in just a few short minutes how to calm your heart palpitations...

- 6 time tested and proven strategies for relieving stress...

- When to look to medications to relieve your symptoms...

- And much more...

Release dateFeb 14, 2013
Panic Attacks STOP! - A Comprehensive Guide on Panic Attacks Symptoms, Causes, Treatments & a Holistic System to Reduce Stress, Stop Panic Attacks & Anxiety Disorders

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    Book preview

    Panic Attacks STOP! - A Comprehensive Guide on Panic Attacks Symptoms, Causes, Treatments & a Holistic System to Reduce Stress, Stop Panic Attacks & Anxiety Disorders - Nancy J. Wiles

    Panic Attacks STOP!

    A Comprehensive Guide on Panic Attacks Symptoms, Causes, Treatments & a Holistic System to Reduce Stress, Stop Panic Attacks & Anxiety Disorders

    Nancy J. Wiles

    Copyright© 2013 by Nancy J. Wiles

    Smashwords Edition

    Panic Attacks STOP!

    Copyright© 2013. All Rights Reserved.

    Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded or distributed via internet or other means, electronic or print without the author’s permission. Criminal copyright infringement without monetary gain is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. ( Please purchase only authorized electronic or print editions and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted material.


    The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this book. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional.

    This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in the legal, business, accounting, and finance fields.

    The information in this book is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content contained in this book is for general information purposes only. Always consult your healthcare provider before carrying on any health program.

    Table of Contents

    Introduction – My Story

    Chapter 1: What is a Panic Attack?

    Chapter 2: What Causes Panic Attacks?

    Chapter 3: Traditional Treatments for Panic Attacks

    Chapter 4: Dealing with Panic Attacks

    Chapter 5: Reducing Your Anxiety Level

    Chapter 6: Natural Remedies


    Introduction – My Story

    If there’s anything I have learned throughout my short 39 years on the planet, it’s that everyone’s got issues and they need to be dealt with. It’s healthy to deal with your problems and discover positive solutions so you learn and grow as a person and enjoy the happy life all of us deserve, right?

    Well, that was true for everyone except me. I had become extremely skilled at stuffing things down with the promise to myself that I’d deal with things when I was alone. The molestation I went through at six by my father’s second cousin was forgotten amid the fear of hearing my father screaming obscenities at his uncle. The alcoholic father that seemed to thrive on me being unhappy and insecure was easily hidden in the darkness of my bedroom as I swallowed past the omnipresent ache in my throat and tried to forget.

    There was also indescribable pain as the mother who I adored but pretty much enabled my father’s behavior left me defenseless by dismissing his coldness towards me as his just being in a mood. The silent yet fearsome date rape at 24 by a man I was dating who was twice my size who told me he had needs? Rationalized as a sanitized,

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