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Queer Quickies, Volume 4
Queer Quickies, Volume 4
Queer Quickies, Volume 4
Ebook51 pages26 minutes

Queer Quickies, Volume 4

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About this ebook

Kinky, rough, and fast-paced, there are soem very hot sex scenes in this ebook. There is no fluff—this ebook features just the “good parts.”


- Collared Slut—a sub is collared
- Drop—she loses herself in the sensations
- Kitty and Toy—a bound kitten watches a couple play
- Ferocity—push me up against a wall and have your way with me
- Prey—a sub is chased through the woods
- Feast—a special kind of party
- Not Yet—orgasm denial at its finest
- Just Stand Here—don’t even move your eyes
- Not in Control—strap on sex with a twist
- In the Night—outdoor sex
- Plaything—a new toy is brought home

Approximately 11,000 words.

PublisherOlivia Dromen
Release dateFeb 21, 2013
Queer Quickies, Volume 4

Olivia Dromen

Olivia Dromen has been actively queer since the late eighties, when ze realized at the tender age of possibly-too-young that having hir hand down a girl's pants (in public, on a bus) was quite pleasurable. Other experiments followed. Ze is non-monogamous, kinky, and strangely attracted to awkward queers with cats. (Also, ze is a trans, demigirl, genderqueer, femme—hir pronouns are ze/hir/hirs.) Ze lives in western Massachusetts, where ze enjoys backpacking, drinking coffee, and having lots of sex. Ze writes high fantasy and erotica.

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    Book preview

    Queer Quickies, Volume 4 - Olivia Dromen

    Queer Quickies

    Short Scenes of Lesbian Lust

    volume 4

    by Olivia Dromen

    Copyright © 2013 Olivia Dromen

    Smashwords Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

    License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    For Breanna.

    Table of Contents

    Collared Slut


    Kitty and Toy




    Not Yet

    Just Stand Here

    Not in Control

    In the Night



    About Olivia Dromen

    Collared Slut

    I click the lock shut and everything changes. My left arm crosses her chest from shoulder to shoulder—just under the steel collar—pulling her into me and arching her back into my tits. The silicone dildo I am wearing strapped over my pussy catches on her hip. You’re mine, I whisper.

    I can hear the tears in her voice. Yes. All yours.

    I bite down on her shoulder, as hard as I can. Her body tenses, then relaxes into it. Her hands clench and unclench like she doesn’t know what she’s supposed to do with them. I slide my right hand down from her shoulder slowly along the outside of her arm. Goosebumps rise under my thumb.

    You belong to me.

    Yes. I feel a drop of warm wetness on my forearm. She’s crying.

    I’ll take care of you. Trust me.

    I do.

    Good girl.

    I extend my tongue and lick along the ridge of muscle that connects her shoulder to her neck. My head turns and I breathe across the collar, over her nape. Her whole body shivers against my chest.

    I tighten my voice, commanding her. Turn around and get on your knees, my slut.

    Yes, Mistress. She turns around, pushing my arm out with the motion of her chest. A moment later she’s kneeling in front of me.

    My finger hooks into the collar, pulling her closer. Open up, slut.

    Her mouth opens. Her tongue comes out. She looks up at me, wide eyed in adoration, tears dripping down her cheeks.

    The tip of the dildo is inches from her face. I grab the collar roughly and slap her across the face with my other hand. As she straightens up again I can see her mouth curve into a smile.

    I’m going to fuck your filthy throat, slut.

    Please, Mistress! I need it.

    I’m grinning now. Her lips pull back from her teeth in an open mouthed smile.

    I pull her by the collar and tilt my hips just right, sliding her mouth onto the dildo. Her hands come up to my thighs, steadying herself as I pull her off balance into me.

    No hands, cunt.

    She blinks

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