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Taken by the Venetians
Taken by the Venetians
Taken by the Venetians
Ebook40 pages34 minutes

Taken by the Venetians

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Joanne Wells, a New York businesswoman feels
something is missing in her life and takes a
vacation break to Venice during the carnival.

She bumps into the mysterious
Leonardo, who invites her to a private party where the dress code is strictly sexy and to be masked.

Joanne finds and loses herself in the erotic and charged atmosphere of the Venetian elite's party, experts in pleasure and ecstasy.

But does she find the mysterious Leonardo?


As she entered the passageway she brushed passed a man and he turned to her, nodding an apology. As she returned the nod, meeting his dark eyes she saw his gaze lingered just a little longer than necessary and he didn’t turn and continue on his way immediately but instead stepped slowly backwards, watching her, his eyes fixed on hers.

Joanne was transfixed by his strange behavior and couldn’t pull her eyes away from his. Something about them drew her in, held her tight and threatened to paralyze her before eventually, out of embarrassment, she managed to tear her eyes from his and look away. There were other people streaming between the two of them in both directions, costumed and otherwise but for a few moments, Joanne felt as if it were just the two of them there in the small space of the passageway.

He wasn’t typically handsome, although he had that wonderful olive complexion and the thick black eyebrows she so loved, but his eyes ... it was hard to put her finger on it, they were filled with longing. Yes, that was it. Not the animalistic longing for sexual intimacy, but something else. In a way, the feeling there echoed the very same feeling she herself harbored. A need... is that what it was?

PublisherJessie Jules
Release dateFeb 23, 2013
Taken by the Venetians

Jessie Jules

Jessie Jules lives in the UK with her two cats, adoring dog and writes erotica part-time. She loves nothing more than settling down in the evening and letting her imagination run riot.Jessie is working on new short stories and also hopes to write and publish longer novella erotica very soon.

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    Taken by the Venetians - Jessie Jules

    Taken by the Venetians

    by Jessie Jules and Kate Black

    Copyright 2013 All rights reserved.

    Copyright protected with Myows #57260

    Published by Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This book contains sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers.

    Taken by the Venetians

    Joanne breathed in the musky odor of the deep ruby red wine before sipping a little and allowing it to rest in her mouth, enjoying the feel of it as it slid over her tongue. After a few seconds she nodded, satisfied, it was just what she needed. The waiter nodded, smiled and left her with the bottle of Sangiovese.

    Sanguis Jovis, the blood of Jove. She said looking into the depths of the glass as if it were a crystal ball. The waiter had recommended the wine and explained that Sangiovese came from ‘Sanguis Jovis’ which was Latin for ‘the blood of Jove’, an ancient Roman god. She smiled, these Italian waiters were skilled in the art of persuasion, some forceful while others were more subtle, delivering a little history or background on each food during their efforts.

    Joanne didn’t mind that at all though. Venice was, after all, her chosen hideaway for the long weekend and she had promised herself a weekend of indulgence. As a wine lover and budding connoisseur, Joanne had either Southern France or Italy in mind for her break, but after much deliberation she finally settled on Venice. Sipping another mouthful of wine, she looked out over the Grand Canal and sighed, allowing the stress of a long year to ease a little. The February air was cold and crisp on her skin but that was fine, the red wine was doing its part to warm her body and her spirits, besides, she had come to Venice to get away from all the worry and obligation. To hell with the cold.

    Venice had everything she needed right now and the main reason she chose it over the sunny cities in the south of France was for the absence of traffic. Back home in New York, the roads were filled with all manner of vehicles and driven by impatient and stressed out New Yorkers. As soon as she had arrived in Venice, a weight had lifted from her shoulders, something akin to the weight

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