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Genation 1: Earth Volk
Genation 1: Earth Volk
Genation 1: Earth Volk
Ebook574 pages8 hours

Genation 1: Earth Volk

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AN ALIEN PRESENCE, the government’s greatest secret, directs the nations of the world into a brutal confidential war. After taking the volks, an alien mother and off-spring into captivity, it is soon uncovered that they are also from the future... as in 26 million years into the future.
Follow Eddy, the child-volk, as he is raised in undisclosed confinements. From his own words, discover how they travelled across space and time. Other beings descend upon the earth in search of the volks. They understand just how important volks really are. Eddy and his mother plot a daring attempt to return to the world where they came from, but their plan goes disastrously wrong. Well into his teens, Eddy finds out his twin brother, Grizz, has survived through an independent organization. Their plans were to train him to be their ultimate weapon. There are shocking consequences to the actions wreaking havoc by these volk’s. Before they can escape earth or die trying, they must endure, what they call, our nightmare world.
The advanced volk technologies and lifestyles captivate and challenge the human way of life, but the implications unsurfaced the rampant wrath of the volks.

Release dateFeb 23, 2013
Genation 1: Earth Volk

Robert A. Hunt

Robert A. Hunt resides in British Columbia, Canada with his wife and five children. He is the author of the thirteen published titles, including the Genation series, Jasper series and Sasquatch stand alone Legend series and a fun short story. He enjoys writing adventurous tales like science fiction, fantasy and historical fiction They remain unpredictable with new perspectives and clever story twists that distinguish, Robert A. Hunt as an author.

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    Book preview

    Genation 1 - Robert A. Hunt


    SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY are exhilarating expressions for both readers and writers alike. Writers reach to become futurologists as they practice forecasting trends or developments in science and technology, or the next phase for political or social structures.

    Science has a long way to go as magic became a term used between people who wished to keep to tradition and those who strived to understand our limits and push them further. The development of secret science caused people to believe in magic.

    Another path for science to understand is spiritual frequencies. Frequencies are just a fraction of the unseen realities present in our day to day lives. As we isolate and understand the aspects of unseen realities, our perception of what science is will change and our minds will open to accompany a broader sense of possibilities that we consider science fiction today.

    How will unseen realities affect our day to day lives? The old ways will pass away and our lifestyles will change. Things will not always seem to get better, but we have the potential to make our world a better place to live.

    Change usually starts with the planting of a few new ideas. A new idea is like a seed. If taken care of properly, it will grow. Let your imagination free. Liberate the world we live in pushing the boundaries of the way we think. The sky is the limit.

    I would like to see the category, Science Fiction, become known as Inspired Visionary Fables. Just as one story teller inspires another, so a true visionary can inspire the world we live in.

    I am exhilarated to have had the opportunity to bring Genation to fruition. This story has been such a large part of my life for so long. Creative thoughts should not stay in our heads. Share your ideas with the rest of the world.

    Thank you for the opportunity to share Genation with you.

    ~Robert A. Hunt~


    Genation Time

    SPACE, though deathly cold, is full of life. Our little planet is a significantly small part of a monumentally larger picture. Other intelligent creatures, sharing our space, are searching for answers to the same big questions we have. Though they’re no closer to finding the answers, some of the creatures are leaps and bounds ahead of us.

    Humans have become complacent as the leading species of earth. If we were visited by another species, like Volks, we would gauge ourselves with them only to realize our disadvantage. If we humans found we were discovered by an advanced species, would we not fear becoming slaves to their master alien race? We would attempt to fight such oppression before giving up our freedom.

    The Genation nebula; located at the center of all existence, is an accumulated power of living energy and intelligence. All we have seen and heard is not all there is. More questions will meet fewer answers the more we explore time and space.

    The power within Genation is a god-like mystery. The reason the Morguldeans and Volks know the Genation nebula is the center of all creation is because all of the galaxies are moving away from it.

    Open your mind to a whole new perspective; enter Genation...

    Chapter 1

    Making A Connection

    OPENING HIS EYES WEARILY, Eddy Evon recognized his surroundings. Amidst the quiet buzzing cockpit of his spacecraft, he found he was in his Zandith Crockmior L/X. This spacecraft was a synthetic organism created from a technology far beyond human capability. Though Eddy wasn’t human, he felt very much alone. Still a little fuzzy about the events before he blacked out, he gave his head a shake and tried to connect the dots.

    Why am I in the cockpit alone?’ he wondered, ‘Grizz! Where could he have gone?’ Eddy found he was upside down. While he dangled, he examined the interior of the tight confinements of his insectoid alien craft. The craft was locked within the cargo hold of an alien space station. The compartment outside was taller than it was wide. It had an octagon shape. The metal material of the walls shimmered as it conducted a foreign energy. Attached to the walls was a number of heavy duty, semi robotic arms. A couple of the arms were stretched out and held the Zandith Crockmior securely.

    Peering out for a broader view from the optical viewing eyes, Eddy saw the huge shapes of the creatures who inhabited the strange space station. The hideous creatures looked kind of lobster-like, as though they belonged at the bottom of a deep ocean. They had bone plated skin with many random spikes. Its legs were like pinchers and its single eye cluster was at the end of its long retractable neck. Where its stomach was expected to be, it had a large vertical mouth that fed the enormous shell that trailed behind it. A thick appendage was also like a neck or throat that connected the creature to its massive caboose of a shell.

    These shells of these creatures were each very different. Some were smooth while others were spiky and rough. Each of the ‘Morguldeans’ were distinguished by a variety of colours. At the bottom of their great shells were spidery lobster-like legs. Though it wasn’t easy to tell them apart, no two Morguldeans looked the same.

    There were three of them in all but because each one was the size of a house, the cargo hold was crowded. Within the claws of one of the creatures was the limp body of Grizz.

    Risking a moment to look into the mind of one of the alien creatures, Eddy found them to be completely fascinated by the Genation nebula. It was the reason they were there. Like Eddy, they were not from Genation and he found out they referred to themselves as, Morguldeans.

    Eddy carefully severed the telepathic link and drew in a deep breath of the musty old air which he found thick with carbon dioxide. The last thing Eddy remembered was nearing a strange alien space station with his co-pilot, Grizz, at his side. Eddy didn’t expect to find any sign of life in the twin nebula of Genation before they entered it. A swarm of Galordians, or living, glowing blue spheres, moved from the nebula and showered the Zandith Crockmior L/X. When this happened, Eddy lost consciousness. The Galordians overwhelmed Eddy telepathically.

    Something took hold of Eddy’s ankle in a merciless vice-like hold. Eddy’s grip tightened on his double bladed axe as he was drawn out. Forcefully yanking Eddy from his insectular spacecraft he made a quick assessment. The craft looked like a giant wasp and one of the giant Morguldeans had ripped the cockpit head open then it pulled Eddy out.

    Grizz! Eddy shouted to his half-brother.

    Lifting his head, Grizz responded by looking in Eddy’s direction. Brother, it is us against the universe. If we want to get out of this we’re going to have to fight them all! Steam rose from his black impenetrable mask.

    Though the alien space station was void of gravity in the cargo hold, Eddy managed to find enough leverage to swing his axe and chop at the Morguldean’s arm.

    Eddy was thrown as the floating Morguldeans skittered about amongst them.

    Unexpectedly full of life, Grizz threw some of his Acturus shurikens (throwing stars) at a Morguldean who moved in to attack him, before his samurai swords flashed about aggressively. The red and deep yellow colours of the creature’s bone plated hide made it seem like a creature of fire. One of the Morguldean’s claws grabbed onto Grizz’s wrist, then it quickly snapped a hold on his other wrist, Letting his sword drop from his hand, Grizz kicked the hilt of it sending it darting toward the alien monstrosity. The razor sharp blade plunged deep into the shoulder of the Morguldean. The creature released Grizz and stumbled back. Yellow blood oozed from the wound and the abomination’s great mouth opened at its stomach and howled. With the sword still lodged into the creature up to its hilt, Grizz thought he had the upper hand, but the Morguldean kept coming at him even faster and more aggressive than before.

    What Grizz and Eddy didn’t know, was that a Morguldean didn’t carry its weaknesses in its body the way they did. The brain, heart, and other intestinal organs were safely protected inside the large shell attached behind it. The alien figure in front of the large shell was bone and muscle with only two small weaknesses; the eye cluster and the single antenna that protruded above it.

    While Grizz continued to struggle against his opponent, Eddy was in close contact with another Morguldean. This one was green, brown and orange in colour. Quick to use his axe, Eddy flipped it so the wide flat edge would deflect any strike against him. Chopping at the giant creature, Eddy quickly realized the fight couldn’t go on this way. Mentally, he called his sertz to assist him to distract the Morguldean. In that instant the little robotic sertz flew in at the creature’s eye cluster like a tiny red spark.

    Instantly, the Morguldean focused its eyes on the sertz.

    Eddy dived to the Zandith Crockmior. He hoped to use his wasp-like spacecraft as a barrier between him and the Morguldean.

    Seeing Eddy’s black army boots dangling behind the abdomen of the craft, the Morguldean darted in to attack. The creature didn’t expect to find Eddy merely used his boots as a decoy. Rising over the Zandith Crockmior, Eddy launched himself at the creature, driving his axe down for a final death blow.

    Abruptly, the Morguldean moved incredibly fast. It narrowly dodged the sharp, heavy axe blade. Then a yoyo flew from the creature and cracked Eddy upside his head.

    This was the strangest thing as Eddy only had knowledge of Grizz using such a thing as a weapon. Though his head hurt, Eddy knew this didn’t add up at all. ‘How would these creatures know how to skillfully use a yoyo like a weapon?’ he wondered.

    Grizz’s swords were forced from his grip, but it made little difference since he carried an arsenal of weaponry. Armaments decorated his semi-armored body.

    An inventory of alien weapons were attached to the Morguldean’s shells. Grizz didn’t want the creatures to reach their devices. Not interested in what secrets might lay hidden there, Grizz had to finish off these creatures fast.

    Eddy’s sertz flew from out of nowhere and zig-zagged around Grizz’s head, clanging into his dark helmet. The fly-size robot flew inside Grizz’s helmet where it buzzed about. Fumbling, he quickly removed his helmet. Matted, long, dark strands of hair stuck to his sweaty face. Scars lined Grizz’s skin like a road map. Most of his features were inhumanly muscled, but his brown eyes were proof that he was human at the core. Human skin covered most of his body, but grey volk patches told a deeper story. One might assume he was cared for very little by the people who did this to him.

    After the little sertz left Grizz, a Morguldean challenged him. Holding a shiny double bladed axe in its claws, the Morguldean threatened Grizz. It began swinging the axe to chop him. ‘These creatures learn fast.’ Grizz speculated before replacing the helmet over his head once more, ‘They want to fight us at our own level.’

    Letting his rage take over, Grizz unloaded all he had upon the creature.

    Meanwhile, Eddy’s green, orange and brown Morguldean displayed a noticeable increase of hostility revealing just how primitive these creatures really were. Leaping high into the bristle of cactus-like rods that extended from the ceiling, Eddy took hold of one and swung to the next where he crouched and took purchase. Ravening energies surged through the tips of the rods and arced from one spine to the next.

    Recalling his sertz back to him, Eddy allowed his little robot to enter his ear and connect to his mind. Upon doing this, the tiny sertz quickly discovered a telepathic deception. Unknown to Eddy, the cunning Morguldeans had done nothing against him or Grizz. They actually occupied the outskirts of the area and observed the two of them.

    The Morguldeans were gargoyle-like, the way they stood completely motionless.

    When Eddy and Grizz thought they were fighting the Morguldeans, they were, in fact, fighting each other. While the two brothers were busy fighting for their survival, the Morguldeans studied their memories.

    The entire deception came to an abrupt halt to Eddy’s mind when the sertz established a block to the Morguldean’s telepathic intrusions. Before Eddy’s eyes, the hostile orange, green and brown Morguldean morphed into Grizz. Eddy blinked, uncertain what was real, for a moment. Focusing his sights on Grizz, the veil of fog lifted and the light of truth became bright and clear.

    Next, Eddy had to convince his companion that his mind was being manipulated, Hey, Grizz! Stop fighting! It’s me Eddy!

    All Grizz was aware of was a menacing Morguldean threating him. Changing hands to a new weapon, Grizz began to twirl and thrash his nun-chucks at Eddy. The axe was knocked from Eddy’s grasp and the nun-chucks came flying in at him with brutish, powerhouse strikes. Eddy was pummeled by the attack. Raising his bony forearm plates in defense, he deflected most of the blows. Eddy had to find a resolution immediately or he’d be forced to cripple his brother to stop him. Grizz was so quick and trained for this sort of thing.

    Eddy shouted and made a couple quick jabs at Grizz’s mid-section.

    A lung-searing miasma of carbonized component filled the air. It was administered by the Morguldeans and obscured everything. Grizz was surprised the Morguldean didn’t try an attack of a stronger effort at such close contact. He felt completely out matched by the creature’s sheer size alone.

    Eddy twirled and kicked his leg out at his side, knocking Grizz back across the holding area. What remained in Eddy’s palm was a concussion grenade. Pulling the pin and tossing the grenade high above to the ceiling, both he and Grizz braced for the detonation.

    The Morguldeans weren’t familiar with such technology and didn’t expect an explosive shock of such magnitude. Telepathy throughout the Morguldean space station was shaken and the disruption enabled Grizz to finally see through the ruse. As Grizz’s mind cleared, his red and yellow Morguldean opponent morphed into Eddy.

    These creatures are sneaky parasites, Eddy.

    When Eddy could see Grizz finally recognized him, he knew they had to act fast. Eddy was both impressed and cautious of the Morguldean’s telepathic level of efficiency.

    Why aren’t you wearing your boots? Grizz observed, checking out Eddy with more detail. Eddy wore specialized army gear, custom designed for his large volk size. Along with his grey and black camouflage pants, he also wore a black sleeveless bullet proof vest. Clasped to his left forearm was a dark metal device. His humanoid volk form was barely a pass for anything remotely human. With the stature of giants, Volks had grey translucent skin with a tint of blue from head to toe. Their twin spines and the flat bony plates that grew from their forearms and shoulders were completely inhuman. Eight to nine feet tall with extraordinary thick, bioluminescent bones and dense muscle, this particular volk, Eddy, was average for his kind. Hairless creatures, the eyes of volks were blacker than space beyond Genation. With small pointed ears and powerful chiseled features, Eddy felt a deep warning cast over him.

    Looking down at his bare feet, Eddy wiggled his toes with extraordinary flexibility. I used my boots at the Zandith Crockmior earlier to trick you into thinking you knew where I was. I thought you were a Morguldean. Reaching behind the Zandith Crockmior, Eddy took hold of his boots once more. Designed by humans for the feet of volks, Eddy pulled on and re-tied his heavy military footwear. As he finished tying his laces, he looked up at the high walls of the cargo hold and noticed the third Morguldean there like he was pinned against the ceiling. He must have made himself invisible to us during the fighting, but now Eddy and Grizz could see he was grey with a metallic blue and purple sheen reflecting light from its exo-skeleton and shell. Grizz pointed out the blackened scorch marks up along the creature’s right side of its body. The blast from the grenade still had it quite shaken.

    Eddy shouted up at the wounded Morguldean. You aren’t the only illusionists aboard this space station!

    The creature seemed to writhe in pain, before it began to drop down toward them. Bracing for the overhead assault, Grizz waited for the creature to come to him, but Eddy kicked himself away from the wall and glided weightlessly to the Zandith Crockmior. On his way, he re-claimed his axe.

    A scream erupted from Grizz as the Morguldean inflicted compound fear into his psyche. The sound Grizz made wasn’t one Eddy had ever heard from him before and he hoped he’d never have to hear it again.

    The sertz protected Eddy from any further psychic trauma now that I learned what to look for. Swinging his axe with wide strokes, Eddy chopped and severed the mechanical arms and clamps that held the Zandith Crockmior.

    Glancing back, Eddy saw the Morguldean take hold off Grizz. Limp in the creature’s claws, Grizz looked like a lifeless puppet. Turning its body until it faced Eddy, it looked right at him with its eye cluster at the end of its long neck extension. The Morguldean was about to move toward him when it stopped. Though Eddy’s mind couldn’t be accessed, the Morguldean seemed to recognize Eddy’s determination. It either didn’t like it that Eddy was ready to continue the fight or it didn’t like that it couldn’t predict Eddy’s next move. The Morguldean turned and fled the cargo hold passing between a series of crystal pillars.

    Climbing up into the mouth of the Zandith Crockmior, Eddy began to navigate the wasp-like craft. He began to drive it toward the strange crystal entry-way.

    The Zandith Crockmior L/X with its enunamic field technology was able to travel the incredible distance past countless galaxies to the Genation nebula.

    Fifteen meters in length, with the appearance of a wasp, the Zandith Crockmior was merely one of countless spacecrafts, designed by volks to navigate remote areas of deep space. When traveling, the wings moved in a blur of motion and lit up with soft blue enunamic energy.

    Striped with deep yellow and black, the Zandith Crockmior’s long thin legs folded up and locked in underneath it as it flew. Piloting the vehicle, within the head or cockpit of the organic spacecraft, Eddy was determined to take back his brother by force and be free of the Morguldeans.

    Working the powerful legs of the craft between the center of the crystal cylinders Eddy necessitated all the strength the organic machine could provide. Finally, the Zandith Crockmior managed to spread the crystal cylinders apart like a curtain.

    What Eddy saw on the other side was a giant tunnel section of a short stretch of road that gradually turned in a half moon circle. ‘This is a junction of this space station.’ Eddy realized. At multiple locations around the road were doorways comprising deep swirling portals of energy. The giant Morguldeans materialized out from the swirls at high speed and flew fluidly down the circular passage before entering another swirl. Darting in fearlessly, they appeared to dematerialize. The circular stretch of road was like an unworldly two lane highway and the Morguldeans who used it were difficult to watch because they moved in and out of the portals so quickly.

    Things keep getting stranger and stranger here. Eddy muttered to himself before he was aware, the fast moving alien creatures had quickly slowed to a stop and turned their grand eyes to look at him. Eddy shrank under their baleful sculptured stares.

    The quick response of the Zandith Crockmior set its wings to buzzing in motion. Lunging at the nearest Morguldean, Eddy directed his craft to insert its long stinger through the chest of a creature. The huge mouth on the creature’s abdomen opened wide letting out an ear piercing wail of pain, but it was not enough to kill the tough creature. Its arms came around the wasp-like craft and squeezed. Obviously it wasn’t going to be easy to kill one of these Morguldeans. The two huge creatures floated into the center of the chamber weightlessly. Other Morguldeans gathered around and closed in.

    Eddy felt like a wrestler held him in a tight death grip. The six insect legs of the creature had also wrapped around Eddy’s craft and he could feel the circulation of the Zandith Crockmior begin to slow to a stop. Refusing to accept such a defeat, Eddy slid out through the mouth of the Zandith Crockmior. He had his double bladed axe drawn. Before the Morguldean fully realized the volk had emerged from the mouth, Eddy swung his huge axe, slicing the telepathic antenna off the top of the creature’s eyes. Returning his momentum, Eddy back fisted the Morguldean in the eyes, temporarily blinding it. This distracted his opponent enough to release its hold on the Zandith Crockmior.

    Ducking back into the mouth, Eddy used his craft’s legs to deliver an additional beating. Kicking the Morguldean away, shell and all, the others moved in. For some reason they moved, too slow. This led Eddy to assume the Telepathy of the Morguldeans was additionally intrusive. It would’ve overpowered him if not for the protection of his sertz. Great pain awaited Eddy if they managed to get inside his mind one more time.

    The high speed activity slowed. The portals stopped swirling and became like the stillness of space. No one came through the portals from that moment on and each of the creatures raised their eyes telescopically to fix their extrasensory abilities on Eddy.

    Turning to duck back into the cargo hold, a powerful telekinetic force seized Eddy’s body. The telekinesis was the invisible extension of one of the alien creature’s claws. Holding Eddy tightly at his waist the volk decided to challenge the strength of the alien creature. With his hands on the crystal cylinders, Eddy required all of his strength to pull himself into the chamber slightly. It was sufficient enough, that he could reach in and grab his axe handle. Over-powered by the huge alien creature, Eddy was pulled out and tossed to the crowded roadway. Rolling before springing to his feet, Eddy brandished his axe in defense. Fully prepared to protect himself against the gruesome creatures, he discovered a telepathic communication beginning to ease into his mind, ‘We are Morguldeans! We are superior to you but we do not wish to hurt you. Relinquish your weapon and come with us peacefully.’ Then, as if to sway Eddy with a suspicious promise, ‘We will take you to your companion.’

    Eddy replied matching their same method of telepathy, ‘How about, I keep the weapon and you go find my companion for me. I’ve come too close to my goal to have the likes of you intimidate me now.’ With confidence, Eddy saw the Morguldeans re-consider their apprehensive persuasion.

    Without hesitation, the Morguldeans moved to attack with equal speed and precision. Eddy swung his axe again and again as he lopped limbs off the Morguldeans. They continued to advance on him. The dismembered large arms and spider legs caused the creatures to finally reel in pain. They backed away from Eddy just out of reach.

    Eddy eyed the creatures like a fine tuned weapon.

    The wounded Morguldeans collected their severed body parts and began putting them back in place like they expected them to heal up instantly. Their thick yellowish blood slowly bled back into their wounds. Other Morguldeans held small devices that they used to shine an intense green light on each other’s wounds to quicken and finalize the healing process.

    All of the Morguldeans reorganized themselves and held new positions with additional weapons pulled from their shells. The weapons were constructed similarly. They were long golden rods with smaller metal rods twisted in and around them. With the sound of multiple chirps, the energy weapons of the Morguldeans charged up. Disks formed under the spider legs as some of the Morguldeans rose off the street and traveled over head in the high tunnel.

    That stung, volk.’ They knew of Eddy’s species. ‘We can re-attach our severed limbs and restore our wounds. It is time we return the favor, and for your sake you better be able to do the same.’ The Morguldeans blinked with their haunting singular eye lids, never letting Eddy out of their sight.

    You want a piece of me?’ Eddy taunted the Morguldeans, Come over here and take it. Eddy finished; speaking out loud. The Morguldeans fought like they were as good as new. Eddy shouted as he charged at them.

    Planning to slide under the Morguldean nearest him, Eddy was about to raise his axe blade enough to score a long laceration, causing its entrails to spill out.

    Instead, what he actually did was charge at the Morguldean then suddenly he was seized and captured with both telepathy and telekinesis. Evon, can you protect me from the mental powers of these creatures? through clenched teeth, Eddy questioned his sertz.

    The small robot shot out of Eddy’s ear answering, I AM ABLE TO BLOCK THE ABILITIES OF THESE CREATURES.

    Block them! Block them! Eddy commanded before he was released to weightlessness in mid-air. Both, the telepathy and telekinesis vanished like a terrible cloud dissipated in an instant.

    Evon the sertz, continued to fly around Eddy’s head resonating a hypersonic frequency. This was enough to disable the Morguldean’s persuasive broadcast.

    Eddy climbed to the top of the wounded Morguldean’s spikey shell. As the volk leaped from the shell, one of the hotshot Morguldeans tried to shoot at Eddy. The weapon missed and only further injured the wounded Morguldean.

    From a spinning leap in low gravity, Eddy elbowed one of the Morguldeans right in its great eye. Using leverage from his lightning quick attack, he saw the eye was a definite weak spot. The entire creature instantly recoiled into its shell with a horrific shriek. Knowing now where to strike the creatures to cause them the most pain, Eddy quickly round housed the next Morguldean in its eye as he shouted, Evon! Target their eyes!

    The little robotic sertz began shooting tiny colourful stars of energy, hitting multiple Morguldeans right in their open eyes. The Morguldeans quickly recoiled into their shells so quickly and with such force the shells spun around in the low G. A field of protective living energy began to glow, surrounding each of them.

    Eddy, a very large volk with huge muscles, began striking each of the Morguldean’s eyes rapidly. Soon, every Morguldean had retracted into its shell.

    The Morguldeans knew of Eddy’s single plan to attack their eyes so they retracted their eyes into their bodies just enough so they could still see.

    Leaping through the air again, Eddy landed with a tuck and roll before slipping unnoticed amongst the floating Morguldean shells. Hiding underneath one of the Morguldeans, Eddy’s sertz continued blocking the telepathic attempts of getting inside his mind.

    This aggravated the Morguldeans. Most of their thought process was based on telepathy. The huge dark portals were active again as darkness swirled within. As a precaution, many of the Morguldean shells backed into the portals. Seconds ticked by as the Morguldeans grew more anxious.

    Climbing up the back of one of the Morguldean’s floating shell, Eddy straddled it holding on tightly to its spikes. An energy field formed around the entire creature before it began to fly with forward motion. Riding it like a flying turtle, Eddy Lurched forward feeling like a stowaway. He was along for the ride to where ever as the Morguldean ventured. There was nothing he could do to stop the creature from entering one of the rolling black portals.

    Chapter 2

    The Mysterious Stranger

    INSTANTANEOUSLY, Eddy was launched out of the other end of the portal. Now within an entirely different location, he found he’d been transported to the ceiling of the space station’s dome. Holding onto the Morguldean’s shell tighter, he saw far below him, the encased planet of the Morguldeans. ‘Oh, great, now I’m really lost.’ Eddy counselled himself as he took in the magnificent sight of Morguldean civilization far below. Though Eddy didn’t want to remain at such a dangerous altitude above the cities, he wasn’t particularly thrilled about descending to one of them.

    The Morguldean dived toward the encased planet’s surface. They passed by floating mechanical stations and through clouds before a mysterious telepathic message came to Eddy’s mind. ‘Follow my voice and you’ll find me.’ Spoke a thought to Eddy’s mind, only this thought was not intrusive as the other Morguldeans had been. This thought wasn’t the same at all. Eddy understood the mind behind the thought like it was somehow relative to his own. For a moment he considered the thought must have come from Grizz, but Grizz was always far too aggressive to be so subtle. It had to be another volk…. At least he hoped it was.

    The Morguldean’s telescopic cluster eye extended over its back and gazed into Eddy’s face. Aware that the Morguldean had received the same telepathic message, it decided to follow the same voice which spoke to Eddy’s mind. Lured to a specific building of the Morguldean world, Eddy and the Morguldean were then directed to a specific window.

    The whole incident began to bother Eddy as he suspected some sort of misleading trickery, perhaps the same trickery which led to Grizz’s capture.

    Nearing the window that they were telepathically directed to, Eddy looked in and noticed someone inside looking out at him. It was a control room window of some sort. Steadily, the Morguldean carefully brought Eddy closer to the window.

    The single being within the dark room was not a Morguldean. The dark hooded and cloaked figure at the center of the room had a bipedal body. Continuing to observe from behind the window, he recognized the human-like person was very short next to the large alien counters and strange consoles around him. As though waiting for Eddy to do something, the mysterious person seemed just as amazed to look at him. The dark figure moved forward until he was under the high counter. Eddy couldn’t see him anymore. A hand reached up over the counter and flipped a switch.

    When the window vanished, the Morguldean used a telekinetic ability to carry Eddy inside. At this point, perhaps out of respect for this mysterious person, the Morguldean wasn’t threatening anymore. It was like the dark figure could influence, or perhaps control it. Noticing the inner compartment had gravity, Eddy settled his feet on the counter. Careful not to step on any of the controls, Eddy cautiously looked at the Morguldean, then down to the cloaked figure. Hello? he spoke calmly as he carefully placed his axe on the counter. My name is, Eddy Evon. I will not harm you. Speaking in basic English, Eddy hoped the creature would at least respond to the soft tone of his voice.

    The cloaked figure waved his hand with a telepathic message for the Morguldean outside the window to depart. When the Morguldean flew away, the window re-appeared like it rematerialized. Craning his neck, Eddy looked over the countertop.

    Peace, you are welcome here. I wouldn’t harm my friends. Spoke a voice from the dark and mysterious hood. I am, Jupacious. The cloaked figure slid his hood back, exposing his face. Looking up in the faint light the face behind the voice was revealed. Jupacious was a volk. The first thing Eddy realized was how thin and old this volk was. He recognized a strange peace in this volk’s eyes. If it was a trap, Eddy would be drawn in easily. The eyes of Jupacious were so strange and deep, magnificent and mysterious at the same time. Those eyes… Strong but gentle, somehow familiar, looking deep into his soul… Those eyes... You do not belong here. I’m supposed to be the only volk here.

    Perhaps neither of us are supposed to be here. I’m a time traveler. Eddy spoke with a wise nod of his head. Tell me how you came to be here.

    Time traveler. Yes, I’m also a dimensional traveler. My story is rather unbelievable. I will surely answer any question you care to ask, but because you’re new here, I prefer you start with your story. The look in the old volk’s dark eyes taunted Eddy to open up.

    I’ll tell you my story, but I’m concerned for my companion. I’m searching for Grizz. Do you know where I can find him? Eddy swallowed and squinted his eyes anticipating the answer.

    I’ve been watching him and following where the Morguldeans have taken him. Jupacious answered, and pointed to a three dimensional view screen on the console. It had perfect clarity. There, they saw the Morguldeans with Grizz in a chamber. Grizz had been bound and put into a clear capsule. With use of their instruments they activated many optical receptors which granted endless view points as they followed Grizz. "The Morguldeans and their scans are harmless. Notice how your companion, Grizz, is not frightened. They did the very same thing to me. We have to wait for them to finish before we can see him."

    "How can you be so sure? The Morguldeans are not good creatures, they’re evil." Eddy sneered.

    You’re new here and you don’t yet understand the Morguldeans. They’re an honorable race and they can be very helpful to us if you know how to communicate with them. Jupacious explained.

    Will they want to examine me? Eddy asked nervously.

    No, you’re a volk. The Morguldeans know our kind through the examinations conducted on me, but this creature, Grizz, is strange. Is he a volk?

    Not exactly. Eddy told him.

    Jupacious wasn’t too interested in Grizz as he waved the thought away. In the meantime I have questions that need answering. You’re a stranger to me, yet everyone has a story, where they came from, the places they’ve been and the creatures they’ve encountered. I would like very much for you to tell me your tale. Eddy noticed a small object covering the left ear of Jupacious. Pointing at the half round black object at the side of his head, Jupacious said, Your sertz can connect to this and send me your thoughts instantly.

    Strange.’ thought Eddy. ‘This volk seems to know more than I suspected. I can’t wait to find out his story. I’ve only ventured part of my journey. This volk here has technology equal to my own. He not only knows of the sertz but he knows I have one also… So where’s his?’ Eddy decided to test Jupacious’s reaction.

    Evon. spoke Eddy as he called for his sertz. From Eddy’s ear flew the tiny robot.

    It was designed like a tiny chiseled floating body with a tiny head mounted directly on top. The head turned, observing the room before it examined Jupacious. Slowing to a stop, at eye level, it fixed its bright red eyes on Eddy. I AM HERE, MY LORD.

    Eddy examined the eyes of Jupacious. He looked for a glimmer of surprise or malice but all he found was a smile.

    Jupacious was amused by the little sertz whom Eddy named Evon, but the sertz only captured his attention for a brief moment before his intense eyes locked onto Eddy once again.

    Deciding to trust the old volk, Eddy shifted his gaze to his sertz, and said, I wish to telepathically link with Jupacious. He’s wearing a device on his head. I need you to remote interface with this device.

    VERY WELL, MASTER. Evon replied loyally. Circling around Eddy’s head, the sertz finally flew into Eddy’s ear to establish the telepathic link.

    Peering back at Jupacious, very serious now, Eddy said, I have to start my tale from the beginning, with my father, Mulunac. Successfully connected, the information from Eddy’s mind began to transmit.

    For Eddy, it was an opportunity to relive his life before he left it all behind.

    "Great heroes; creatures capable of accomplishing impossible feats, have come and gone throughout history. Amongst the greatest beings to have ever lived was my father, Mulunac; the leader of a thrustle-T battalion.

    In a time long ago, on the peaceful planet of Verticus, my father was one of the few who was more than just a noble volk. He served the planet as a peacekeeper under the authority of the thrustle-T, but he was appointed first in front-line rank. Proving himself superior among volks and the thrustle-T my father’s name was greatly honored.

    The armor worn by Mulunac covered his blue energy gel suit. The armor plating sparkled with a thick metallic red finish that was clear and smooth. Waves of energy pulsed across the impenetrable red armor. Gold also lined the edges of the armor. Silver insect wings, framed in gold, pointed high at the sides of his helmet.

    Strong features shaped Mulunac’s magnanimous face, and every word he spoke held a deeper meaning. His presence was like no other.

    Verticus, my home world, was a magnificent planet, yet if left to nature without volk intervention it would’ve been destroyed many times over. To keep from being incinerated altogether, a huge mechanical brace had to be constructed across the surface of this unique world. The brace wrapped around the entire surface of the planet along the equator. The planetary prosthetics allowed Verticus to leave its natural orbit around the sun and back away to a safe distance where the heat wouldn’t destroy all life.

    At the natural proximity the planet would burn up. The solar system was at a ripe old age and the sun was a red giant. Besides keeping the planet a safe distance from the unstable sun, the brace of Verticus was also capable of controlling weather conditions and aiding the planet in the calming of natural disasters. Nature can be stubborn to get along with no matter how much control is established over it. On the surface, volks shared their dominance with huge insects.

    Millions of years ago, dinosaurs dominated the planet earth, later mammals, with humans at the top of the food chain. On my planet, Verticus, insects ruled. It has always been so from the beginning. Volks were superior, but they couldn’t compete with the rate that the insects bred, infested and consumed.

    Many of the vehicles on Verticus were replicas of insects to blend in. Most volks admired the natural design and colour of highly agile insects. Insects were sought to be linked to the next step in the evolution of volks.

    Much of this world was peaceful, but evil crept in just the same. Even in the lives of beings as superior as volks, it was amazing what a little confusion and misunderstanding could do.

    Gastonish, a female volk (wovolk), renowned in the arts of peace and pure living, found favor in the eyes of Mulunac. Not only did the two of them work well together, they formed an allegiance that grew so strong they became more than trusted friends.

    Gastonish wore a lot of items which incorporated electric pinks and purples. No outfit worked better for her than the body conforming, skin tight pink energy gel suit, incorporating a circuit design that shifted and clicked to conform with the motions of her movements. Though her bioluminescent bones were thick, her compact volk musculature accentuated her feminine robustness and beauty.

    It was inevitable Mulunac and Gastonish would want to commit themselves to one another with marital vows. Mulunac loved Gastonish more than anything else in the worlds and they decided to unite in a customary volk wedding of extravagant brilliance.

    Giant flying insects and vehicles filled the expanse of the orange coloured sky. Within the Zandith Crockmior L/X, Mulunac and Gastonish traveled at a tremendous speed blurring the landscape of Verticus’s ridged crust. Heading toward the horizon of a vibrant red sunset they enjoyed the golden high-lights which surrounded them. The insect-like craft darted away from the planet as the surface rounded from their precise trajectory. The buzzing of the insect vehicle’s wings began to glow brightly as they continued their journey. Passing through the atmosphere with ease and entering orbit, the passengers glanced back at their shrinking home world of Verticus. There they caught a glimpse of the bloated red sun which reminded them of a molten eye of anger ready to explode. Looking on to the future, Mulunac and Gastonish focused on their new life that they intended to build with each other.

    After leaving the ceremony of their wedding, excitement filled their strong young hearts. Racing against the speed of the adrenaline pumping through their veins, they decided to shoot for the stars.

    A destination filled with benign beauty and bewilderment was plotted into their course. Neither of the two beings navigated the organic craft, for it was operating by a self-guidance system. Their two sertz recorded the journey of the craft in its entirety.

    Tendrils hung out toward the passengers like large glossy spider legs. Mulunac held his bulky forearm monitor close to the tendrils. Twisty prong-like limbs from the dashboard twitched and stretched out to the arm monitor. Within reach, the organic appendages plugged into some small holes of the arm monitor. It opened like a clam or a book and displayed countless readings for the passengers to observe.

    The speed at which they traveled was equivalent to five times that of a photon of light. Using technology of the volks, the passengers doubled their speed. The effects from the sudden thrust and velocity was muffled. The passengers hardly felt the change in speed at all. Volks had achieved such advancements in their enunamic fields which protected the passengers from such sudden kicks of velocity. From their new speed they doubled it again and again. Traveling thirty times faster than the speed of light, the insectular vehicle soon neared its destination and began to decrease speed.

    Arriving at the beautiful planet of the Procyon solar system; the planet Tryserious, where the Volks there recently achieved planet stability, was popular for its fine luxuries. It was a young world. Everything there was new and clean and capable of sustaining any life selected from Verticus for the planet’s criteria.

    Three days were spent at Tryserious as the couple enjoyed the pleasures of the fresh, modern concepts of this natural world. Landscapes, vegetation, triple moons and wondrous night skies were all novel perceptions to the Verthlings. They couldn’t recall another time of their lives when problems were as distant as they seemed during their time at Tryserious, on their honeymoon.

    After three days, Mulunac had a strong desire to continue their voyage to

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