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Don and his wife, Monica had been married for six months. Monica's parents, Bob and Cora lived across the country and they were coming for their first visit since the marriage. Don was more than a little nervous, as he knew very little about them. His courtship of Monica had been a whirlwind affair so there had been little time to get to know much about her parents...

PublisherBaron LeSade
Release dateFeb 28, 2013

Baron LeSade

Howdy, I'm a Texan by birth and a Nevadan an accident of fate. Retired after twenty-eight years in the USAF and now live on a horse ranch just outside of Reno, Nevada. I used to write for literotica, but decided I might as well write for myself as it was a lot more profitable....

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    Love-Thirty... - Baron LeSade

    Love – Thirty

    Published by Baron LeSade at Smashwords

    Copyright 2013 Baron LeSade

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    All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. No responsibility or liability is assumed or accepted by the author for any claimed financial losses and/or damages sustained to persons from the use of the information used in this publication, personal or otherwise, either directly or indirectly. While every effort has been made to ensure reliability and accuracy of the information within, all liability, negligence or otherwise, from any misuse or abuse of the operation of any methods, strategies, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein, is the sole responsibility of the reader. By reading past this point you are accepting these terms and conditions and acknowledging that you are eighteen years of age or older.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One – Tennis, Anyone

    Chapter Two – While the Cats Away, the Mice will Play

    Chapter Three – Surprise

    Chapter Four – The Cabin

    Chapter Five – One Big Happy Family


    Love – Thirty

    Chapter One – Tennis, Anyone

    Don and his wife, Monica had been married for six months. Monica's parents, Bob and Cora lived across the country and they were coming for their first visit since the marriage. Don was more than a little nervous, as he knew very little about them. His courtship of Monica had been a whirlwind affair so there had been little time to get to know much about her parents. In fact, he didn't know much at all about her, either. Other than the fact that they were happily married...

    Sitting at the terminal with Monica, Don nervously awaited the arrival of his in laws. He didn't know why he was so nervous. They had seemed nice enough the two times he had met them before. In fact, if anything, Monica's mother, Cora had seemed almost over-friendly, but he had brushed that off to nerves.

    Then the arrival of their plane was announced and Monica got up. Grabbing his hand, she dragged him over to the walk way leading from the plane.

    There they are, Monica giggled, watching her parents as they came walking down the gangway.

    They were certainly a handsome couple, Don thought as they came walking toward them, waving and laughing. Bob was a dapper fifty-year-old, muscular and fit, his brown hair was just starting to turn gray on his temples. But after a cursory look, Don's eyes were naturally drawn to Cora as she came walking them, hips swaying and breasts bobbling. He could certainly see where Monica got her good looks as he studied his pretty mother-in-law. Her lovely face was surrounded by long, blond, shoulder-length hair that shimmered and danced in the soft lights of the terminal. Then Don wasn't able to keep his eyes off her impressive rack that was proudly jutting out against her blouse and heavily bobbling with each step she took. Every time Don had seen her, she had been dressed just as she was today. Blouse and a short skirt. And why wouldn't she wear a short skirt, he giddily asked himself as he ran his eyes down her long, shapely legs. It would almost be sacrilege to cover the works of art extending down from her it. Arched by her high heels, her legs were a dizzying assortment of perfect swoops and curves. In a word, they were fucking gorgeous. Finally, their eyes met and Don swore that she gave him the subtlest of winks as she stepped up to where Monica and Don stood.

    There was the usual round of hugs and kisses and when Cora hugged him, he could feel her big tits pressing against his chest as her lips brushed across his cheek. Stepping back away from her, Don found himself suddenly unnerved by the warm intimacy of their embrace. What was going on, he asked himself? Was she coming on to him? Just as before, she seemed over-friendly toward him. Then he felt a tickle of excitement spark through his cock as it began to harden down inside his pants.

    You have checked luggage? he asked.

    Yeah, one bag, Bob smiled, holding onto Monica with his arm casually wrapped around her tiny waist.

    Follow me, Don said, starting off in the direction of the luggage carousel.

    Gathering up their bag, they hurried out to the car and made their way home...

    After a light supper and a couple of drinks, Bob said that it had been a long day and he was going to hit the sack I'll be up in a bit, dear, Cora told him in her low, sultry voice. I'm just going to finish my drink.

    I'll show you to your room, Daddy, Monica said, tossing down the last of her drink and setting her glass down beside her father's. Then I think I'll go on down to bed, too, Don.

    Uh, okay, I guess I'll stay down here and keep Cora company for a bit... Don said, glancing over at Cora and then watching Monica and her father stroll out of the room hand in hand...


    Stopping in front of the guest room door, Monica nervously looked back down the hallway, then quickly wrapped her arm around behind her father's neck and pulled his face into hers. Thrusting herself against him, she gave him a long, soulful kiss, her tongue diving into his mouth searching for his tongue. As they kissed, she felt her father's hands cup her ass and pull her against his groin. She could feel his hard impatience digging into her belly as they ground themselves together for the longest time.

    Finally, gasping for breath, they parted, as they stood longingly looking into each other's eyes.

    Tomorrow... she murmured, kissing two of her fingertips and gently placing them on his quivering lips. Night, night, till then!

    Backing away from him, she stumbled down toward her bedroom...


    Cora was sitting on one of the barstools, her long legs crossed with one high heel anchored on one of the cross supports. Her other foot was slowly bobbing up and down, the sharp tip of her high heel barely missing the swell of Don's calf as he stood leaning against the bar.

    So, she said, taking a dainty sip off her drink, Monica tells me that you play tennis...

    I don't know if you could call it playing, he laughed, acutely aware of the closeness of her foot to his leg. I swing the racquet at the ball.

    Oh, I see, she softly laughed. Well, it's been a while, but I've been known to hit a few...balls…in my time.

    The way she paused on the word balls sent a tickle of excitement down to his cock. Was she intentionally flirting with him? Or was he just imagining it?

    So, maybe you could show me your...balls...tomorrow? she said with a sultry smile playing across her full, pink lips.

    Don choked on his drink, coughing and sputtering, spraying her with droplets of his drink.

    Pardon? he asked when he was finally able to catch his breath.

    Had she actually asked him to show her his balls, or had she simply misspoke?

    I'd like to see how you use your...balls! she smiled again, daintily wiping at her big, bobbling breasts with her fingertips to brush away the drops of his drink.

    Uh, sorry, he muttered, grabbing the bar towel and handing it to her.

    Dropping his eyes down to her breasts, he watched as she ran the towel over the jiggling giants making them quiver and dance down inside her blouse.

    She had paused just like before when she said the word 'balls', he giddily thought. Then, as he was contemplating the meaning of it all, the tip of her high-heeled pump ticked against his calf.

    It seemed very apparent that she was flirting with him! Flirting, he giddily asked himself? It seemed much more than innocent flirting. It seemed more like an open seduction! Or had the touch of her toe against his leg been an accident? It had certainly seemed obvious! His mind was in a swirl of excitement and confusion. Should he dare?

    If one didn't know better, Cora, one might think you were trying to seduce me, he said, hoping he had been right.

    Oh, what a naughty suggestion, she cooed, ticking the tip of her toe against his leg again.

    It hadn't been an

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