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Love You More (Broken Series)
Love You More (Broken Series)
Love You More (Broken Series)
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Love You More (Broken Series)

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In life she found love, but can she hold on to it in death?

There are two things in a person's existence that truly matter—the present and what comes after. This is Jade's after.

Just a week before her wedding, a brutal attack leaves a woman of privilege searching for answers as she aimlessly wanders in the realm between life and death. As if losing her life wasn't bad enough, Jade must come to terms with the truth behind her demise while trying to find ways to help detectives solve her own murder.

As she struggles to piece together the events surrounding her murder, Jade meets a psychic and a mysterious ghostly stranger who enlighten her to the truths—and the lies—behind her existence. Will she continue to hold on to the love she had in life or will she fall into the arms of a man who could threaten her eternity?

A peaceful afterlife, a living fiancé, or the love of an unexpected stranger...which will she choose?

Release dateMar 7, 2013
Love You More (Broken Series)

M. L. Stephens

I have an unshakable fetish for a good mystery and anything paranormal, along with an insatiable appetite for coffee and travel. When I'm not reading the novels of so many great authors, I'm creating stories of my own. My family keeps me grounded, my pets keep me jumping, my friends keep me focused, and I do it all in Texas!

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    Book preview

    Love You More (Broken Series) - M. L. Stephens

    Love You More

    Broken Series Book One

    By M. L. Stephens

    Copyright 2012 by M.L. Stephens

    Smashwords Edition


    To my readers who asked for more. This is for you!


    If not for Kevin B's honesty, this story might not exist.

    As always, to my family and friends for their unrelenting support!

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Preview of Innocence Lost

    Connect with the author

    Chapter 1

    Butterflies and rainbows…that's all I'm saying. Claire's lyrical laughter filled the car's interior as we cruised down the road, blending in with the pop song that was humming from the car's speakers.

    I joined in the fun. My life's not a complete fairy tale. It was, but no need to brag.

    Oh, come on, Jade. Minus the entourage of fulltime unicorns and fairies hovering in the background, it really is. Admit it!

    I turned in my seat, grinning from ear to ear. Claire and I had met the first day of kindergarten and had been like sisters ever since. If anyone knew me, it was her. We shared everything…except my fiancé of course. My best friend was right, my life was a fairy tale and I played the role of princess. I was one of those fortunate people who had been born into a perfect family that seemed to be surrounded by good fortune, so I knew it was confession time. Ok. Maybe it's close to perfect. There, I said it, now will you stop teasing me? I desperately wished that her life had turned out the same.

    Claire's laughter eased as she concentrated on the road. Jade, I'm really happy for you. You know that, right?

    I didn't allow the hint of sadness in her voice to loom between us for long. Reaching over, I placed my hand on her arm in a show of support. I know you are. I just wish the timing was different. Her fairy tale had ended with the death of her boyfriend a year ago. Nothing had quite been the same for her since. She had just recently come out of her depression over the huge hole his death had created.

    As the comment lingered, we silently reflected on the changes that had taken place over the last year. Claire had lost the love of her life in a freak boating accident, we had both been promoted at our jobs, and Reed had finally asked me to marry him.

    Enough of the mellow drama, Jade. What a night! People will be talking about your bachelorette party for weeks! I can't believe how many people showed up! Can you imagine what the wedding reception will be like? Claire's ability to shift emotional gears was one of the many things I adored about her. Her energy was contagious.

    I could barely contain my joy! I'm still trying to process everything. It's hard to believe that I'm getting married in just one week. It just doesn't seem real.

    Well, it's real! My little girl's all grown up, she joked as she pulled up to the gas pumps at a local truck stop.

    Shut up! I barked with laughter. In just one week I'll be Mrs. Reed Rodgers.

    No, in just one week he'll be Mrs. Jade Spencer!

    Maybe so, but don't tell him that! I teased, amused at the thought. Stepping out of the car, I leaned over the hood. I'm running in to take advantage of their infamous cappuccino machine. You want anything?

    Claire jammed her debit card into the gas pump and turned to point at me as we answered the question in unison. French Vanilla Cappuccino with one sugar! We'd been finishing each other's sentences for as long as I could remember. The fact that we thought alike often freaked people out. It was that type of thing that kept our friendship strong, however. We were the epitome of soul sisters.

    We'd been known to sense when the other was experiencing strong emotions, even if we were separated by miles. When she'd first found out about Mason's death, I'd been out of town. She had only known for a matter of minutes before a pang of unexplainable grief forced me to dial her number. She'd been devastated. Sharing in her anguish both mentally and emotionally, I returned home immediately. Her months of grieving had been the most difficult, but we'd gotten through it…together.

    Great, I'll be back in a jiffy, I said over my shoulder as I headed inside. We'd stopped here many times over the years. The high traffic of the place usually made me nervous, but tonight it seemed different. The truck stop was unusually quiet, and I was thankful. I'd only had two drinks at the party, but that was enough to make me paranoid about being in public.

    After a quick stop at the ladies room, I spotted the cappuccino machine close to the front and made a bee-line directly toward it. Filling two large cups with the foaming French Vanilla blend, I added a packet of sugar substitute to both cups.

    I love the smell of French vanilla, I mused to the homely woman next to me. She nodded, but didn't comment. I noticed that she seemed frazzled and bruised, but who was I to judge? She might have been in a car accident for all I knew. I'd learned a long time ago that people had their secrets. I didn't…but others did.

    While paying the cashier, a large burley man stormed into the store and stalked over to the woman at the coffee machine. His clothes were dirty, but they matched the condition of the woman's battered appearance. I watched her shrink away in fear as he grabbed her upper arm and pulled her out of the store. Not a scene I was accustomed to witnessing, but that woman's problem was her own. I had other things to worry about…like getting married to the most wonderful man on the planet. Trying to mind my own business, I gathered up my cups and headed back to the gas pumps. Claire was just removing the nozzle from the tank.

    You're useless! The man's voice rang out behind me. I could hear the woman whimper.

    The expression on Claire's face indicated trouble. I turned around just in time to witness the man knock his female companion to the ground.

    It took a full minute for me to digest the severity of the situation. I wasn't accustomed to being around violence. My world of unicorns and rainbows didn't tolerate such things. As he bent over to smack her around some more, I came to a decision. That's it, I thought heading over to the fallen stranger. Still holding the steaming cups in my hands, I knelt down next to the lady and threw a look at the man that dared him to touch me.

    Are you ok? Should I call the police? I asked the frightened woman. Upon closer inspection, I could see old wounds that hadn't quite healed and instantly felt pity for the girl. She'd obviously been this man's punching bag on more than one occasion.

    She struggled to get up. I put the cups down to help.

    Mind your own business! He growled, pushing me away from her.

    Get your hands off my friend! Claire shouted as she jogged toward us.

    The man held his hands up in a false display of surrender and backed away…smiling. The woman jumped up to stand behind me.

    Look what we have here. Two little debutantes have come to save the day. Well you can have her! In fact, you're doing me a huge favor. She's your problem now. Good luck with that, he remarked as he stalked off through the parking lot.

    Claire threw an arm around the frazzled woman to comfort her. What a monster! You're better off without him. Are you ok? Is there somewhere we can take you?

    Sniffing through her tears, the woman shook her head yes. I have a friend that lives just a few miles from here. Are you sure you wouldn't mind?

    Picking up the coffee cups, I offered up what I hoped was a reassuring smile and handed her my cup. We wouldn't mind at all.

    The woman seemed thankful as she accepted the cup of cappuccino. My name is, Julie. Thanks for saving my skin. Buck can be a real jerk sometimes.

    It's nice to meet you, Julie. I'm Jade and this is my friend, Claire. Introducing ourselves, we shook hands with the woman. One of my father's old sayings came to mind as we shook, The strength of a man's character lies in his hand shake. If that was the case, this woman's hand shake indicated an extremely flawed character. It was weak, clammy, and she refused to make eye contact. I quickly attributed the clamminess and lack of eye contact to her embarrassment of the situation.

    It's nice to meet you, too, she mumbled without conviction.

    From the looks of your face, I'm guessing he's more jerk than not. Why do you stay with him? I asked.

    Julie shrugged just before slipping into the back seat of Claire's car.

    This night was going much differently than I'd expected. I had heard about abusive relationships, but had never been around one and hoped never to again.

    Claire turned off the radio as she pulled the car onto the road.

    Drive north. I'll show you the turn off. It's hard to find. Julie replied.

    We traveled in silence for fifteen minutes, waiting for Julie's directions. I thought about all the things Claire and I had been through over the years and decided that this would rank at the top of our, I Can't Believe We Did That list.

    Are we getting close? This road is taking us away from the city. I could hear the nervousness in Claire's voice and understood it. I was getting nervous as well. There was a stranger in our car and we were driving into a rural area.

    Yes. We don't have much further to go. Maybe it was my nerves, but Julie sounded cheerful. Turning in my seat to look at her, I inhaled sharply. The silver metal of a gun, pressed into the back of the driver's seat, wasn't hard to miss. Claire cast an apologetic look my direction. How long had she been driving with that thing stuck in her back? Her eyes were wide with fear. Claire and I had known each other for so long that we had a type of telepathic communication, so it came as a complete shock that I hadn't sensed her fear, or maybe that's why I'd been feeling nervous. I have money! If you let us go, I'll make sure you get it…I swear! Just don't hurt us!

    Don't get panicky on me princess. This can go one of two ways. You two can do what I say without giving me problems, or you can both die tonight. The choice is yours. I would suggest you decide quickly though. Oh…turn left, here.

    Where are you taking us? The words stumbled out of my mouth.

    No need to worry yourself about that. Drive until you see the turnoff on the right.

    "No need to worry? You have a gun stuck in my best friend's back. How the hell do you expect me not to worry?" I was way beyond being worried. I was petrified.

    The further we traveled down the rural road, the slimmer our chance to escape became. "We'll give you our money, our jewelry, anything you want. Just… please let us go!" Claire cried.

    Stop being such a ninny. We'll get those things too. Julie's words sent shivers up my spine. This is it, turn here.

    Claire did what she was told. Turning onto the abandoned road, Julie instructed us to drive to the end of it. The headlights from the car revealed an old pickup truck parked sideways across the road. Buck was leaning against it. My heart flipped as it pounded hard against my chest. I could see horror written all over Claire's face.

    Julie laughed. That's right sweethearts, your kind hearts and generous ways won't get you out of this one. Buck spotted the two of you as soon as you pulled up for gas. The real trick was figuring out a way to get you out of the truck stop without causing too big of a scene.

    "Julie, we can leave right now! I told you…my family has money. They'll pay you. I swear it! We can hide you from this man and keep you safe. Just please let us go!" Tears ran freely down my cheeks as the magnitude of what lie ahead punched me in the stomach.

    Shut up! Just shut your mouths before I kill you myself! she screamed. Without missing a beat, she calmed herself. Buck and I have a working relationship. I help him get what he wants, and in turn, he gives me what I want, the crazy lady barked.

    What could you want so badly, that you'd willing do something like this? Claire cried.

    He lets me see my kid. Now shut your mouths and do what you're told so we can all get out of this alive. Oh…yeah. My advice to you is not fight, Buck hates when you people fight.

    Julie ordered us out of the car and then stepped out behind us, gun still pointed at Claire. Which one do you want first? She asked Buck.

    He walked over, sizing us both up. I'll start with the one that thought she was feisty enough to take me on. Buck reached for me. I fought, but it was no use. He was so strong. After a few failed punches to his chest, the man tackled me to the ground. Claire's sobs echoed in the background. I continued to punch and scratch as he ripped away my clothes and groped my flesh. The brutal assault of his fist against my face thwarted my efforts. This is it, I thought. This is how I'm going to die; just a week before my wedding, in the woods, at the hands of a monster. As Buck forced himself onto me, my body went numb. I turned to look at Claire. She'd turned away, so as not to see. That was probably best. He relentlessly plunged himself into me but I felt nothing except the wetness of tears as they rolled down the sides of my face. His breath burned my skin as he grunted and groaned. I couldn't die. Not now…not like this.

    I forced my eyes to bend around my attacker. I could see his grimy jeans pushed down around his ankles. Lying next to his right leg was a large hunting knife.

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