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How Many Guards at the Tomb?
How Many Guards at the Tomb?
How Many Guards at the Tomb?
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How Many Guards at the Tomb?

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Christian art portrays the tomb on Easter morn as being guarded by just two Roman guards, leading both Christians and non-Christians to give credence to an explanation that was roundly dismissed at the time: the guards simply fell asleep. In this series of essays, Christian apologist Anthony Horvath shows how artist's portrayals are not only inaccurate, but undermine what they seek to honor.

It is, after all, quite ironic, that those who firmly believe in the resurrection of Jesus would fuel skepticism of that event. The evidence strongly supports the presence of many more guards--16 or more, in fact. Moreover, Horvath argues that there were both Roman and Jewish guards presence, and provides documentation to support his contention.

With dozens, if not hundreds, of people watching Jesus' tomb, it becomes implausible to the extreme to suppose that the guards merely fell asleep and the disciples stole his body. In fact, it is almost certainly the case that the presence of the guards are precisely why so many people came to believe in the resurrection immediately after it was claimed to have happened.

What began as a well-trafficked and very popular blog post on is now an ebook with further argumentation, documentation, and corroboration.


* How many guards at Jesus' tomb?
** Were they Roman Guards or Temple Guards?
** The Discipline of the Roman Soldier
** The Romans and Jews: So (un)Happy Together
** Pilate puts Jesus on Trial, the Jews put Pilate on Trial
** The Presence of Jewish Guards at the Tomb

Release dateMar 11, 2013
How Many Guards at the Tomb?

Anthony Horvath

Author, Christian apologist, pro-life advocate, public speaker.

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    Book preview

    How Many Guards at the Tomb? - Anthony Horvath

    How Many Guards at the Tomb?

    by Anthony Horvath

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Copyright Anthony Horvath 2013. All Rights Reserved

    Published by Athanatos Publishing Group



    How many guards at Jesus’ tomb?

    Were they Roman Guards or Temple Guards?

    The Discipline of the Roman Soldier

    The Romans and Jews: So (un)Happy Together

    Pilate puts Jesus on Trial, the Jews put Pilate on Trial

    The Presence of Jewish Guards at the Tomb

    This essay began as a blog post that proved to be one of the most popular ones I've written, drawing thousands and thousands of visitors or so each year.  I suspect that there are a lot of churches putting on Passion plays and they’re looking for some guidance on this topic.  There was, however, much more that could be said, so I have written a number of other essays that touch on the research that led me to make the claims I originally made. Thus, these other essays provide material that will corroborate and supplement the original essay They are meant to be read as addendums, as it were.  Future essays are possible, and even likely. Use the link to the blog post to be kept apprised of any future editions.

    How Many Guards at the Tomb?

    Sometimes apologetics is about sifting out traditional accretions that in themselves are generally harmless but conspire to create a false picture.  When Christianity comes to be evaluated, it is this false picture that is attacked, unmindful of the aforementioned accretions.  This is sad, because virtually any Christian who has taken the time to familiarize himself with the actual facts of the faith is aware of what are accretions and what are not, but this doesn’t usually filter down.

    As a case in point, consider the cherished traditional presentation of the birth of Jesus, what with the ‘three wise men’ coming to greet the newly born King of the Jews.   Upon examination, however, we learn that we are never told that there are three, that they came a couple of years later, and rather than ‘wise’ men they are ‘magi.’  The traditional presentation is harmless

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