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The Art of Cleaving
The Art of Cleaving
The Art of Cleaving
Ebook48 pages29 minutes

The Art of Cleaving

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About this ebook

Whether it's lack of communication, mis-communication or simply a lack of understanding, you and your spouse will grow together in compatibility after reading this study guide. God laid down the basics for a "marriage that cleaves" and sadly, lack of these principles has contributed to the high rate of divorce - even within the church. This guide includes study scripture and "homework" for couples to do together as they come to a clearer understanding of "The Art of Cleaving."

PublisherRichard Honey
Release dateMar 15, 2013
The Art of Cleaving

Richard Honey

Having spent 30 years in the computer industry, engineering and teaching, in 2006 Richard founded a ministry to reach the homeless and "working poor" in Longmont, Colorado. The support offered not only includes material support but teaching, based on a solid biblical foundation, in the areas of personal improvement and relationships. Richard now pastors Glory Community Church in Claremore, OK - a "word of faith" church - filled with the Holy Spirit and signs, wonders and miracles.

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    Book preview

    The Art of Cleaving - Richard Honey

    God’s Purpose for Marriage

    Understanding what God intended for marriage to be, will help you and your spouse set goals for your marriage.


    Genesis 2:24 

    Adam and Eve experienced a unique situation in that they had no one but each other to meet their psychological and physical needs. By default they were best friends and lovers. If conversation was to take place, it had to be with each other.

    The Scripture says leave and cleave. The leave list really needs to include friends, siblings, teams, and associates. Your spouse is meant by God’s design to be your best friend. Your spouse is to be your counselor, your teammate, the first one you go to in need, the first one with whom to share your wins and losses.

    Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

    Two are better than one! Making your spouse your best friend will bring you a good reward It is worth the effort to learn how to be a friend yourself, and to cultivate your marriage relationship to become best friends with your spouse. Good friendship takes an expenditure of time and effort, but you will enjoy the benefits.

    Sexual Fulfillment

    Hebrews 13:4 

    Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.

    God has a wonderful plan for your sexuality. Remember, sex is godly only within the confines of marriage. The physical bond between a husband and wife is what makes their relationship unique and special. Through lust, abuse, and perversion the enemy has tried to destroy this precious gift.

    Bottom line is that in the confines of marriage, whatever does not negate the Word of God, is agreed upon by the couple, and is done in love, is honorable.  A strong sexual relationship is foundational to human fulfillment within a healthy marriage. Sexual intimacy is part of the process of finding true unity and oneness. In a godly sexual relationship, one can find emotional acceptance and release from stress.

    Human Fulfillment

    Genesis 2:23 

    The very act of creating woman from a part of man denotes the plan of God in the relationship. In marriage the man becomes complete, in essence, gathering the lost part. "It is not good for man to be alone." From this we can conclude that it is good to be married.

    Proverbs 18:22

    A wonderful and unique sense of human completeness and wholeness comes through marriage. This

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