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Revenge of the Dragons
Revenge of the Dragons
Revenge of the Dragons
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Revenge of the Dragons

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Corthia, the magnificent city of wealth and splendor, is also the prison of half a million slaves.

When eighteen-year-old Joel of Seawell learns that a young girl from Seawell will be forced to marry her cruel master, he determines to do what is necessary to rescue her. Enlisting the aid of his father and grandfather in the quest for Myra’s freedom, Joel overcomes his fears and returns to Corthia.

As Joel, Cobby, and Papa Wynn plan their rescue attempt, the quest becomes bigger than they had anticipated, with unexpected results that will impact much of Terrestria.

Journey to Terrestria, the land of adventure, the realm of King Emmanuel. Revenge of the Dragons, written to teach young readers the importance of intercessory prayer, is the fifth book in the Kingdom Tales from Terrestria, the companion series to the Terrestria Chronicles.

PublisherEd Dunlop
Release dateMar 19, 2013
Revenge of the Dragons

Ed Dunlop

Ed Dunlop has worked in children’s ministries full-time for more than forty years. As an evangelist, he conducts Family Crusades in local churches, presents teacher-training seminars, speaks at junior camps, and conducts visualized drug and alcohol awareness programs in public elementary and junior high schools. His ministry involves ventriloquism, Gospel magic, PowerPoint, and a variety of other visual media.Ed writes fiction for children and resource books for teachers, and currently has thirty-seven titles in print with five publishers.The author grew up in Phoenix, Arizona. and has served churches in California, Arizona, and Tennessee as assistant pastor and Christian Education Director. He and his family entered full-time evangelism in March of 1988. Ed and his wife, Elma, have five grown children and make their home in north Georgia.Ed enjoys canoeing, motorcycling and SCUBA diving. His sons are also certified divers. Ed currently serves as a volunteer diver at the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and enjoys feeding the fish, sharks, stingrays and moray eels as groups of school children watch.

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    Revenge of the Dragons - Ed Dunlop

    Revenge of the Dragons

    by Ed Dunlop

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2013 Ed Dunlop

    (Book Five in the Kingdom Tales from Terrestria)

    Discover other titles by Ed Dunlop at

    That we would learn

    the value of our petitions

    And it shall come to pass,

    that before they call

    I will answer;

    and while they are yet speaking,

    I will hear.

    Isaiah 65:24


    A cold, gray dawn stole across Braxbury Castle as a score of somber knights led Cobby across the drawbridge and out into the stillness of the forest. Four more knights held Papa Wynn, Joel, and Andrew at sword point, but allowed them to follow the execution party at a distance. Riding a handsome black stallion, Sir Rafe kept his distance from the other knights.

    A stab of terror tightened in Joel’s chest. Cold fear seemed to grip his heart, squeezing so tightly that he struggled to breathe. He took a deep breath and made a gallant effort to push his fear aside, but it was no use. Each time he tried, it came rushing back upon him, raging in fury and more determined than ever to devour him.

    Papa Wynn, he gasped, and his voice came out as a feeble croak, what are we going to do? We can’t let them hang Pa!

    Papa Wynn inhaled sharply, producing only the wheezing, rattling breath of a dying man. Joel stared at him in alarm. Papa Wynn looked so old, so feeble— as if the life had gone out of him. I—I don’t know, Joel, he stammered, his eyes filling with tears. We can’t take on a score of armed men. If only there was some way to prove Cobby’s identity.

    Joel glanced up at Sir Rafe and was angered to see that the bearded knight seemed to be enjoying the spectacle of Cobby’s march to th gallows. Helpless fury surged throughout his being.

    Do something, he begged Papa Wynn. We have to do something! Papa Wynn, we have to stop them!

    The old man put a hand on Joel’s shoulder. There’s nothing we can do, Joel.

    The band of knights led Cobby into the forest and paused in a clearing beneath a huge oak tree. Joel looked up into its branches and recoiled in horror when he saw a hangman’s noose dangling from a stout limb. Panic tore at his heart, and he struggled to breathe. No! he cried. You cannot do this! Darting around the four knights guarding him, he dashed forward and threw his arms around his father. He’s innocent! My father is innocent! This is not Arthur of Araban—his name is Cobby of Seawell!

    If this is farewell, my son, then so be it, Cobby said softly. Take care of your mother, and always honor your King.

    No, Pa, no, Joel sobbed, clinging to his father. I won’t let them do this!

    Four knights dragged him away.

    Chapter One

    Joel felt a rush of adrenaline in his muscles and a surge of apprehension in his soul as he stared down into the darkness of the vast arena. His heart raced and his breath came in short, ragged gasps. He desperately longed to turn and dash far away from this place of death and horror, but he took a deep breath and by sheer strength of his will pushed back the terror that threatened to engulf him. He would not give way to panic; he would complete his mission.

    A dragon roared, and paralyzing fear seized him. His pulse pounded in his head. Cold fingers of fear tightened around his heart as panic rose within him. A trickle of sweat ran down his face and his hand trembled as he wiped it away. He turned to run.

    A strong hand seized his arm, pulling him down to a kneeling position. Joel. It’s all right.

    Joel jumped at the whisper of his name and then laughed nervously. It’s been nearly two years now, but this place still terrifies me.

    His companion nodded. I’m sure it would. The Dragon Tournaments are not easily forgotten.

    Joel pointed across the vast amphitheater. The dragon had me trapped beneath that ledge on the far side. You cannot imagine the overwhelming fear that I experienced as his claws sliced open the side of my leg. I just knew that I was going to die.

    A dragon roared again at that moment and Joel’s heart seemed to stop. In an instant, he was once again on his knees in the sand of the arena, watching in terror as the huge beast thundered toward him. His fingers clawed at the sand as he searched in vain for a weapon. Suddenly the dragon was upon him, its fearsome mouth wide as it leaped forward to seize its helpless prey. Joel cried out in fear and twisted away.

    A strong hand seized his shoulder and shook him. Joel! It’s all right! The dragons are behind solid iron gates!

    Joel took a deep breath when the horrific scene vanished and he found himself once again in the safety of the stands. He nodded. I’m all right now. He looked around at his three companions, all of them young men from the little fishing village of Seawell. We came here on a mission. Let’s do it.

    Just then a flickering glow caught his attention and he whirled around. Panic seized him as he saw a burly guard with a torch slowly making his way down the steep aisle of the arena. A guard is coming! he whispered fiercely. Get down!

    The four youths dropped to the floor behind the stone seats, covered their faces, and waited in breathless terror. If they were discovered, their mission would end in failure and they would lose their lives. Joel’s heart pounded as if it wanted out of his chest. King Emmanuel, he breathed softly, protect us! Keep this guard from seeing us.

    The torch burned brighter as the guard came closer. He was three rows away now, swinging his torch from side to side as he scanned the benches on each side of the aisle. There was no way he would fail to see them.

    Brutus! a voice called from above, Captain Marcus wants to see you.

    Be there in a minute, the guard replied over his shoulder. Let me finish this round first.

    Keep the captain waiting and you’ll regret it, the unseen man warned. He’s not known for his patience.

    I said I’ll be there in a minute, the guard growled, turning slightly to throw a look of disgust over his shoulder. The captain will not die of old age before I get there.

    In spite of his nonchalant reply, the guard quickened his pace. The torch now swung faster and the man threw a cursory glance in each direction as he passed each row of seats. Seconds later, he had passed the hiding place of the frightened youths and continued down toward the arena.

    Joel relaxed and let out his breath in a long sigh of relief. Whew! That was close! he whispered.

    Stay still until he leaves, a voice whispered in his ear, and Joel nodded. Moments later, the guard had reached the sands of the arena and strode quickly toward the far end.

    We’ll have to be more careful, David, the youngest of the group, muttered. That was too close.

    What’s the plan? Joel asked. He quickly scanned the arena, but there were no signs of other guards.

    A slender youth named Timothy was already pressing a small packet into his hands. The package was soft and pliable, and wrapped in coarse cloth. What is this? Joel asked.

    It’s an explosive substance, Thad, the leader of the band, replied. It’s called gunpowder, and various armies in Terrestria are starting to use it in warfare. Some say that it will one day make castles obsolete.

    How could anything make a castle obsolete? Joel countered.

    Gunpowder explodes with tremendous force when it comes in contact with fire, Thad explained. When it is placed inside a restricted space and ignited, the resulting explosion will hurl a projectile hundreds of yards. More than one army has successfully used it to batter a hole through a castle wall. The weapons that hurl the projectiles are called cannons. Warfare is changing rapidly, gentlemen, all because of this substance that you now hold in your hands.

    Joel studied the packet in the dim light. What’s the plan?

    Each of us will place a packet of gunpowder against one of the main pillars that support the other side of the arena. If we can bring down the main section, we will crush the dragons in their cages, hopefully killing them. We’re also hoping that the resulting damage to the arena will cause the owners to decide that the amphitheater is beyond repair.

    Thus ending the Dragon Tournaments forever, David exulted.

    Thad shrugged. Well, not forever, he replied. The Tournaments will probably go on, no matter how successful we are tonight. But hopefully, it will take them a long while to rebuild, and perhaps it will be in another place far from Seawell and Little Sister Island.

    How do we cause the packets to explode?

    You’ll notice that there is a hemp fuse protruding from your packet, the leader explained. Once the packet is placed in position, light the fuse and run to the north end of the arena. When the fuse burns into the gunpowder, the package will explode, and hopefully, bring down the arena and kill the dragons.

    When the first packet explodes, the guards will come running, David observed.

    Thad nodded. We have to synchronize our actions so that the fuses are lit at the same time, giving all of us time to escape. He took a deep breath, glanced up the steep aisle of the arena, and then continued. We will exit the arena by the northwest gate—it’s closest to the harbor and the boat. If all goes well, we should be out of the arena before the first packet explodes. Hopefully, we can reach the boat before the guards figure out what is happening.

    Do they patrol the inlet? Joel asked.

    Thad shook his head. Apparently not. The success of our mission depends on that one fact. You didn’t see them when we came in, did you?

    A dragon roared at that moment and Joel laughed. Do you think he realizes that this is his last night on Terrestria?

    We didn’t come prepared to fight, Thad warned, ignoring Joel’s comment. Our success depends upon the element of surprise. We want to hit the arena quickly and then run for the boat. Tonight, timing is everything.

    What if we are discovered or captured?

    That’s not in the plan, Thad replied tersely. Make sure it doesn’t happen. He began to hand small metal boxes to each of his companions. When you are in position at your pillar, slide open the top of your firebox and insert the end of the fuse until it lights. Place the lighted packet at the base of the pillar and then get to the northwest gate as fast as you can.

    He looked from one youth to another. Thank you for agreeing to come tonight. I’m sure that each of you hates the Dragon Tournaments as much as I do. My little brother was taken to Corthia as a slave and we never saw him again.

    Joel unconsciously touched the scar on his own leg as his mind went back to the time that he had spent in the vast city of Corthia. Foolish enough to participate in the Dragon Tournaments, he had been injured by a dragon and then taken as a captive to the magnificent city of Corthia, along with thousands of other youth. Sold as a slave to a cruel master, he had escaped slavery only through the bravery and sacrifice of his father.

    Thad touched his shoulder, breaking his reverie. Ready? Let’s do it!

    Shouldn’t we send a petition first? Timothy suggested.

    Thad nodded and looked chagrined. I’m sorry; in my haste, I forgot. Unless His Majesty smiles upon us tonight, we are all dead men. Hastily writing a message on a small parchment, he rolled it tightly. He then released it and all watched as it sped over the arena in a thin streak of light. The young saboteurs took courage in the fact that their petition was already in the hands of King Emmanuel.

    Moments later, the moon came from behind the clouds as the four youths crept cautiously along the edge of the arena. There’s a tunnel that runs beneath the amphitheater, Thad told his companions. We’ll follow that to reach the holding cages. When each man is at his assigned pillar, I’ll give the signal to light the fuses. Once your fuse lights properly, run for the gate.

    The darkness of the tunnel was a welcome reprieve from the brightness of the moonlit arena, and Joel began to relax as he and his companions slipped into its sanctuary. Unable to see anything in the inky blackness, the band of saboteurs made their way through the tunnel by placing one hand against the dampness of the stone wall and feeling their way along. Moments later, upon reaching the enclosures where the dragons were kept, they paused in the shadow of a high stone wall. Three of the great beasts began to bellow and roar as they approached.

    The dragons will give us away! David said in a fearful voice.

    Aye, we must hurry, Thad replied tersely. You know which pillar is yours. Go!

    At that instant the darkness of the night was shattered as several blazing torches sailed over the wall and landed at the feet of the terrified youths, brightening the area and dashing any hopes of escape. Stand where you are! a rough voice cried. If you try to run we will put bolts right through your hearts! Hold your hands high!

    Terror swept over Joel and his companions as they slowly raised their hands, still clutching the instruments of their attack on the arena. A huge knight with long black hair and a thick beard stepped into the circle of torchlight, laughing in derision as he covered them with a loaded crossbow. Well, well, what have we here? he cried with a huge grin, as though he was greatly amused by the situation. The boys from Seawell, aye?

    He approached Thad and thumped him in the chest with the stock of the crossbow. And just what did you hope to accomplish, lad, with this daring midnight raid? What brings you and these puny lads to this amphitheater? Planning to battle a dragon, perhaps? Aye, and we can oblige you. He roared with laughter.

    The man’s face darkened with anger as he caught sight of the tools of destruction. And what is this? he snarled, snatching the explosive packet from Thad’s hands. Trying to destroy the arena, were you? You miserable little sewer rats! You wretched little vermin! Snarling, he hurled the packet at Thad, striking him in the face. How dare you! So you think that you and your band of filthy little street rats could stop the Dragon Tournaments, did you?

    He laughed ominously as he looked from one frightened youth to another. Well, lads, you’ve just made the worst mistake of your lives! I don’t take kindly to this kind of interference, and after tonight you’ll wish that you had never heard of Little Sister Island. He turned to his companions, a band of tall, stern-faced guards. Tie their hands behind them.

    W-What are you g-going to d-do with us? David quavered.

    Take them out into the arena where I can see them better, the man ordered. I want to interrogate them. He grinned evilly. These boys are going to wish they had never paid us this visit.

    The guards laughed as they tied the hands of their captives. They grinned at each other as if in anticipation of great sport. I get first crack at them, one guard called, and the leader laughed.

    You’ll each get a turn, he promised.

    Joel was shaking with fear as the guards led their captives at lance point through the gates and out into the sands of the arena. It’s evident that our captors intend to torture us, he told himself, perhaps even kill us. He drew in his breath in a great, trembling sob. Will I ever see Ma and Pa again?

    Tie their feet, the leader ordered, once they had reached the center of the arena. He watched silently as the order was carried out and then approached Thad. Who sent you? he barked, striking the youth in the face with the back of his fist.

    Thad reeled from the blow. "No one sent

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