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News Worthy
News Worthy
News Worthy
Ebook35 pages29 minutes

News Worthy

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About this ebook

Surrounded by the news lately? Have you seen many strange news clips on the same day? I couldn't help but put those daily clips together into five short stories. Enjoy!

The Snake in the Cereal

The Fire in the Mountains

The Man with the Bugs

Cannabis Cannibalism -vs- The West Nile Virus

Bats, Cats and Wildlife

PublisherLynn Thompson
Release dateMar 19, 2013
News Worthy

Lynn Thompson

Lynn Thompson’s place is in the Land of Enchantment, where the sky is turquoise blue, the fires rage, and there is rain and/or snow without a cloud in the sky.Lynn lives with her husband, son, dog, cat, and a tank full of fish. In her spare time she loves to hike, camp, read and write fiction.She has a degree in graphic arts and web design, but doesn’t have a specific genre that she writes her books in. She has two novels out: Blake-A Montana Dayton Novel and Sterling-A Montana Dayton Novel. She also has two short stories books out: Dark Fates and News Worthy.

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    News Worthy - Lynn Thompson

    News Worthy


    Lynn Thompson



    Lynn Thompson on Smashwords

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    All rights reserved

    Copyright 2012 by Lynn Thompson


    The Snake in the Cereal

    The Fire in the Mountains

    The Man with the Bugs

    Cannabis Cannibalism -vs- The West Nile Virus

    Bats, Cats and Wildlife

    Because I Love my readers and I appreciate reviews I'm giving you a Free copy of Dark Fates-Madness! Claim your book

    A Big Thank You to April Brown for posing for my cover and Jonathan LeDuc for helping me critique News Worthy.

    Authors Note: I couldn't help but write News Worthy. I rarely watch the news, but I have felt surrounded by it lately and caught many strange clips on the same day. I put those daily clips together to give the news a different spin. This makes the news a little more imaginative and interesting for me. Enjoy.

    Lynn Thompson

    The Snake in the Cereal

    Lindsey held up the restraining order again, letting her eyes scan over the paper.

    That Bastard! He’s the one who started the war between us! And he took a restraining order out on me!

    I'll show him, she smirked. He'll wish he never messed with me!

    She glanced at the calendar, then the clock. Friday night, he should be out all weekend with at least one of his female friends if not four or five. A smile curved over her lips as she rummaged through her dresser drawer and pulled out a key. She’d led him to believe she’d given them all back and he was way to egotistical to change the locks on his doors. After all, who would dare break into his mansion on the hill. He did have a nice house with a

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