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Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits
Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits
Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits
Ebook43 pages19 minutes

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits

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Apple cider vinegar benefits many people and has survived housewives’ tales throughout centuries. Apple cider vinegar is called a golden elixir with thousands of benefits and multiple uses from flavoring salads to cleaning Roman architecture. These cider vinegar uses I selected come from personal use with a few added comments and included ACV recipes.

Many common apple cider vinegar health benefits are easy to test for yourself with just a little care and forethought. For example, one of the most common requests I get is how apple cider vinegar works on the skin and hair. From my experience, it is a wonderful product. You can dilute it by half or to even 25% of original strength and then build up using it to full strength from the bottle. On sensitive skin the apple cider vinegar from the bottle may slightly burn. I have never had this happen, but there are a few reports, so test an area of the skin with a cotton ball and apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar is also one of the natural diuretics. Bragg’s apple cider vinegar is my favorite. And I like it chilled. Chilled Braggs is a funny staple in my house. Apple cider vinegar weight loss benefits are actually the most studied and scientifically proven of all apple cider vinegar uses. If you are looking to shed the extra weight, you can gain numerous benefits from supplementing with apple cider vinegar. This is because; this vinegar has the ability to aid in increasing the metabolism rate. I write about this in my book. Do you have a weight problem? Get high quality apple cider vinegar and you will be amazed at how helpful ACV can help you.

Remember to only use apple cider vinegar that is unfiltered, unpasteurized, and from raw mashed apples. My favorite that I recommend often is Braggs apple cider vinegar. You can easily find this at the Braggs website or nowadays, it’s available in many health food stores around the world. The highest quality apple cider vinegar contains the mother of vinegar. Apple cider vinegar with mother looks cloudy and has sediment on the bottom of the bottle. This is part of the benefits of good drinking vinegar. One of my absolute favorite uses of vinegar health benefits is the apple cider vinegar detox and the natural diuretics. It’s actually the same daily use of the apple vinegar diet or the apple cider vinegar drink that you can have up to three times each day, except in a detox program you take it for a specific length of time and stop.

Why is it worth to have apple cider vinegar in the diet regularly?
Because it helps to alkalinize the body and a body that is more alkaline than acid is protected from the development of certain diseases. Possibly this is why certain cancers don’t remain, but this is definitely an apple cider vinegar benefit that needs much testing. I’ve been asked if apple cider vinegar for acid reflux is helpful. For me it helps calm down acid problems and it does for many, but not everyone. Acid reflux can occur when there isn’t enough acid to digest food eaten. The lactic acid in vinegar isn’t as strong as stomach acids(you couldn’t drink it if it was), but it does lower the pH enoughAs with all weight loss programs apple cider vinegar and weight loss are great together, but when it comes to acid reflux, portion control and timing can become a super friend.

The uses of vinegar are in the thousands and rightly should be when you learn that the benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar have been discussed for centuries.

So, get out that apple cider vinegar skin toner, sip a sweet apple cider vinegar drink and relax in a warm bath of just warm water, your favorite bath soap, and a pint of apple cider vinegar. ACV is definitely a great product and there’s no need to go overboard. Target one of the top uses that will benefit you most and watch for improvements.

PublisherLydia Reed
Release dateMar 19, 2013
Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits

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    Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits - Lydia Reed

    Apple Cider Vinegar



    Lydia Reed

    Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits

    By Lydia Reed

    Smashwords Edition

    © Copyright 2013 Lydia Reed

    Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permitted by section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to the author.

    This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.

    First Published, 2013

    Printed in the United States of America

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    Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits

    I was hoping you could help your fellow apple cider vinegar lovers out. When you get a free second, please leave your honest feedback about this book. I certainly want to thank you in advance and wish you excellent health today and always.


    Most benefits of apple cider vinegar have not gone through the rigorous and expensive scientific testing, but they are spoken from anecdotal experiences. This book is provided for educational purposes and does not intend to diagnose, treat or cure any specific issue.

    Apple cider vinegar as recommended here is a great product, but there are many roads to good and bad health. Please see your

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