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About this ebook

Daniel’s unconventional family pyramid is more complex than ever before. The four children are now well into their teens so their side is becoming more volatile. Lauren is comfortable and content in her role as the central point and Bonny is as upbeat and bubbling with sexual energy as ever. Daniel is struggling with the lack of drama in his work and with the ongoing after effects of his physical trauma. During this working holiday with the family in Rome, extreme drama will come at the Dawes from an entirely unforeseen source.

Release dateMar 20, 2013

David Rory O'Neill

What sort of writer am I?Take DH Lawrence's sensuality and sensitivity, mix in a big dollop of John Steinbeck's earthy humour and truth, spice with a dash of Joyce's inventiveness and bawdiness. Sprinkle in a spot of Becket's radical originality. Cook in a slow simmering cauldron over an Irish peat fire given extra heat by the Scots/Irish hard burning coal and dish up in a new bowl of non-conformist Belfast manufacture. That's me. These are big names to live up to but I try.I live in beautiful and splendid isolation over looking the Shannon Valley in County Clare, Ireland. I'm a bit of a cultural orphan - but thanks to the beloved B, I'm very happy in our eclectic art and book filled rural nest.

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    Book preview

    Pyramid - David Rory O'Neill


    David Rory O’Neill.

    David Rory O’Neill.

    Published by davidrory publishing at Smashwords.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. Copyright David Moody 2013 and 2016. 5th ed.


    Born and raised in Belfast until troubles and tribal violence drove him away, David grew to be a non-conformist and independent soul clinging to his counter-culture ideals. He found peace and his true calling as a storyteller in the literary Irish tradition. He now lives in a lovely restored old art and book-filled house in the lee of the Silvermine Mountains, Tipperary, Ireland. He shares his life there with beloved Brigitte and a cat with issues, called Bobby. David Rory O’Neill has written twenty novels and more are bubbling and brewing.


    Art work by: raysheaf @

    Cover design: Sami at

    Thanks go for editorial help to Miriam Drori.

    For Ria who is my beloved legacy and who in June 2016, gave me a grandson: Art Leonis Parker Eliott.

    For Brigitte who showed me what love can be.

    For the Indie authors who have overcome self-doubt and embraced readers.

    And to the readers who share the vision and have embraced the authors.

    David Rory O’Neill. Ireland. 2016

    Published books:

    The Novella:

    Leotie, Flower of the Prairie.


    Rachel’s Walk

    Rachel’s War

    The Daniel Series:

    1 Conflict

    2 Challenge

    3 Passion

    4 Grip

    5 Judgement

    6 Pyramid

    7 Trial

    The West Cork Trilogy:

    1 Surviving Beauty

    2 Beauty’s Price

    3 Blue Sky Orphan

    4 The West Cork Trilogy Omnibus.

    The Prairie Companions

    The Butterfly Effect Trilogy:

    Bonny The Butterfly Effect.

    Lauren The Butterfly Effect.

    Chepi The Butterfly Effect.

    I welcome contact with my readers. Information on published and future work can be found on my website:

    Or visit me on Facebook:

    If you enjoyed this novel please leave a review on your suppliers website – reviews are the lifeblood of the modern author.

    UK English used so you will find grey not gray and colour not color – these are not mistakes. (Sorry Noel Webster)



    Chapter 1. Arrival.

    Chapter 2. Galleria.

    Chapter 3. Fight or Flight.

    Chapter 4. Flash Back.

    Chapter 5. Friends and Foes.

    Chapter 6. Contact.

    Chapter 7. Consequences.

    Chapter 8. Seeing.

    Chapter 9. Choices.

    Chapter 10. No, No, No.

    Chapter 11. Get Away.

    Chapter 12. Apé.

    Chapter 13. Home.

    Chapter 14. Pyramid.


    Daniel’s unconventional family pyramid is more complex than ever before. The four children are now well into their teens so their side is becoming more volatile. Lauren is comfortable and content in her role as the central point and Bonny is as upbeat and bubbling with sexual energy as ever. Daniel is struggling with the lack of drama in his work and with the ongoing after effects of his physical trauma. During this working holiday with the family in Rome, extreme drama will come at the Dawes from an entirely unforeseen source.

    Pyramid. David Rory O’Neill.

    Chapter 1. Arrival.

    Daniel struggled to get comfortable in his seat. The flight was full and they had not pre-booked seats so ended up in a row in front of the central emergency exit. No recline on the backrest. Daniel’s old back injury meant pain if he was forced upright. Bonny noticed, gripped his hand and gave it a sympathetic squeeze. She suddenly stood and stepped into the isle. He watched her lean in and speak to the people in the row in front. She gave them her biggest warmest smile but returned to her seat grumbling and muttered: Mean buggers. They are tiny and would have had no problems here. She looked like she sucks lemons for practice to give her that chicken-arsed mouth. I’ll bet there’s never been a nice big willy in that mouth. Sheesh, some people eh?

    Thanks for trying darlin’. That was some stage whisper. I wonder will she have understood any of that?

    That’s a point. Maybe I should repeat it using plain English or maybe the Irish. Mean tripe hound. You should have seen the bake on her. You’d have thought I was asking her to come back here and give you blowjob? Yea you, lemon sucker! said Bonny as the woman turned and scowled between the headrests. When I told her you had a bad back do you know what she said? Well he shouldn’t be flying then? Face front before I give you something to scowl about you wee harridan. Go on get your ugly mug out of my face.

    Daniel and Lauren, sitting in the window seat, both tittered at Bonny’s indignation. Bonny could usually charm anything out of anyone so she was miffed by her failure to get Daniel a more bearable seat. He put his hand on Bonny’s thigh and said softly, Easy darlin’ calm down. Thanks for trying but I’ll be OK. It’s only two more hours. We should know better than to accept seats near exits, silly of us.

    Lauren said, What’s silly is not flying over in the Beagle instead of putting up with all this hassle. Yes I know they wouldn’t have paid for that but still. This is such a pain in the arse. Don’t touch that call button madam. Forget it and for goodness sake act you age. She only asked you to swop seats for God’s sake. You were the one started with rudeness. You could have refused as politely as you were asked. Enough now. That mean’s you too Bonny darling.

    They heard the woman’s partner say: You were a bit sharp dear and she did ask very politely.

    There was a loud harrumph and then she said, I’m surprised you noticed.

    What, why?

    Your eyes were damn near out on stalks ogling her silly big bosoms.

    Bonny was obviously going to stand again but Daniel patted her thigh and she confined herself to another stage whisper: Silly indeed! Bloody magnificently massive beauties more like. There was a muffled giggle from the man in front followed by the sound of him getting a thump in the arm.

    Daniel said, Let me out Bonny. I will go ask David to swop with me. He’s kinda isolated back there anyway. Daniel edged out and walked back to his son sitting four rows back. He was delighted to come sit beside his mother and Lauren. As he squeezed in, Christine glanced over at him from across the isle and was obviously a little jealous. She never did feel at ease being the buffer between her competitive sisters, Kathy and Dee.

    Daniel settled in the isle seat, reclined the back a little and stretched his back. He closed his eyes and did some meditations. I must try to enjoy this trip and not think about work. Even though that’s why we’re in Rome. I am looking forward to seeing the history. I hope the girls don’t mind a bit of a traipse through history. The cathedrals of consumerism will be a great draw for them. Well, for Kathy, Dee and Bonny. It’s been so peaceful this past few years, no troubles, no fighting. I was getting so sick of the killing. That last big one ended it. All the hawks gone. You’re one ruthless bastard Dawes but it worked. Peace or a kind of peace at last. This conference is going to be difficult. I can do public speaking but I hate it. I always think I’m going to get red, flushed and look silly. Lauren does it so much better. I wish they’d agreed to let her present the paper alone. Bloody sexist shit as usual. Females can’t be anti-terror specialists? Rome? I guess I should expect chauvinist bullshit there. A bunch of papist mama’s boys scared shitless of strong women like Lauren. Oops, that’s not very PC. Yea but your not politically correct Dawes, now are you? Too much of the old anarchist hippy ingrained I guess. I’m glad Dave and Jan will be joining us. That will be good. It’ll be nice to have a little bit of bloke talk. Jan, Lauren, Bonny and the girls can shop till they drop. I wonder does Admiral Ranson really know what I did? I think he does. He seems a bit wary of me now. Yea he’s still pushing me up the promotion ladder but I think he’s rattled in case it all unravels and someone comes after us again. Na, it’s over, relax old son. Relax it’s la dolce vita.

    Commodore Daniel Dawes and Captain Lauren J Dawes, Royal Navy. CINCFLEET Department of Intelligence and Counter Terrorism, Northwood, Middlesex, England: are guests of the Italian Ministry of Defence attending a NATO conference on counter terrorism being held 10th to 15th of May at the Presidential Palace on the Quirinale.

    This was the invite read by Lieutenant Simone Ferrero as he waited for the arrival of the Dawes.

    They were to be met off their flight but when they came out into the arrival hall the expected driver with sign was not to be seen. They stood around for a few moments until Lauren spotted the arrivals screen and said, I bet they think we are on that 22.00 arrival from London Heathrow. They probably think that 21.30 Aer-Lingus from Cork that they were given is a mistake.

    Daniel asked them to wait and went outside. Sure enough there were two large Mercedes with darkened windows. Two Carabenieri Alfa’s with a group of drivers and cops standing around smoking. As Daniel approached he saw the printed card with his name on it behind one of the drivers sitting on the bonnet of the Merc. Sloppy buggers. You wouldn’t catch our guys slouching around smoking like that. He said, Hello, I am Commodore Dawes just arrived from Cork.

    There was a scramble of cig stubbing and uniform straitening as one came forward saying, Excuse me sir, we thought you are flying on the London flight. Sorry for the misunderstanding we thought Ireland was a mistake.

    Daniel went back in with the two drivers and a security guy. Their eyes lit up with pleasure when they saw the attractive women and girls.

    One of the security detachment, Simone Ferrero, came and stood close watching the group carefully trying to figure out who was who. He’d seen a brief that had photos of the two naval officers. Commodore Dawes and Captain Lauren J Dawes. His boss Contrammiraglio Bonazzi had warned him to be wary of these two. He had seen the file on his desk. It was thick and bulging, unusual for an officer of an allied service. Bonazzi had said, Tenente Ferrero, let me warn you that Commodore Daniel Dawes, Captain Lauren Dawes and Colonel David Hall who will arrive later, are a very dangerous group. You will be tempted to see only their attractive and interesting family but be wary Ferrero. There are things in this file, some unsubstantiated admittedly, which are very worrying to us. These officers have been involved in some extremely violent operations, several directed against the UK’s own covert army and Northern Irish Special Branch police services. You will therefore keep your distance and treat them as potentially hostile. They will be kept under complete but discrete surveillance but don’t interact with them on a personal level, understood?

    Ferrero saw now why his boss had warned him about the family. They were indeed an attractive and interesting group. Daniel Dawes was a tall slim man in his late forties, young for his rank. He had sandy curly hair and wore an unusual combination of clothes. A very good, obviously Italian, lightweight suit, a tee shirt beneath and well-worn classic English brown brogue shoes. No expensive jewellery and only a simple watch. His complexion meant he looked a little flushed but he had an air of absolute calmness and authority that belied that. He was not in the least flustered as he organised the group. The children and the two women really puzzled Ferrero. There were four children aged in their middle teens. Two of the girls were obviously the children of Captain Lauren Dawes. The others were the children of the tiny dark haired woman. They all resembled Daniel Dawes and they called him as Daddy or Papa. Two of the girls were tall like their mother. One was athletic, tanned and bouncy with a big mop of strawberry blond hair. The other looked a little younger. She had fair blond hair, was astonishingly pretty and finely built. She had a pale golden tan and was noticeably still and calm like her father. He called her Chrissie. They both wore cream linen shorts, cream tee shirts and white trainers.

    The tiny woman looked Irish with her black hair, pale white skin and, startlingly pale bluish eyes. As he looked carefully he saw her eyes were in fact multicoloured with sparkles of gold and green. Her face was fresh pretty and sexy with big full lips so she looked younger than she probably was. The other thing he could not help but notice was her enormous breasts. High and melon like, jutting in a tight white tee shirt from the little denim jacket she wore. The boy looked a little like her but was the same height, had her dark hair and his fathers face. The other girl was like a smaller version of the little buxom woman. He heard her called Kathy. She was a fizz of energy - bouncing around constantly. She had her mothers astonishing eyes and dark hair, was very pretty and intensely girly. She wore a long multi coloured Kaftan and a long blue silk scarf tied around her head trailing down her back. A little hippy chick.

    The most striking figure was the big blond he knew to be Captain Lauren Dawes. She had a huge unruly mop of long golden blond hair and was nearly as tall as the man. She wore a white crocheted dress, short to mid thigh and white trainers. She was obviously either an athlete or a body builder because she had the most strongly built legs he had ever seen on a woman. Her arms had big bulging biceps. The skin was burnished dark bronze and shone - highlighting the bulges and sweeps of her highly defined muscles. Her age was difficult to judge but he figured early forties or late thirties perhaps. She had reached the rank of Captain and you didn’t do that young. This guy has two women, their both called Dawes and both wear wedding rings. This is very strange. I wish the boss had let me see their file. I didn’t think polygamy was legal anywhere in Europe.

    The little hippy chick skipped up to him and grinning up at him asked, "Ciao uomo adorable. Potete portare la mia cassa che è pesante?" (Hello adorable man. Can you carry my heavy case please.)

    He smiled back and walked with her to take her case for her. This one will be a heart breaker, he thought as she walked backwards ahead of him batting her eyes and giving him a huge warm smile. I see why he said don’t get close. They are attractive and intriguing.

    As they set off Daniel was dismayed to be unable to travel in the front seat because of the security guy there. He had to sit in the back and fully expected to be carsick. He travelled with Dee, Christine and Kathy in one car and Lauren, Bonny and David went in the one ahead. As soon as they left the airport and joined the autoroute, Daniel became uneasy about the speed the convoy travelled. He looked over the drivers shoulder and saw 160kph and above. Sod it there’s no need for blue lights and fast driving, Daniel wished Bonny was here to translate for him so he could more effectively tell them to slow the hell down. When they reached the city there was a long stretch of taxi and bus lane and the cars took to that and flew along. The cop cars stopped across junctions as the convoy ran the red lights. Dee held Daniels hand and was obviously as alarmed as he was but Chrissie and Kathy were grinning, laughing and enjoying every minute of the drama. David and Bonny will be loving this, he thought but wished Lauren would get Bonny to slow them down. Daniel began to feel clammy. A sure sign his motion sickness was on the way.

    An Italian naval officer, who Lauren knew well from her days as an instructor at Britannia and Greenwich naval colleges, owned the apartment they were to stay in. They had it for the whole month of May. They had been talking for years of doing a house swap and the conference had been a convenient excuse to finally do it. He and his family were on their way to the Dawes home at Sandy Cove, Kinsale in West Cork. He would have use of the Dawes cars and their motor/sailing cruiser moored along side their house on the sea. He regretted he had no cars to offer them. He found no need of owning one in Rome.

    When the cavalcade drew up in the narrow road that was Via Flavia, Daniel appreciated why Jan-Carlo had no car. The street had every inch of both sides including the footways clogged with cars and scooters - not parked but crammed or abandoned in every available space. As they disembarked there was a torrent of horn blowing from behind as their cars blocked the road. The cops were soon out remonstrating with the impatient drivers. It’s a fecking comic opera, said Bonny laughing at the arm waving extravagance and theatre of it all. She came close to Daniel and said, You’re looking a bit green love. Got here just in time by the look of you.

    The apartment was like a big bungalow built on the flat roof of a block containing a modest but classy hotel. Across the block was the Hotel Marcella Royal. The roof top restaurant and bar garden of which overlooked part of the apartment’s large roof garden. The penthouse had four bedrooms, one en-suite, a large open plan living/kitchen/dinning area and big bathroom with shower. It was furnished stylishly with a mixture of modern and antique furniture and had effective air conditioning throughout. Via Flavia, which parallels Via XX Settembere, was a mix of small hotels, residential and business blocks. There was a good fruit and vegetable shop, a big deli, a bakery and round the corner a small butchery. It had several restaurants waiting to be explored but they had been recommended the modest family run trattoria opposite the apartment entrance. It was a pleasant street occupied mainly by civil servants and government people from the nearby administrative centres around the Quirinale.

    Next day the family emerged from the Metro into the bustling shopping Mall beneath Termini Station a little shell-shocked and with Daniel feeling foolish for taking the train just one short stop. They wandered the shops having to restrain Kathy and Dee from a spending spree at this the first shopping opportunity. They emerged forty minutes later into the bus station looking for the open-top tour bus stops. There was a bewildering variety and they settled for a three-day hop-on hop-off deal that also covered other buses and the Metro. The tour specialized in the sights of Christian Rome, which was not of special interest to this agnostic bunch but the route seemed the most useful. They had all been to Italy many times but this was their first visit to Rome so expectation was high and the guidebooks had been searched for must-sees. Dee had a small notebook in her big Gucci bag with a list and a map, lest they forget. They commandeered the front row of seats upstairs on the double deck bus. Daniel had to be at the front or risk motion sickness. He was by the window with Dee beside him. The other three children squeezed into the bench alongside. Bonny and Lauren sat behind Daniel and Dee. I can’t hear anything. Mine isn’t working, shouted Kathy - headphone loud.

    Dee tapped her knee: It hasn’t started yet silly.

    Kathy glared but let the silly go because she was first day excited and feeling generous.

    With in minutes of setting off, Daniel’s suspicion that the Metro trip had been a waste was confirmed as the bus entered Piazza Repubblica. Lauren raised an eyebrow at him as he turned to see if they had noticed. They decided to stay on the bus for the whole tour just to get a feel for the layout of the city. The round trip was supposed to take a little over two hours but the traffic was horrendous and that began to look optimistic. The many times when they sat snarled in traffic, gave good opportunities to gawp into apartments and shops and watch appalled, the chaotic horn blowing anarchy that is Roman traffic.

    I’m bloody glad you decided against a hire car, said Bonny over Daniel’s shoulder. "This is utter madness and the scooters are suicidal. Much worse than in Nice even. We will need to be careful crossing roads. The buggers don’t stop at red lights. Did you see the Triton Fountain? That’s famous I’ve seen many pictures of that I can’t believe we just drove past it… oh my, there’s the Colesseum down there. There is such a lot to see it’s making my head spin. I better calm down and remember we’re here a month."

    There was a good deal of excited pointing and look-look as the tour progressed. Three hours in, they were one stop away from completion and all were getting hungry. They bailed out at Saint Maria Maggiore and went in search of food. After one false start when Lauren said she didn’t like the smell, they stumbled into an ancient family run place with a menu on a blackboard. There was one free table. They squeezed around it by stealing a few chairs from the bar area. The locals gave them a good eyeballing but relaxed when Bonny started asking the grizzled owner what was best today in excellent Italian. They were even more impressed when Kathy piped up and asked if she could get very thin very crisp Neapolitan style Pizza rather than the thick Roman kind, again she spoke in fluent Italian. The buzz of conversation started again. Kathy nudged Dee and said, They’re talking about us you know. Trying to figure out where we’re from.

    I know, I know. I may not talk it as well as you but I remember what Nanny Jan taught us.

    Kathy got her thin crispy Pizza and they all experienced their first taste of proper Roman fare. Daniel got to indulge his taste for offal and had dishes of tripe and tongue. All but Dee tasted his oddities but none really liked them. Just wait till we get to Checchino dal 1887, they do one of the strangest offal dishes. Pajata, that’s baby calf intestine with the milk it was fed clotted still in it.

    There were wide eyes all round and Dee said, Papa, you’re making that up to make us go yuk-yuk.

    No darlin’ I’m not. It’s a very famous dish of this restaurant, as you will see. I’ve got a table for us Tuesday evening.

    They spent a happy noisy three hours over lunch. They had almost everything on the menu and three bottles of wine. The owner was delighted when they insisted on glasses for the children. They each had a glass of red with their meal. When they left the old fellow who ran the place was in love with Bonny and the glorioso bambini and begged them to return when he would see to it that the cook surpassed himself for them.

    They walked the three miles back to Via Flavia and their apartment. The journey took several hours because of constant stopping to look in shops and peer into interesting entrances. They gazed at the majestic vistas down the long avenues with views of the ancient heart of the city. By the time they stood waiting for the lift, all were foot sore, weary but smiling and buzzing with talk.

    As they stood squashed in the small lift going up to the penthouse apartment Christine said, I noticed there was a hot tub out in the roof garden and I switched it on before we left. I hope that was OK because I thought we might be ready for it and my sore feet say, me first.

    Oh well done you but it’s first stripped first in and I’m the fastest stripper in the west, said Bonny popping herself out of the opening lift doors and racing for the apartment door with Chrissie, Kathy and Dee hot on her heels squealing and laughing.

    Daniel and Lauren exchanged smiles and wandered in arm in arm with David. Are you going to come in David? There’s loads of room.

    Na. I’ll get trampled and besides, all that nuddy female stuff is awkward for me now.

    Daniel put his arm around his son’s shoulder and squeezed him. Let’s you and me soak our feet in the bath and leave the female types to the hot tub but we will book it for tomorrow night?

    David laughed and looked up at his father with a big grin. Most of his friends at school couldn’t believe how open his parents were with him about sex and stuff. Some of the lads didn’t know half of the facts of life and seemed to spend all their lives wanking and trying to look at porn. They were always on about if he ever saw his sisters naked and most of them were in love with one or other them, especially Chrissie. They just drooled over her and Dee too and a few were silly about Kathy as well. One even offered to pay him for a picture of his mother’s boobs. Sex is so like strange sometimes, said David absently as they came in the door.

    Lauren sprinted away then. Running out to the roof garden to join the sighing and laughing females already in the tub.

    Daniel and David went and ran cold water into the bath, took off their trousers and sat each side of it with their feet in the cold water groaning with pleasure. Daniel came out and dug his dressing gown out of his still unpacked suitcase. Then he lay on the bed and stretched. There was a knock on the bedroom door. He called David in. Mammy said to tell you we need shopping and they are not getting out of the tub, like ever.

    Daniel and his son picked their way between the cars blocking the junctions and went to the deli. Daniel had is usual rant about the lack of discipline and consideration among Italian drivers and continued with a nag at David about what he called, ‘youth speak.’ The deli stopped the rant and was a delight for Daniel who was an enthusiastic and accomplished cook and never happier than when faced with an exotic display of fine ingredients. At least you won’t get kitchenitis on this holiday Daddy, said David. Teasing Daniel about his habit of wandering around some fabulous market or food store while on holiday saying, I wish I had a kitchen.

    As they wandered around the large store. David watched his father’s delight when Daniel’s eyes lit on some favoured ingredient or something unfamiliar and he muttered. Oh, truffles. Maybe get some ooo flour and eggs and make pasta? I wonder is there a pasta roller in the kitchen?

    David thought, He says nice stuff and then goes and spoils it with narks. He always wants stuff just right and the way he thinks it should be. He can be such a fussy bugger; it’s like a pain.

    They bought good spaghetti, a big hunk of Parmesan Regiano, eggs, Speck and pancetta for a Carbonara. Plus bread, olives, Parma Ham, artichokes and asparagus for antipasto. There were several cheeses and fruit for after. Wine was not a problem because he and Jan-Carlo had agreed to raid the others wine stock as part of the swap but decided to stay away from the old and special stuff and stick to every day drinkers. Jan-Carlo had no cellar but did have a huge floor to ceiling refrigerated Cavé-cabinet that impressed Daniel considerably.

    When David and Daniel returned laden, they found the girls lounging about in front of the TV. They were laughing and cackling at the appallingly inept and tasteless stuff on the Italian stations. A much favoured past time when in Italy. About time you got around to feeding us you men. We’re starved, shouted Bonny as they got to work in the kitchen.

    Yea feed us men, shouted the girls.

    How would you like your men cooked? yelled back David, feeling less narked and cheered now by the high spirits and happiness in the room.

    Medium rare with cream, cackled Lauren.

    Yea I like my men creamy, creamy and spurting, said Bonny.

    Mammy, you’re so rude, said Kathy laughing so much she slipped of her low leather-poof on to the floor and shouted, I’ve fell orft me poof.

    Well be more careful with him fag-hag, retorted Dee straight faced and wondering if anyone would get her little pun. They did and all joined Kathy on the floor laughing and tickling each other in a writhing heap. Daniel and David watched from the kitchen laughing and delighted by the sound and sight of such unrestrained joy.

    The children went to bed exhausted at ten, leaving their parents finishing a good Barolo. The three sprawled happy-drunk on the big soft L shaped couch that could seat ten easily. Daniel was the only one fully dressed. Lauren was wearing a big tee shirt and Bonny was wearing only her radiant smile. Get your kit off DD and eat me, she said spreading her legs wide in her 180-degree gymnastic invitation.

    Daniel grinned at the sight, familiar now but still startlingly erotic and provocative. Bonny had always been the perfect sexual animal, completely uninhibited and quick to say exactly what she wanted and she wanted often. Her appetite for sensual play and sex was increasing with passing time. Now thirty-seven and at ease in her body, she loved sex with Daniel or Lauren or some times both. Fortunately her keen appetite was easily satisfied by one or other of her lovers, who shared her delight in the sensual and physical.

    Lauren drew her knees up under her big tee shirt and curled sideways on the couch near Bonny. She leaned close and Bonny lifted her face to be kissed. After the long searching kiss, Lauren whispered: Do you want to be alone darling?

    No stay love. I feel very horny and would like you both tonight.

    By now Daniel was kneeling in front of Bonny’s wide spread legs. He had that hard keen tight-lipped smile that spoke of his arousal. He bent and flicked her with his tongue to taste her and groaned as the magic of her chemistry stirred him to full hardness. He bent then and hummed as he took her button between his teeth. She moaned and her

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