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Cameron Peralt returns to his boyhood home long after his mother's death and finds that a heavy metal band is now living there. He attempts to get them to leave and the battle begins. Light humor.

PublisherJT Pearson
Release dateMar 20, 2013

JT Pearson

JT Pearson is possibly more myth than reality. It is widely believed that he has been around for thousands of years. Archeological digs have uncovered Grecian artwork that suggests that they prayed to him to cure ailments of the feet. Irish legend insists that JT Pearson is that movement in shadow that you’re not certain that you actually saw, or that image at the edge of your peripheral vision that vanishes when you turn toward it. In the upper Midwest of the United States people had claimed that they had several images of JT Pearson captured on film but they were all poor quality and eventually proven to be hoaxes. It is only recently that an artist rendering was discovered in the attic of an old convent that is believed to be authentic. President Richard Nixon had claimed before his death that JT Pearson was the specter that haunted his boyhood home, and quite possibly the reason that his mother left his father for a short time. Nestled among all of these legends and hearsay is the accusation that he is the author of this sight and responsible for the drivel that has been filling your head. Lawyers for JT Pearson advise that if you read his work you do so at your own peril and no form of compensation either monetary or otherwise will be offered for any injuries permanent or short term which are incurred within the pages of his stories. If you’d like to communicate with JT Pearson either burn a photograph of yourself and sprinkle the ashes into the wind at dusk or you may take the more conventional route at P.S. look for novels coming in the near future. For now, please enjoy the many short stories that he has provided for you to read for free. Feedback is much appreciated.

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    Book preview

    Squatters - JT Pearson


    By J T Pearson

    Copyright 2013 Joseph Pearson

    Smashwords edition

    After Cameron was accused of insider trading, lost his job, had his assets frozen, was kicked out of his house by his wife of nearly forty years, and was openly shunned by everyone that had ever had the gall to have called themselves his friends, he found himself standing outside his boyhood home where he hadn’t been in over a decade, not even after his mother had died and he and his brother Robert had inherited the estate. Cameron was never a good son.

    He stood in the street, his designer shoes covered in grey slush, the door to the cab still open while he gawked at how his mother’s home which was once pristine, was now quite dilapidated. The cab fare from the bus terminal came to nineteen fifty. He handed the driver a twenty and told him to keep the change. The bus driver stomped on the accelerator, spraying Cameron, and leaving with him dripping and enraged, his bag still sitting in the back seat as the cab disappeared. He reached for his cell phone and his heart sank when he realized that it too was in his bag, a satchel that contained pretty much everything that he had still owned. He pulled a handkerchief from the breast pocket of his overcoat and cleaned his face as he walked to the house, up the stairs and on to the porch. He paused as he stared at the knob. He searched his pockets until he came up with the key, turned the lock, opened the door, and stepped into the front hall where the boards still creaked when you walked on them, just as he had remembered. Even the last couch that his mother had owned still remained in the living room. It wasn’t in the best shape but it looked functional. He was tired so he walked to the sofa and dropped down with a long sigh. He sat like that for nearly ten minutes until suddenly a young woman

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