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The AVMA: 150 Years of Education, Science and Service (Volume 3)
The AVMA: 150 Years of Education, Science and Service (Volume 3)
The AVMA: 150 Years of Education, Science and Service (Volume 3)
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The AVMA: 150 Years of Education, Science and Service (Volume 3)


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About this ebook

This book is a celebration of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and all it has accomplished for its members and the veterinary profession during its first 150 years. There are four volumes total, and this third volume contains Chapters 3-5. A hardcover printed version of the entire book is available in the AVMA online store.

Release dateMar 27, 2013
The AVMA: 150 Years of Education, Science and Service (Volume 3)


Serving more than 100,000 member veterinarians, the AVMA is the nation's leading representative of the veterinary profession, dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of animals, people, and the environment. Founded in 1863, the AVMA is one of the world's largest veterinary medical organizations, with members in every U.S. state and territory and more than 60 countries. Informed by our members' unique scientific training and clinical knowledge, the AVMA supports the crucial work of veterinarians and advocates for policies that advance the practice of veterinary medicine and improve animal and human health.

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    The AVMA - AVMA



    Chapters 3 – 5


    American Veterinary Medical Association

    Smashwords Edition

    Published on Smashwords by:

    American Veterinary Medical Association

    1931 N. Meacham Road

    Schaumburg, IL 60173

    The AVMA: 150 Years of Education, Science, and Service

    Chapters 3 – 5

    Copyright 2012 by American Veterinary Medical Association

    ISBN 978-1-882691-26-5

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the American Veterinary Medical Association.

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    Chapter 3:


    Chapter 4:


    Chapter 5:

    COMING TOGETHER: Convention

    Chapter 3


    Nick DeLuca

    To keep up with the demands of its growing membership, the American Veterinary Medical Association—on suggestion from then AVMA President Robert A. Archibald—first began searching for a permanent home in 1916. Four years later, during the 1920 meeting in Columbus, Ohio, AVMA President Charles Cary, remarking on the fact that the Association had had three editors and four secretaries since 1915, declared that In addition to an all-time Secretary and Editor, we need an all-time home for this double head and heart of the organization to provide a sense of stability and definitiveness of purpose. The idea of a permanent location for the Association was approved, and the Executive Board was directed to investigate potential locations and costs.

    In 1922, Dr. Horace Preston Hoskins, son of former United States Veterinary Medical Association President William Horace Hoskins, was appointed to the position of executive secretary/editor, becoming the first full-time staff member of the Association. Shortly thereafter, the AVMA officially established its first headquarters when it leased office space in Detroit in the early part of 1923. Since moving into that first office, the AVMA headquarters has been relocated on five occasions—to three leased locations in Chicago and two AVMA-owned buildings in Schaumburg, Ill. In 2004, the AVMA also purchased a building in Washington, D.C., rather than continue renting space for the staff who work on Capitol Hill.

    In mid-2012, the Association had 149 approved staff positions spread across 12 distinctive divisions—Office of the Executive Vice President, Animal Welfare, Communications, Convention and Meeting Planning, Education and Research, Finance and Business Services, Governmental Relations, Information Technology, Membership and Field Services, Publications, Scientific Activities, and Veterinary Economics—located at its offices in Schaumburg and Washington, D.C.

    Staff of the 1939 AVMA Secretariat.

    Front row, left to right: Dr. H. Preston Hoskins, Dr. L.A. Merillat, Julius Shaffer

    Back row, left to right: Ruth Anderson, Cecil Harris, Adele Ray, Wanda Landwehr, Jean Weinert

    AVMA staff members Karl Kessler of the Public Information Division, Dr. D.A. Price, executive vice president; and Dr. W.M. Decker, assistant executive vice president, meet with actress Carmelita Pope.



    The Office of the Executive Vice President provides administrative oversight for all divisions of the AVMA and is primary staff support to the Executive Board, Board of Governors, House of Delegates, House Advisory Committee, Judicial Council, Governance Performance Review Committee, and various task forces. The office also manages human resources, corporate relations, legal review, international affairs, and the Association staff.


    The Animal Welfare Division is charged with monitoring the science of human-animal interactions and assisting the AVMA in proactively addressing issues related to animal welfare and the human-animal bond. These issues come into play when animals are used for companionship, biomedical research, education, food and fiber production, work, recreation, and exhibition. The division interacts with a variety of stakeholders—including governmental and nongovernmental organizations (veterinary and nonveterinary), educators, industries that use or provide services for animals, the public, and the media.

    Some of the division’s main areas of concentration are strategic planning, with a focus on meeting the Association’s animal welfare goals; environmental scanning and issue identification; authoritative source development, including background information as well as documents setting industry guidelines and standards; scientific and regulatory review and advocacy regarding issue support on the local, state, and federal levels; interactions with foreign entities to help with development and implementation of international standards; and education for veterinary students, graduate veterinarians, veterinary staff, individuals in the animal-use industries, and the public.


    The Communications Division comprises six departments: Media Relations; State Legislative and Regulatory Affairs; Electronic Communications; Marketing; Professional and Public Affairs; and Public Affairs at the Governmental Relations office in Washington, D.C. As a result, the division works closely with all other AVMA divisions, along with AVMA councils and committees, allied organizations, and sponsors, to help them develop and implement effective member service, marketing, and communications initiatives. The division oversees the creation and distribution of more than 20 websites, newsletters, and publications and has been at the forefront of the social networking movement within the veterinary community.

    AVMA staff members pose outside of the Schaumburg, Ill., headquarters building in spring 2002.


    The Convention and Meeting Planning Division is responsible for the planning and implementation of the AVMA Annual Convention, the annual AVMA Veterinary Leadership Conference, and the meetings taking place in the AVMA headquarters conference center.

    In regard to the AVMA Annual Convention educational program, the division works in tandem with the Convention Management and Program Committee to plan the opening session, more than 900 educational sessions, and a host of interactive labs. The division also plans and implements activities for the exhibit hall, convention registration and housing, and social and sporting events.

    Additionally, the

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