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Ebook44 pages28 minutes


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Three strangers are being haunted by the same recurring dream, will they find out why? Will they solve the mystery behind it? Will they get the peace of mind that they are all looking for?

Release dateMar 28, 2013



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    Wraith - Vortex


    by Vortex

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Copyright Vortex 2013. All Rights Reserved

    Cover by Julius Broqueza.


    The Mysterious Man

    The Haunting

    Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

    Bedtime Stories

    Three’s a Company

    Shattered Memories


    The Final Run

    The Mysterious Man

    Foster is running as fast as he could even he is almost gassed out. He didn’t even realize that he just passed his car for about sixty feet from where he hid it before turning back. He keeps pressing the power lock control on key so he would know where exactly he hid it.

    By the time he entered his car, he checked the glove compartment for some extra bullets but he couldn’t find any. He pulled the gun off his jacket, a 9mm berretta, and checked the clip and he found the he only got two bullets left. He reinserted the clip, cocked the gun and put the safety off and placed it on the seat beside him.

    As he drove off, he noticed that he is low on gas and decides to find a gas station. As soon as he arrived at the gas station, he filled it full tank and paid the clerk.

    "Good evening!" the clerk greeted.

    "Far away from home, I see." said the clerk.

    "I’m sorry?" Foster replied

    The clerk said, I noticed you’re not from around here.

    "Sorry, what!?" Foster asked, a bit paranoid.

    "I can see it from your license plate. Can I get you anything else?" asked the clerk.

    "I’m just passing through." Foster replied Can I also have two packs of Marlboro…red? Thank you.

    "Here’s your change. Have a safe trip, thanks!" said the clerk.

    Foster is about to walk out of the store as he glimpsed on window, he sees a mysterious man outside walking in to the store.

    "Sir, where’s your restrooms?" Foster

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