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The Spy With the Smoking Finger
The Spy With the Smoking Finger
The Spy With the Smoking Finger
Ebook64 pages55 minutes

The Spy With the Smoking Finger

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Hannah's hairdresser is a robot in disguise. He is hiding from kidnappers who want to turn him into an industrial spy. But without his maintenance programs he is starting to fall apart.

Hannah involves her brother Toby in fixing Frizz and getting him back out of sight. But then Toby is kidnapped.

In this adventure the four are against a gang of ruthless crooks. Time, too, is against them as Frizz gradually becomes more and more helpless.

Suitable for 8-11.

PublisherAnne deNize
Release dateMar 31, 2013
The Spy With the Smoking Finger

Anne deNize

A New Zealander who grew up on a farm, studied languages and literature then went into computing and business administration. This took her through systems analysis, systems training, software design and IT project management. She is now following a long-held dream to write and combining it with a love for science fiction and a passion for child literacy - writing science fiction and fantasy for children and young adults. Recently she has been branching out into romance, fantasy and science fiction for adults.

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    The Spy With the Smoking Finger - Anne deNize

    The Spy with the Smoking Finger

    by Anne deNize


    © 2013 Anne deNize

    Cover illustration by Kalpart. Visit

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter One

    Hannah sat on the leather chair, feet not quite touching the floor. The plastic cloak around her was covered in tiny blonde hairs, more falling with each snip of the scissors. She watched in the mirror as Frizz sprayed a fine mist of water then ran the comb through her hair. Frizz was new in the salon, she thought as she studied his face in the mirror. It was a pleasant face, nothing particularly out of place and very regular. His hair fell down into his eyes, in the latest fashion.

    All the hairdressers in the salon had up-to-the-minute hairstyles and some with quite way-out colours. The girl sitting over the other side had green and purple stripes in hers. Hannah wondered what her mother would say about green and purple hair. She could have it, if she wanted to. This was her Christmas present from her parents. She could have whatever hair style she wanted. Something was wrong, though. She could smell burning.

    Examining the salon carefully in the mirror, she looked for the source of the burning smell. Frizz cut a few more scraps off her hair. Hannah watched as he carefully combed down, then lifted a portion of hair with the comb to cut carefully. It slipped and the scissors took out a huge chunk of hair.

    Hey, what’s going on? she demanded. That’s not right!

    Sorry, mumbled Frizz, I’ll fix it. His face was hidden by the black hair falling forward over it. Hannah watched his hands instead.

    Umm, Frizz? she began.


    Did you know your finger is smoking?

    Damn! He snatched his hand, still holding the scissors, down behind her and twisted something. Ah, that’s better; shall we finish off, now? He picked up the comb.

    Hannah watched suspiciously. Frizz’s hand was twitching uncontrollably and she was sure she could still see a thread of smoke. The burning smell persisted.

    I’m not sure it’s quite safe to let you do my hair at the moment. And there’s a huge gap there, where you just cut off a big piece. What are we going to do about that? And your finger is still smoking.

    Oh, oh dear, Frizz was agitated. I can’t stop it jumping. There’s something wrong inside. And how am I going to finish your hair?

    Frizz, said Hannah firmly. Talk! Why is your finger smoking? Is it artificial? Well, it must be. But why is it going wrong? And why are you so worried? We can fix my hair. And you need to fix your finger. She turned around to look at him straight. He had his jumpy, smoking, right hand held tight in his left.

    Ssh, he said, glancing around to see if anyone else was watching. Can you keep a secret? he whispered.

    Certainly, Hannah declared.

    It’s not just my hand. I’m all artificial. I’m a robot.

    You’re kidding, Hannah exclaimed. I didn’t know they made realistic robots. I thought they were all metal and clunky plastic.

    That’s what they want people to think. I’m an experimental model. I ran away.

    Why? asked Hannah.

    Ssh, Frizz said fiercely, making shushing motions with his hands.

    But why? whispered Hannah.

    Because someone tried to kidnap me, Frizz said quietly. Then, as Hannah was about to jump up, he said Look, I’ll explain it all, maybe you can help. But not here.

    Tell you what, said Hannah. My brother, Toby, is really brilliant at fixing things. Why don’t you come to our house after work and Toby can fix your finger and you can tell us what’s wrong? Frizz thought for a moment and then looked around the salon again.

    All right, he agreed. Where? Hannah gave him her address.

    And now, she said, What are we going to do about my hair? Frizz looked at it and used his left hand to lift a bunch of her hair, letting it sift down gently. Then he put his hands to either side

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