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E=OB2 The Theory of ’Human’ Relativity
E=OB2 The Theory of ’Human’ Relativity
E=OB2 The Theory of ’Human’ Relativity
Ebook31 pages22 minutes

E=OB2 The Theory of ’Human’ Relativity

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It has been said that this book needs a whole new category on the bookstore shelves, for it covers many different topics, yet fits none. "Thought Leadership" is the best way to describe this book. It takes a concept that has the potential to be lost in academic complexity, and makes it simple enough for a child to understand. It makes no existing beliefs or opinions wrong, but simply asks the reader to look at a new set of possibilities through curiosity rather than right/wrong judgement. Just 30 minutes to read, and a lifetime to digest!

PublisherReadOnTime BV
Release dateApr 2, 2013
E=OB2 The Theory of ’Human’ Relativity

Chris Karen Tazreiter

Chris & Karen Tazreiter live on a small property just outside Canberra, the capital city of Australia.Their individual journeys did not bring them together until 5 years ago, when 2 single parents met, combined their families, and created a blended family with 11 children.Today, their wide and varied work always involves people. Both Chris & Karen work as coaches, mentors and speakers, helping people all around the world with their journey of growth and development, in relationships, family, business and careers, by identifying the beliefs that have led to current outcomes, and growing a new level of Awareness to find and nurture beliefs, necessary to create new outcomes in any area. ’We act as a catalyst to help those people who are ready to reconnect with their body and their soul, and to grow through finding their own unique Awareness.’

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    Book preview

    E=OB2 The Theory of ’Human’ Relativity - Chris Karen Tazreiter

    E = OB2

    The Theory of Human Relativity

    The link between Science and Religion

    Chris & Karen Tazreiter


    * * * * *

    E = OB² The Theory of Human Relativity

    Copyright © 2011 Chris & Karen Tazreiter

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    The information, views, opinions and visuals expressed in this publication are solely those of the author(s) and do not reflect those of the publisher. The publisher disclaims any liabilities or responsibilities whatsoever for any damages, libel or liabilities arising directly or indirectly from the contents of this publication.

    A copy of this publication can be found in the National Library of Australia.

    ISBN:  9781742841205

    Published by Book Pal

    * * * * *

    Our Deepest Fear

    Our deepest Fear is not that we are inadequate.

    Our deepest Fear is that we are powerful

    beyond measure.

    It is our light, not our darkness,

    that most frightens us.

    We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant,

    gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous?

    Actually, who are you not to be?

    You are a child of God.

    Your playing small does not serve the world.

    There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking

    so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

    We are all meant to shine as children do.

    We were born to make manifest the glory of God

    that is within us.

    It’s not just in some; it’s in everyone.

    And, as we let our own light shine,

    We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

    As we’re liberated from

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