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Double Minded
Double Minded
Double Minded
Ebook364 pages5 hours

Double Minded

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There's always one case that never leaves you, for Detective Lt. Gail Ray that case is the unsolved murders that plagued the Kansas City Missouri S.I.D. ( Special Investigation Division) for two years straight. She knew this dreaded phone call would soon come because every month that heal a Friday the 13th, is the month the killer, whom S.I.D. had named the "Beautician" for her choice of weapons, would resurface. Trying to hold a spiraling marriage together, a back stabbing co-worker off her back, a fondness for her husbands friend, and tracking this killer down will be her ultimate task. Will she survive this ordeal or lose all she holds dear?

PublisherDaryl Nimrod
Release dateApr 2, 2013
Double Minded

Daryl Nimrod

I'm just focused on bringing good books to people and getting all these ideas out my head...

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    Double Minded - Daryl Nimrod


    By Daryl E. Nimrod

    On Point Publishing

    Copyright 2004 & 2013

    Discover other titles by Daryl E. Nimrod at

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.

    in memory of:

    Inez Miller (mother)

    Edward Nimrod (father)

    Daryl E. nimrod Jr. (son)

    Dedicated to:

    That someone special in my life.


    Where am I? Who's bed is this? The Beautician asked herself as she tried to adjust her eyes to the darkness of the room. She spread her legs the length of the bed, only to realize she occupied the bed alone. Suddenly she saw movement to her left. Is someone there? she asked.

    Slowly she bent her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. Desperately she wanted to scream from the fear mounting inside her. She cried out Who's there? but there was no answer. Again, to her left there was movement. This time she noticed it was the curtains being blown by the cool night breeze. Why am I naked? Where are my clothes?" Fear found its way inside of her as her body quivered.

    Turning towards the window, she could see the flashing lights and the train station. I must be in the Ranch Motel! How did I get here? Gathering her strength, she placed her feet on the floor. As she stood, she wobbled. Regaining her balance, she walked towards the illuminating light-switch on the wall glowing in the darkness of the room. She stumbled and fell over an object lying on the floor.

    Terror-filled her heart. She scrambled on all fours with outstretched hands for the light switch. As she stood, she tried to steady herself but she was trembling out of control. She flicked the switch and the room flooded with light. She gasped at her reflection in the mirror, as recollection finally took over.

    Oh my, my! We’ve been busy haven't we! she said as she looked at herself from head to toe. She noticed the blood stained wall from where she had just re moved her hand. She knew the familiar scent of the sticky substance on her hand. She let out a soft giggle and once again turned towards the full-length mirror.

    The body that lay on the floor behind her reflection brought a sense of joy over her. She turned to get a better look. Panic set in as her eyes and head jerked back and forth. Her foot landed in a puddle of blood as she stepped over the body. She squatted on all four and threw the bloodstained sheet that hung from the bed out of her way.

    There you are. She said as she pulled the preserve jar from under the bed and looked at its contents. She hugged and caressed the jar as if it was a baby. Thank you! she said as she looked at the corpse next to her.

    She held the top of the jar and spun it in circles. A wide grin covered her face as the victim’s penis and hair from his head spun within the thick clear liquid. She placed the jar down and tilted the corpses head back as she observed the smooth cut of her magnesium razor blade. Blood continued to leak from his neck as she hovered above him pulling her razor from the bed.

    Ever so lightly, she dipped the tip of the blade into his chest and carved the letters, Number One. Grabbing the sheet from the bed, she stretched it out onto the floor next to the body. Taking her time, she rolled the body onto the sheet and covered it up. After showering and getting dressed, she wiped the room down of all prints. Conversing, she tore the plastic shower curtains off their rings and rolled the body onto it. The hotel’s parking lot was still dark and the only noise she heard was the crickets.


    It was 7:30 a.m. and I was sitting reading my woman's gossip- magazine when my husband Keith’s hollerin interrupted me.

    Gail, where's my burgundy tie?

    Where the rest of them are, on your tie rack.

    We were teenagers when we married 8 years ago. Keith's a very attractive man. When I first met him in high school, I thought he was the most gorgeous creature I'd ever seen. Six foot tall, slender build with long flowing black hair. I was also attracted to the white gold with the quarter cut diamond on his front tooth. It accented the deep brown complexion of his skin.

    Keith’s the only man I've known sexually and I love him very much. We have two sons and a daughter. We both have a good job, which seems to keep us apart most of the time. Keith works the graveyard shift at the Bendix Corporation. He's a computer icon. I’m a Lieutenant with the Kansas City, Missouri Homicide Division.

    By the time I get off work and pick the kids up from moms, Keith is usually gone. The question is where? He just strolls in around 10pm and says he's been outplaying basketball with the fellas. I've never had reason to doubt him. He’s never lied to me before.

    Years ago, when my father cheated and abandoned my mother, I promised that l wouldn’t hold that against men, and because of that promise I've made Keith and the children the center of my life.

    Tonight I needed about ten minutes of his time. My body ached for his love. I knew I had to move fast because I only had an hour before I had to be to work. It’s been two months since he’s made love to me, and the ten minutes I required were very much need.

    I stood in the doorway of the bathroom lusting on the man I married. I walked over and stood on my tiptoes. You see I’m only 5'7. I threw my arms around his neck and tried to kiss him but he just turned his head and said Gail, I don’t have time for this shit!" I was total disappointed when my attempt at affection was rejected. I tried to explain that he only five-minute drive to work and that his wife desperately needed him. He just pushed me aside and walked away mumbling.

    I went to the bedroom and sat on the bed wondering what was wrong with me. Keith turned on the shower and the tears started flowing. I stood to look in the mirror. Was it me? Had I changed physically in any way?From what I could see, there had been little change.

    Out of the eight years of marriage and three kids, nature had been very kind to me. I still had the same figure. As I-stood there studying myself, Keith walked in drying himself off. He’s so sexy-I couldn't help but stare at his nakedness. Keith stopped for a second and our eyes met. Slowly my eyes wandered from his face down to his groin. I could feel the excitement building between my legs. I couldn’t t help thinking how sexy his body is especially wet. I started getting chills just looking at him. I had to know if something was wrong with me, so trying to keep my voice steady, I asked, Keith, what have done? Instead of answering, he started getting dressed. I couldn't believe he was ignoring me as if I hadn't said a word.

    Then he had the nerve to ask what I cooked for dinner?Chicken, I replied, He walked right pass me as if I wasn’t there I walked out of the bedroom down the stairs and into the kitchen. I picked`up my favorite woman's gossip magazine and sat at the table. Halfway through the article, I stared blankly at the pages and never heard Keith enter the room. He snatched the magazine out of my hands and said, Bitch, this is one of the things wrong with you! You read these fucking true romance stories and expect me to sweep your sorry ass off your feet and carry you to the bedroom!

    I looked up at him with fear and shock in my eyes. For a moment, there was only silence. Then he threw the magazine in my face and stormed out of the house. I ran to the door, Keith, Keith, I'm sorry! However, he never even looked back at me, as he got into his car and drove away, my tears came back again. I knew I had to get control of myself so I picked up the magazine he’d thrown at me and finished the article about the Beautician.

    At first, the name alone, the Beautician, made me nervous because a few years ago I was assigned to investigate a series of killings going on in the inner city. Moreover, as of today, those murders are still unsolved. We had named our killer the Beautician, Because of the way she used a razor on her victims after she'd made love to them, But the Beautician I'm reading about is described as a handsome man. He's what women today would call a Spachaville. You know, a man who rescues women in distress.

    I thought that maybe Keith was right, maybe I do expect life to be like one of my stories I walked up the stairs fearing my marriage was falling apart I laid the magazine down and the tears again filled the wells of my eyes. As I laid across the bed, I began holding onto my pillow wishing it were Keith. I started praying for Monday. That was both of our days off and the days we normally would spend with the kids. However, I was making a promise to myself that I was going to save my marriage and that I would somehow make it up to Keith.

    I was in the living room listening to music and reading my magazine when I heard Keith moving around. Therefore, I hid the magazine to avoid an argument. It was then that I realized that Keith was whispering into the phone. I was curious so I tried to ease the phone up but he heard the click. At first, there was silence.

    You can hang-up the phone whenever you feel 1ike it. Keith said sarcastically.

    Feeling embarrassed, I put the phone down-as quietly as I had picked it up. A few minutes later Keith came down the stairs wearing his dark blue Hugo Boss suit. He stopped and stared strangely at me for a second, and then he walked out of the front door. I felt I needed someone to talk to. So I got dressed and called my mother. The kids we’re excited about going to grandma’s house. Beside the pool, she put in a swing set and a sandbox that practically took up the whole backyard. To the kids, it was paradise.

    On the way down Prospect to Highway 71, Keith jr. said, Look Mommy, here comes Daddy’s car. When I looked up to see, to my surprise a woman driving it. From the tinted windows, it was hard for me to get a good look at the driver. So I said, No baby, it’s just a car that looks like daddy’s. My heart felt like it had just been hit by a thousand knives because I knew it was Keith's car. There’s not another corvette in Kansas City like it.

    As I pulled into Mom's driveway, I was a basket case. Mom could always sense when something was wrong; she could tell by my expression. Are you okay baby?'Mom asked. I just stood there unable to speak. Mom suggested that the kids stay with her for a while to give Keith and me some time alone.

    As I turned to leave, Keith Jr. could see the tears in my eyes. "Are you ok Mommy? He asked.

    Your Mommy's fine. I lied.

    While driving around, I started thinking about my marriage, and how it had changed. I loved Keith and up until now, I had no reason to doubt him. But seeing that woman driving his car made many emotions come to surface. I was feeling everything all at once. Jealousy, mistrusts, and hurt. I never dreamed our romance and marriage would fail.

    Keith is the only man l’ve ever been with and I love him with all my heart. So I decided I wasn't gonna cry anymore, and I'm not mentioning to Keith that I saw a woman driving his car. After I’d convinced myself that there are two 1962 corvettes in Missouri, I drove home. As I sat in the driveway, I was determined to attract Keith’s attention sexually.

    When I entered the house, it never felt so empty. I took a long shower and gathered my self-esteem. I wiped the steam from the mirror, looking at my petite figure. Thoughts of having legs like Tina Turner filled my head. A smile came to my face and I knew I had to flaunt what I had. Styling my hair the best I could; I put on a touch of make-up, not to heavy and obvious but enough to highlight my features.

    Tonight would be special, I told myself. I put on Keith's favorite baby-doll chemise. The one he gave me on our seventh anniversary. He said it made me look like a teenager. It's blue with a satin ribbon and trimmed empire waist. The long satin 'straps I tied into a bow.

    Just the way I did the night of our anniversary. I went downstairs to set the mood. I put on Luther Vandross. Keith always liked him. He said the smooth rhythms and lyrics put him in the mood. The bottle of Piererr Chalia I thought was a nice touch. I poured-two glasses and sat on the sofa waiting for Keith to come home

    About an hour later, Keith came in and went straight up stairs. A few seconds later I could hear the shower running, I could hear Keith singing so I tiptoed to the top of the stairs. Keith was in a good mood. I flashed a devilish grin and went back. I was sure now; tonight I would save my marriage.

    Twenty minutes later, Keith came down singing the lyrics to "A house is not a home."He didn’t even look at me. He walked to the front door stopped and said, A friend of mine is suppose to call. When he does, tell him I said to just come over. He’s going to do our hair.

    I thought I knew all of our friends. Standing so Keith could see me in his favorite teddy. He looked right at me and said, Well he’s not really a friend. We knew each other as kids. Now he does hair and he’s one of the best around. I’m quite sure he’d be flattered to see you in that outfit, but take that shit off. You look like one of them Broadyway hoes."

    As he spun on his heels military style to leave, suddenly he reappeared in the doorway.By the way, I'll be back in an hour.

    Standing there hurt, I downed my glass of wine, grabbed Keith's glass and went upstairs in search of my faded blue-jeans and one of Keith's old work shirts. Just as I was enjoying my third cup of wine, the phone rang. It was Keith’s friend. His voice was so sexy, so masculine. I was frozen. I couldn't say a word.

    "Hello hello, is anyone there? The voice said.

    Yes, I'm sorry, I was listening to the tone of your voice, and it’s so deep and rich.

    Why thank you, was his reply.

    I gave him the address and told him to come on over, and of course I told him that Keith would be back shortly. As I hung up the phone, I felt like a schoolgirl waiting for a blind date. A half-hour later, a car pulled into the drive. I could see the car was a black Porsche. Then the driver exited.

    My first thought was Damn! This man is gorgeous. He's 6'3" with a body that is sleek and chiseled. I had a fantasy of being that tank top he was wearing. The way it fit on him was like it belonged. He moved with sure grace like he was a king. When he stopped and turned around, I panicked. I almost bolted towards the door, but I saw him reach into his car and grab a large black bag. Relief engulfed me. He moved so gracefully it seemed he‘d was moving in slow motion. I ran to the door and opened it just as he was about to ring the bell. I stood there in a trance-like state.

    And when this man opened his mouth to speak, his beautiful white teeth only added to his appearance of nobility. For a moment, I was captivated by his looks. I didn’t t snap out of it until he asked, Does Keith Ray live here?

    I, I was, never mind, you wouldn’t understand. I said.

    His reply was; I'm sure I would. I assured him that Keith lived here and that he was safe and invited him in. As he passed by me and closed the door, my heart was beating so fast I thought it would burst. I hadn't been this close to a man alone since I met Keith. As we stood there, he broke the silence.

    Would you like for me to do you first?

    Sure, I said.

    Without another word, I lead him into the kitchen. He placed his black bag on the kitchen table. Could you have a seat Mrs. Ray? As he pulled out the chair. I was capricious. He ran his fingers through my hair and told me he was feeling for texture. I didn't know what he was doing.

    Was it the wine? Every time he touched me, my insides quivered. In the eight years of marriage to Keith, I've never been attracted to another man. But now my hormones were in over drive He told me all I needed was a wash-n-set.

    My reply was, What ever you want to do is fine with me. I meant every word. Our eyes met.

    As I stood to walk over to the sink, Keith came in yelling, Beaut, my man, what's up? as if they were close friends.

    What's up man, was Beaut's reply as they shook hands.

    As you can see, I was just about to start on your wife’s hair.

    Well hold up on her's for a minute and get me real quick, all I need is a trim, said Keith. Beaut started on Keith's hair and I couldn't keep my eyes off him. Since Keith was sitting down, and I was behind him.

    I could look at Beaut long and hard. I didn't want to be caught staring at him, so I left them alone in the kitchen and sat in the living room. I overheard Beaut telling Keith that he has a beautiful wife. Keith replied, Yeah, she's alright. Then he started whispering to Beaut about a woman he’d been seeing.

    Beaut asked him, Is it worth losing your wife over?

    Keith's answer left me feeling sick. He said, Aw man, that shits been over for awhile now.

    As bad as I felt, I held it in and walked back into the kitchen. Beaut looked at me and knew that I overheard their conversation. As he finished Keith's hair, he told me he was almost ready to wash me down.... He had no idea what effect those words had on me.

    Beaut reached into his bag and pulled out two hand held mirrors. He handed them to Keith to see if he liked his trim. As Keith was primping in the mirror, the phone rang. I picked up the phone to answer it, but Keith jerked it away and looked at me as if I were a piece of shit. I turned to find Beaut watching me with a concerned look on his face.

    Keith hung up the phone and said, They need me at work for about four hours. He paid Beaut and said, Thanks man, Beaut took the money and shoved it into his pocket without counting it. Keith didn’t t bother to look my way as he walked towards the door. No, kiss, no hug, no nothing.

    I don't know how long I was standing there and staring at the door when Beaut turned towards the sink. Are you ready, he asked? I nodded and walked towards the sink with my head down so he wouldn’t see the tears in my eyes. Feeling hurt and embarrassed, I let the tears flow as Beaut washed my hair. Since my face was wet with water, I'd hoped he didn't notice or see I was crying.

    His hands felt so good as they massaged my scalp. I imagined how they would feel on my body. Strong yet gentle, soft but masculine. I let my mind drift and wondered what it would be like to make love to this man.... If only he knew what I was thinking!

    As the water ran through my hair, Beaut leaned over and said, Don't worry everything will work itself out with you and, Keith. His voice was so reassuring. I relaxed under the touch of his hand I was hoping he would make an advance on me. Even if he had the desire, I don't think he would because he was Keith's friend.

    Then it happened, his body touched mine. He immediately apologized. That simple gesture was like a bolt of lightening! My mind drifted to making love to him. I started to feel a tingle between my legs and I wanted him to touch me... Oh, my God! I can't believe myself! I had to remind myself, this was Keith's friend, and I wouldn't want to jeopardize their friendship no matter how much of an asshole Keith was being towards me.

    Then it hit me that Keith said they weren't friends. So I decided to make my move. I positioned my body in front of his and backed into him pressing up against his crotch. As I did, he moved to the other side of me. So I maneuvered my body in front of him again. Again, he moved, but I was like a magnet to metal. I found his crotch again and moved in a slow grinding motion. To my surprise he didn't move. He met me with as much pressure as I was willing to give: I could feel the Bulge in his pants and I wanted this man badly. When he cut off the water, I wondered where do I go from here.

    As Beaut wrapped the towel around my head, I reached up to hold it in place. Our hands touched and it was like fire. We both felt the sensation. We looked at each other, our eyes saying the unspoken. For a split second, I thought he was going to kiss me. Then he said, Is this what you want?

    All I could do was nod my head yes. He pulled me close to him and hissed me. His tongue was exploring my mouth. His taste was so sweet. All I could do was throw my arms around him. It seemed we'd kissed for hours, but the moment passed.

    It was easy to talk to Beaut; his voice is so comforting and soothing that I found myself confiding in him. Keith's the only man I've been with in my life and I thought I knew my heart. I explained to Beaut that at one time, Keith and I both shared a goal. Now, I don’t know what he wants.

    What am I doing wrong Beaut? I asked' 'Tears spilling from the wells of my eyes.

    Beaut caught a tear drop on his finger and said, Look Gail, whatever you do, don't blame yourself. Many women fool themselves into thinking they can correct or change whatever undesirable characteristics are in their men.-But they can't change them and you can't change Keith. Just be yourself and hope for the best. He should have realized a long time ago how lucky he is. If he doesn't then he is a fool.

    At that moment my body couldn't resist him any longer I kissed him and he responded at first, but then gently pushed me away and looked into my eyes and said This could be the biggest mistake of our lives. 'He sounded so sincere and caring that I couldn't speak. I didn’t want to speak.

    I moved towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him again only this time, it was longer and deeper. I knew exactly what I wanted. My body was so hot. I pressed my body harder against his and could feel his manhood growing hard against my thigh. I had never touched another man besides Keith! So I was shocked when I touched him and felt how big his manhood was.

    He moaned. I moaned. He pu1led away and said, This isn’t right Gail

    It feels right, I said, pleading, Beaut I need you.

    After this where do we go from here?

    What do you mean where do we go from here? - What I'm saying is that right now I know you’re' vulnerable and I don't want you to do something you’ll regret later."

    I took his hand and led him upstairs to the bedroom. I kissed him again and put his hand on my breast. Quickly he swept me off my feet, his tongue darting in and out of my mouth sucking softly on my lips and neck. Clinging to him like a helpless child, he laid me down across the bed gently pressing his body to mine. I lost control. I wanted him.

    He stopped and said, Hold on baby, I forgot something. He left the bedroom and returned with his black bag.

    While Beaut was gone, the anticipation was killing me. I wanted him to touch my breast, to cup my buttocks and now he was just standing there looking at me. I held out my hand inviting him to my bed. He undressed me first and then himself. His body was magnificent, beautifully sculptured! His chest and arms were muscular and well proportioned. He kissed me tenderly on my eyes, my neck and my mouth. He felt the moistness between my legs and a moan escaped my lips. Keith never made me feel this way.

    Beaut reached in his black bag and retrieved a bottle of lotion. As he stood, I gasped. Keith was nothing like this man. This man was blessed. It scared me because I'd never had any man but Keith and there was no comparison.

    He ran his tongue from my belly button to my neck and kissed me more passionately than I've ever been kissed before. He rolled me onto my back and applied the lotion. It had a strawberry scent. It seemed as if the lotion was heating up. He started licking every spot he'd put the lotion. He turned me on in places I never knew would make me hot. He turned me over and rubbed the lotion on my breast. My body felt like jello.

    His tongue darted out and touched between my legs. Keith never put his mouth down there. The sensation startled me and I thought I was going to faint. He opened my legs wider and licked me in and out. My head rolled backwards and my neck was limp. It was having multiple orgasms; this was a totally new and exhilarating experience for me and I never wanted it to stop. He pulled me closer and put the bottle of lotion on the floor next to the night table. I ran my fingers through his hair and told him I was about to climax. His tongue moved faster and faster.

    I wrapped my legs around his neck and my body began to jerk, the pleasure was mounting. I screamed out Beaut's name as I felt my insides releasing. He kissed me and I could taste myself on his lips.

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