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Project Passion
Project Passion
Project Passion
Ebook51 pages51 minutes

Project Passion

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She just can’t get those graphic mental pictures of hot, raunchy sex out of her head. Sister Heather took Holy Orders and entered the convent as a young girl. A healthy, normal woman, she’s always wondered what she was missing in life.

She’s obsessed long enough. The thirty-eight year-old virgin has a plan to do something about it. Heather is going to make that fantasy come true, no matter what it takes, no matter how it all turns out.

The Project takes time, money, research and commitment. It requires stealth, courage and opportunity. Thanks to the internet and a small inheritance, she puts her dreams into action. With a week’s leave to go canoeing in the wilderness and a stranger she met on the internet coming to seduce her, there’s much that can go wrong.

PublisherDusty Miller
Release dateApr 2, 2013
Project Passion

Dusty Miller

Constance ‘Dusty’ Miller has written fiction, non-fiction and worked for newspapers and magazines. She did a brief stint as sports editor of a small-town weekly. She likes to make people laugh as well as think. Her erotica has a strong sense of the dramatic. Out of work and recovering from a life-threatening illness, someone suggested writing erotica which she initially rejected for lack of confidence. But love makes the world go around, and Dusty can no longer deny its pull. Dusty squeezes a little writing time in between raising a daughter and building a home-based business.

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    Project Passion - Dusty Miller

    Project Passion

    Dusty Miller

    This Smashwords edition copyright 2014 Dusty Miller and Long Cool One Books

    Design: J. Thornton

    ISBN 978-9918999-3-7

    The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person living or deceased, or to any places or events, is purely coincidental. Names, places, settings, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. The author’s moral right has been asserted.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Scene One

    Scene Two

    Scene Three

    About the Author

    Project Passion

    Dusty Miller

    Scene One

    Five minutes to pull into a truck stop, take a small bag into the restroom, and then it was out of the habit and into ordinary, even drab street clothes. Phase One complete. She was free. It was her life and she had dreams. She also had some rights. What a long strange trip it had been just to get this far.

    Normally she would be teaching third grade at St. Francis Xavier Girl’s Academy for about six and a half hours a day, but the rest of her time was taken up by the daily prayer rituals, feasts and holiday observances, or household duties, which were little better than maid work in their communal existence. She went to Mass every day. Four hours in the car were hardly a respite.

    She’d had too much time to think.

    Sister Heather was frankly terrified as she stumbled about putting up camp. Her hair, healthy and thick, was her best asset for what lay ahead. Otherwise she was pretty unremarkable as far as sexy women went. That was one problem. Tall, fairly fit, used to being on her own a lot of the time, and having been through a few tough spots in the vale of tears that was this life, she was having a hard time with the thoughts and fears of what might happen. Or worse almost, what might not happen. It was hard to convince herself that she could live with a failure. It was equally hard to believe that she could succeed. This was her first serious attempt.

    There was a lot that could go wrong.

    It all began innocently enough. Not that the desire for raunchy sex with a man was innocent—it was far from it, but Heather had fantasized about what sex might be like since she was very young. It was a priest she was in love with at the time who did that for her. It led to discovery. The thoughts she had entertained towards him! It was mental pornography. She had tried to imagine herself, beautiful, sensuous, raven-haired and so cool and sure. Thoughts of his dark olive skin, curling mustache…and with Father Alan or even some other man, perhaps hairier and more strongly built, making love to her...rather. The first orgasm scared her. The revelation was that she liked it. The sort of misgivings that it also aroused were predictable and she wondered how to ever get beyond that.

    Why didn’t she have any guts?

    For years it simmered on the back burner of her sexual consciousness, bubbling along at the level of private fantasy. One which she indulged in her solitude from time to time, although God knew it was wrong. But not to do it was so very much worse.

    Sex did wonderful things for her body and her soul

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