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One Last Job
One Last Job
One Last Job
Ebook23 pages17 minutes

One Last Job

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Billy Jensen thought he'd completed his last job for the Russian mob, but Petrovski knows there is always one more debt to pay...

3044 word short story
Some adult language
Updated version 7/23/2013

PublisherTravis Hill
Release dateApr 8, 2013
One Last Job

Travis Hill

I'm an author in the Pacific Northwest. I live with my five completely worthless but awesome cats. I write stories I want to read that no one else is writing. My mailing list: Writes: Science Fiction / Fantasy / Horror / Adult Fiction / Drama / Humor

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    Book preview

    One Last Job - Travis Hill


    By Travis Hill

    Copyright 2013


    Cover Art by: Heather Senter

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


    I got out of the car and headed straight for the man on the other side of the gas pump island. He didn’t see me coming, obliviously pumping gas into his Toyota Celica. I rounded the pump and with a quick movement, I pulled out a silenced 9mm pistol and pointed it at Mr. Toyota’s head. He looked up at me just in time to see a small puff come from the end of the pistol’s muzzle. A short, barely-muffled cracking sound accompanied it, along with a wet thunk from a portion of Mr. Toyota’s face as it collapsed and blew out of the back of his head. This mess, and possibly the bullet, collided with the rear window, creating a small starring pattern streaked with blood and brains.

    I gave a nervous look towards the front of the convenience store before I turned around and walked in what I hoped was a casual manner back to my beat-up 1982 Honda Prelude. I dropped the gun in Tanya’s lap as I got in the driver’s side, started the car, put it in gear, and tried not to

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