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Sins of the Fathers
Sins of the Fathers
Sins of the Fathers
Ebook25 pages23 minutes

Sins of the Fathers

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This is the first of a short story series of varying topics and genres. The image of a police stand-off against a gunman with multiple hostages has made the video and print media all too many times. In this story, though, there are twists and surprises that no one could have possibly dreamed of, even in the worst of nightmares.

Training and experience are invaluable to police in hostage crisis situations. But the formulas most successful in such situations can mislead when the game is not anything one had ever heard of. Going by the book, unfortunately, can lead one into a most horrific trap.

PublisherDavid Howells
Release dateApr 9, 2013
Sins of the Fathers

David Howells

Doctor of Chiropractic since 11/1984. Former Chief of Nuclear Medicine, Lutheran Medical Center, St. Louis, MO. Volunteer EMT, Hurley Fire and Rescue Squad, Hurley NY. Folk musician, volunteer soundman for the Hudson Valley Folk Guild. Kiwanis Club of Kingston. Society for Creative Anachronism fighter, archer, and chirurgeon. Greetings and welcome to my website. Thanks for stopping by. I welcome you to download VANESSA with my complements and see if you like the style. I'm told by readers the first two chapters are a slow acceleration (others say 'no problem') and then it takes off from there as a great page turner. Each of the four sequels had good reviews on first released a few years back, so I hope you'll try those as well. Time Snap and Hell Rise were more recent efforts I hope you'll like. The short stories have been a lot of fun to write, and are getting good response levels. Thank you all so very much! Long and merry life, best of health, David L Howells PS: I've done my best to filter out errors in the copy, but if you see one on any of the works, please notify me at twosword at earthlink dot net? I'd appreciate it (just include a three word sequence and which title, and I'll fix it with a search and correct). Happy reading!

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    Book preview

    Sins of the Fathers - David Howells


    A Short Story in the Slice of Life Series

    David Lee Howells

    Copyright 2013

    Smashwords Edition

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    The day was bright and sunny, with pleasant clouds dotting the sky with clean white vapors that had decided it was much too nice a day to rain upon it. People have no such compunctions when it comes to creating a storm. That was proven by the situation.

    An angry man had barricaded himself and three hostages on the second floor of Penway and Grostic Investments. Anger was an obvious role player in the man’s motivations, judging from the language he used on the borrowed (commandeered) cell phone. This was the situation-awareness contribution from the science of neurolinguistics.

    The scanty facts presented suggested to those whose job it was to profile a criminal target that this stand-off was more planned than spontaneous. There was a sniff that this was all to make a statement of some kind. He may be yet another someone who wanted his fifteen minutes in the sun and was willing to risk an early demise-by-sharpshooter to get it. The younger the perpetrator, though, the less likely they were aware enough to realize the risk they were taking. That was a rule of thumb. In the military, it was called ‘the myth of invulnerability’.

    Planning had to be inherent to his (or their) plot.

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