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Changes a Bullet Makes
Changes a Bullet Makes
Changes a Bullet Makes
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Changes a Bullet Makes

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Brad as Republic of Terra President sets out to bring peace back to the splintered USA after years of fighting.
With the help of his wives, Michele, Angel, Jenny, Toni, JJ, Jackie, Lee, Cat, Shane, Jackson, Victoria, Bitch, Vanessa and especially his wife, Vicki begins the process to bring the former USA back together and end all fighting so families can raise their children not living in fear or starving to death.
What started out as a mission to bring peace to the former USA becomes a path to bring peace to the whole Planet of Earth and unifying them as never before.
Death and trouble stalks Vicki as she takes on this mission and succeeds beyond the wildest expectations of Brad. With the help of the one called Bitch (Patty) she overcomes several attempts on her life including being taken hostage by terrorist.

PublisherA. G. Moye
Release dateApr 14, 2013
Changes a Bullet Makes

A. G. Moye

Books with a Twist! Born in the cotton fields of Arkansas. Delivered newspapers in Clarksville, Arkansas from 5 to 14 and then moved to California. Work in the metals Industry management for thirty years. I am married with seven children and twenty- two grandchildren along with three great grandchildren. Started writing in 1987 just as a hobby but found I enjoyed it so much that I kept it up even after retiring. My wife, Sammi is my biggest supporter; pushing me to get my books published which I have enjoyed hearing from those that read them that they enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them.Currently writing my three book Science Fiction series called Marauder Chronicles. Finished with first two and are published. Writing book three of the Chronicles of the Marauder! To be followed by the sequel to "A Stranger Comes Crawling" and conclusion of the Lightning in the Tunnel series, "Lightning Rages"

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    Changes a Bullet Makes - A. G. Moye

    Changes a Bullet Makes

    Copywrite 2012By AGMoye

    Published by Smashwords

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this with other person please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are ready this book and purchase it or it was not purchased for your use only then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter One

    Occasional rusted out vehicles dotted the road as Vicki and her escort rode along seeing most were shot up and left there to rust. Grass grew in every crack of the road telling them it hadn’t been driven on in a long time. A few saplings forced their way up thriving on the lack of traffic. Approaching Etlan they saw even more abandoned vehicles, some were burnt out as well as shot up. Seeing the highway went straight through the town, Vickers ordered her troops to form up four wide instead of by twos. Even though it was obvious the town was long abandoned, everyone felt like eyes were upon them making them nervous.

    Vicki wondered if it was the ghosts of those killed that were watching them. Like the others; her nerves were on edge. Everyone including Vicki put their machine guns in position to fire guiding their mounts with their left hand except the lone soldier assigned to lead the pack animals trailing behind them.

    I don’t like this being all bunched up! The Corporal riding next to Vicki grumbled to her. Phil gave the Corporal a glance like saying shut up!

    Vicki kicked her feet loose from the stirrups so she could jump off in a second. Several other soldiers seeing her do this did so as well. Vicki felt the tension like they were going into a battle even though no enemy was in sight. The town was clearly abandoned not a single thing stirred as if the whole town was empty. Passing the first buildings Vicki could see everything looked like they were in a war all shot up and destroyed. A few buildings to her left was burned down leaving only bricks filled with grass and trees to mark the spot where they once stood.

    Coming to a bigger cluster of buildings that didn’t have a single piece of glass remaining, Vicki observed that no one bothered to sweep the broken glass up on the sidewalks. Grass found its way through every crack. The two story buildings lining the road on each side felt eerie to Vicki like something lurked there. They were riding closer to the buildings on the right than the left.

    A lone man appeared suddenly atop the center of the cluster of the buildings looking down at them. He didn’t appear armed as he yelled down at Vickers.

    You have violated the truce by coming past the two mile limit; why?

    We are on a peaceful mission to the USA and mean no harm to anyone, see our white flag, we are coming in peace! Vickers yelled back at him raising her hand to stop the column.

    The Colonel told us you were too stupid to listen so for violating our agreement you will die here! he yelled down with a smirk. The gang bandana on his head told Vicki he was one of the leaders of the gang.

    Mr. Walker was able to pass thru here, maybe we can arrange to give you something for safe passage! Vickers yelled back.

    Dismount! the Sergeant yelled when out of every window and atop the buildings rifle barrels appeared. Vicki jumped down as well when the man atop the roof suddenly brought up an M-16. The sounds of helicopters in the distance were heard just as the rifles opened fire.

    The blast from her machine gun killed the leader along with several that were near him as Vicki opened fire along with others. An apache attack copter appeared opening fire on those on the roof and firing a missile at another group on the roof but Vicki was so busy she didn’t even notice.

    Cursing herself for having her spare clips in her luggage, Vicki threw down the machine gun when it was empty pulling her pistol with her right and her tomahawk with her left. A group to her left came screaming like a bunch of wild Indians right at her firing their weapons as they came. The trooper next to her went down as Vicki picked them off with her pistol until it to went empty. Throwing it down, she moved her tomahawk to her right hand pulling her knife with her left.

    One fired point blank at her but missed; how Vicki didn’t understand but a swipe of her knife while he was racking another round in the chamber sent blood spurting all over her. Her tomahawk split another’s head open followed by her knife slashing his throat. A woman fired her pistol at Vicki just as she moved, Vicki brought the tomahawk down on the top of her head splitting it open like a melon showering her with blood. Her tomahawk at first didn’t want to leave the woman’s head but finally as she yanked hard, it made a sucking sound as Vicki brought it up fast hitting another attacker under the chin as someone shot the soldier near her in the head. A quick slash of her knife followed the tomahawk knowing the impact on his chin wouldn’t kill the attacker.

    As suddenly as it started the fight ended. Vicki stood there dazed with blood dripping down from her knife and tomahawk looking at the dead bodies all around her. Bitch came out of the building where the attackers came from with her knife dripping blood. She walked straight toward Vicki wiping the blood on a corpse before putting it away. Vicki could see Special Forces going in and out of the buildings along with gunfire. A couple of the buildings hit by missiles were on fire but she didn’t notice.

    Are you okay sis? Bitch asked Vicki seeing her covered in blood from head to toe unable to tell if it was hers’ or someone else’s.

    I don’t know! Vicki stammered out still in shock from what had just happened. Bitch checked her out with her eyes placing an arm on her seeing she was in shock.

    Put away your weapons, sis! Bitch ordered her knowing that was the only way to get through to her. Slowly Vicki put away her knife and tomahawk still dripping blood. It all happened so fast that she didn’t have time to think, only reacting to protect herself and those with her, now it all hit home. Vicki saw death before plenty of times but those lying dead or wounded were people she knew.

    Vicki looked at Spark lying there; he had taken several bullets meant for her and fell over atop a dead soldier.

    He was a good horse! Vicki muttered looking at the bodies around her and on to the other dead soldiers. The Corporal was among them. Medics appeared tending to the wounded while Vicki observed the scene. Only the old man they called him being the oldest soldier among them stood along with her. He didn’t appear to be wounded. Even seven of the eleven packhorses were down.

    Bitch could see Vicki was slowly getting over the shock of it all, moving away from her. Bitch reached down picking up Vicki’s pistol and machine gun to follow her. Medics were attending to Phil and the Twins so she walked slowly over to Vickers. No medics bothered with her, Vicki could see why, she had been hit with over a hundred rounds even three in the face. Numbly, Vicki lowered herself kneeling next to her. Seeing; but not seeing she gently touched her face where she hadn’t been shot.

    Oh Vickers! My stubbornness led you to this! Vicki muttered. Bitch observed her but stood back allowing her to mourn the loss of her lover in privacy. She knew all about Vicki and Vickers, it was her job to know these things. Placing Vicki’s weapons next to her, she went over to check on the others. Medical copters arrived to remove the wounded while Bitch went over to the General under her command.

    General, I want you to take your forces and wipe out every gang you find from here to Front Royal. The joint Chiefs have just ordered the regular army to move up Interstate 95 taking the gang capital of Culpeper wiping out anyone that resists. Bitch ordered.

    Isn’t this a day early from the deadline we gave them? the General said not really questioning her orders.

    By doing this, they don’t deserve our waiting! Bitch said abruptly walking away. The General went to carry out her orders seeing she was angry at what the gangs did.

    Brad was in his office talking with Jim when Ashley interrupted them. Mr. President, I would suggest you tune into the news channel. It is very important! Ashley said looking grim in the face like she wanted to cry. Jim and Brad looked at each other as he turned on the viewer.

    The voice of the reporter came on standing amidst dead bodies. This is a dastardly attack that nearly wiped out the peaceful group of Republicans that were on their way to the USA when this happened! Brad could see Vicki kneeling next to a dead body. He couldn’t tell who it was. Hearing they were nearly wiped out made a lump in his throat form.

    I must caution everyone what they are about to see is very graphic and not for the weak of heart. This was the scene when this reporter arrived. The reporter was saying when he told his cameraman to roll the tape. The copter with the reporter aboard just topped the horizon when into view came Vicki and her group talking to someone on the roof of the buildings. Then suddenly guns appeared as the escort dove for cover. They didn’t hear any sound but saw the smoke from the guns as they opened fire on the group.

    The cameraman seemed to focus on Vicki as the copter landed and everyone got off before it took off getting out of the danger zone. Brad and Jim watched Vicki fight for her life. Twice it looked like she was shot but she was still standing. They watched her split the young woman’s head over all the way until the end with her standing there, holding a tomahawk and knife with blood clearly dripping down from the tomahawk. Vicki was clearly in shock. They froze that image as the reporter came back on.

    Twenty-three of the forty member escort is confirmed dead. Only two went through the whole thing coming out unscathed, that is Vicki Phillips, the Presidential Envoy and Private Martin. We talked with Private Martin while you were viewing the tape. He said luck had to do more with him not getting hit than anything. In the background, Brad heard the Sergeant yell, Tell Roberta that when I get out of the hospital, we are getting married!"

    Well Roberta whoever you are, the wounded man said to tell you he wants to marry you. The reporter said just before Brad cut the circuit.

    Calling the station, Brad said he wanted to make a statement to air with that. They recorded his statement. Keeping the scene of Vicki standing there with blood dripping down from her tomahawk and knife in the back- ground Brad said, Violence like this is the reason we must unify the world to stop mankind from killing each other over petty differences. It is tragedies like this that make it even more compelling that we end this type of violence once and for all. My condolences go out to the families of those killed today in another senseless act. They gave their lives to help ensure the end of all violence. With that he cut the circuit unable to say more.

    Vicki knelt beside Vickers until they came placing her lifeless body in a body bag. She picked up her weapons and followed them to the helicopter taking them back to the nearest airport where they would be flown back to Terra City for Burial in the Warrior’s cemetery. Vicki fully intended on riding back with the bodies. No one stopped her. Still numb from the ordeal, she sat staring at the stack of dead they placed in the copter with her. She could see that over half the soldiers were dead but it didn’t really register.

    Brad and Jim contacted the Joint chiefs finding they had used the attack as a reason to go ahead and send the army in. Both fully agreed ordering even more troops to go in to totally wipe out any resistance with the minimum loss of life on his soldier’s part.

    The flight to the airport went by in a haze for Vicki, she didn’t even notice when they were placed aboard a Cargo jet for the flight back. She sat looking at the body bag of Vickers that they placed inside a coffin at the airport before they took off. Vicki wasn’t aware of anything going on around her, she just followed orders when told to strap in but her eyes never left the casket as she did so. Vicki blamed herself for Vickers death. It was near midnight when the Jet landed at El Paso.

    Michele, Jenny and Cindi met her at the airport driving her back home. She at first didn’t want to leave Vickers but Jenny and Cindi convinced her that the bodies had to go to the morgue.

    Michele seeing her still covered in blood convinced her to wash the blood off her face at least for the ride home. Vicki wasn’t even was aware she was covered in blood. Going into the bathroom at the airport, she washed her face. Jenny going in with her said; that is good enough for now, Jenny could tell she was still in shock from what happened. She let Jenny lead her out of the bathroom to the waiting car for the drive home. Vicki sat in the back with Cindi holding her; numb from what happened Vicki was like a robot doing what she was told. Cindi could see Vicki wasn’t herself as she sat letting her daughter hold her mother staring out at the world but not seeing.

    Dropping off Cindi at home, Jenny switched to the rear sitting with Vicki so she wouldn’t be alone seeing her staring with a vacant look out the window.

    Arriving at home, Vicki took a shower with Jenny who went with her to make sure she did, Vicki wasn’t all there. Michele threw away her blood soaked clothes before letting her crawl into bed after making sure she was clean.

    Jenny moved Angel out of her spot to slip in next to Brad while no one was in Michele’s spot. Vicki fell asleep right after crawling in bed being totally exhausted. Michele gently nudged Brad until he was awake enough to kiss her and Jenny before closing his eyes back up to go to sleep. He was worn out from his usual nightly activities, along with Vicki constantly on his mind tonight.

    In the morning, Brad let her sleep, as did the others before he learned that the USA voted to join the Republic after seeing what happened to her. New England voted to join later that day leaving only the Pacific Union as the only part of the old USA not part of the Republic.

    Vicki was still in a daze when she crawled out of bed. After showering she went to her closet to dress but seeing her tomahawk and gun belt hanging there, she decided to wear a dress not wanting to have anything to do with her weapons. Trish, who crawled out of bed after she heard Vicki in the shower, went taking her shower before joining Vicki in the dining room. In the dining room, one of the cooks came out to see what she wanted for breakfast. They were used to the wives having odd hours having breakfast at this late hour, especially Trish coming into the dining room with a hangover being all grouchy until she had her coffee.

    I’m sorry about yesterday, it must be horrible for you! The cook said after getting her desires for breakfast. Trish came in hearing his comment. She sat down next to Vicki wearing a puzzled look.

    It was bad! was all Vicki could say with a lump in her throat just thinking about Vickers and the others that died. Being together for that period of time, she felt she knew each on personally.

    What happened now? Trish grumbled before telling the cook what she wanted for breakfast. His helper seeing her brought out a cup of coffee for her and one for Vicki. Neither the cook nor Vicki answered Trish.

    Vicki didn’t bother to tell Trish but really felt like she needed a drink but drank her coffee instead. Trish hung her head sipping her coffee, Vicki could tell she really didn’t care or concern herself with what happened to her.

    Vicki sat in silence watching Trish sipping on her coffee while drinking hers. The server came out refilling their cups without being asked. Since Vicki ordered her food before Trish, the server brought out her food first drawing a snarl from Trish demanding, Where is my food?

    It will be up shortly, ma’am, he said politely even though she didn’t deserve respect by the way she acted. Trish just grunted and took another gulp of coffee.

    Vicki while eating her food stopped in mid-motion when her mind re-created what transpired yesterday. While she held her bite on her fork for several minutes, the server brought out Trish’s food.

    What’s the matter is that too hot to eat? Trish asked annoyed at her for sitting, holding the fork halfway to her mouth for so long.

    No! My mind was elsewhere! Vicki exclaimed as Trish’s words brought her mind back to the present. Vicki returned to eating knowing Trish wasn’t really listening to her as she shoveled food into her mouth.

    Vicki finished her meal leaving Trish to eat alone. Going into the Lounge room of the Star, she went to the bar, on impulse fixed her a strong cocktail hoping to erase her mind. Rolling her a cigarette, she sat on the bar stool drinking her first drink very quickly. She got up making her another one. This time she drank it slower. Turning on the music, she thought about the one dance she had with Vickers; it made her laugh knowing she had to lead because Vickers couldn’t dance.

    Shane and Jean came to check on her, they joined her talking about life and dancing. Soon, Vanessa joined them bringing her fiddle. Normally, it was to early for any of them to touch alcohol but soon Vicki found she was making drinks for all four. They saw she needed company to forget the horrors she went through yesterday. Dancing and talking with Vicki, who learned a lot about them and how they became one of the wives. Not having a drink in years, they were all laughing and giggling by the time Brad came home for his afternoon delight and lunch.

    I see the party started without me! Brad said walking into the room hearing their laughter and the music on his way to the dining room. Laughing and slurring her words, Vicki said, I just needed to escape!

    He couldn’t recall her ever being this drunk but seeing the cocktail she swigged down and stumbling over to make another, he understood why. Usually in years past, Vicki was a light to moderate drinker only drinking cocktails like he saw her making once in all his years of marriage; when they had the fight over building of the Tomb. The other three weren’t drinking fast only taking an occasional sip of their drinks putting them in a mellow mood.

    Coming over to Brad, they got a kiss while Vicki fixed her next drink before coming over to get her kiss. After getting her kiss, Vicki sat down on the couch saying, The fucking Colonel sold us out! He told them that we would be coming through; that was why they were waiting on us! Vicki was just about yelling as she slurred her words, also. Brad looked at her before saying, Don’t you think you have had about enough of that? looking at the drink in her hand.

    Maybe I need something else, she giggled dropping her drink to the floor, she reached over pulling him close to her planting a kiss on his lips as she unbuttoned his shirt. Giggling still, she started stripping him right there then proceeded to strip herself. Pushing him down on the couch, she climbed on top of him placing her left breast in his mouth all the while giggling as she started making love to him. Brad was powerless to stop her, she was so intent and strong that he guessed she needed this to clear her mind. The other three wives there just laughed about it sipping their drinks.

    This was the roughest sex Brad ever had with Vicki as he laid there looking into her eyes when she passed out.

    Forcing himself from under her, he closed up his clothing looking at the other four. You ladies want to help me take her back to bed?

    Sure, Vanessa and Jean remarked. He noticed a slight slurring of their words but they seemed stable enough to help carry her. Vanessa found a blanket to throw over her as her and Jean took her feet while Brad took her upper body. Housekeepers and servers watched them carrying Vicki back to the bedroom. They had seen what was going on and knowing what she went through yesterday, they understood her needing a few drinks. One of the housekeepers walked in while she was making love to her husband, she quickly exited the room hoping no one noticed her.

    Taking care not to bump her into anything, yet twice Vanessa and Jean almost dropped her as Shane walked along aside her keeping her covered so she wouldn’t be seen naked in front of the help.

    After depositing her in the bed, Brad re-stripped going to the showers to clean up. Jean joined him in the showers knowing today was supposed to be her turn with him. She started scrubbing his back; one thing led to another. Soon, they were making love in the showers. Afterwards, they re-cleaned themselves before going out to dress. Vicki was still out cold.

    Once dressed, they went to the dining room to have lunch. Shane and Vanessa joined them for lunch forsaking their drinks for coffee.

    Hon, you should investigate that Colonel that Vicki said sold them out, see if there is any truth to that. Vanessa said while waiting on lunch to be brought out.

    I plan to, Brad remarked.

    I don’t think it was the alcohol talking, there is more to the story, Jean added. No one said more as the server brought out his or her food. Brad was famished having back-to-back sex becoming very hungry.

    When the servers left them alone, Jean spoke up, We all know that Vicki takes female lovers, her and Vickers were very close. I think she needed sex with Hon to wipe her memory out of her mind.

    I haven’t seen her drink like that since we had a big fight years ago about building the shelter. You’re right she needed to blank out yesterday, she came very close to dying and a lot of people she knew did. Brad commented between bites.

    How she survived without getting wounded or killed, I will never know after seeing the ambush on the viewer, Shane said.

    It had to be only by the grace of God, Jean commented.

    The army has moved into gangland and soon it will be no more. Thank God, Bitch saw the movement of a large group toward where Vicki and the escort were headed. She was the one that brought in the helicopters that most likely saved her life because they would have killed them all if the attack copters hadn’t killed a lot of them firing on her group. Then she landed her special forces taking out the rest. Brad said finishing eating.

    I saw Bitch in the background of the video coming out of one of the buildings, she had her knife in her hand but I also noticed her face wasn’t all twisted up like I heard from the past. Vanessa said.

    Bitch is changing as time goes by, I noticed the same thing when watching the video. We are all getting over our past and hopefully those skills won’t be needed in the future. Brad said thinking about the changes he saw the wives go through over the years.

    Victoria came in; she paused to get a kiss after he spoke before sitting down to have lunch.

    Rumor has it that Vicki is drunk, Victoria remarked after telling the server what she wanted for lunch. Seeing Brad’s eyebrows arch on how the information could have spread so quickly, she responded. Dip shit called Michele seeing her drinking heavily when she left throwing it up in her face about Vicki saying that she shouldn’t critical of her for drinking when Vicki was pounding them down.

    That little conniving worm! Jean remarked. Brad didn’t say anything himself just listened to the talking going on about Trish coming home drunk a lot and never around. She didn’t drink here because she was afraid she might be expected to do something even though they had nannies, maids, housekeepers, cooks and servers, she still made herself scarce. Michele gave her a line of credit attached to the families account after buying her clothes long ago. Brad knew she ran up a large tab at the local bar buying drinks for herself and what she called her friends.

    I better get back to the office, Brad remarked getting up. He went around kissing the wives there before leaving.

    Brad was surprised when he returned to his office getting calls from Canada that Saskatchewan and Manitoba requested to join the Republic. The nuclear winter coupled with the Volcano that erupted destroying any hope of ever growing food there; they were desperate. Other parts of Canada were considering it as well. The Canadian Parliament were arguing the issue on whether to join or not until they found others in Canada were talking about joining as well to keep their people from dying as winter was in full swing up there.

    Using a TV attached to the viewer, Brad addressed the Parliament, the current Prime Minister didn’t like this move but could see that the majority felt it was the only way they could survive. They voted to allow the two providences to join while they considered what the rest of Canada would do.

    Vicki woke up from her drunken slumber in time to shower and join everyone for dinner. The children were happy she was back as she went around kissing each of them. Cynthia was starting to eat cereal so she was placed in a high chair just slightly behind Vicki to allow her to feed her.

    No one mentioned her drinking seeing she was in a good mood, cheerfully hugging the children and kissing them before sitting down to feed Cynthia. When Brad made his rounds, she held him an extra minute giving him that loving look before she released him to go to the next wife. Like normal, Trish was not there but Jackson was. It was strange seeing her back home but Vicki was glad that all the wives managed to be there for dinner.

    Vicki asked Jackson how things were going in Tennessee, and did she find her family? Jackson told her that indeed she found her family that two of her sisters were still alive along with her mother. One sister had a baby from a rape, she gave it the family name so now there would be another man with the last name Jackson to grow up to serve. Jackson’s mother was proud of her accomplishments becoming a General and winning several battles. Vicki could hear pride in Jackson’s voice.

    This is a rare occasion having almost all of us together to enjoy dinner for a change! Brad remarked with a smile. The wives smiled back as Jackie remarked, Without dip shit the family is very happy.

    No one made another comment as Vicki asked, How are things going with McMicheal here?

    He has been strutting around the hallways smoking his big cigars talking to everyone like he is the saver of the nation but so far no one has taken him seriously, the Indians don’t like him much because of the way he speaks to them like he is better, that is good for us. The Mexican Senators from the states we created down there also have a problem with his attitude. Jenny said. Brad laughed hearing this as he worried about the balance of power in the Senate.

    The only one that seems to give him the time of day is Marshall and his backers because Marshall sees a possible ally but even he is nervous about him. Angel stated.

    He tried to get himself appointed to head a couple of committees but he was informed by Cindi and Tom that he couldn’t be a chairperson until after he was officially elected a Senator. He threw a fit after that but accepted appointment on the Appropriations committee and the Foreign Relations committee. Jenny remarked as the other wives listened but didn’t comment about things since this dealt with the Senate only until Sheila remarked.

    The new Assemblypersons appointed by McMicheal didn’t stay attached in his group instead a few broke with him supporting us or the NIP group.

    Yeah, they found out that choice committee assignments weren’t to be had in his group, so they bolted coming over to us or the NIPs, JJ added with a laugh.

    I’m glad things seem to be working out for us! Vicki remarked as the food was placed on the table. Her smile told everyone she was recovering from yesterday’s trouble.

    Every time we add another state things change in the Senate more than they do in the house but the steadily as we add more places, the opposition seems to find more allies and grows. So it could get very dicey in the Assembly. Sheila stated.

    That just makes it an even bigger challenge! Lee said laughing about the worried looks on the wives faces. They didn’t think it was funny but didn’t say so.

    Hell, we have fought bigger obstacles on the battlefield, we will see this through! JJ said being positive about the whole thing. That brought a smile to wives faces as they ate.

    Chapter two

    Two days later, they were all in attendance at the funeral services for those that fell in the attack. Vicki was glad Jenny personally told Vickers’ brother and sister, she wasn’t up to it when she arrived. Only at the grave did Vicki learn that Vickers first name was Diane. After the services she informed Brad she was ready to resume her quest, but he informed her that the USA already joined the Republic becoming members yesterday along with Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands each was now one or more states in the Republic. He told her about New England joining along with two Canadian providences. He wanted her to go instead to a conference being held in Los Cruces at the new World center regarding World Trade. He had invited representatives from all corners of the Earth there to try to settle down the unsettled world. Even those that had been fighting had finally signed peace accords ending all the wars for now, but Brad worried the have not’s would soon try to take what the have’s had. The drums of war still beat. He wanted a high level Minister at the meetings to show how important he viewed them, but his Minister of Foreign Affairs didn’t hold the same view, sending a low level person. Brad didn’t like him having several disagreements with him over policy; that was why he selected Vicki to be the Deputy Minster instead of him.

    Vic, one of the reasons the world failed to find peace was because the United Nations and League of Nations kept everyone separate. The only way to find real peace is for the world to be united under one government where differences can be argued on the Senate and Assembly floor instead of with a point of a gun. I’ve put you in a very precarious position in the Ministry between Armfeild that has his own priorities and Davidson, who thinks I’m nothing but a power hungry warmonger that Armfeild is sending but I feel you can handle it. I should fire Armfeild but he has support in the Senate even some of my own party supports him. With elections only a couple of months away, we need to show the people we are not the party of war; if you get the chance try to see if somehow you can work in world unity at this conference. Brad was saying while walking with Michele and Jenny in his arms with her trailing him after the funeral.

    "I’ll do my best. When does this conference start? Vicki asked.

    Next week, in the meantime you can go to your office in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brad replied going inside the star’s back entrance.

    Once inside, they all kissed as those in Congress left to go back to their session recessed for the funeral. Vicki figured she could find her office on her own so she left going around the building coming in through the public entrance. Soldiers watched her ever move but no one challenged her knowing who she was.

    Going to the information window, she watched a woman hobble over to see what she wanted. Recognizing Vicki, she said before Vicki could speak. I fought with you clear to Arizona where I was wounded. Now this is my job!

    I’m sorry! Vicki replied.

    I’m not except when the weather changes and I can’t move; at least it got me out of active duty. The woman replied adding, How may I help you?

    I was told that as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs that I have an office somewhere! Vicki replied putting on a smile.

    I was proud to serve under the great General Tomahawk, I never realized that you had to fight as well until I saw you on the Viewer a few days back fighting for your life. It makes me even prouder to have served with you. Just go down this hallway to the next branch of the Star, you will find the Foreign Affairs offices along that whole point. The woman said giving her a salute and smile. Vicki returned the salute before heading down the hallway. Soldiers dotted the hallway with each one coming to attention as she approached and passed them. She was grateful they didn’t salute; she wasn’t in the mood for saluting.

    Reaching the entrance to the Foreign Affairs wing, she looked at the motto above the hallway, Fighting cannot bring peace only through negotiations can peace be achieved.

    Vicki wondered about that handing the officer in charge at the entrance her citizen’s card. They took a picture of her before handing a badge to wear while she was inside that showed what her title was and showed she had top-level clearance. Walking thru the checkpoint, she looked at the titles on the doors as she passed. The first ones were conference rooms. Another said Secretary’s pool. Other offices she passed she wasn’t clear what they were for having some title she didn’t recognize. Nearing the end, she saw straight ahead was an office that read, Minister of Foreign Affairs Just before it to her right was an entrance that read, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs To her left was another office that Read Foreign Intelligence.

    Vicki turned right, opening the door going inside. Several people glanced at her wearing headsets as they spoke in foreign tongues to whoever was on the other end. One gave her a nod but the others ignored her and kept talking. Walking toward the door that read Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs seeing someone added another hand written Deputy Deputy under the wording.

    A young woman got up coming over to meet her. "The Deputy, Deputy said you would never be coming here, he is using your office, you can use Ms. King’s office she is

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