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Together Again
Together Again
Together Again
Ebook36 pages33 minutes

Together Again

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(Rated PG-13) A Sweet Romance... (YA)
Lori came from Cuba to live with her cousin.
Ray meets Lori and is gradually attracted to her while in high school. He loves her cute Cuban accent and sparkling dark eyes. They fall inexplicably in love. The attraction becomes so strong that sparks would almost jump between them. Just as their relationship begins to blossom her family suddenly moves to another city. She is crushed, he is devastated. Ray had found the love of his life, and now she was GONE! He wanted to taste Lori's sweet warm lips again, and, yes, there was that brief intimacy they had shared... it was not to be. But his emotions could smolder only so much. He HAD to see Lori again. Ray hatches a complicated and crazy plan that was doomed to fail, but he would not lose Lori again. He would do it or die trying!

PublisherR.H. Proenza
Release dateApr 17, 2013
Together Again

R.H. Proenza

I am a retired Dentist and enjoy writing as a hobby─I write for the creative FUN of writing. Other hobbies include playing the clarinet, Soprano sax and Bongos, oil painting, photography, and graphite drawing. Story ideas may occur to me spontaneously, or just by looking at a picture when it evokes a story line in my mind, and I use it as a 'seed' to grow the story.I'm a 'romantic' at heart. Love runs deep in me, and have published several romances as a result (and usually fall in LOVE with my female protagonist) mixed in with some adventure stories, and stories for Young Adults.I have done a few things in my life to include, Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Mountain Rappelling Instructor, clinical lab tech, read books on Sci and romances, and hold a license as a Ham Radio operator---all of which I assume, add to the repository from which I draw some of my story ideas. I grew up reading Mad Magazine which, I’m sure, affected (distorted?) my sense of humor as well as my perspective on life. I enjoy humor, and like to laugh.I'm am most assuredly an untrained amateur but nevertheless have published five small books on Amazon and twelve on under the name of R.H. Proenza if for nothing else but my ego. I live in Georgia with my wife Sandy, a computer or two, and no pets.

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    Together Again - R.H. Proenza

    Together Again



    R.H. Proenza


    * * * * *


    R.H. Proenza on Smashwords

    Together Again

    Copyright © 2013 by R.H. Proenza

    Revised: 03/30/2021


    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This book is a work of fiction. The characters are productions of the author's imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, places, events, or locales is purely coincidental. This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

    Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Many thanks to Melissa Mathews, who encouraged me to publish; to Jenny Harden, who encouraged me to keep writing; and to the voices in my head that help me create stories. I hope you enjoy the story and perhaps become one of its characters, if for only a short while.

    * * * * *

    Together Again

    * * * * *

    Chapter 1

    Cuba - 1945

    It was past the middle of January, and the balmy western Caribbean breezes carried intense aromas of freshly tilled soil, ripening sugarcane, papaya fruit, and tobacco. The semi-tropical climate encouraged the robust growth of fruits and vegetables. It was three o'clock in the afternoon, and the boy had just been born, emerging from his mother's womb with some difficulty.

    The rather rotund, old, tired, and over-worked country doctor, Dr. Menendez, looked down at the newborn child with dismay, already deciding to give up on the baby. He shifted his stare to the Negro midwife assisting him and sighed loudly as he wiped his hands on a towel.

    "Está muy azúl, he’s too blue, looking down at the fairly still infant. Not enough oxygen, perhaps, he said with remorse. No vivió el niño ... he didn't make it. Qué lastima ... what a shame."

    He turned toward the door to deliver the unfortunate news to the family, waiting in the next room with celebratory anticipation. Still, with sweat on her forehead from the birth, the midwife flared her prominent nostrils with purpose. Now, filled with determination, she picked up the baby. Several blows later, the boy took his first breath. A blue baby, yes─having avoided any brain damage one would hope─but alive. Thus began the first day of life for Ramón.

    Two years following Ramón’s birth, a baby girl was born in Havana, a large city to the west and Cuba's capital. Her life would cross paths with Ramón’s in the future and change their destinies forever.

    Growing up in the mountainous area of rural northeast Cuba in Banes' small town, life was filled with daily

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