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The Gypsy Curse: Astro's Adventures
The Gypsy Curse: Astro's Adventures
The Gypsy Curse: Astro's Adventures
Ebook141 pages1 hour

The Gypsy Curse: Astro's Adventures

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In this fun children's book, The Gypsy Curse, we meet Tinka, the Gypsy Cat, who sets a curse on Astro and the gang. She evens tricks the cunning evil genius, Speed Bump Charlie.

Tinka is able to predict where the dogs are going to stage their next rescue mission. She then sends the dog catcher to capture them and he takes them to the Check Out! The one place all dogs fear!

But how does she know? Does she really have special powers or is it some kind of trick? Will our team realise that there is a spy amongst them? Will they be able to rescue Dingo and the other dogs from the Check Out before it’s too late? Will they be able to find the gypsy camp and stop Tinka before all the dogs are captured?!

In Astro’s Adventures, The Gypsy Curse, we meet again a tunnel digging terrier who carries a diamond encrusted nail file. A large dog for which the complexities of door handles are a complete mystery and who, instead, opens everything with his head. As well as, a commando, khaki wearing Blue heeler who is armed with a hunting bone and a smell grenade.

All are part of a team of dogs who work for a mysterious organisation. This organisation exists without detection and operates right under our very noses. Its sole purpose is to save dogs from neglect and to save each other too!

Spy links Included!! These are special web addresses where you can find puzzles and games that are not available anywhere else in the universe!!

If you and your family love dogs you are going to love this fun children’s story. The characters are all based on real dogs and cats and, just like your pet at home, they will warm your heart. They are unique and a bit flawed but you’ll love them all the same.

This is the fifth book in the Astro Adventure’s series and it will delight and entertain your family with its fast moving plots and funny storylines.

“If you love dogs, you will love Astro and his fifth adventure. Author Susan Day is a dog lover and you know when you read Astro that Susan is sharing that love of dogs through his tales and adventures. This is a nice easy read that delivers as each of the other Astro stories did. And never mind the Check Out, take this one straight to the checkout. Highly recommended....” D. Mason

“Irresistibly charming. Do yourself a favour and don’t miss the opportunity to read the 5th book in the Astro’s Adventures series. Author Susan Day has nailed it again!” Georgia B

PublisherSusan Day
Release dateApr 18, 2013
The Gypsy Curse: Astro's Adventures

Susan Day

Susan is an author, canine behaviourist, and a storyteller. She lives with her family and dogs, in particular, Rocky the Border collie and Stella, the blind dog. She spends her time blogging, writing and illustrating; training and counselling dogs and being bossed around by the family cat, Speed Bump Charlie and his sidekick, Furball (see Dogs in Space). Susan travelled around the world twice before she was seven years old. It seemed only fitting that the wonderful events she experienced and the places she visited on these journeys be recorded for history. Thus, her story telling skills began. Firstly, to Rupert Bear, her lifelong companion, and then to a host of imaginary friends and finally to her pet dog once the family finally set down roots in Australia. Susan is passionate about children's literature and wants to inspire children to be better people and encourage them to follow their dreams. She runs workshops for children teaching them how to form the wonders of their imaginations into stories. Susan lives in a small country town where there are more kangaroos than people. She shares her country property with four dogs, three cats, three rescue guinea pigs and a very large fish and her patient husband. More about her adventures are reflected in Clarence the Snake from Dunolly.

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    The Gypsy Curse - Susan Day

    Astro’s Adventures: The Gypsy Curse


    Susan Day


    * * * * *


    Susan Day on Smashwords

    Astro’s Adventures. The Gypsy Curse

    Copyright © 2013 by Susan Day

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author's work.

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    Astro’s Adventures: The Gypsy Curse


    Included in this edition are five secret web links that will take you to never seen before games and puzzles. Just click on the link or cut and paste them into your browser and presto! Just look for the Spylinks Hound as you read through this book.


    The moon crept its way above the trees until it shone down into a clearing in the woods. It was a cold still night and a gentle breeze ruffled the leaves in the trees. An old alley cat hobbled into the clearing. He looked around and sighed heavily. He limped toward a large rock and scrambled on top of it.

    He took a deep breath and spread his arms as if he were embracing every stone and tree. His eyes widened and sparkled with the memory of a time when he commanded a legion of cats to follow his every word. It was a time when he was famous for being the only cat that could bring down the dogs’ secret organisation and stop their plans to free every mutt from neglect.

    Those were the days, Speed Bump Charlie whispered to himself. Then he let his arms drop heavily to his side.

    And you will have them back again, a soft voice answered.

    Speed Bump Charlie spun around quickly, his eyes scanning the dark trees to see who had spoken.

    Who’s there? he hissed, worried that one of the dogs had followed him. He released his claws one by one from every sheath. They shone in the moonlight. Come out where I can see you! he demanded.

    There was a soft tinkle of bells and a ruffle of stiff fabric. There’s no need to be frightened, Charles, a soft voice whispered. I’m not here to harm you. I want to help you.

    I’m not frightened, growled Speed Bump Charlie. Show yourself or feel the razor tips of my claws. He waved his claws in a sweeping motion in the direction of the dark shadow.

    Slowly into the moonlight slipped a small figure. It was a cat. A female cat and she was dressed as a gypsy. She wore a pink bandana around her head and a dress of flowing taffeta. Around her forehead and waist chains held tiny gold bells that jingled as she moved. Her fur was a soft grey and Speed Bump Charlie was immediately drawn to her golden eyes.

    Who are you? he questioned suspiciously.

    The gypsy cat bowed low unafraid of the old tabby cat. My name is Tinka, she said slowly.

    What do you want and why are you sneaking around in the woods? hissed Speed Bump Charlie. He was a well-seasoned alley cat and had developed a healthy mistrust of all strangers regardless of their species.

    Tinka stood up slowly. She clasped her paws in front of her. I am here to help you. I have seen you in my dreams and my crystal ball has shown me things; things that would help you defeat the Organisation and those stupid dogs forever.

    Speed Bump Charlie was not convinced. How did you find me? he asked the gypsy cat.

    My crystal ball told me where you were, she answered calmly. I have been waiting for you to come back.

    I’ve been busy; away on business, he declared but the memories of his last failed attempt to destroy the Organisation using monster rats burnt a hole in his heart. The pain of defeat and the humiliation of being put in jail still left a very bitter taste in his mouth.

    The gypsy cat seemed to know what he was thinking. Isn’t it time that you really showed those dogs how clever you are? Isn’t it time they learnt that cats are the most supreme pets? Isn’t it time you got your revenge, Charles?

    Speed Bump Charlie stared at Tinka. What’s it to you anyway? he hissed. Why do you care? I have heard this all before from other cats but then they get an owner and they get spoilt, fat and lazy. Then they don’t care anymore. They just swipe the family dog every now and then and think they are being superior. They have no idea of what is involved in making sure that cats remain the most favoured pet and how difficult it is to keep dumb dogs in their place. All those treats, off leash runs, trips to the beach and special training centres - what a load of rubbish! Dogs should be locked up in the backyard out of the way of us cats! Speed Bump Charlie’s voice increased in volume with every word but Tinka just nodded and smiled.

    Well, I can help you if you are interested, she told Speed Bump. But you’ll have to follow me and trust me. I will take you to a place where no one goes, not even a tough alley cat like you, Charles.

    Speed Bump Charlie squinted at the beautiful young cat. Why do you call me Charles? he asked.

    I have done my research on you, she smiled. I know that’s what your first owner called you and how proud she was of her handsome kitten.

    That was a long time ago, growled Speed Bump. Too long ago if you ask me. He bitterly remembered the time when he was the favourite pet of a girl and her family. But it only lasted until two stupid puppies arrived. Then he had been cast away and ignored.

    Where is this place you are taking me? Speed Bump leaned towards Tinka.

    Just follow me, she said and turned quickly disappearing into the dark woods.

    Hang on! yelled Speed Bump clambering down from the rock. I’m not as young as I used to be! He rolled and bumped his way off the rock scraping his leg and grazing his paws. He hobbled off into the woods calling, Wait up, will you? Wait up!


    Commander Rocky walked quickly into his office. He was head of a secret organisation that had been established to save dogs from neglect. He was a large

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