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F&R, Best of Both Worlds
F&R, Best of Both Worlds
F&R, Best of Both Worlds
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F&R, Best of Both Worlds

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Unnatural and yet fixable they have been telling her almost the whole of her short life. A freak she has been telling herself for just as long. It has been the sore point of her life, but thankfully that struggle has come to an end for now that Michele has accept her particularity she is able to pleasure men and women as only one such as she is capable of doing.

Release dateApr 20, 2013
F&R, Best of Both Worlds

Trixie T

Trixie T is a young author just getting into her own, in more ways than one. Trixie has been WSIC EBooks Ltd. best selling author for six months running. Join her in her sexual odyssey and enjoy. Note from Trixie: Hello folks, I recently had a request from a dear friend of mine to help him fulfill his fantasy and if you know anything about me, it is that I am all about fulfilling fantasies. His fantasy intrigued me...write a book about my fantasies, my realities...I am really enjoying this new experience and I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as am enjoying the writing. To that end I thought it I would allow my readers to share their own fantasies and realities with me and who knows, maybe it will end up in one of my books. So come on, don't be shy. Send me your fantasies and realities at I look forward from hearing from all my fans.

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    Book preview

    F&R, Best of Both Worlds - Trixie T

    F&R, Best of Both Worlds

    By: Trixie T

    Published by WSIC EBooks Ltd.

    Copyright April 20, 2013 by WSIC Ebooks Ltd.

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter One

    It has been almost nine months since I last saw my doctor and a lot has happened to me since the last appointment, the most significant of that being the popping of my cherry. Second to the popping of my cherry would be that I have started my first year in college.

    The only reason I am not there now is because it is spring break and I came home for a visit. My next appointment with my doctor was not to be for another month, but as college is a good couple of day’s drive from my hometown, I decided to kill two birds with one stone and get it over and done with.

    Doctor Brenda Neder, having taken over my care from my prior doctor, has been my doctor for the last three years. For her I have become what she calls a medical miracle and she has been doing a study on me as much as taking care of my health.

    Don’t get me wrong, other than underdeveloped growth there has never really been anything wrong with me health wise and the reason for me having Doctor Neder as my specialist has nothing to do with that underdeveloped growth, at least not directly.

    The reason for my visits to Doctor Neder and the reason why she calls me a medical miracle has to do with the fact that I was born with both female and male genitals. From what the doctors have told me over the years it is rare enough, but nothing to get overly excited about.

    What really seems to excite my doctor is that my penis is unusual for not only is it longer than the usual one or two inch stub that most of us are born with, but for the most part it is fully functional.

    Working cock or not, study subject or not, my parents and Doctor Neder have been badgering me to make up my mind about what I wanted to do once I have stopped growing.

    That decision is not as easy as you may think. Even though I have thought of myself as a freak for almost all my life, a decision as to whether I want to cut off the cock and be all woman, or cut off my breasts and close up my pussy to become all man is not an easy one to make at all.

    All of this past history I am gnawing at when Doc Neder finally walks in.

    I have long since undressed and put on one of those stupid robes that show off your ass so I am more than ready to get this appointment over and done with and the fact that my stomach has been reminding me that it is getting close to the dinner hour does not help matters either.

    Good you’re ready. You’re a month early, but I don’t think it should matter too much and…. Doc states looking more at my chart than at me. Then she really looks and comes to the stumbling halt.

    I have a pretty good idea why she has come to a stumbling halt. My condition has caused my growth to be retarded and no more than nine months ago my uncle claimed that I looked no more than thirteen years old. Needless to say, that since then I have gone through a phenomenal growing spurt causing me all sorts of trouble with not only my body, but also my clothing.

    Wow and wow again Michele. My doc states making me smile for even though clothing has been a pain in the ass I am rather proud of my growth spurt.

    You like what you see Doc? I ask her doing a model turn.

    Yes. You are looking much healthier and much more your age….well fifteen or sixteen anyway. This is good you’re starting to catch up. You look healthy, speaking of which, have you been eating right?

    Yes Doc I manage to reply without too much of a grimace for she is always badgering me about my eating.

    Well I see from your chart that you are now five foot five inches and weighed in at a hundred and two pounds so that is…..two and half inches and four pounds since your last appointment. That’s good, really good. How does it feel?

    It feels great Doc Neder. I feel healthy and full of energy.

    And you are keeping up your exercising?


    Good girl.

    Any medical problems?

    Nope, all’s good.

    Great. Disrobe please so we can do the measurements. She asks obviously pleased with my growth.

    I have long since gotten use to being undressed in front her so I show no hesitation at taking off the dreaded robe, in fact I can’t wait to get that dam thing off me.

    Look Doc I have breasts. I exclaim as I drop the robe.

    You had breasts before Michele. She states without looking up and then she does.

    I say again wow. You have grown much more than I ever anticipated over the last few months. Your breasts were B’s before were they not. She asks as she reviews my chart. Yes, here it is and what are you now a C cup?

    Yep, full Cs and believe me it has been a pain in the ass to find comfy bras. I am sure it is the pride she hears in my voice as well as my comment about bras that makes her laugh.

    If I remember correctly, your mother is large breasted, is she not?

    Yep and all my aunts have at least D cup breasts.

    I don’t think you are going to get there, but there is nothing wrong with what you have now and you seem pleased.

    I am. I tell her with pride for I really hated having such small breasts when all the women in my family have the opposite. Those small breasts always made me feel and look like a little girl and if nothing else I was dam sick and tired of being looked upon as a child.

    That’s good. So let’s get the measurements done. Doc states all business like.

    A knock at the door, it opening and a hesitate voice has me scrambling for that disgusting robe that I had just been so eager to shuck.

    What is it? Doc asks.

    Just wanted to let you know that it’s past closing and that you will be the last one here. The voice replies and I am thankful that she has not come into the room for I may feel comfortable undressing in front of Doc. Neder, but nobody else in this office has seen me. Hell, I’m still hoping that they don’t even know about me.

    Okay Julie, I’ll lock up and make sure the alarm is set. Doc Neder tells the voice and then turns back to me. Sorry about that. I had a feeling this would happen when we made the appointment so late.

    You want me to leave?

    Don’t be silly. With you off to college we have to do this whenever we get the chance.

    Ummm. I begin, not too sure what to say.

    So let’s get this done so we can both go home. Doc turns all business again.

    And so the measuring starts from head to toe. Head normal size for body, arms proper length, chest 36 inches and proud I am with my C cups, waist a mere 24 inches, which garners me a frown, hips 36….cool, thighs and legs normal for my size and shapely she tells me reassuringly.

    You’re getting as beautiful as your mother Michele. Doc tells me when she has finished off with the last of the measurements.

    I use to hate it when people told me I looked like my mother, but I have since come to appreciate it for my mother looks much like her sister Toni and last summer my aunt Toni and uncle John put to rest a lot of the turmoil that has been troubling me over the years, not to mention the outstanding sex we had.

    Even before that summer I always thought my aunt Toni was beautiful and seeing her naked and sweaty from sex made her even more so. She is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen and now that I am more mature I have come to realize that mother looks a lot like her. Therefore, I have become much more receptive to the compliment when people tell me I look like her. So this time when Doc tells me that I am getting as beautiful as my mother I smile instead of frown.

    So up you go and we’ll get the medical done. Doc pats the examination table.

    I really hate this part, or at least the PAP smear part, but it is either do it now or come back and do it later so I grit my teeth and jump up.

    Having been through this a number of times, I know the routine. The medical starts with me sitting and her checking my heart and lungs and she never does get that dam thing warm enough. Next, she feels my neck, checks my eyes, and then having me lay down she does a breast exam. Throughout the breast exam she carries an ongoing monolog telling me what she is looking for and making sure I am paying attention so that I can do my own examination at home, or in my current case while I am away at college. After that she checks my stomach and that is when I know we are getting close to that dreaded PAP test.

    This time is no different than any other except when she checks my breasts, I feel myself stirring. The feeling is unexpected; foreign even that it makes me pay more attention to my Doc. No, she is not doing anything other than what she has done a hundred times before, but there is no denying that I am reacting much different to how she is touching me this time than what I ever have.

    For the first time ever, I look at Doctor Neder not as my doctor but as a person. She is a pretty lady of around thirty-five years, give or take. She has crystal blue eyes, much like mine own. Her face is very regal, pretty even and framed perfectly with her reddish blonde hair that she wears just a little more than shoulder length. Her blonde hair is in fact about the only thing I have ever really paid attention to for I have always liked it and often wished my thick, dark brown, curvy locks where more like hers, though I would allow it to grow mid-back in length as I now wear my hair. As for the rest of her body, well that white coat she always wears does not allow much of a view, but by all indications she is not overweight, probably not much more than 120 or 125. Overall my doctor is a pretty good looking woman and…

    The press on my stomach pulls my attention away from my doctor. She presses around a little, humming and clucking; something I’ve come to know that means all is well and then…fuck I really hate this part.

    Okay Michele, put your legs up here. I know so there is no need to look at me like that.

    Doc knows how much I hate this part. I keep complaining and she just keeps on telling me how important it is that we make sure I don’t come down with infections or worst and due to my special circumstances and on and on and on. She may be right but still!

    Fuck I hate this! I tell her again as I feel her probe inside of me."

    I know hon….you’re not a virgin anymore! Doc states unbelievably causing her hot breath to caress my pussy lips.

    Shit, I forgot all about telling her that. I should have known I could not keep it a secret. What a dunce I am I reprimand myself before trying to come up with something intelligent. Ummmm, no…I guess I should have told you. Duh, that was real intelligent, you are going to do so well in college.

    That would have been nice. Did he use a condom?

    I can’t get pregnant so why…

    Diseases Michele. You may not be able to get pregnant, but you can still catch diseases.

    I know, but I am certain that he is clean. My…. I clamp my mouth shut. Shit I almost told her that it was my uncle that popped my cherry. God forbid I could only imagine what she would think if I told her that. Don’t get me wrong, I feel no shame in fucking my uncle for it was his and my aunt’s intervention that kept me from going mad over the summer. Hell I’d give my uncle twenty cherries if I could and my aunt a few also if she wanted them for the help they had given me.

    What? My mind had gone wondering and only now do I realize that Doc is asking me something.

    I asked if you want to masturbate to make your cock hard or if you want me to do it again. Once we measure it we can call it a day.

    Another part I hate. I mean how fucking embarrassing to have to get my cock hard so that she can do a couple of measurements for the article she plans to write. Could you do it please, I still feel….

    Okay I get the point. Doc tells me and then takes hold of my cock with one of her plastic gloved hand.

    Doc wants to track my cock growth and part of that is getting it hard so she can measure it. A couple of visits ago I finally came to the decision that if she needs it hard she can dam well be the one to get it there. I am almost sorry for that stance now for those plastic gloves are really yucky and that along with my legs still in those freaking stirrups.

    Ah Doc.

    How many times do I have to tell you to call me Brenda?

    Lots. I smile at her and then…Those gloves are a real turnoff. Can you take them off? I finish tentatively.

    Doc or Brenda as she wants me to call her looks down at me thoughtfully as she processes my request. I see her take a deep breath…for a long time I look into her so blue eyes. I see those eyes travel from my face down my body to the still soft cock she is trying to entice and then back up again where they lock onto my own. How long we keep our gaze locked is beyond me, but finally I feel her release my cock.

    Still she stares deeply into my eyes. It is as if she is looking deep within my soul, as if she can see every feeling and doubts I have ever had, as if she can see what I am thinking about her, how I think she is pretty, how I think that….

    I hear the snapping of her gloves coming off and then the feel of warm fingers being wrapped around my still flaccid cock. My breathing has gotten quicker while I had lost myself in her eyes and now I try to stifle the sigh of pleasure that those warm tender fingers are sending through my cock into my vagina.

    Doc still has my eyes locked. Have you given any more thought as to what you would like to do? Your larger breasts would require more plastic surgery than before, but it is still doable. You would make a very pretty boy.

    Yes I have.

    And… Doc tries to egg me onwards.

    And that’s starting to feel good. I reply

    Her eyes finally break from mine and she looks to my hardening cock. I feel her fingers tighten slightly around it and she increases the speed in which she is masturbating me. One of her fingers runs along my clit, causing a quiver to run the length of my body.

    Did you enjoy the sex Michele? Doc asks.

    Yes, though he was a little big for me.

    I warned you that you had to watch… Doc starts.

    Yes, but you didn’t actually say what too big would be. I mean you didn’t give me a size and I sure as hell was not carrying a measuring tape. Now I have a good idea just what that might be. Besides, it only hurt while he was putting it in. Once I got used to it, it felt pretty dam good.

    And what did he think of your penis?

    He loved it as much as she did! My breathing is starting to get even more rapid, much of the cause having to do with the turn of our conversation as it does the fact that she is stroking my cock and rubbing my clit.

    She? Do I really want to know how you lost your cherry or how many times you have been sexually active since your last visit?

    Probably not. I smile at the memory of my uncle and aunt making love to me over the two week period that I spent visiting them. They were the ones that taught me to love my body and to quit thinking that I am such a freak. Sure I’m different, but as they showed me it is that difference that makes me special.

    Did your penis work as I predicted? Doc is back into science mode it seems.

    Even better. Almost embarrassingly better. I can’t help, but smile again.

    Good, tell me about it so I can make it part of my article.

    Yep, doc is in science mode again, but I am starting to have other ideas after all she is a fine looking woman for her age.

    You keep doing that and you’re bound to see it for yourself! I manage between a stifled gasp for her long nail has just traced the rim of my cunt.

    Sorry! Doc’s face flushes red and she goes to pull her hand away.

    I place my hand over top of hers and look once more into her eyes. Please don’t stop.

    Once again, we lock eyes. She seems as lost in my deep blues as I am in hers. My chest is heaving and my hard nipples are starting to ache with need. I guide her hand up and down my cock and then place one of her fingers so that it rubs between my rapidly moistening clit.

    Seeing it will be much better than me telling you Brenda. I manage to state.

    I hear her catching her breath, but what gets most of my attention is the fact that I no longer have to guide the hand providing me the pleasure.

    My time with my aunt and uncle taught me that it takes a good half hour for me to have an orgasm if only one of my sexual organs is experiencing pleasure. The flip side is that if the two are experiencing pleasure that time is cut down to ten minutes give or take so with her warm hand masturbating my cock and her slender finger tingling my clit I am well on my way to having that orgasm she wants to witness.

    Now that I no longer have to guide her hand my hands are free. These I bring to my breasts to give those nipples of mine that are screaming for attention the attention they want.

    Doc’s eyes open

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