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Genation: Verticus
Genation: Verticus
Genation: Verticus
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Genation: Verticus

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Propelled 26 million years into the future, Eddy and Grizz must adjust to the futuristic world of Verticus, a planet contrived of volks and giant insects. This new life proves to be extremely challenging where Insects are the dominant species of the globe. Eddy finds immigrating into the volk culture tolerable, but Grizz has nothing but difficulty adjusting. Because of the complexity of Grizz’s genes, he is forced to endure numerous rigorous testing. This was the very thing Grizz wanted to escape from earth. When he can take no more, Grizz breaks free. On the run and wanted as an extremely dangerous volk, Grizz is at large in the volk city and hunted by the vastly advanced robotic peace officers known as ‘the thrustle-T.’
Meanwhile, Eddy begins to make a new life for himself, though he runs into his own sets of challenges in doing so.
After capture, Grizz returns to Verticus from the distant prison planet. Armed with volk weaponized technology and an army of prisoners, they infest Verticus wreaking vengeance upon all volks and challenging their superiority.
Worlds collide, the sun dies and Verticus is all but destroyed. Witness the ultimate catastrophic events when Grizz goes on an extreme rampage in the future of Genation. Is there anything Eddy can do to stop his brother before it’s too late? Take the definitive crucial ride that will blow your mind in Genation Verticus.

Release dateApr 21, 2013
Genation: Verticus

Robert A. Hunt

Robert A. Hunt resides in British Columbia, Canada with his wife and five children. He is the author of the thirteen published titles, including the Genation series, Jasper series and Sasquatch stand alone Legend series and a fun short story. He enjoys writing adventurous tales like science fiction, fantasy and historical fiction They remain unpredictable with new perspectives and clever story twists that distinguish, Robert A. Hunt as an author.

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    Genation - Robert A. Hunt


    PREVIOUSLY, two volks, Mulunac and Gastonish found themselves separated while venturing through the Genation nebula. Gastonish attempted to return to her home planet of Verticus but instead found herself on Earth. Subsequently, she was severely burned and captured. She gave birth to a son and named him Eddy. Gastonish gave technical information to the government of present day earth and in turn they tried to accommodate her with certain freedoms with her son. Over time, Eddy and his mother were taken to live in seclusion on a remote man-made Island. In secret, Eddy and his mother were making preparations to return to their home planet of Verticus. Upon discovering the secrets of the mysterious island, Eddy tried to escape by entering the classified underground caves. Since winding up in the middle of a bustling city of humans in the center of a Cosmopolitan area, Eddy came face-to-face with his long lost half-brother, Grizz.

    Grizz also had an active childhood as he was raised with his four Brothers in a highly secured, militarized environment. Each of Grizz’s Brothers were part volk also. The Government had them all tested and trained from very small children with the idea of molding them into the nation’s super soldiers. They embarked on many military missions until a fatal moment when they were all killed except for Grizz. After his most extensive surgery ever, Grizz awoke to find most of the volk parts had been added to his own body. The volk additions haunted Grizz’s psyche with memories of his fallen Brothers, whom he missed. After attending the secret island and living there along with Eddy for a brief while, Grizz also escaped and later recruited an army of punks. Everything Grizz worked so hard to achieve had failed and at a low point, when the whole world seemed to turn against him, Grizz committed to teaming up with Eddy.

    Working together, Eddy and Grizz implemented Gastonish’s plan to escape to Verticus. This was eventually achieved but it nearly costed them their lives as the military went so far as to launch a small nuclear assault to stop them. This was a failed attempt when Eddy and Grizz launched themselves into space within an insectular spacecraft. Earth proved to be too small of a planet for the two volk brothers. The only other destination they could conceive of was Verticus.

    After Eddy Evon and Grizz fought to enter the Genation nebula, they met an age old volk named Jupacious. With the assistance of telepathic imagery, Eddy took Jupacious on a mental journey of memories which told his entire life story and how he grew up on earth amongst humans. Raised by his mother and later discovering he had a brother named Grizz, Eddy’s life turned inside out. Together, the two set out on a quest to return home to the Ied era. Along the way, they discovered many secrets of the Knolix Island.

    At the end of Eddy’s journey, he and Grizz not only made their way back to Genation, but they acquired a new vessel, the Quasarious. After surviving impossible odds, they entered Genation and jumped 26,864,789 years into the future.

    By this time the moon of Verticus was named Epitomevert. Equipped with all it would need to sustain life no differently than Verticus, Epitomevert was colonized and looked like, what we would call, a small earth or miniature Verticus. It spun as it circled Verticus. A Velenod Fortress orbited Epitomevert frequently and watched, guarded and protected it from above.

    Upon re-zoning Epitomevert, Volk archaeologists, of the Ied era, uncovered a number of strange artifacts. These historical pieces revealed an ancient technology of unknown intelligence. What they found was the remains of an underground human colony. Not even psychic minds could reveal anything from the planet’s history to explain the objects found. With such discoveries, volks uncovered more questions. The items salvaged were in delicate and corroded condition. They were fossilized. No volk could identify the human artifacts, but through their reconstructive capabilities, they determined the likeness of how the items probably appeared at one time.

    Within one of the grand volk museums of Verticus, the fossilized items were displayed beside the modeled reconstructs. These items intrigued volks throughout the galaxies. They suspected the ancient species had technology and possibly knowledge that volks did not. A lot of time and deliberation circled the artifacts. Many creative assumptions sprang forth concerning what their purposes may have been once.

    No mystery to a human, the items found were; a moon car, a computer, an underground dwelling and a hydroponic water separator for water extraction from the moon’s surface.

    * * *

    SPACE: Who could measure it? Where did it start and where would it end? The future and the past were all accessible through Genation’s reach, but entrusted to chosen lifeforms; lifeforms like volks who were chosen telepathically by Galordians. Such a chosen volk was called a ‘key.’ This given appellation best illustrated such a life form’s ability to tap into Genation’s limitless power.

    The Genation nebula consisted of two twin churning nebulas, popularly known by volks as the mark where all existence began. The reason it was deemed the center was because all the stars and galaxies in space were moving away from it. The red swirl of the nebula was larger than any other galaxy. The only other such form comparable to it was its twin, the blue nebula. Remarkably, the two twins were made of the same composition; however, one was a burning red which encompassed a hot angry epicenter. This furnace of golden heat and light was larger than a galaxy of stars.

    Its twin seemed to hold the balance as its exact opposite. This icy blue glowing core harnessed white light. Like a mirror image they swirled in opposite directions. Mysterious, separate staffs of light pierced the fulcrum of each of the slow whirling gas masses. These beams of light were time-lines and represented the entire measure of time. One was the past and the other was the future.

    * * *

    Eddy Evon, the Earth Volk, had left our planet to return to his kind who were the inhabitants of the earth of the future. In the future earth, which was known as Verticus, humans no longer occupied the planet, rather a different species known as Volks did. Though these beings lived on the planet, they weren’t considered the dominant species. Giant insects truly ruled the planet. Mammals and reptiles desperately fought to survive while the insect populations took over. It was only by the achievements of volks that mammals and reptiles had a fighting chance at all.

    Volks were counted amongst the minorities as the old and tired solar system came under a great need of maintenance, care and corrective measures. Because the precious sun had grown to an unstable red giant stage, many volks continued to lose interest in the preservation of the planet. Most were in favor of disbanding the planet altogether and let it naturally fall into whatever fate it took on its own. Much energy and time was spent to prevent the planet’s eventual demise, but much more was required to sustain its preservation.

    If the hot sun didn’t kill you, the insects would. No volk was safe to roam free on the planet so they mostly lived together in protected establishments like the massive cities they built. But if volks decided life was too difficult on Verticus, they’d simply move to some other habitable planet. There were countless other planets to choose from.

    Volks who converted themselves into insect creatures identified themselves as insectivolks. These were a people who were committed to the preservation of their beloved home world. They believed, ‘We owe Verticus for the lives it gave to generations past, ((-Kli’nock-)) so we choose to fight for it.’

    Lifting his shaky old hand, Jupacious quivered slightly as he pointed his grey wrinkly translucent finger. The raised metacarpals and knuckle caps of his volk hands were dry and yellowed with age, as was his nails and fore-arm plates. Jupacious placed the palms of his hands upon the shiny, smooth deep black orbs which were attached at the ends of the poles of the captain chair’s arm supports. Many of the seats surrounding him were designed for Morguldeans. At his touch, the black orbs lit up. Many of the tiny blue lights of living energy could barely be observed rolling around inside the orbs with rapid response. The entire craft surged with a wave of energy as the Quasarious powered up.

    The entire structure came alive with energy and even the golden metal walls illuminated. Small sparks of light traveled along edges and seams, even the hidden seams.

    Jupacious exhaled wearily. The harnessed momentum core and star-drive system is powering the enunamic fields. he spoke while piloting the monumental golden spacecraft away from the Genation nebula.

    Information came to Eddy telepathically, explaining how the world of the Morguldeans was very old. These creatures had known of Genation for countless generations of their kind, but before their sun exploded and their home world was destroyed, they fitted the planet with technological capability allowing it to break away from its solar system to travel to this place. With a fascination for Galordians, the Morguldeans decided to make the long and perilous journey. Though it seemed like an impossible task, they managed to moved their entire planet from their galaxy to the Genation nebula. This took many generations of their species. There they would continue their studies, and it was there they remained ever since.

    Monumental in size, the Quasarious was shaped like a golden arrowhead. The point of this shape was the nose of the vessel. Its surface was a smooth, golden and reflective hull which made the Quasarious the toughest Morguldean ship of their fleet.

    Jupacious had the Quasarious redesigned to serve volks instead of Morguldeans. The interior was large and spacious as his was its original design for the monstrous giant alien race; the Morguldeans. Regardless, the modifications Jupacious made to accommodate volks were adequate.

    Hidden claws were a part of the Quasarious’ design and tucked up under the nose of the craft, almost invisible to the naked eye. The insect like mechanical legs that curled in and form fitted with the hull underneath, fit seamlessly to the surface of the outer hull. Like a golden mirror of iridescent light, the golden outer hull was charged with energy.

    Jupacious introduced Eddy to the living space-craft, Quasarious and explained, Eddy you have to connect your thoughts to the Quasarious telepathically.

    Seated in the pilot’s chair, Eddy placed his hands on the orbs and they came alive with light under his palms. Then Eddy found himself piloting monumental craft of the Quasarious.

    Pausing a moment, Jupacious looked at Grizz.

    Across from them, Grizz sat observing the lesson in one of the countless chairs. He shifted uneasily. Other passenger chairs were stationed in a circle with each one facing toward the center captain’s chair.

    How would you like to be the next to learn how to pilot the Quasarious? Jupacious asked Grizz as his words tapered into a cough.

    No thanks. I don’t trust the whole telepathy thing. My mind has been screwed with enough! Grizz darkly intoned.

    There was no monitor to project a forward view or a great windshield to observe the space around them like one would expect for a pilot. All sight was dependent on telepathy and the Quasarious was full of eyes. It was capable of seeing in all directions at one time. With more volks to fill the seats in the navigation chamber, much could be observed and taken care of.

    Eddy, his sertz and Quasarious, plotted a course which began with a wide arc. This brought the great ship into the back tracking path that Eddy’s parents once traveled many years ago. Eddy and Grizz braced themselves before crossing the protective barrier of the Genation nebula.

    I must apologize, but this is where our paths must part! I know you will accomplish all you set out to do… Jupacious announced.

    Eddy and Grizz exchanged looks with one another. Neither of them expected Jupacious to say anything, but he sounded like he was warning them of something.

    Picking up speed, the Quasarious hammered into the invisible barrier. Upon entering, Jupacious’s body burst into a blinding light. This light from his flesh was so concentrated it had multiple beams stretch out from it. The beams of light penetrated everything in the navigational deck and for that brief moment the navigational chamber was brighter than daylight. All solid matter was luminated by the intensity of this light energy. Within those few seconds, Jupacious turned his head to face Eddy. When Eddy looked at the face of Jupacious, Jupacious opened his eyes as beams of light shot out and struck Eddy right in his open peepers. Then Eddy’s body lit up also.

    While this was going on, Grizz roared, squeezing his eyes shut and covering them.

    The explosion of alien energy enveloped Eddy. He threw his head back to separate his eyes from the light of Jupacious.

    Looking around, Eddy’s sight managed to adjust to the brightness. He found everything frozen in time. Eddy saw the body of Grizz still strapped to his seat within the navigational command bridge of the Quasarious. While the bodies of Jupacious and himself were bright, Grizz, like everything else, was frozen in time. All but Jupacious and Eddy were captured in the nuance of Genation’s energy.

    So, it’s true.’ spoke the mind of Jupacious, ‘You did inherit the key to Genation.’

    The what?’ Eddy asked, bewildered. He noticed many orbs of light enter the bright room. These other orbs of light were Galordians. They flew right through the walls and accumulated in the navigational chamber. Like a tornado they surrounded Eddy and Jupacious before closing in on them.

    You know the story. You told it so well.’ Jupacious replied. ‘Your father, Mulunac, was taken into the Genation nebula. What you couldn’t mention was the rest of the story. You see, he didn’t die. He survived as a being composed of living energy. He defeated Scade-O-Rukk and freed the Galordians of Genation. When Scade-O-Rukk was imprisoned, the Galordians granted Mulunac rulership over the entire expanse of Genation and over the Galordians themselves.’

    Until now, Mulunac believed no other volk possessed this capability. You are living proof it’s not Mulunac alone who can survive here. There is yet another… His son.’

    Jupacious?’ Eddy questioned as he was awakened to a new realization. ‘You’re my father?’

    Yes indeed, I am Mulunac, your Father.’ Jupacious confirmed.

    Telepathy couldn’t lie. It only confirmed the truth.

    Filled with unexpected joy, the moment moved Eddy deeply. Mulunac was also relieved to finally reveal himself to his son. Then, Eddy encountered yet another ominous experience as he and Mulunac were surrounded by countless blue glowing orbs. ‘And these, my son, are my Galordians. They’re the height of all life-forms. Galordians are perfect life-forms and are composed entirely of life energy. They can become invisible and exist in every plain of reality from spiritual to mortal and any dimension in between. They only lack a leader or a king because through telepathy, they are one. They are all loyal to me and I rule them all, but being king is more than just controlling the Galordians.’

    My body, Jupacious!" Eddy did nothing to conceal his concern. "What have you done to me?’ Eddy asked as he examined his arms and hands. He looked over his shoulder and noticed Grizz still frozen and covering his eyes. He was unnaturally still and this also worried Eddy. ‘What’s happened to Grizz? Is he dead?’

    No, he’s not dead. At the moment you and I exist outside of momentous real time and now you and I reside between two fractions of time. Your body has the genetic ability, as does mine, to become very powerful. Grizz simply lacks the same inherent genetic life-energy capabilities because his mind is not volk so he cannot co-exist in this world. He will have to remain with his body while we continue within momentous real time.’

    Are there other volks who have inherited the key to Genation?’ Eddy inquired.

    An increasing multitude of Galordians appeared and surrounded the two volks of light. These orbs were the Galordians who were loyal to Jupacious. They were identical little bluish orbs of pure living energy and they could fly around where ever they wished.

    A prediction long ago, told of a King who would come and save the Galordians from the oppressive rulership of Scade-O-Rukk. This King would be called ‘Jupacious’ and he would have a very powerful son, ‘Prince Avorien’ who would free the Galordians from Genation after he destroyed everything that was ever created... All existence.’ Jupacious looked up at all of the Galordians encircling them and when the power from the beams of his eyes came upon them, the Galordians began to race around the chamber even faster.

    Then the Galordians had questions of their own.

    Jupacious? Our King? Have you returned?’ asked the countless Galordians as it was a question anticipated by all of the Galordians.

    I have returned!’ spoke Mulunac, before a great electrical crack was sounded and the Galordians cheered with thunder for the return of their king.

    While Mulunac was living in his body of flesh, he was no longer living at the same rate of time as the Galordians. Because of this, the Galordians thought King Jupacious had been absent for an extremely long time.

    Hail King Jupacious! Lord of the Galordians! Ruler of Genation!’

    Hail King Jupacious! Lord of the Galordians! Ruler of Genation!’

    Hail King Jupacious! Lord of the Galordians! Ruler of Genation!’

    And with me, I have brought my son. My one true off-spring and heir to the reign of Genation. Hail your prince! Prince Avorien!’ The Galordians examined Eddy closely and found he too carried the Scade-O-Rukk key to power over space and time.

    Hail Prince Avorien! Heir to the throne of Genation!’

    Hail Prince Avorien! Heir to the throne of Genation!’

    Hail Prince Avorien! Heir to the throne of Genation!’

    As two phantoms of light, Mulunac led Eddy right through the thick golden hull of Quasarious. They fazed through, like electricity, to the outside of the great craft and ventured through space toward the blue nebula. The massive golden ship looked like it was stuck in a distortion of a solar fluctuation. All of the Galordians followed after the cosmic royals for a short while before they dispersed and flew away. ‘Where did they all fly off to Jup-, Mul-, father? I don’t know what to call you. You have made quite the names for yourself.’

    Yes, son. They’ve left us to spread word throughout all Genation of our arrival. You should know it’s expected that you address me as Jupacious, Master, Lord, Majesty, King or Father. No one here will understand the name ‘Mulunac’ or ‘Eddy’. Those are volk names and such are not the way of the Galordians. Don’t you see? You and I are not here by accident.’

    This is all so overwhelming, Father. I have so much of this world to explore and understand! And you! I have so much to ask you. Must I address you as Master even before I’ve had an opportunity to know you?’ Eddy questioned though all he wanted was for his father to spend some time with him so he could get to know him better.

    Would you dishonor me in this place?’ Mulunac’s telepathic voice came with the authority of a true king.

    Of course not. I need time to consider this new life and if I even want to be a part of it.’ This wasn’t a life Eddy had ever dreamed possible, yet here he was. Vivaciously, Eddy found himself cast into a world he didn’t expect. He hadn’t even developed an opinion of this place and now he had been made a Prince over it. This was a world composed of light, energy, space and time.

    What?’ Mulunac was frustrated by what I said. ‘Are you not interested in the world of Genation? You would cast this place aside? How can you not see what a grand gift it is?’

    I still know nothing of this world. Besides, I didn’t set out from earth to come here. I’m on my way home, to Verticus. Mom and I planned to do this my whole life.’

    Mulunac thought about this for a moment. Gastonish never understood the importance of Genation or the work Mulunac was destined to accomplish there. Mulunac was excited to have an opportunity to form an allegiance with his son and with their combined effort he planned to bring an end to the future’s demise. He wondered if the timing was right. Mulunac hadn’t prepared to meet his son, nor did he even know he had a son until Eddy shared his life’s story. Perhaps he had anxious thoughts for his son’s future. Time wasn’t normal in the world of Genation and certainly it wouldn’t be right to deny his son an opportunity to experience life as a volk; to accomplish all his dreams. He knew Gastonish would want what was best for their son.

    Mulunac, lord of Genation, decided the most honorable thing he could do was explain, briefly what the world of Genation was to him and what the escalating reality could mount to. ‘I understand your mother’s wish for you to go home where there’s family waiting for you and where you might even start a family of your own. I want all of this for you also, but I have important business here. I want to show you everything and when you’ve understood what I’m trying to do here then you’ll have to decide what to do about it.’ The light of Mulunac seemed to flicker like a candle touched by a draft. ‘I’m sure you won’t want to leave. Yet, for you and I, time is an ally. We can use it to our advantage here. If you leave, all will not be lost. Your face alone has given me great hope, though my heart still mourns to see Gastonish again. If you do choose to go to Verticus your mind will be forever set on this place, as were my own thoughts at one time. I couldn’t bear to be away. In fact, it would take a great effort for you to consider a separate life of any kind.’

    Very well, Father, explain it to me, and I will choose.’ Eddy said, though his mind was already made up.

    Eddy followed Mulunac proving he trusted his father completely. Together they departed from the vicinity of the Quasarious and flew into the heart of the icy blue swirl. As they moved in through the great glowing gases of one of the bluish spiral arms, Eddy was amazed at the spectacular beauty. From a distance the hydrogen gases appeared like clouds, but as they ventured therein, Eddy was amazed to find the gases actually had structure to them. Venturing in under a great bright fold, energy waves in the form of light moved out across the surface toward them. Many of the gases resembled slow lazy flames, but were also like walls of rounded corridors. Mulunac led Eddy through one of these tubular passageways. Flashes of light moved fast and sometimes very slow, almost at a standstill.

    Galordians were in no short supply. Existing everywhere; they were beyond count. Accompanying Eddy and his father, the Galordians soared with incredible speed. Countless star systems existed in the blue nebula with life sustaining planets in orbit.

    Deeper, plunging into the blue glow of Genation, the orbital wilderness proved to be both beautiful and violent, like a cold sunset filled with the furious motion of an icy Hell. ‘Within Genation, you and I have powers beyond understanding, but strange as it may seem, there’s still much power required to keep this realm under our control. In this blue twin of Genation’s nebulas, we’re surrounded by my loyal Galordians.

    Galordians are a race of good, highly intelligent beings of living energy. Within the red twin of Genation’s nebula Kalordians reside. You and I have power to rule them also for they’re leaderless. As I told you earlier, I’ve defeated Scade-O-Rukk. The Kalordians are no different than the Galordians for they too are favorable and just as intelligent, only when the Galordians and Kalordians meet, they are at odds. They always fight one another and they fight to the death for no other reason except that they are opposites. You see, the Kalordians have never fully given themselves over to my authority as the Galordians have. They still feel a sense of attachment to their previous master, Scade-O-Rukk.’

    Scade-O-Rukk? Who is Scade-O-Rukk exactly?’ Eddy asked as they passed right through a wall of glowing hydrogen gas. The wall reminded Eddy of the Northern lights. From a distance, the blue nebula appeared to be only one colour, but Eddy discovered, within it were many colours.

    When I first arrived here, Eddy, Genation was ruled by a powerful being, Scade-O-Rukk. The Galordians and Kalordians lived under the oppression of this tyrant’s rule. They wanted desperately to find a solution and achieve a simpler existence, but Scade-O-Rukk only tightened his grip of control and suppression on them all the more. When The Galordians discovered me, they claimed me as their new ruler and King. They empowered me and enhanced my train of thought. Scade-O-Rukk wanted to destroy me from the beginning, but he had no idea I would prove to become such a dangerous adversary. With the help of the Galordians, I was able to turn Scade-O-Rukk’s power against him and ultimately imprison him within the center of the red swirl. It’s there, where he waits to be free to conquer me and reclaim his authority over Genation. There’s much more for me to tell you but not here in the presence of the Galordians.’

    A Galordian flew before Mulunac and said, ‘Lord Jupacious, I will always be loyal to you and your son, Prince Avorien.’

    Mulunac slowed to a halt as did Eddy. Then Mulunac addressed the Galordian. ‘I expect nothing less.’ As Mulunac spoke, the little Galordian began to glow brighter as though it was gaining power somehow. ‘Be courageous and wise and look deeper within yourself to find a place of mercy for your brothers of the red twin.’ Mulunac’s advice seemed to discourage the Galordian but before it left, Mulunac reached out with an arm of electrical energy and stroked the blue orb of light. The Galordian was filled to capacity with power and shot away from them in a sudden long streak of bright light.

    Turning to Eddy, Mulunac said, ‘Our presence here gives power to these Galordians. Because they draw power from us and hang on our every word we must not slip nor fail. I work to bring these two kinds, Galordian and Kalordian together but they will not listen. It’s their nature to fight one another. I have tried all I could to persuade them to restore peace with the Kalordians, but despite my efforts they will not obey me.’

    Mulunac continued to move deeper into the blue depths of Genation. The light was so compelling it briefly blinded Eddy until his eyes readjusted. Naturally, Eddy followed his father. With plans long overdue to provide a tour for his son, Mulunac took the lead.

    This is the situation;’ he continued. ‘The red side of the Genation twin is being drawn toward the blue side, and the blue is like-wise being drawn closer to the red. As these twins eventually move together and make contact, the Galordians will fight. As they fight, they will destroy one another until not even one is left. Note also the difference of the nebulas as you crossed time. In the past, these two nebulas were much further apart and the spears of light passed through the centers of the twins stretching endlessly out into space. These spears of light are time lines. The one passing through the blue nebula is the time line of the past. The other time line passing through the red nebula is the future. If nothing is done before the time lines pass completely through the nebulas, the twins will merge and the power created from this will cause the birth of a colossal blackhole. This blackhole will pull everything ever created in existence back to this spot where it will be an event like no other. All matter will be condensed to a novice seed of unmeasurable density. After a great passing of time its power will be released and the seed will again explode. This will be the beginning of next creation.’

    You see, at one time, when Genation and everything created from it was new, Genation was a very active nebula. It was like a haze of coloured gas stretching throughout the reaches of space. Its colours stretched out and touched all things with an array of multicultural Galordians. Purple, blue, red and pink and they all lived and worked together to create the foundations of our universe. Together they were harmony. With seemingly unlimited powers, the Galordians performed like the cosmic DNA. They formed our reality as we know it; a magnificent universe filled with planets, stars and many other wonders. They worked as they were programmed to, according to a greater intelligence.’

    Each Galordian depended on the special talents and capabilities of another. They functioned in a circle which marveled any social system I’ve ever known. Together, they helped to substantiate entire galaxies. They worked hard to fashion countless worlds at once, but as with all good things, something terrible took place. A being was created by the greater intelligence and it was appointed to have rulership over all Genation. This being was, Scade-O-Rukk.’

    The Galordians eventually divided into those who favored the past and those who favored the future. Those who favored the future also favored Scade-O-Rukk and believed he would eventually redeem himself in the eyes of the overseer. After losing their harmony, the Galordians, who pledged loyalty to Scade-O-Rukk, became Kalordians. Of all the Galordians in existence, exactly half of them, became their exact opposites, the Kalordians. Unfortunately, they continue to squabble when they’re brought together. My job is to find the balance between them again before Genation begins to implode and it is too late.’

    With extreme speed Eddy and Mulunac moved past several solar systems where Eddy observed a wide variety of different planets.

    Aware of countless Galordians gathering around them, Eddy called out to get his father’s attention. Mulunac?!

    When the crowd of Galordians became too condensed for Mulunac and Eddy, they were forced to slow to a stop.

    Master, is it true? We heard of your arrival and saw the power in some of our brothers then we came immediately. Just name your command and we shall do it. We live only to serve and obey you.’

    Yes, be empowered and be ready.’ Mulunac exclaimed with supremacy. ‘For I have not returned alone. Behold my son, Prince Avorien.’

    A wave of noise erupted out of the still growing crowd of Galordians. The sudden upheaval of noise startled Eddy, but he quickly realized it was due to celebration and rejoicing. King Jupacious had returned. ‘My Galordians have caught up with us. I will have to show you more of this world at a later time. You and I have responsibilities that need tending.’ Then Mulunac turned to speak to the crowd of Galordians. ‘Certainly there is much to do and I will ask for a great deal from all of you, but before we begin, I ask you not to hold us up any further. My son will accompany me to the Capital planet of Efferstauo, to the kingdom of Protalentus. We must do this immediately and it is my wish for all of you to attend. We will establish a tenulobe stream so all Galordians will be able to witness the occasion.’

    There was a moment’s pause then a tunnel through the thick crowd of Galordians opened before them. Mulunac and Eddy headed onward through the tunnel.

    The voices of the Galordians erupted once again in unison; ‘Make way for King Jupacious and Prince Avorien. Welcome the king and the prince. Welcome to Efferstauo. Reclaim the throne to the Kingdom of Protalentus. All hail the king! - All hail the king! - All hail the king! May he reign forever!’ They repeated this many times as Mulunac and Eddy flew through a channel of energy which took them out of the blue Genation nebula. They traveled out along the outskirts of one of the curved spiral arms to a tight location between the red and blue nebulas.

    Between the nebulas, at a station where a red spiral arm and a blue spiral arm were near touching, there existed a single solar system, which was alone in that tight neutral region. Like a mediator between Galordians and Kalordians, the planet of Efferstauo was the first step Jupacious took to find peace between them.

    The sun of this solar system was bright, white and intense with three glowing yellow rings circling it. One ring, the strongest ring, circled the equator with another ring circling midway to the north and a third ring circling midway to the south. The name of this spectacular star was Hextriouze. It had twenty-one planets circling around it in single file. Each of these twenty-one planets supported life. The largest of the planets was Efferstauo.

    Nearing this planet, it was clear it didn’t support life to just any alien species. This planet catered exclusively to Galordians and their rivals, the Kalordians. Efferstauo was speckled with racing lights. No clouds covered the planet which made it easy to see the thin lines of light which crept across the surface like a grid. A closer examination revealed smaller grids within the larger grids. The planet was like a wound ball of yarn and far too perfect to be natural. With all of the lights on it, Eddy wondered if it was to mimic all of the stars existing in the cosmos.

    At the surface of the planet, Eddy was surprised to find no water on the grand world. When they were no less than fifty meters from the planet’s surface, Eddy could see how the planet itself was made of solid metal teaming with the busy movements of living energy. Mulunac and Eddy glided low across the surface of Efferstauo while leading a massive tidal wave of Galordians behind them. Darting swiftly in at such a low altitude they could easily gaze upon the levels of grids of glass-like connections of interwoven fibers. These fibers were conduits so the Galordians could travel anywhere on the planet in an instant. They could go anywhere they wanted whether it was over the surface or deep within the planet. Exploration was endless on Efferstauo alone. With the use of these direct circuits, transportation was as simple as telepathy. Just think of where you’d like to be and you were there. If there were dark areas of glass fiber grids, it meant these were unoccupied sections.

    Mulunac had brought Eddy dangerously close to the jagged glass-like fibers which were frayed in places where they stuck out like sharp pointed glass spears. Sharply, two sharp points nearly scratched Eddy. ‘Father, isn’t this just a little dangerous?’ asked the flying luminescent Eddy. Just then, the tip of a spear slightly touched Mulunac and he vanished, light and all. Eddy was startled by the disappearance of his father just as a spear tip took him right after.

    Within the sophisticated transporter fibers of Efferstauo, Eddy fought to keep his mind separated from the Galordians but it was too difficult. The reassuring voice of his father spoke wisely. ‘If thoughts were like wind in this world, I would suggest you fill your sails and go where the wind takes you.’

    Surrendering to the planetary thoughts, Eddy opened his mind. His mind exploded with limitless thought, but after he overcame the initial shock of the experience, he understood the inner workings of Efferstauo. Now he saw how wonderful life was in the blue swirl and how equally blissful it was to live in the red swirl. Seeing a life of joy and wonderment with no want or need, Eddy understood this alien lifestyle of fulfilment. He also comprehended the strange but natural resentfulness for the occupants of the opposite nebula twin.

    The kingdom of Protalentus was nothing like a castle by human expectations. Rather, it was a deep area far below the level of the planet’s crust, near the encasement of Efferstauo’s core. In order to get to the palace level of Protalentus, one has to first pass through several other layers of the planet. The planet’s core casing, or kingdom, was thick and built to have many great capabilities on a global scale. Considered to be easily larger than any kingdom manufactured on earth, Protalentus was where Mulunac hoped to change the destructive course of existence.

    All Galordians, including the Kalordians, were aware of King Jupacious presence along with his son, Prince Avorien. They approached an illustrious wall of substance and mass.

    Jupacious took his place at his throne. This was actually a glorified con-cave area built into the steep menacing wall. Eddy quickly took his place in a slightly lower, but no less spectacular, throne. The chamber itself was packed full of blue Galordians waiting patiently to hear the important message of their King.

    Enwreathed around each of the con-cave thrones were complicated designs created from metals of white-silver and crystal. Sculptures of creatures, planets and other significant materials collected from the worlds of Genation were hedged within the artistry. The only creature Eddy recognized was the small statue of a Morguldean.

    Both Mulunac and Eddy set to work charging up the Galordians and the Kalordians with power. There was so many of them, they filled the main chamber.

    All Galordians and Kalordians of Genation, join me as we welcome Prince Avorien, heir to the throne of Genation.’ An escalating noise immediately filled the great chamber as the Galordians and Kalordians cheered like trumpets. ‘My faith has been restored in the knowledge of prince Avorien’s purpose. His deeds will reward you all as it is predicted.’

    A distilled silence followed. Eddy saw, first-hand, the animosity between the Galordians and Kalordians. The words of their King, Jupacious, implied they should all live together. From Eddy’s understanding, it was like a blood feud that ran so deep it was DNA deep, if they had DNA. A simple solution would never do, nor would anything Mulunac said. Then it was clear to Eddy, the full range and scope of the problem. He found it was a mathematical improbability for these two opposites to ever find peace. Yet, Mulunac understood, at one time peace did exist. It was in this hope of peace where King Jupacious and Prince Avorien believed they could preserve existence. The first step was to imprison Scade-O-Rukk, but this second step of peace would be an added guarantee that creation wouldn’t self-implode. The possibility of the end of all things weighed heavily on the minds of Efferstauo. The eyes of Eddy Evon had finally been opened by the full scope and serious magnitude of the situation.

    No wonder my father was so wound-up in his work.’ Eddy thought as he looked around at the monumental responsibility before him. ‘My father, King Jupacious holds the balance of existence for every planet and every star in the palm of his hand. He’s like a god.’

    An experience emanated from King Jupacious. Opening himself up to the memory of the first time he was introduced to the Galordian micro-verse of Genation. Eddy thought, ‘What better source is there than to experience all of this from my own father’s memory.’

    Several times, this particular nebula appeared in my dreams as a child. Whenever I saw representations of the twin nebula, I would get a strange chill up and down my twin spines.’ King Jupacious carried no expression over his bright face and he spoke not a word. He simply relaxed and focused on his memories.

    Shortly after I was married, I took my new bride to this Genation nebula. It was as amazing as I had always dreamed it to be. We had to push our way through a strange storm or barrier. According to my scans, this barrier was like a perimeter surrounding Genation.

    A strange cluster of lights taunted me to follow them. I now know that the strange lights were a group of Galordians. I followed them right into the purple energy ribbon. There, your mother and I found our spacecraft, the Zandith Crockmior, entrapped within the ribbon of purple energy. We had no control and it promptly took us into the blue Genation swirl. At the center of the swirl where the great projection of light reached out, was the destination where we were being directed. At the moment we made contact with the spear of light and were swallowed up into the blue Genation maw, we were unaware we had traveled in the reverse of time. We traveled a distance of millions of years in a fraction of time. We astutely found ourselves within the heart of a great turning firmament of fire. I could feel the fire which surrounded us, was alive. Two great stars were like eyes glaring at us. An insatiable emotion washed over me of pure hatred for the living fire. Instinctively, I knew, I needed to fight it.

    The Galordians responded to my burning rage. They entered the craft and I began to absorb them into my body. The Galordians empowered me. My eyes lit up brightly and my skin began to glow. My molecular density began to gain in mass just as it also absorbed so much energy I became ghost like. Passing through my clothes, I then passed right through the hull of the craft. A new sense of control came over my body. I was paralyzed and unable to use my limbs, but I could direct myself with flight using my thought.

    The living fire surrounding us was the keeper of the Genation realm and it was pure evil. The Galordians referred to it as Scade-O-Rukk. Just as Scade-O-Rukk was about to attack both me and the craft, the Galordians banded together in a treasonous act to assist me. They created a mass of blue energy which swept me away. Scade-O-Rukk immediately gave chase to the perimeter of the Genation nebula. In a wide arc, I circled back. From there I saw the Genation nebula. It appeared much different. It was a beautiful nebula of purple interwoven gases which allowed the transferal movement of power and energies. At the center of the gaseous maelstrom were two intersecting beams of powerful light. Instinctively, I wanted to return to your mother but I realized it was more important to protect her. I passed by her so I could have one final glimpse of her before she would be lost from me forever.

    Guiding the Galordians, we slammed into the center of the two intersecting beams of light.

    This created an incredible explosion.

    My existence was very different in this place ever since. Milli-seconds were like hours to me.

    In an instant the Galordians telepathically made me aware of Scade-O-Rukk’s power. They convinced me to claim it as my own. The powers of Scade-O-Rukk had become unlocked to me. The Galordians urged me to absorb all of the free powers.

    We saw Scade-O-Rukk weaken as he approached.

    I not only absorbed all of its power, I secured it as well.

    From a prediction long ago, the Galordians named me King Jupacious. If I wanted to continue receiving the co-operation of the Galordians it was clear I had to become their king. Once I ruled the Galordians, the rest of Genation’s powers also became mine.

    Swiftly and powerfully, Scade-O-Rukk charged in at me. He had every intention of destroying me but when I gathered his own powers against him, his embodiment of fire exploded. We locked together in a sort of tug-of-war for power. The time-line staff of light was broken. I held the past while Scade-O-Rukk held the future. This was very dangerous to me, but the Galordians explained how our confrontation was destined to resolve without any danger to the future.

    Scade-O-Rukk thought he was gaining the upper hand but when I gathered my power and knocked him back, he realized then, the power of Genation was no longer his.

    ‘"You dare rob me?! Impossible! It was inconceivable to Scade-O-Rukk. Fire-light blazed from his eyes. He can’t do this! There’s no way he could know how!"

    Scade-O-Rukk stood by and witnessed as I absorbed all of the Galordians. Then I absorbed all of Genation. I became omnipotent and continued to suck the power of the red flames from Scade-O-Rukk. I grew incomparably large as Scade-O-Rukk shrunk into a being of organic form.

    Throughout the struggle I was unable to take one power from Scade-O-Rukk, the power of his future time-line staff. Though I was powerful enough to do almost anything, the faithful Galordians warned me not to destroy Scade-O-Rukk or it would lead to the destruction of all things created. I wanted to destroy hat tyrant oppressor more than anything. He was a monster, but with great self-discipline, I resisted. With Galordian council, I was able to find another way.

    Unable to destroy Scade-O-Rukk and finding I was unable to leave the boarders of Genation, I imprisoned Scade-O-Rukk in a crystal upon a great asteroid comprised of solid dense matter. After this, I found I too was imprisoned in Genation. Scade-O-Rukk had no power to break free from the asteroid, but he found a way to break free of the crystal, he would never have an opportunity to escape the planet, however. The red Galordians were faithful to Scade-O-Rukk, more so than the Blue Galordians. The rivalry between the Kalordians and the Galordians deepened. In the end the Kalordians remained with Scade-O-Rukk and I set a red swirl of hydrogen gas around both Scade-O-Rukk and the Kalordians. For me and the Galordians I created a swirling gas to be the exact opposite of Scade-O-Rukk’s. Balance existed in Genation as one of the time-line spears of light, (the future,) pierced the red swirl while the other one, (the past,) pierced the blue.’ King Jupacious ended his tale with an expression of concentration over his face.

    All at once the Galordians cheered for their king. Mulunac led Eddy out of the kingdom and began to take him on the long stretch back to the Quasarious, but Eddy was following not knowing where he was being led.

    While they were passing out of the solar system of Spextroiuz, Eddy asked, ‘Father, why have we been chosen out of all existence to wield such power? What is it that makes us so special?’

    I cannot say for you, except that you’re my son, so you’ve inherited certain privileges. As you now know, before I was brought here to Genation, I was contacted by a force bigger than our unlimited space and beyond the expanse of time... Yes, it was much bigger.’

    God?’ Eddy asked with wonderment in his eyes.

    Greater than anything one could experience in this world or any other. It was the Creator... What makes us so special, you ask? We will likely never know, only the overseer knows the answer. All I can tell you is we have been chosen. Don’t worry about the answers, son, just do the best you can. Always strive to do the right thing.’

    Then why haven’t I had such an experience?’ Eddy was disappointed at the thought of having missed out on such an exciting encounter with the Creator.

    Is it not obvious? Yes, it is clear now. You’re time to do this work has not yet come.’ Mulunac began to lead Eddy back. ‘Follow me, I will return you to your vessel, the Quasarious. I will send you home.’

    With a perpetually enigmatic expression, Eddy didn’t know how he felt. He wanted to stay. He wanted to go. He wanted to please his father. Looking far off into the distance of space, Eddy could only see a slight distortion that marked the Quasarious’s location. Frowning with confusion, it occurred to Eddy, this was the end. Time was short and he was not sure if he would ever see his father again. As Mulunac began to lead his son back to the Quasarious, Eddy stopped him, ‘Father, wait please, I have questions, still. Questions I need answered.’

    Then I shall answer them on the way. Come Eddy, onward!’ Mulunac urged his son before they bolted off toward the Quasarious.

    I don’t understand how it is you live. By all rights, you’re supposed to be dead.’

    Mulunac is dead, my son, I am now King Jupacious. I became energy as you and I are now and I was called to Genation. I passed from death and traveled a long journey to this place. One day you’ll join me here also.’

    But if you became energy, how is it, you possessed a body within the Morguldean space station?’

    Finally, they reached the Quasarious and passed through its golden hull. It was still frozen in time. When they entered the navigational chamber, both Eddy and Mulunac looked upon their glowing, frozen bodies.

    Galordians live at an extraordinarily greater rate

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