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What Zombies Fear: A Farmer's Daughter
What Zombies Fear: A Farmer's Daughter
What Zombies Fear: A Farmer's Daughter
Ebook41 pages43 minutes

What Zombies Fear: A Farmer's Daughter

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

It's been two and a half years since the parasite wiped out most of humanity. With the E'clei queen destroyed, the super zombies left on the planet have started their own individual armies and are still bent on wiping out the human race.

Victor Tookes heads to the local farm store where he meets a girl who's been surviving on her own, only to watch her abduction at the hand of one of those super-zombies who happens to have a taste for blondes.

Victor once again goes to war in an attempt to rescue the girl before she is eaten.

PublisherKirk Allmond
Release dateApr 25, 2013
What Zombies Fear: A Farmer's Daughter

Kirk Allmond

Kirk Allmond started writing the first bestselling What Zombies Fear novel in 2010 as an online story as part of his website The Zombie Preparedness Initiative. When the idea to write a novel struck him, he took his own “Zombie Apocalypse” plan and turned it into a story. That story has now spawned six novels and two short stories, and is showing no sign of letting up. In addition to books set in the What Zombies Fear ‘universe’, Kirk is also working on two other (non) zombie novels, and several short stories. The Zombie Preparedness Initiative is a global project aimed at readying the world for the inevitable zombie apocalypse, or whatever disaster may occur. He is commonly quoted as saying, “If you’re ready for zombies, you’re ready for anything.” The site focuses on modern preparedness, survival techniques, and also features reviews of survival gear and weapons of zombie destruction. As a world renown expert on zombies and post-apocalyptic survival, Kirk Allmond has been featured on television and major market radio programs and he has spoken at numerous conventions on the topic. Allmond has consulted on major network television programs and two zombie themed motion pictures. 6-3-dump 1305When he’s not writing or talking about zombies, the Michigan born writer holds firmly to the southern roots of his family. He grew up in Chicago IL, and Roswell, GA. Kirk has an amazing little boy who was born in 2007, who is the basis for the character Max in his novels. His time growing up in the south with his grandparents taught him the value and skills to live off the land. He is an avid outdoorsman, loves hunting, fishing and backpacking. When he’s not honing his survival skills, Allmond is often found sitting at a role-playing game table, either as the GM of his own Zombie Apocalypse role playing game or as a participant in games run by one of the members of Grown as Gamers, the premier podcast for all things geek and pop culture.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Interesting but it eventually became bogged down with too many details about firearms.

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What Zombies Fear - Kirk Allmond

What Zombies Fear Adventures:

Farmer’s Daughter

By Kirk Allmond


* * * * *


Kirk Allmond

What Zombies Fear:

Farmer’s Daughter

Copyright © 2012 by Kirk Allmond

SMASHWORDS Edition License Notes

This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author's work.

For more works by the author, please check out and

What Zombies Fear Series of Books

A Father’s Quest

The Maxists

The Gathering


Declaration of War

To all the fans of What Zombies Fear, you have our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for reading, commenting, keeping us motivated and helping to make the community that has sprung up around this series of books what it is.

We have the greatest fans in the world.

Kirk & Laura


Victor Tookes was just a regular guy until that Day. The day he came down to the Cafe for a bagel and watched the beginning of the end of the world. He was always a ‘jack of all trades’, having worked in a variety of industries, but at the end of the world he was working as a middle manager for a software company in York, Pennsylvania.

He recognized the attackers as zombies right away, although it took him a few minutes to admit it to himself. Once he was convinced, he was on a mission. He phoned his wife, picked up his son from daycare, and headed to the family farm in Virginia.

In the first six months after the apocalypse, Victor traveled the country with his friends Leo, John, Kris, his brother Marshall and his sister Renee. He learned that these were not the kind of zombies in his favorite ... Of the Dead movies. In that time he discovered his own abilities. Victor could see people’s auras and control his own. He could tell what someone was going to do right before they did it; or more closely he could watch them make the decision to act. He discovered how unique his son Max was and why the zombies were so intent on capturing him.

When the queen of the zombies was killed, things changed around the world. These days, the zombies

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