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Lineage of The Saints
Lineage of The Saints
Lineage of The Saints
Ebook426 pages3 hours

Lineage of The Saints

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Lineage of the Saints is about some of the Saints and their Lineage. Why did they become a Saint? It might be because of their lineage. Most of these Lineages were found on the internet. Have a patron saint? Check out his/her lineage. Many Kings and Queens, Emperors, etc. that were raised to the Altar are found in this book.

List of Saints
Charlemange Emperor Blessed
Saint Brigid of Kildare
Saint David of Scotland
Boniface of Savoy Blessed
Lineage Tables Descent from Abraham or Tehrah
Saint Margaret of Scotland
Saint Nithard the Cronicler
Saint Hubert the Confessor Bishop of Liege b c d
Saint Constantine
Saint Henry II of Germany
Saint Adelaide
Saint Irene (Prisca) of Hungary
Saint William Archbishop of York
Four Lines from Joseph
Thru saint cyllin
Saint Robert Southwell
Saint Sexburga
Saint Ethelreda
Saint Fidelmia
Saint Adele
Saint Gisele
Saint Dewi
Saint Gwen and Saint Judicael
Saint Louis IX King of France
Saint Deniol
Saint David of Scotland
Saint Joseph of Arimathea
Mary Magdalene Saint
Saint David of Scotland
Saint Edgar
Saint Dominic
Saint Margaret Pole
Saint Fernando III Of Castille
Saint Cunigunda
Saint Raymond Berengar IV
Saint Raymond Berengar IV
Saint Adele
Saint Helen
Saint John Southworth
Saint Edward Ambrose
Saint Edgar King Of England
Saint Phillip Howard
Godfrey of Lorriane
Count William of Toulouse
Saint Louis of Toulouse
Saint Patrick
Saint Louis of Toulouse
Saint Fernando III
Saint King Louis IX
Ferdinand Grand Master of Aviz Blessed
Saint Edburga
Saint James The Lesser Apostle
Blessed Seraphina Sforza
Blessed Charlamange
Saint Louis IX of France
Saint King Alfred
Saint Narses Pahlav
Saint William Count of Toulouse
Saint Charles of Chatillin
Saint Isaac Pahlav
Saint Fernando III King of Leon and Castille

PublisherBrian D Starr
Release dateApr 26, 2013
Lineage of The Saints

Brian D Starr

Engineer in Controls Engineering using my problem solving abilities coupled with my mensa abilities to solve the problems associated with Genealogy related to the major religions. Special thanks to the advent of the internet to allow the material to be readily available to the computer programs used to read and anaylize the data. Wife of 22.3 years and a single daughter of 21 years attending college. See Url:

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    Lineage of The Saints - Brian D Starr


    This work is about the Saints Lineage. A Table of Saints is presented whose lineage is known, who either left descendents, or who is descended from someone whose lineage is known. The lines listed here are found in many sources, including the internet and other books that have been released. The book is not intended to prove any one living today’s lineage. It is rather intended to show the Saints lineage, with Saints from the year 0 AD to about 1600 or 1700 AD This will of course open the discussion about the lines that the Saints descended from. The ancient civilizations of the Hebrew Kings, the Egyptian Pharoahs, the Babylonian Shaws, and any other lines that could be found. The research for this book took many years of time, and the lineages are based on what is usually found in the tables. For most if not all the lines are found with different variations, usually in getting from one point to another, and all the lineages found are not presented in this book.

    The basic idea that the Saints are descended from the ancients, gives a new perspective on the origins of the Saints, and of the quality of the Saints ancestry. The idea that one Saint may be better than another Saint is thought of, however it is considered that each Saint may be examined for a different purpose, not necessarily being better or worse than another. Many Saints are descended from other Saints, and their ancestry is then part of the ancestry of the earlier Saint. This principle applies as well to the ancients, where many ancients are descended from other ancients.

    Now the idea of grouping the Saints together, in both time and geography, and of making each group a study in itself is thought of. The ancients can also be grouped in this way, in time and geography, and be examined for how they are related. An examination of the grouping of the Saints, compared to the groupings of the ancients, may yield some interesting conclusions.

    The book itself is composed of these lines, and is therefore more of a reference, than a reading book. The lines are presented in tables, and the reading aspect of the book is presented by a short discussion of the lines listed before the actual presentation.

    There is a listing of what Saints whose lineage relationships are found, as well as a listing of ancient Israelites, Prophets, and rulers of civilizations are found.

    Genealogy of Americans

    Upon finding out from reading about the genealogy of Americans, it is accepted that about one of three are descended from some type of Royalty. After examining the royal lines one must reach the conclusion that almost all the European countries are connected by marriage to royalty, and that the Holy Roman Catholic Church has canonized some of this royalty and the Church of England has recognized many people who attained the title of Saint in their life time, although many are not canonized.

    This brings up the subject of sainted lineage, which means that the blood of the saints flows in the veins of one of three Americans. What defines these lines and which saints are the saints that have left descendants is the subject of this work. Using Internet and any source available I have found over 100 people who are in some way referred to as a Saint. The only requirement to be included in this book is to have a direct traceable lineage to Royalty, or Nobility.

    Most people who have attained Sainthood are bishops, priests, martyrs, or common people whose lineage is either not known, or did not leave descendents. Nuns, hermits, and martyrs are all saints, but did not have children. Bishops and priests were permitted to have offspring by the church until the celibacy rules where added by the pope. So in the early church a bishop or priest could leave descendents.

    The idea of attaining the title of saint leaves the reader with a view that the person led a very perfect life, and so was recognized by the church. This in most cases is true, however some saints have murdered, had illegitimate children, were illegitimate children, etc… and then because of the church recognizing the good that the person did, despite the evils that went on, attained the title of Saint.

    I will attempt to draw from the ancestry that is known about the Saints and show that the lines from the Old Testament from Abraham, King David, Judah’s sons Perez and Zerah, are culminated in the royal lines Also Joseph the Israelite, Zebulon, Benjamin, and Levi are all ancestors of King David.

    There seems to be a pattern of lineage of the saints descended from the Hebrew King David (from Perez son of Judah), from Zerah the son of Judah, from Levi the father of the Aaron line of priests, from Abraham’s first son Ishmael, from Japheth the son of Noah, and so from the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament.

    I will attempt to tie into the lineage of 75 or so Saints who are tied together by blood, and tracing their ancestry to the Old Testament or their descendents to English or French Kings up to the year about 1400. Considering that many Americans began coming to America in the early 1600’s, it is much more difficult to trace lineage to a Saint that is more recent. Consider also that each generation doubles the descendents, so a recent Saint has that many fewer possibilities for descendents.

    Hopefully the reader can trace his line to one of the lines of the Kings or the Saints that are mentioned and so utilize this work in the tracing of his or her ancestry in relationship to a sainted ancestor.

    Following is a table of the chronological order of the Saints to be identified as bloodline saints.

    Included in the table are a number of the Blessed. Blessed is a term that describes a person at the time of this writing who has not been canonized a Saint, but has reached the level one step away from Canonization. In order to be fully canonized each person considered must first be a blessed, and then the Pope can canonize a blessed into being a Saint.

    Availability of Records

    American documented lineages are not that difficult to trace back to the year 1600. In England where most Americans can trace their line previous to 1600 parish records were not kept prior to 1500. Thus records prior to 1500 are attainable mostly by Family Records, and royal bloodline documented histories. Many surnames go back to the year 1200, but previous to 1200 or so the surname was not used and most people were referred to by a single name.Lineages of the royalty were documented and so previous to 1200 most records do not include surnames. There are many martyrs of the early church, whose descendents are not documented and so are lost to history with only the name of the Saint and the reason for Canonization known.

    A Note About Documentation

    Many published CD’s support this work and sources listed in the one giant Gedcom or Family File that the information is generated from. As the author I have purchased seven or so Encyclopedia’s, Dictionaries, and Daily offerings concerning the Saints. The supported lines are generally not checked for sources, and so a mistake may have been made. The lines to Charlemagne and most of the Saints mentioned can be traced on the Internet and sources found. The idea of this work is to show the relationship to the Royalty and the Saints to both each other and the lines that run back to Abraham and before Christ (bc) For a documented history of the lineages, please consult a genealogical society such as The International Society of the Descendents of Charlemagne, The Crown of Charlemagne, etc… or other published works on genealogy.

    Saints In The Tree is a work that shows the relationship of the Saints parentage, Grandparentage, Great Grandparentage etc… in an attempt to show the relationship to the Saint.

    Saints Who Left Descendents, my previous work, included all the Saints that could be considered bloodline saints. All these Saints left descendents and were the direct ancestors of the royalty, and so about one of three Americans. It is said that one of three Americans can prove descent from some sort of royalty. The Saints in the work Saints Who Left Descendents are these Americans ancestors.

    Many and very probably most of the Saints however did not have children, but were monks, nuns, hermits, clergy, etc… all of which left no children. Tree os Saints will attempt to include all the Saints whose parentage is known, or at least all the Saints who can be identified in a tree format, such as a family tree. Many Kings and Queens sons and daughters became saints, and these saints left no children. However the relationship to the King and Queen is known through their ancestors. Following parentage up many generations is sometimes required to bring the relationship of the Saint to an ancestors whose descendents are known to be the royalty of the European Continent. However, in most cases a sibling’s descendents are known, or Grandparents descendents are known.

    Each Saint cited will include the feast day if known, the parentage or ancestry of the Saint, and a brief description of why this person attained canonization, or if not canonized why this person was called a Saint. A brief examination of their ancestry is presented, and which branch of the tree the saint is related to.

    There are numerous ways to climb the tree and arrive at any particular Saint, and the tree is joined at various places by marriage. However certain families of Saints are related to each other. These families are interrelated thru descent from the sons of Noah, and of course the Israelites who are descended from Abraham. Also each saint is born in a certain country, and the lines of division in Europe and other countries are defined by the people’s faith and veneration of the saints in each country. So, the timeline of Saints by country is important to consider as the evangelization of each country or conversion of the country to Christianity has occurred at different times in history.

    Of course Christianity being based on Judaism and being centered in Rome, shows the conflict that has occurred in countries as the civilization of Rome, coupled with the religious impact of Christianity and the occurrence of a Saint. The conflict in Jerusalem in 70 AD which destroyed the temple and made Israel subject to the Roman Empire shows the divisions that have occurred as each country in history that is converted to Christianity and a Saint is made in Rome that is credited with the conversion of a Country. The occurrence of a Saint in the Country, and relationship to the branches of the tree where the Country is defined in its people defines the influence in Rome of the Country. Certainly a Country such as the USA that is merely 229 years old does not have the past to compete with the Saints in Rome that have been in existence for centuries for some other countries that are much older. Since the Conversion of the Roman Empire to Christianity with the life of Constantine the Great many Saints have been canonized.

    Clearly the conflict in Jerusalem that occurred in 70 AD. was turned around at this point with the philosophical persuasion of the underground Christian faction that eventually converted the Roman empire and the formation of the European States that had feudal warfare for centuries as Christianity continued to grow as a major world religion. As each state was formed and the King, or power that was in power came to the realization that his people needed to be ruled with compassion and equity, the defining influence of the past people that came before became important to the character of the country.

    The influence of the lines of David and Israel, the lines of Abraham the lines of Noah have defined the character of each nation. Of course the European nations, where Christian Civilization is much older than nations in the New World have more to consider in the timeline of the existence of the country. The New World Nations civilization has existed since Spain, England, France, and Portugal occupied the New world and split it into separate countries. Each one of these countries has had their martyrs and religious Saints that are venerated in each country. Many of these saints origins were in Europe, but their canonization cannot be more than about 400 years old. However in 1971 the seven hundred year anniversary of the fabled King of France Saint Louis was celebrated.Certainly a recently sainted King of a European country is much older than any New World Saint could ever be. Therefore the study of the branches of the tree the individuals in this work will focus mainly on the Old World Sainted, in reference to the European roots and the lines that reach back into the Old Testament Time Period, although many of the lines are not mentioned in the writings that are held sacred.

    Because one of three Americans can trace their lineage to old world Royalty and the Royalty is interrelated this work will attempt to show not only those Saints whose lineage is known and can be found in a branch of the tree, but also the main branches of the tree and the families of Saints that are interrelated. Clarifying which branch each saint is connected to and a chapter on the origin of each branch of the tree that is known will lead to an understanding of the tree and an interpretation of the Israelites, or Sons of Noah, or descendents of Abraham.

    The work Saints Who Left Descendents traces all the saints who are what could be termed as Bloodline Saints, or Saints whose blood is likely flowing thru all of the New World peoples who can show some connection to European origin. This work, Lineage of the Saints, will focus on all the Saints whose lineage can be traced by first climbing the tree to find an ancestor whose descendents line can be traced.


    The Internet files show five true Israelites listed. These are Judah, Levi, Zebulon, Benjamin and Joseph. Levi’s line joins the Royalty thru Aaron with Theodoric Duke of Toulouse about 700-800 AD. This line includes Royalty of Babylonia. Theodoric is an ancestor of the Kings of Aragon who then join with the rest of the Royalty. His daughter was a Queen of Wessex. It is also interesting to note that the line from David the King of Judea thru his famous son Solomon descends to Theodoric Theodoric or Dietrich (Makir) Duke of Toulouse has three children all of whom are Ancestors. These are Bertha of Autun, William Count of Toulouse and Redburg Queen of Wessex. Also known is that the Prophet Jeremiah who is descended from Levi had a daughter Hammutel who married into the Davidic Judean line to Josiah King of Judah 18 generations from David. Thus the line of the kings of Judah and Israel are from both Judah and Levi. The line from Zebulon joins the line of Judah and merges with Salmon the Great Grandfather of King David. Also a line exists thru Joseph the Israelite’s daughter Tiye-Nefertari that leads to King David of Judah and Israel. Thus Judah, Levi, Joseph and Zebulon are ancestors of Jesus Christ, the Deity of the Christian religion. Judah and Zebulon are ancestors of King David, and Levi is an ancestor of Jeremiah the prophet whose line joins with King David’s Descendents.

    The fourth Israelite Joseph’s line is a straight unbroken male path to Charlemagne. Thus Charlemagne’s Israelite ancestors are Judah, Zebulon, and Joseph as Charlemagne is a descendent of Saint Joseph of Arimathea who is a descendent of Nathan son of David.

    Please see the tables for the lines of the Israelites.


    It is interesting to note that the line to Saint Helena is split from Judah in three branches!!! One line is from Judah by his son Perez to King David of Judea. The second is his son Nathan to Joseph of Arimathea to Saint Helena. The third line is from Judah by his son Zerah thru Tros of Troy to Saint Helena. The great king Charlemagne has an almost unbroken male line to Zerah son of Judah. The line from Perez also leads to Solomon. From Solomon’s line to the Babylonian exile and then thru the Kings of Persia the line joins with royalty in Theodoric Duke of Toulouse. Also Zebulon’s daughter Kanita married Hezron, a descendent of Judah.


    Now from the Father of the Hebrews Abraham also has two lines that join with the Royalty.One line is from his wife’s Sarah’s son Isaac thru Judah, Joseph, Zebulon or Levi. The other is thru Haggar and his son Ishmael. Ishmael is the ancestor of Muhammad and joins with the Royalty with Alphonso VI King of Leon and Castillo’s marriage to Zayda Princess of Seville. Zayda (Saint Gracia) is descended from Ishmael. Alphonso VI ‘s line joins with the English kings after passing thru Saint Fernando the Third whose daughter Elanore married King Edward the First.


    King David of Judah has two lines that join with the Kings of Wessex (England) and the Kings of Aragon (Spain), one line thru Nathan and one line thru Solomon. Keep in mind that the Lord Jesus Christ also is descended from King David thru these two lines many years before the two lines again join. The line of Solomon is the same as the biblical line in Mathew until the Babylonian exile. Shaeltiel is the father of Pediah who is not listed in the scripture both however descendents of Solomon. Zorobabel is the king of Persia son of Pediah. This line rules Babylon until it eventually becomes Royal with Theodoric Duke of Toulouse. His daughter Redburga is the mother of King Aethelwulf of Wessex died 868 AD. He also has Levi the Israelite and so the sons of Aaron as his ancestors thru Redburg Queen of Wessex, daughter of Theodoric Duke of Toulouse. The line of Nathan goes thru Heli as the scripture in the Book of Luke but branches thru the brother of Heli Joseph of Arimathea. This line eventually goes thru to Saint Margaret of Scotland and so joins with other royalty.


    I mentioned Jupiter and Saturnus as

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