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Alien Sexploits
Alien Sexploits
Alien Sexploits
Ebook54 pages54 minutes

Alien Sexploits

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Experiencing unusual vibrations around his body, Alex is lured to a remote camping area in the foothills of a mountain where he is visited by an alien spacecraft. Enticed by their attempts to prolong their dying race due to infertility, Alex mates with five remaining fertile women under the guidance of a female therapist. A special lotion is used to increase his penis size so as to enhance the chances of impregnating the women due to their extremely long canal. After completing his carnal duties, Alex is rewarded with additional pleasuring activities before being returned to earth, carrying with him a few samples of the paraphernalia he was provided with whilst onboard the spacecraft.

PublisherHarry May
Release dateMay 4, 2013
Alien Sexploits

Harry May

Harry May works full time and enjoys writing about erotic adventures.

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    Alien Sexploits - Harry May



    Harry May

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    Harry May on Smashwords

    Alien Sexploits

    Copyright 2013 by Harry May

    * * * *

    All characters and events in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Please note that I use Australian spelling throughout. You will see doubled letters (e.g. focussed), ou’s (e.g. colour) and ‘re’ (centre) as well as a few other differences from American spelling.

    * * * *

    Alien Sexploits


    Chapter 1

    The buzzing around my chest was happening again. This was the third time in as many days and it was starting to spook me. It wasn’t as if I was having a heart attack or anything but it felt like a magnetic field of some sort was all around me. After a few minutes it disappeared and everything returned to normal but I had an overpowering sense to go away for a few days to the remote camping spot I frequented on a regular basis.

    Being a retired person in his early sixties who was widowed, having lost my wife three years earlier, I could make this trip easily at short notice. I quickly packed the car with the basic gear I needed and headed off, making a detour via the supermarket to buy food and drinks for a few days. The drive went uneventful although I had a sense of being watched all the time and simply put it down to my anxiousness of the past few days and arrived at the camping spot three hours later, just as dusk was setting in. The tent was quickly up and the air mattress bed inflated and made ready to collapse into whenever I felt like it. My campsite was ready in no time and once I had gathered some wood and lit the fire, I sat back in my fold away camping chair, opened a cold beer and gazed up at the clear skies to watch the myriad of stars that comprised the Milky Way.

    For dinner, I reheated some leftovers that I had grabbed from the freezer at home and washed it down with a second beer. There was not a sole around for miles but I didn’t feel threatened as I knew this was a very secluded area. Surrounded by mountains on three sides, there was a large open area the local farmer who owned the property had cleared many years earlier for cattle grazing. Very little traffic ventured up the road and being mid week in a non-holiday time, it would be unusual to see even one vehicle drive by. As I threw another log on the fire and opened a third beer, I noticed the clouds rolling in much to my disappointment as they would block the view of the stars.

    A further thirty minutes passed before I noticed that the clouds seemed to be drifting very low to the ground. This was not unusual in itself but not at this time of the year when the air was still relatively warm. It took on an eerie feel as the mist began to envelope the entire area completely obliterating the surrounding hills. A few moments later the mist appeared to be illuminated and this started to get brighter and brighter. I wasn’t quite sure what was happening when suddenly out of nowhere an object appeared as it descended through the mist guided by powerful navigational lights and landed on the ground. There was only a low hiss rather than a roar of engines as the hovercraft type base compressed as it lowered to the ground. I was transfixed watching the craft that resembled a space shuttle type vehicle that landed on its belly and the landing reminded me of how a Harrier Jet performs a vertical landing.

    Shortly, a door opened and out

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