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Ebook79 pages45 minutes


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Laurel, in the terminal stages of cancer, is obsessed with the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Jerry, her homecare nurse whose lover is dying of AIDS, gives her a surprising gift. A hummingbird feeder.

As Laurel comes to grips with her own death, she learns powerful lessons about Egyptian Magic from the hummingbirds that visit her.

Hummers was published in Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, chosen for Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror 5th Annual Collection (St. Martin’s Press), and nominated for the Nebula Award.

From the author of Celestial Girl (A Lily Modjeska Mystery), The Garden of Abracadabra, Volume 1 of the Abracadabra Series, Summer of Love, A Time Travel (A Philip K. Dick Award Finalist and San Francisco Chronicle Recommended Book), The Gilded Age, A Time Travel (A New York Times Notable Book and New York Public Library Recommended Book). and Strange Ladies: 7 Stories.

PublisherLisa Mason
Release dateMay 5, 2013

Lisa Mason

Lisa Mason is the author of eleven novels, including Summer of Love (Bantam), a San Francisco Chronicle Recommended Book and Philip K. Dick Award finalist, and The Golden Nineties (Bantam), a New York Times Notable Book and New York Public Library Recommended Book. Her most recent speculative novel is CHROME. Mason published her first story, “Arachne,” in Omni and has since published short fiction in magazines and anthologies worldwide, including Omni, Full Spectrum, Universe, Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror, Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, Unique, Transcendental Tales, Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Immortal Unicorn, Tales of the Impossible, Desire Burn, Fantastic Alice, The Shimmering Door, Hayakawa Science Fiction Magazine, Unter Die Haut, and others. Her thirty-two stories and novelettes have been translated into Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish. Mason’s story, “Tomorrow’s Child,” first published in Omni Magazine, is in active development at Universal Studios. Lisa Mason lives in the San Francisco Bay area with her husband, the renowned artist and jeweler Tom Robinson. Visit her on the web at Lisa Mason’s Official Website, follow her Official Blog, follow her on Twitter @lisaSmason, or e-mail her at

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    Hummers - Lisa Mason




    Lisa Mason

    This is an ebook adaptation of Lisa Mason’s novelette, Hummers, published in Isaac Asimov’s Magazine of Science Fiction, republished in Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror Fifth Annual Collection (St. Martin’s Press), and nominated for the Nebula Award.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    A Bast Book

    Copyright 2012 by Lisa Mason.

    Cover collage and logo copyright 2012 by Tom Robinson.

    All rights reserved.


    Bast Books ebook edition published May 2012

    No part of this ebook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval, without permission in writing from the publisher.

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    Bast Books

    Thank you for your readership! Visit me at my Official Web Site for more about my books, screenplays, and stories. Enjoy!

    Lisa Mason

    Table of Contents

    Praise for Books by Lisa Mason


    About Lisa Mason

    Books by Lisa Mason

    Praise for Books by Lisa Mason

    Strange Ladies: 7 Stories

    Offers everything you could possibly want, from more traditional science fiction and fantasy tropes to thought-provoking explorations of gender issues and pleasing postmodern humor…This is a must-read collection.

    —The San Francisco Review of Books

    Lisa Mason might just be the female Phillip K. Dick. Like Dick, Mason's stories are far more than just sci-fi tales, they are brimming with insight into human consciousness and the social condition….a sci-fi collection of excellent quality….you won't want to miss it.

    —The Book Brothers Review Blog

    Fantastic book of short stories….Recommended.

    —Reader Review

    "I’m quite impressed, not only by the writing, which gleams and sparkles, but also by [Lisa Mason’s] versatility . . . Mason is a wordsmith . . . her modern take on Lewis Carrol’s Alice in Wonderland is a hilarious gem! [This collection] sparkles, whirls, and fizzes. Mason is clearly a writer to follow!"

    —Amazing Stories

    Summer of Love, A Time Travel

    A San Francisco Chronicle Recommended Book of the Year

    A Philip K. Dick Award Finalist

    Remarkable. . . .a whole array of beautifully portrayed characters along the spectrum from outright heroism to villainy. . . .not what you expected of a book with flowers in its hair. . . the intellect on display within these psychedelically packaged pages is clear-sighted, witty, and wise.

    —Locus Magazine

    A fine novel packed with vivid detail, colorful characters, and genuine insight.

    —The Washington Post Book World

    Captures the moment perfectly and offers a tantalizing glimpse of its wonderful and terrible consequences.

    —The San Francisco Chronicle

    Brilliantly crafted. . . .An engrossing tale spun round a very clever concept.

    —Katharine Kerr, author of Days of Air and Darkness

    "Just imagine The Terminator in love beads, set in the Haight-Ashbury ‘hood of 1967."

    —Entertainment Weekly

    Mason has an astonishing gift. Her characters almost walk off the page. And the story is as significant as anyone could wish. This book will surely be on the prize ballots.


    A priority purchase.

    —Library Journal

    The Gilded Age, A Time Travel

    A New York Times Notable Book

    A New York Public Library Recommended Book


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