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Random Thoughts n' Lotsa Coffee
Random Thoughts n' Lotsa Coffee
Random Thoughts n' Lotsa Coffee
Ebook264 pages3 hours

Random Thoughts n' Lotsa Coffee

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Life is random and often fueled by coffee... Real life inspired. Life isn't always sunshine, rainbows, puppies and smiles. Actually more often than not, it can be downright dirty, unjust and unfair. Life can deal blow after blow and isn't always satisfied with just knocking one down, sometimes it needs to kick you a few times to drive its point home. We try to not take it personally, but there are times when it seems to keep slapping you in the face saying; “Nope, no happy for you today, or tomorrow or maybe even next week.” You look around and wonder, what did I do to bring this upon myself? When life is in turmoil and you are left wondering why? Random Thoughts n’ Lotsa Coffee is not your traditional self-help book. It holds no secret keys to happiness nor does it have all the answers to life and its problems. What this book contains is a series of musings based on the life experience of a woman from Maine. A woman who has seen both the darkest of days and the brightest of moments this life has to offer and one day decided to write about them. Covering such topics as being our own worst enemy, facing our past, letting go, facing our fears and more, Random Thoughts n’ Lotsa Coffee is written in such a no nonsense tone with straightforward and blunt advice. You will feel as if you sitting with her in a local coffee shop talking about your life. You will feel inspired. You will feel empowered. Random Thoughts n’ Lotsa Coffee will help you dig deep inside yourself for the strength to handle all that life throws at you

PublisherJ.V. Manning
Release dateMay 9, 2013
Random Thoughts n' Lotsa Coffee

J.V. Manning

Who is J.V. Manning? She is at times her own best friend and at times her own worst enemy. Somedays she has her stuff together. Somedays she is a hot mess. She drinks way too much coffee, but always seems to be tired. She thinks a lot – probably too much. Her brain never really shuts off. She is quirky. She is a bit random. She is a tad bit crazy at times. She has been to hell and back and isn't afraid to write about it. She is a bit outspoken, probably too blunt and tends to speak her mind. She refuses to break regardless of what life throws at her. She likes to make people think. She lives life randomly - fueled by lotsa coffee. J.V. is not a celebrity. She does not hold a bunch of fancy degrees. She is not famous (yet) nor different from anyone who reads her work. She is the woman next door, the chick at the coffee shop, and the one singing in her truck at a traffic light. She is a wife, a stepmother, a sister and a friend. J.V. is simply a woman who has seen both the darkest of days and the brightest moments that life has to offer and who one day decided to write about them. Often J.V. can be found sitting on the rocky coast of Maine staring out lost in thought at the ocean or wandering around the woods behind the home she shares with her husband and son in Gorham, Maine. She almost always has a coffee in hand and a determined look on her face while randomly contemplating life and all of its lessons.

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