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A Wild Night's Encounter: Friend Zone Part 1
A Wild Night's Encounter: Friend Zone Part 1
A Wild Night's Encounter: Friend Zone Part 1
Ebook65 pages40 minutes

A Wild Night's Encounter: Friend Zone Part 1

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Careful what you do in the dark--someone may be watching!


Beautiful young Laila is dragged to one of those hormone-crazed frat parties by her friend Ashley. When Ashley disappears into the alcohol-induced, half naked throng, Laila is forced to find somewhere to disappear herself.

Laila tries to hide, which would have worked out brilliantly if it did not give her a front row seat to an orgy. The heated atmosphere tempts Laila to privately join in. But by doing so, she puts on a show of her own. And who has a front row seat to her display?

When the handsome yet arrogant daredevil Eric invades her solitude, things go from steamy to downright embarrassing. Could the night get any worse? Will it haunt Laila forever? Eric has a proposition that might change her perspective, but is she willing to accept?

If you wish to read more, download and find out what happens!

PublisherSandra Ross
Release dateMay 16, 2013
A Wild Night's Encounter: Friend Zone Part 1

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    Book preview

    A Wild Night's Encounter - C.J. McLane

    A Wild Night's Encounter

    By C.J. McLane

    Published by Publications Circulations LLC.

    SmashWords Edition

    All contents copyright (C) 2013 by Publications Circulations LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this document or the related files may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, companies and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of either the author or the publisher.

    The following story is for entertainment purposes only. This book contains sexually graphic scenes depicting consenting adults above the age of 18 engaging in passionate sexual acts. This story is intended only for persons over the legal adult age. By downloading and opening this document, you are stating that you are of legal age to access and view this work of fiction. Mature readers only. Reader discretion is advised.

    Limit of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty:

    The publisher has used its best efforts in preparing this book, and the information provided herein is provided as is. Publications Circulations LLC makes no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose and shall in no event be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.

    ~ ~ ~ ~

    Chapter One

    BOY, ARE YOU going to regret this, Eric muttered to himself. He was standing on the roof of the frat house with a red cup in one hand and a nearly empty bottle of Jack in the other.

    Sure there was a chance he'd probably miss his target and break open his skull, but to hell with it. He was bored.

    So there he was, about to liven up the party.

    The crowd below was rabid with excitement to watch him cheat death.

    Or to just watch him make a humongous fool out of himself.

    Feeling his bravado slip away the longer he stayed where he stood on the roof, he took a long swig from the bottle of whiskey he held till he sucked it dry. He then shoved the bottle into the chests of the nearest guy next to him. He did the same with the Solo cup full of beer. He gulped down the entirety of its contents and crushed the red cup in his hand and threw it in the air with a rallying cry.

    The crows echoed his roar and went wild. Some idiot started a chant somewhere in the crowd to egg him on.

    He peeked over the gutter to the trampoline and the pool right beside it. The alcohol made his vision fade in and out for a brief second.

    He was a senior member now, and this was the Alpha Kappa Omega! There's no turning back now!

    He open his arms wide as if to embrace the crowd. The masses cheered.

    And then with both hands, he flipped them off.

    Fuck you all and good night! he yelled and jumped.

    IT WAS THE longest five seconds of his life.

    For a moment he thought the crowd went silent. But they weren't. He was just too busy yelling obscenities as he zoomed towards the earth.

    Get ready you stupid shit, his mind barked as he saw the white surface of the trampoline fast approaching. He stuck out his legs some and made contact with the spring.

    He once again was launched mid-air and this time he had enough wits to execute a flip right before he hit the water.

    The crowd was doused in water as he fell in. It didn't matter. They went nuts.

    LAILA WAS NOT a happy camper. For one, she didn't want to be there. If not for her roommate Ashley, she'd be at home, burning through her Netflix queue.

    But there she was, nursing a bottle of warm beer in one hand, and now, thanks to the idiot from the roof, wringing the water out of the edge of her blouse.

    Okay, it's partly her fault that she was standing poolside when it all went down. She had to admit her curiosity was piqued at the swaying frat boy about to attempt an absolute fantastic display of dumbassery. Besides, the possibility of seeing brain splatter up close was too

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